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leon 这个杀手不太冷

leon 这个杀手不太冷


Being a senior, I have encountered many people, if not all types of person from all walks of life. Everyone is unique and special, but the most impressive one for me is a moving character from The Professional, which tells a love story between a killer and a girl.

Leon, played by Jean Reno, was a skillful

but uneducated …cleaner? in the film.Just like

other typical killers in most pictures, Leno

always wore a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a dark

windbreaker, and carried a black rock case with

a set of rifles in it when he was doing “his job”. He was in his forties, bridle-wise as well as experienced. To hide his true identity and avoid the revenge of his foes, he always dwelled in hotels, frequently changed them and fell in sleep by sitting on the sofa and holding a gun every night. As he executed tasks, he never missed the empty but still invariably obeyed his own rule—never kills any children or women.Inarticulateness,relentlessness, strictness,sophistication, meticulousness, and loneliness, all attributed to Leon?s hitman status.

While as we wipe out our stereotype for his profession, we will find Leon was just an average person with an average look as many of us?. He lived a quite regular life for himself, say, drinking milk, growing a green plant, watching TV, and working out frequently. When being a “normal person”, he wanted peace and calmness in his life. But it was the arrival of Matilda, who requested him to train her as a killer, that interrupted his seemingly routine life and made him feel love and find his soul. As a twelve-year-old girl, while had already experienced the severe tragedy of the whole family? death, Matilda was vulnerable, mature, intelligent and dynamic. During the short period of “training session”, Leon?s life and Leon himself were considerably shocked owing to the little girl. He tried to be a father, an instructor, or even a lover. After truly digging someone, he no longer felt lonely and fearful; instead, he obtained a real peace in his deep heart.

Leon is a combination of a coldblooded killer and a considerate, simple friend. We may get used to labeling others as …good person? or …bad guy?. But we should realize the fact that every one features bright side and dark side with no exception. What we should focus on is to try upmost to eliminate people?s gloomy aspects as much as possible and head them for the right way.
