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1. 寒假前两周,老师要求同学们认真完成15个假期作业,每天一个作业;

2. 作业内容不多,请务必每天认真完成,并在完成后将练习中出现的生词查阅积累;

3. 每天的练习,老师要求大家做限时训练,完形填空在15-20分钟内完成,其他题型在10


I hope all of you can combine your study with relaxation well , and have a good

winter vacation.


Yesterday I was having lunch at Subway. In the meantime, occasionally, I 16 a young man struggling to get his drink. He was spilling everything and making a 17 .

As I got close, I noticed he was blind.

I went over and 18 to help. I took him by the hand and 19 him to the table.

I asked him if he 20 anything else and he said he was fine, so I left.

About two hours 21 I was heading to my car and the rain started pouring down.

I took 22 in a nearby building, and then I saw the young blind man again. He was

trying to cross the street and using his stick to make sure that 23 was in his way.

I went up to him and said,“Hi!” He smiled and said, “Hey! You are the young

lady who helped me at the 24 .”

I sm iled and said, “Yes.” 25 I took him by the hand and led him across the

street. I asked him 26 he knew I was the same person from the restaurant. He said he 27 my energy! He said he could feel it just like before!

We 28 it to the other side of the street and he told me he was 29 now and could make the rest of the way on his own. So we said good-bye and went our separate

30 .

As I got into my car I was all wet 31 I felt warm. I was glad I was able to be in both places to 32 that young man out even if it was very 33 . He helped me as well. He told me I had a positive energy and that made me feel great about myself.

So 34 he is today, I hope he knows what a 35 it was for me to have those two moments with him.

16.A. imagined B.noticed C.stopped D.heard

17. A. mess B.bet C.noise D.difference

18.A. promised B.agreed C.offered D.waited

19.A. sent B.caught C.showed D.led

20.A. bought B.ordered C.lost D.needed

21.A. long B.before C.later D.ago

22.A. shelter B.risks C.chances D.rests

23.A. something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

24.A. hotel B.restaurant C.building D.shop

25.A. Then B.Suddenly C.Anyhow D.Anxiously

26.A. whether B.why C.when D.how

27.A. appreciated B.liked C.remembered D.forgot

28.A. did B.tried C.made D.put

29.A. happy B.tired C.full D.safe

30.A. directions B.ways C.roads D.paths

31.A. and B.but C.so D.while

32.A. help B.pick C.drag D.drive

33.A. comfortable B.convenient C.simple D.difficult

34.A. wherever B.whenever C.whoever D.whatever

35.A. surprise B.shock C.wonder D.pleasure


Tsai Qin, whose songs had a great effect on us, was on a brief tour. The next stop was Wenzhou. I looking forward to see her wonderful performance. In the morning of Mar.18th, I set off early to the stadium. When I arrived, I found lots of fans had been gathered in the front rows to get more familiar to Tsai Qin. I held my breath, waited. At last, she turned up. The fans burst into applause. The devotion we showed to a folk queen great touched her as we seemed not to be able to control herself and moved to tears.


高二物理寒假作业 《电场》练习 一、选择题 1、关于电势差的说法中,正确的是() (A)两点间的电势差等于电荷从其中一点移到另一点时,电场力所做的功 (B)1C电荷从电场中一点移动到另一点,如果电场力做了1J的功,这两点间的电势差就是1V (C)在两点间移动电荷时,电场力做功的多少跟这两点间的电势差无关 (D)两点间的电势差的大小跟放入这两点的电荷的电量成反比 2、关于电势和电势能下列说法中正确的是() (A)在电场中,电势高的地方,电荷在该点具有的电势能就大; (B)在电场中,电势高的地方,放在该点的电荷的电量越大,它所具有的电势能也越大;(C)在电场中的任何一点上,正电荷所具有的电势能一定大于负电荷具有的电势能;(D)在负的点电荷所产生的电场中任何一点上,正电荷所具有的电势能一定小于负电荷所具有的电势能。 3、下列说法中正确的是 (A)在场强较小处,电荷在该处的电势能也较小; (B)电荷在场强为零处的电势能也为零; (C)在场强相等的各点,电荷的电势能必相等; (D)在选定为零电势的位置处,任何电荷的电势能必为零。 4、真空中有两个点电荷Q1和Q2,它们之间的静电力为F,下面哪些做法可以使它们之间的静电力变为1.5F() A使Q1的电量变为原来的2倍,Q2的电量变为原来的3倍,同时使它们的距离变为原来的2倍B使每个电荷的电量都变为原来的1.5倍,距离变为原来的1.5倍 C使其中一个电荷的电量和它们的距离变为原来的1.5倍 D保持它们的电量不变,使它们的距离变为原来的倍 5、两个放在绝缘架上的相同金属球,相距r,球的半径比r小得多,带电量大小分别为q 和3q,相互斥力为3F。现将这两个金属球相接触,然后分开,仍放回原处,则它们之间的相互作用力将变为() (A)F (B)4F/3 (C)4F (D)以上三个答案之外的一个值 6、两相同带电小球,带有等量的同种电荷,用等长的绝缘细线悬挂于O点,如图所示。平衡时,两小球相距r,两小球的直径比r小得多,若将两小球的电量同时各减少一半,当它们重新平衡时,两小球间的距离() (A)大于r/2 (B)等于r/2 (C)小于r/2 (D)无法确定 7、如图所示是法拉第圆筒实验装置示意图,验电器A原来不带电,验电器B原来带有电荷;金属小球e直接固定于绝缘手柄上。金属小球f用一较长的导体棒(长度大于圆筒的深度)相连后固定于绝缘手柄上,则下列操作中,能使验电器A带电的是:() (A)使e与B的圆筒外壁接触后再与A的圆筒内壁接触 (B)使e与B的圆筒内壁接触后再与A的圆筒外壁接触


