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常见的英语同义词50组(上) notorious:强盗thief:Themostgener aybe it is not widely

known to the general public. He was a very noted expert.

notorious: Famous for something bad.

He is notorious for his crimes.


thief: The most general one.

robber: It suggests a direct confrontation in which the owner is forced to give up his valuables.

mugger: A person who attacks and robs people in a street or in a lift.

burglar: A person who breaks into a house at night to steal something.

gangster: A member of a group of criminals, esp. those who are

armed and use guns to threaten.

bandit: an armed robber.

It suggests an organized group in a rural setting.

brigand: A robber who lives by robbing travelers in the country.

pirate: A person who robs on the sea.


shake: The most general one. to move up and down or back and forth.

It refers to persons or things.

quiver: To tremble a little.

It suggests a rapid but invisible vibration.

His lips quivered with emotion.

tremble: To shake uncontrollably and slightly as from fear, cold, excitement etc.

It implies uneasiness and nervousness.

Her voice trembled as she began to sing.

shiver: To tremble from fear or cold.

It suggests a slight and rapid movement.

He stood shivering in the snow.

quake: to shake or tremble violently.

It suggests a more violent and sudden change.

He quaked with excitement.

An explosion cam make the ground quake.

shudder: To shake uncontrollably for a movement.

It suggests a more intense shaking.

She shuddered at the sight of a snake.


speak: To use your voice to say words.

say: To speak words. 高#考#资#源#网

utter: To make sound and say words.

drawl: To speak in a slow, prolonged manner.

mutter: To express displeasure with compressed lips.

rave: To talk in an angry, uncontrolled way.

gabble: To talk rapidly, making inarticulate sounds.

remark: To mention it or comment on it.

state: To say, express or put into words, esp. formally.

He stated his view.

narrate: To tell formally in writing or speech or describe

something in order with intonation.

He narrated his adventure in the forest.

relate: To tell formally in details, to give an account of.

He related his experiences. 高#考#资#源#网

address: To say in speech or writing to a person or group.

tell: To let people know about something.

talk: To say things to someone.

converse: To talk formally.

The scholars are conversing with each other on


chat: To talk in a friendly, familiar, informal manner.

The two friends sat in a corner and chatted.

chatter: To talk continuously rapidly about small things.

The schoolgirls went along chattering.

whisper: To talk in a low voice.

She whispered me not to talk so loudly.

murmur: To make a soft sound, esp. to speak or say in a quiet voice.

He often murmurs to himself.

gossip: To talk about the details of other people’s actions

and private lives which may not correct or proper.

That woman is very fond of gossiping about others.

stammer: To speak with pauses and repeated sounds because of excitement, embarrassment.

stutter: To speak with pauses and repeated sounds because of

inherent speech defect.


thing: An event, a fact, a subject.

He talked of many interesting things.

matter: Seth that you have to deal with, something to be discussed, thought over.

There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.

business: A special duty, something that has to be done.

Public business is every one’s business.

affair: An event or set of connected events. private and personal life.

I have many affairs to look after.

event: An important happening. Events such as birthdays and anniversaries are often celebrated.

Do you know the chief events of 1986.

incident: Not as important as an event. Incidents seldom are celebrated. Sometimes an event becomes an incident after many years have passed.

happening: An occurrence, and sometimes an unusual one.

There have been strange happenings here lately.

occurrence: An incident that is usually unexpected and has not been planned ahead of time.

Flood is practically an annual occurrence in this district.

22.承认 admit: To agree to the truth of, usu, something bad.

It suggests reluctance or possible objection.

He admitted his crime/stealing.

confess: To admit guilt as to a crime or as to a shortcoming, in the sense of making known to others one’s own error or wrong doing.

He confessed his fault/doing something wrong.

acknowledge: to agree the truth of, recognize the fact or existence of what have said or done, good or bad.

It emphasizes openly in a embarrassing or awkward and usually not voluntary way.

I acknowledged my signature/mistakes/errors/having been defeated.

grant: To admit or to agree something is true.

I granted his request/his honesty.

take sth/sb for granted.

concede: To admit as true, just or proper often unwillingly because of overwhelming evidence.

I conceded you that point, but I still think you are wrong.

recognize: To accept or acknowledge it.

