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【摘要】Objective:through to the diabetic foot amputation in patie--nts with postoperative nursing experience on patients with amputati-on,nursing interventions effectiveness. Methods:from June to 2012 in2010 June treated 20 cases of patients with diabetic foot amputationin patients during hospitalization after the comprehensive nursing int-ervention.Results:the functional exercise timely and effectively,reduc-e the postoperative complications.Conclusion;amputation benefits fro-m the postoperative rehabilitation guidance and psychological nursin-g is the key to a successful operation,the lifting of patients with a-dverse psychological,restored the patient self-care ability,improve th--e quality of life.% 目的通过对糖尿病足截肢患者的术后护理经验的总结,探讨对截肢患者护理干预的有效性。方法对于在2010年6月~2012年6月收治的糖尿病足截肢患者20例在术后住院期间对其进行全面护理干预。结果功能锻炼及时有效,明显减少术后并发症。结论截肢惠者的术后护理干预是手术成功的关键,解除患者不良心理,恢复患者生活自理能力,提高生活质量。