高二英语寒假作业(八) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A One reaction to all the concern about tropical deforestation(砍伐森林) is a blank stare that asks the question, "Since I don't live there, what does it have to do with me?" The answer is that your way of life, wherever you live in the world, is tied to the tropics in many ways. If you live in a house, wash your hair, eat fruits and vegetables, drink soda, or drive a car, you can be certain that you are affected by the loss of tropical forests. Take rubber(橡胶) for example. For many uses, only natural rubber from trees will do. Synthetics are not good enough. Today over half the world's commercial(商业的)rubber is produced in Malaysia and Indonesia, while the Amazon's rubber industry produces much of the world's four million tons. And rubber is an important material in making gloves, balloons, footwear and many sporting goods. Thousands of other tropical plants are valuable for their industrial use. Many scientists strongly believe that deforestation contributes to the greenhouse effect—or heating of the earth from increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As we destroy forests, we lose their ability to change carbon dioxide into


第二十天 单项选择 1、He gave himself a new name to hide his _____ when he went to carry out the secret task. A.emotion B.talent C.identity D.treasure 2、Chatting online can be ________ fun, but kids must be sure they stay safe on ________ web. A.不填; a B.a; the C.不填; the D.a; a 3、My brother would like to buy a good watch but was available from that shop. A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither 4、— Why does Lucy look worried? —She may have failed the interview, and _____, she won’t be able to pay f or the electric bill. A.in her case B.in any case C.in which case D.in that case 5、As Daisy walked in she could feel the tension in the room, with her mother ______ herself straight in her chair. A.seating B.seated C.to seat D.to have seated 阅读理解 6、Welcome to the North Pole Adventure


高二生物寒假作业(一) 1.下列可以看作一个种群的是() A、一个池塘中的鱼 B、一片草地上的所有昆虫 C、一个农贸市场的鸡 D、一个公园里的所有日本樱花 2.若用一显微镜观察同一标本4次,每次仅调整目镜或物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果如图所示试问其视野最暗的是() 3.在显微镜的低倍镜下,看到一个细胞偏向左上方,转换高倍镜观察前应该把该细胞移到视野中央,具体做法是( ) A.向左上方移动载玻片B.向右下方移动载玻片 C.移动载玻片上的样品D.调节准焦螺旋 4.下列关于使用高倍镜的叙述中,正确的是 ( ) A.因为藓类的叶片大,在高倍镜下容易找到,所以可以直接使用高倍镜观察 B.进行低倍镜与高倍镜的转换时,扳动物镜转动较省力 C.换高倍镜后,必须先用粗准焦螺旋调焦,再用细准焦螺旋调至物像最清楚 D.为了使高倍镜下的视野亮一些,可使用较大的光圈或凹面反光镜 5.下列关于细胞学说的叙述中,不准确的是( ) A.细胞是一个有机体 B.细胞都是一个完全独立的单位 C.细胞只能来自细胞 D.一切动植物都是由细胞构成 6.下列各项中,不具有细胞结构的是() A、细菌和变形虫 B、烟草花叶病毒和噬菌体 C、真菌和草履虫 D、蓝藻和乳酸菌 7.下列四组生物中,都属于真核生物的一组是( ) A.病毒和柳树 B.细菌和草履虫 C.蓝藻和酵母菌 D.青蛙和酵母菌8.在生物体内含量极少,但对于维持生物体的正常生命活动必不可少的元素有( ) A.Fe、Mn、Zn、Mg B.Zn、Cu、Mg、Ca C.Zn、Cu、B、Mn D.Mg、Mn、Cu、Mo 9.糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、核酸共有的元素是( ) A. C、H、O、N、P B. C、H、O、N C. C、H、O D. O、H 10.在下列几组化学元素中,构成细胞膜所必需的元素是( )。 A.C、H、O B.C、H、O、P C.C、H、O、N D.C、H、O、N、P 11.20种氨基酸的平均分子量为128,由100个氨基酸构成的蛋白质,其相对分子量为() A.12800 B.11018 C.≥11018 D.≤12800 12.血红蛋白分子中含有4条多肽链,共由574个氨基酸构成,则血红蛋白分子中含有的肽键和至少含有的游离氨基和羧基数分别是() A.574、574、574 B.570、570、570 C.574、4、4 D.570、4、4 13. 下列分子中,与构成生物体的蛋白质的氨基酸分子式不相符的是()