It refers to something about law and diplomacy.

The new regime was recognized by China.


walk: The most general one.

stride: To walk with long steps.

He strode through the station a few minutes before the train left.

stalk: To walk stiffly, slowly, and proudly with long steps.

trot: To jog, move quickly, usu refers to horses.

waddle: To walk from side to side with short steps like a duck.

The fat man waddled out of the room.

stagger: To walk unsteadily, slide and drag the feet


falling at each step, usually because of illness, injury or drink.

After drinking too much, he staggered in the street.

totter: To walk unsteadily showing great weakness often used

of very young children learning to walk. The child tottered before his parents.

shuffle: To move without lifting the feet clear of the floor as if wearing slippers.

The old man shuffled along the road.

strut To walk in a proud strong way, esp. with the chest out and trying to look important.

amble: To walk at an easy gentle rate.

It stresses a leisurely but regular movement.

stroll: To walk, esp. slowly, for pleasure.

It emphasizes a slower movement, more wandering and aimless with suggestions of many starts and pauses.

They are strolling through this park.

saunter: A little more formal than stroll. 高#考#资#源#网

wander: To move about without a fixed course, aim,

or purpose.

He was wandering about/down/through/up and down the street.

roam: To wander with as very clear aim.

It suggests a more serious purpose behind the irregular

of circular movement in complete forgetfulness of time.

The lovers roamed around/through the fields.

trudge: To walk heavily and wearily with effort as when one is tired.

The hunter was trudging through the deep snow.

tramp: To walk with firm heavy steps.

Who has been tramping all over the carpet in muddy shoes.

mince: To walk with little short steps in an affected manner.

It was a funny sight to see her mince along.

slouch: To walk in a loose, ungainly way.

hustle: To walk in a busy, active way.


jump: The most general one. to throw oneself into the air.

leap: To spring through the air, often landing in a different place.

The boy leaped over the brook without difficulty.

spring: To leap suddenly and quickly.

He sprang to his feet at the sudden noise.

bound: To spring lightly along.

It suggests high spirits and excitement.

His dog bounded to meet me.

skip: To move in a slight dancing way, as with quick steps and jumps.

The little girl skipped at her mother’s side.

hop: To jump on one leg.

The boy had hurt his leg and had to hop along.

vault: To leap over something using the hands or a pole.

You can vault a fence by putting your hands on it and swinging yourself over.

hurdle: To jump over some thing while running.

The horse hurdled the fence and ran into the woods.


quality: The most general one.

characteristic: Quality typical of a particular person and thing, a special and easily recognized quality of sb/sth.

It has may scientific or technical uses.

It implies neutral description in referring to any aspect of something without evaluating its relative importance to the whole.

A useful characteristic of the ca


英语常用同义词近义词、短语辨析 1.idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 这些名词均有“思想、观点、观念”之意。 idea: 最普通常用词,几乎适用于任何方面的思维活动。 concept: 指从众多实例中通过概括、归纳而形成的对事物本质、全貌及其内部联系 的概念或看法。如:A small baby has no concept of right and wrong.婴儿没有是非概念. It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept.亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念。 conception: (概念、观念、思想)通常指个人或一些人所持有的具体概念或念头,也可指概念的形成过程,含一定的想象和感情色彩意味。如:He’s got a really strange conception of friendship. 他对友谊有一种非常独特的见解。 ancient Greek thought古希腊思想; lost/deep in thought陷入思索中/在沉思中,如:Derek was staring out of the window, lost in thought. Derek凝视着窗外,陷入了沉思。 thought: 指以推理、思考等智力活动为基础的心理思维活动及其结果。如:Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, “三个代表”之英文表达法——摘自CNN 'THE THREE REPRESENTS' Theory first raised by President Jiang Zemin in early 2000. Communist party must: 1 - Represent most advanced productive forces, including private business. 代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求 2 - Represent the most advanced culture. 代表中国先进文化的前进方向 3 - Represent fundamental interests of the broad masses (i.e. not merely a "revolutionary party" but one that stands for all Chinese.) 代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 notion: 尤指错误或模糊的概念、想法;无可靠的基础,未经深思熟虑的观点。 misguided notions of male superiority男尊女卑的错误观点,突然的念头,奇想notion to do sth At midnight she had a sudden to go to the beach.半夜里她突发奇想要去海滩。 impression: 指外部刺激在思想中所产生的印象。尤指(对人、事的)印象;感想,常接of, 如:What’s your impression of Frank as a boss? 你对身为老板的Frank印象如何?