人教版高二物理寒假作业(2) 1、关于点电荷的说法,正确的是( ) A.带电体能否看成点电荷,是看它的形状和大小对相互作用力的影响是否能忽略不计 B.点电荷一定是电量很小的电荷 C.体积很大的带电体一定不能看作点电荷 D.只有体积很小的带电体,才能作为点电荷 2、对库仑定律的应用,下列说法正确的是( ) A .公式122=k q q F r 适用于计算真空中两个点电荷的作用力 B .由122=k q q F r 可知,当r→0时,F→∞ C .相互作用的两个点电荷,不论它们的电荷量是否相同,它们之间的库仑力大小一定相等 D .两个点电荷的电荷量各减为原来的一半,它们之间的距离保持不变,则它们之间的库仑力减为原来的一半 3、真空中两个点电荷相距r 时,静电力为F ,如果保持它们的电量不变,而将距离增大为3r 时,则静电力将变为( ) A. F/3 B. F/9 C. F D. 2F 4、真空中有两个静止的点电荷,它们之间的作用力为F ,若它们的带电量都增大为原来的3倍,距离增大为原来的2倍,它们之间的相互作用力变为( ) A. 16F B. 32 F C. 94 F D. 12 F 5、两个相同的金属小球,带电荷量分别为+Q 和-3Q ,相距为d (d 远大于小球半径)时,它们之间的库仑力大小为凡现让两小球接触后再放回原处,则它们之间的库仑力大小将变为( ) A. 43 F B. F C. 23 F D. 13 F 6、如图,两个带电金属小球中心距离为r ,带电荷量相等为Q ,则它们之间电荷的相互作用力大小F 的说法正确的是( )

A. 若是异种电荷22Q F k r < B. 若是同种电荷2 2Q F k r > C. 若是异种电荷22Q F k r > D. 不论是何种电荷2 2Q F k r = 7、库仑定律的发现受万有引力定律的启示.实际问题中有时需要同时考虑万有引力和库仑力, 若某星球无大气层,均匀带有大量负电荷,质量分布均匀.将一个带电微粒置于离该星球表面一定高度处无初速度释放,发现该微粒恰好能静止.现给该微粒一个如图所示的初速度v ,则下列说法正确的是( ) A.微粒将做匀速直线运动 B.微粒将做圆周运动 C.库仑力对微粒做负功 D.万有引力对微粒做正功 8、如图所示,A B 、两带电小球的质量均为m ,电荷量大小均为Q (未知)。小球A 系在长为L 的绝缘轻绳下端,小球B 固定于悬挂点的正下方,平衡时,小球A B 、位于同一高度,轻绳与竖直方向成60°角。已知重力加速度为g ,静电力常量为k ,则以下说法正确的是( ) A.小球A B 、带异种电荷 B.小球A 所受静电力大小为 3 mg C.小球A B 、所带电荷量32L mg Q k = D.若小球A 的电荷量缓慢减少,则小球A 的重力势能减小,电势能增大 9、如图,把一带正电的小球a 放在光滑绝缘面上,欲使球a 能静止在斜面上,需在MN 间放一带电小球b ,则b 应( )


新课标2016年高二英语寒假作业9 第Ⅰ卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps the body and the brain grow and develop. However,many Chinese do not sleep well,and many do not pay enough attention to sleep. The Chinese Medical Doctor Association released the 2013 China Sleep Quality Index(指数)on March 19 to mark World Sleep Day---March 21. According to the index,nearly a quarter of Chinese people don’t sleep well.Half said that they feel tired after getting up and 15 percent people have trouble falling asleep. Ye Jingying,a sleep expert at Beijing Tongren hospital,says:“If people often wake up during the night,or always feel weak and tired in the day,they should pay at tention to their sleep pattern.” Many people play with their cell phones or i pads before sleeping.The report said that this is one of the main reasons for bad sleep.Other reasons include stress and bad moods. How to sleep well? Above all,get enough sleep.Seven to nine hours of sleep every night is perfect for an adult,and eight to nine hours is best for a teenager. Forming good sleep habits is important.The report suggested that people need to keep away from digital devices(数码产品)for at least an hour before sleep. The lights keep their brains excited for a long while.Other suggestions include:try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day,even on weekends and during holidays,and do the same relaxing things before bed each night,like listening to soft music.