同义词库大全篇一:近义词词库大全 近义词词库收集大全! 阿谀奉承,攀龙趋凤哀悼,悲悼 哀鸿遍野,百孔千疮哀求,恳求 哀伤,悲悼 哀痛,悲伤 挨饿,受饿 爱财如命,一毛不拔爱崇,尊崇 爱戴,恋慕 爱好,喜好 爱护,敬服 爱慕,恋慕 爱情,恋爱 爱惜,敬服 安顿,安置 安放,安顿 安分,循分 安分守纪,循规蹈矩安抚,抚慰 安家立业,克绍箕裘安静,平静 安居乐业,安身立命安眠,安息 安宁,安定

安排,摆设 安全,宁静 安然无恙,平安无事安身立命,安居乐业安慰,慰藉 安稳,牢固 安详,宁静 安心,放心 安逸,清闲 安置,安顿 按摩,推拿 按期,定期 按时,定时 按照,根据 暗暗,悄悄 暗藏,潜伏 暗淡,昏暗 暗箭,冷箭 暗箭伤人,含沙射影暗杀,谋害暗示,表示暗算,暗杀昂首,抬头遨游,翱翔熬煎,折磨翱翔,飞翔傲慢,狂妄奥秘,秘密奥妙,玄妙懊悔,悔恨懊丧,悔恨 八两半斤,不相上下八门五花,五花八门八面玲珑,八面见光八面受敌,四面楚歌八面威风,气势汹汹巴结,逢迎把脉,切脉把握,掌握把戏,花招罢工,歇工罢免,撤

职霸道,蛮横霸占,攻克白痴,呆子白发,鹤发白费,白搭白日,白天白天,白昼白皙,白净百般,千般 百里挑一,寥寥无几百无禁忌,童言无忌百姓,黎民 百折不挠,百折不回摆架子,搭架子摆设,部署摆脱,挣脱败坏,松弛败类,莠民 拜别,离别拜访,造访拜见,参见拜年,贺年拜托,托付颁发,发表斑白,花白搬家,搬迁搬弄,挑衅 搬弄是非,挑拨离间搬迁,搬家办法,措施办好,办妥办理,管理办事,服务办妥,办好 半斤八两,旗鼓相当半途,中途 半途而废,功败垂成半推半就,不即不离半信半疑,将信将疑伴侣,朋友伴随,陪同伴同,随同扮演,饰演帮忙,帮助帮手,帮忙帮助,资助绑缚,捆绑榜样,模范傍边,当中傍观,旁观傍门,歪路傍晚,薄暮包办,包揽包庇,容隐 包藏祸心,心怀叵测包含,包罗包涵,包容包括,包罗包揽,包办 包罗万象,应有尽有包容,包涵 褒贬,批驳宝贝,宝物宝贵,名贵宝物,宝贝 饱经风霜,坚苦卓绝保藏,收藏保存,生存保护,掩护保留,保存保守,守旧保卫,守卫保养,调养保证,包管报答,报酬报复,抨击报告,陈诉


四六级英语作文高分100个同义词替换精髓词汇100个同义词替换精髓词汇 1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3. abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4. stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5. neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6. near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7. pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8. accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9. vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people) 10. top=peak, summit 11. competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)


常见的英语同义词(二) cry:The most general one. weep:To let flow tears. sob:To weep or sigh with short quick breaths. snivel:To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner. blubber:To cry loudly noisily. whine:To make a low complaining cry. bawl:To utter loud cries 。 wail:To cry aloud from pain or sorrow. moan:To make a low,miserable sound in pain or sorrow. grown:To make a low sound of pain,unhappiness or disapproval mourn:To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died. lament:To express great sorrow or regret. good-looking:Having an attractive appearance in a strong,healthy way used for men and women not things. beautiful:Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion,elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers,a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather. handsome:Of attractive appearance applies to men. a


中考常考同义词及反义词汇总 一、中考常考同义词 (一) above /over 在……上方 almost/ nearly 几乎;差不多 also / too 也;同样 among/between 在……之间 around / near(by) 在周围 arrive (at / in) / reach, get to 到达autumn / fall 秋天 baby / child 孩子 bad / ill, wrong 坏的;错的 become / get, grow, turn 变得;成为begin / start 开始 below / under 在……下面 beside / near, next to 在……旁边;附近big / large, great 大的 bright / sunny, shining 晴朗的 busy / working 忙碌的 centre / middle 中间 certainly / of course 当然 clever / bright 聪明的 common / usual 普通的;通常的 dear / expensive 昂贵的 difficult / hard 困难的;艰巨的 easy / simple 容易的;简单的enjoyable / pleasant有乐趣的,使人快乐的 every / each 每个 fail / miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall / drop 落下 famous / well-known 著名的 fast / quick(ly) 迅速的(地) fine / good, nice 好的;优的 finish / end 结束;终点 following / next 以下的 friendly / kind 友好的 game / match 比赛 glad/happy, pleased愉快的 go / leave 离去;离开 healthy / fine, well 健康的 helpful / useful 有益的;high / tall 高的 hope / wish, want 希望想要 house / home 家 ill / sick 生病的 journey / travel, trip 旅行 knock / hit, beat 敲打;击中;打败know / understand 懂得理解 laugh / smile 笑 like / enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱 line / row 排;行列 little / small 小的 loud / noisy 大声的;嘈杂的 maybe / perhaps 可能;大概 noise / sound 声音 OK / fine, all right 好吧;行 own / have, hold 拥有,持有problem / question, puzzle问题 pupil / student 学生 rainy / wet 下雨的;有雨的 real / true 真正的;真实的 receive / get 接受;得到 ring / call, telephone 打电话 rock / stone 岩石;石头 room / space 空间;余地 sad / unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的say / speak, talk, tell 说话 seem / look 看似 several / some / a few 几个;若干个shout / cry, call 叫喊 sleep / rest 睡觉;休息 stay / live 逗留;居住 street / road 街道;路 sunny / bright, clear, fine 晴朗的 take / need 需要 terribly / badly, very 非常 town / city 城镇 very / quite, rather, greatly 非常;相当whether / if 是否 whole / total 全部;总共 zero / nothing 零



A a branch of/a division of a quarter of/a fourth of abandon/give up/desert/cease/stop/quit abide by/ stick to/ adhere to abnormal/ unusual abrupt/ sudden/unexpected abundant/plentiful/adequate/sufficient/enoug h accelerate/ step up/quicken/speed up acclaim/hail acceptable/satisfactorily account for/ explain account/consideration/takeint accout/explain accumulate/ collect/gather/buildup accuse …of/ charge… with achieve/ attain/get/gain/abtain adhere/to follow/stick fast adverse/unfavorable advisable/wise aim /goal aircraft/plane/aeroplane alike/similer alleviate/ lessen/relieve allocate /assign/distribute/gaven allow/permit alternative/ choice almost/nearly/vcitually/practically although/while/though an improved/a better annoying/irritating/unpleasant annuallay/every year anyhow/anyway appalling/dreadful appear/be seen/come into view/ be in sight apply to/put into / use / action / operation /function appraisal/evaluation argue/contend arise/get up arouse/excite/wake assemble/gather assert/state firmly assume/postulate astonish/surprise at any price/for love or money at once/immediately at stake/in danger attend/go to attend to/wait on attraction/lure/temptation authentically/genuinely authority/government B ban/forbid,prohibit bare/barren barren/bare be bordering on/be close to be entitled to(do sth.)/have right to(do sth) be hailed as/be acclaimed as be realized/be fulfilled/come true bearing/influence impact effect because of/on account of/due to owing to/thanks to before/previously/formerly/prior to behaviour/conduct blend/mix branch/division brave/courageous break/beat broaden/widen C call/phone call … up/telephone call …off/cancel capability/ability care/remedy careful/conscientious/cautious cater for/meet/satisfy census/count certain/sure/inevitable change/alter/modify/vary/shift change into/turn into characteristic/typical cheerful/pleasant/happy childish/immature clever/intelligert close/near/intimate collaborate/cooperate collide with/run into come across/catch sight of/see sb/sth suddenly compactly/densely compel/force/oblige complain/feel unhappy complete/finish


四六级英语作文高分100个同义词替换精髓词汇 100个同义词替换精髓词汇 1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) https://www.docsj.com/doc/4f13328949.html,mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) 7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people) 10.top=peak, summit https://www.docsj.com/doc/4f13328949.html,petitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics) 12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very


浅谈英语词汇中的同义词和反义词 摘要:汉语中有近义词和反义词之说,同样道理,英语词汇中,也有同义关系和反义关系的分类。同义词在英语文章中的显现能够证明学习者词汇量的大小,而反义词则是在写作中尤为重要,俗语或者谚语以及对偶句的应用往往使文章出彩,甚至起到强调警示的作用,令人印象深刻。当然,他们也有场合的差异,色彩的不同,甚至不同的人选词也会不尽相同。而且,他们的应用无疑给英语的学习带来了便利和兴趣。Abstract: There are two kinds of words-synonym and antonym in Chinese. In fact, about English vocabulary, there are synonym and antonym classified by relations words. Generally, synonym may be a sign of your vast words, however, antonym appearing in proverb and balanced sentence could color and prominent your article and writing. Of course, there are differences among the occasion, word coloring and position if they are spoken or written by people. This point is of importance. In all, synonym and antonym used widely contribute to English learning. 关键词:同义词反义词对偶句谚语应用 提纲: 1.开篇总述 2.同义关系 (1)语义差别 (2)感情色彩的差别 (3)语体色彩 (4)写作时从句中运用以及修辞上的应用 3.反义关系 (1)换位反义词的对立统一 (2)谚语和对偶句的应用 一、概述 英语词汇可以按照不同的角度分为很多类,而在此着重讲的是词的语义分类(semantic classification of words)。词的语义分类指的是按词与词之间的语义关系对词进行分类。其中,词与词之间的同义和反义关系使我们平时最常见到的,也是文章中经常用到的,但是,对于现阶段,在我们的英语学习中,能够非常游刃有余的把握好它们用的场合,能在写作中巧妙的运用,还可以从修辞手段方面形成写作特色以及在一些谚语中的应用,做到这些,有一定


英语单词学习:40组英语常见同义词汇 1.管理:governance、management、administration 2.鼓励、促使:cheer、encourage、motivate、prompt 3.脆弱:vulnerable、weak、feeble、fragile(脆的,易碎的)、susceptible(易受影响的=subject to) 4.考虑到:given, considering, in view of, with a view to 5.抓住:grasp、capture、seize(区别:size尺寸) 6.主张:claim(区别:acclaim欢呼、称赞)、proclaim、remark、advocate、allegation、comment、review(评论), argue, hold, assume 7.智力:wisdom、intelligence、wit 8.部分:component、portion、element、proportion、percentage, section 9.直觉的,本能的:intuitive, instinctive 10.提升:lift、elevate, promote 11.承认:admit、acknowledge, recognize 12.永恒:eternal、permanent、everlasting 13.谋生:earn one’s living、make one’s living、live off 14.值得尊敬:worthy、respectable(区别:respective分别) 15.遵守:comply with、conform to, observe, abide by 16.探测:detect、investigation, probe, explore 17.获得:gain、acquire、achieve、fetch、obtain


小学英语同义词总结 (1)above/on (在……上面) (2)f ather/dad(爸爸) (3)kid/child(小孩)(4)glad/happy(高兴) (5)fast/quick (快的)(6)mother/mum(妈妈) (7)below/under(在……下面)(8)hello /hi(嗨) (9)plane/airplane(飞机)(10)much/many(多) (11)few/little(极少)(12)small/little(少量) (13)big/large(大的)(14)picture/photo(图片) (15)movie/film(电影)(16)b ike/bicycle(自行车) (17)begin/start(开始)(18) evening/night(夜晚) (19)speak/talk/say(说)(20) see/watch/look(看) (21)hear/listen(听)(22) love/like (喜欢) (23)gift/present (礼物)(24)laugh/smile (笑) (25)shop /store(商店)(26) hate/dislike(厌恶) (27)learn /study(学习)(28)d ear/expensive(昂贵的) (29)begin/start(开始)(30) too/also(也) (31)problem/question(问题)(32)often/sually(经常) (33)job/work(工作)(34)because/for(因为) (35)dinner/supper (晚餐) (36)high/tall(高的) (37)cup/glass (杯子)(38)meeting/party (会) 拓展: 1、away 离开—off 离开/走开(通常与不同的动词搭配) 2、because 因为(因果语气较强,常搭配句子)—for 因为(因果语气较弱,可搭配短语和句子) 3、break 休息/中断(常指短时休息)—rest 休息(相对时间较长) 4、cup 小茶杯—glass 玻璃杯 5、clothes 衣服(总称)—dress 衣服(长裙、某类衣服的总称,如:evening dress, modern dress) 6、dinner 正餐/晚餐—supper 晚餐 7、daddy(儿语)爸爸—dad(口语)爸爸—father(书面语)爸爸 8、evening 傍晚—night 晚上 9、fast 快的—quick 快的 10、great 伟大的/大的—big 大的(常指形状的大小) 11、hello 喂/hi 嗨(相对较为正式)—hey 喂/嘿(相对较为随便) 12、high 高的(通常搭配高山、高楼等)—tall 高的(通常搭配人物、树木等) 13、job 职业/工作(可数名词使用)—work 工作(不可数名词) 14、Mr.先生(搭配姓氏使用)—sir 先生(通常单独使用表称呼) 15、like 喜欢—love 喜爱(喜欢的程度相对较深) 16、little 小—small 小 17、look 看(表动作)—see 看见(更强调结果) 18、listen 听(表动作)—hear 听见(更强调结果) 19、meeting 会议—party 聚会 20、mummy(儿语)妈妈—mum(口语)妈妈—mother(书面语)妈妈 21、ride 骑(马、自行车)—drive 驾驶(车辆) 22、often 经常/常常—usually 通常(频度更高) 23、picture 照片/图片—photo 照片


英语写作常用同义词替换100个 1. people=individuals人们(Those who) 2. many people=a majority of people 大多数人 3. a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 很多(修饰不可数名词) 4. a great number of=a large quantity of=considerable amount of很多(可数名词) 5. plentiful=abundant 丰富的,大量的 6. expensive=pricy 贵的 7. thing=item 东西,物品 8. humans=human beings=human race 人类 9. benefit=conduce to=help=contribute to 有助于(动词) 10. harm=damage=endanger=undermine 危害(动词) 11. beneficial=helpful=conducive(rewarding) 有好处的(形容词) 12. harmful=detrimental=damaging有害的(形容词) 13. education=schooling 教育 14. think=believe=hold 认为 15. oppose=object to=be against 反对 16. support=be in favor of=be for 支持 17. as for me=as far as I am concerned 对我来说 18. in my opinion=from my perspective=in my viewpoint=personally 我的观点是 19. as …develops=with the development of...=with the progress of…=a s…advances随着…的发展(注意什么时候用动词,什么时候用名词) 20. quickly=rapidly=at an amazing rate=at an staggering rate 很快(副词)


六级常见单词替换 1. important=crucial,cr itical significant essential vital 2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 4. difficult=formidable 5. understand=discern 6. all the time--continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually 7. as a result—consequently、 8. before--prior to 9. begin—commence 10. better—superior 11. big--major, significant, substantial 12. have--be equipped with, possess 13. if--in the event of, in case(of) 14. in the end--eventually, finally, ultimately 15. know--be aware of, be conversant with, familiar with 16. less and less--decreasing(ly) 17. more and more –increasingly 18. money--funding, funds, resources 19. more and more—increasingly 20. need--demand, require 21. now--at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently 22. often--frequent(ly) 23. quick(ly)--rapid(ly),prom pt(ly) 24. right--appropriate, correct, proper reasonable


26. 增加27. 笑28. 疯29.味道30. 滑31. 怕32. 闪光33. 大34. 感情35. 工作,职业36. 停止37. 旅行38. 抓,握39. 看,凝视40. 静41. 消灭42. 结果43. 表明,代表44. 帮助45. 获得,得到46. 礼品,礼物47. 愚蠢48. 地区49. 会议,集会50. 成就,功绩 26.增加 increase: To make or become larger in amount or number. it refers to quantity or intensity as well as size. The population of this county has increased. add: To put together with something else so as to increase the number size, importance. He added some wood to increase the fire. (扩大) enlarge: To grown larger or wider. I want to enlarge this photograph/house. (放大) magnify: To make something appear larger than in reality, esp. by means of a lens. You have magnified the peril. (扩充) amplify: To make large or fuller, esp. give fuller information, more details etc. to amplify a radio signal/sound. augment: (fml) To become larger or greater. It emphasizes the action of addition. He augmented his income by writing some short stories. (扩展扩张) expand: To increase in range scope or volume as well as in size. Iron expands when it is heated.


同义词替换大全 Cambridge4TEST1 1.ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not ta ke any notice忽略,无视v. 2.encounter=face=confront=meet 遇见,遭遇v. 3.mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n. 4.easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj. 5.change=modify(modification)改变v. 6.destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n. 7.investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into调查v. 8.where=geographical location表地点 9.important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj. 10.reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n. 11.protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v. 12.newspapers,television=media媒体n. 13.where to live=habitat居住地n. 14.get warmer=global warming变暖n. 15.contribute to=play a part有助于v. 16.survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v. 17.curriculum=course=syllabus课程n. 18.link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.


常见的英文近义词辨析100组 1、abide,adhere,conform,comply“遵守”。 abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。 I will abide by the director'decision.我将遵从主任的决定。 adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。(当然adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。 conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。 Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。 2、abnormal,uncommon,disordered“反常的” abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。 His body temperature has been abnormal for3days,the highest point reaching40.5degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。) uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。 Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。 That is uncommon instant coffee;it tastes great!那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了! disordered a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。 We couldn't understand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。 3、abolish,cancel,eliminate,dispose,erase,exclude,extinguish都有“取消,除掉”的意思。 abolish v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。 The government abolished the tax on alcohol.政府取消了酒税。 cancel v.对预先安排的某种活动(如旅行、计划、会议等)的取消;删去(字、句)。 The meeting has been cancelled because of the flu.会议由于流感而取消了。 eliminate v.指消除、淘汰已经存在但是现在不需要的东西。 The losing team was eliminated from further competition.失利的那个队被淘汰了,不能参加下一阶段的比赛。 The doctor helped him eliminate toxins from the intestine.医生帮助他排出肠中毒素。 dispose v.处理,处置;表示“除掉、扔掉”时常与of连用。(这一点需要注意。) After your picnic,please dispose of the litter.野餐后请清除掉垃圾。 erase v.除去,擦掉,指有意识地除去字迹、声音等。 I erased the music on the tape before recording on the tape again.我在往磁带上录音之前先消掉了上面的音乐。exclude v.排斥;排除,不包括在内,与include互为反义词。 The restaurant excludes anyone who is not properly dressed from entering.衣冠不整者不得进入该餐馆。extinguish v.熄灭,扑灭(火);使沉默,使暗淡。 Firefighters extinguished a big fire.消防队员扑灭了大火。 4、abstract,digest,outline,summary“要点,摘要” abstract n.概要,摘要,尤其指对学术论文或法律论据作的简述。 I have read the abstract of his book.我已经读了他书的概要。 digest n.(篇幅较长的)摘要,文摘,它是对原文的浓缩而不是对原文的简单解释,浓缩后仍保持原文的顺序、重点和风格。 Reader's Digest《读者文摘》 outline n.要点,大纲,概要。 She made an outline of ideas she wanted to present in her talk.她把自己要谈的想法列了一个提纲。 summary n.总结,摘要,指用寥寥数语概括文章或者讲话的要点,不考虑原文的风格。 5、absurd,ridiculous,silly都有“愚蠢,可笑”的意思。 absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑。 There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless.过去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。 ridiculous a.荒唐可笑的,指因为愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。 It is ridiculous to judge a foreign culture only by its food.仅仅根据一个国家的饮食来评价该国家的文化是荒唐可笑的。silly a.愚蠢的,傻的,指由于单纯或者头脑简单而显得愚蠢。 a silly little boy傻小子