高二年级英语寒假作业(一)语法 1. The girl was seriously _______ when her hair _____________ as she was cooking the other day. A. burnt, caught fire B. to burnt, catch fire C. burning, catching fire D. burn, to catch fire 2. The voice was _____________ in the noise from the airplane. A. expressed B. drowned C. wounded D. threatened 3. There was a _______ all over the country when SARS started to spread last year. A. cheer B. alarm C. panic D. prosper 4. I saw his cut __________ onto the ground when I got home last night. A. to bleed B. bleeding C. stress D. stressing 5. Two people passing by _________ the thief steal the lady’s purse earlier this afternoon. A. witnessed B. witnessed to be seen C. witnessed seeing D. witnessed to see 6. How much you eat is important , but _____ you eat daily ______ more. A. where , means B. what, counts C. how, minds D. why, values 7. The doctor recommended my father that he ________smoking and ____ more exercises to keep fit. A. stop, do B. stopped, did C. will stop, do D. should stop, did 8. We wish all the people from different cultural backgrounds could live _________ in the future. A. in press B. in summary C. in harmony D. in willingness 9. Many people began to doubt whether________ God or not. A. exists B. there exists C. it exists D. exists here 10. After the quarrel, he never went there again, ________ to explain. A. or he ever wrote B. nor he ever wrote C. but did he write D. neither did he write 11. Only by practicing as much as you can, ________ to make progress in English. A. you will be able to B. will you be able to C. you can be able to D. can you be able to 12. There is ___________ to their building from the main street, so you have to go round about . A. no issue B. no content C. no alternative D. no access 13. If the people get better educated and the world becomes less unfair, much of the poverty can be ____________. A. worked out B. wiped out C. left out D. cleaned out 14. Not until ________ more about the situation, _______ improve it. A. we learned, were we able to B. did we learn, we were able to C. we learned, we were able to D. did we learn, were we able to 15. The children nowadays are well ___________ all kinds of harm by their parents and the teachers. A. defended against B. defending from C. defended with D. to defend to 16. Not only _________ a place to have classes, but also _____ as a dinning room during lunch time. A. our classroom is, is it used B. is our classroom, it is used C. our classroom is , it is used D. is our classroom, is it used 17. I’ll wait for you at our school gate, beside which _________ . A. stands a tall red building B. a tall red building stand C. is a tall red building standing D. a tall red building is standing 18. If I _______ you , I ________ treat my friend like that. A. am , would not B. was , will not C. were , would not D. are, will not 19. I ______________ them when the accident happened, if I ____________ more about how to give first aid. A. could help, knew B. could help, had known C. could have helped, would know D. could have helped , knew If I _____a chance to travel to the moon, I _______ back something from there. A. have, will take B. had, would bring C. would have, would have brought D. were to have, would have brought 21. Out __________ as soon as they heard the bell . A. do the children rush B. did the children rush C. the children rush D. rushed the children 22. Y ou don’t have to come with us, if you don’t ___________. A. want to do B. want to come with C. want to D. want to doing it 23. After they retired , they ____________ in Europe for a few months. A. journeyed to B. traveled at C. knocked about D. voyaged around 24. It’s too early to say that your team ________, there is still a chance to win. A. was finished B. is beat C. will defeat D. is done for 25. Everybody was _________ by the earthquake which happened last week. A. spotted B. terrified C. frightening D. fleeing 26. It was _________ that he should be seriously punished for what he did to the people. A. urged B. upset C. whispered D. swear 27. While the policeman was examining the house, a drop of blood on the floor ____. A. paid his attention B. drew his attention C. attract his attention D. enter his attention 28. He __________ to a comfortable position. A. rolled over B. turned down C. kept up D. went upside down 29. _________ arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage. A. At B. By C. With D. Upon 30. Never ________ that water is so precious before I read the article.


2019-2020学年高二生物人教版寒假作业:(7)植物生长素的发 现 1、下面是生长素发现过程中的部分实验示意图,根据图中信息判断,下列说法不正确 ...的是( ) A.实验一证明感受单侧光刺激的是胚芽鞘尖端 B.实验二证明胚芽鞘尖端产生的刺激可以通过琼脂片传递给下部 C.实验三证明胚芽鞘的弯曲生长,是尖端产生的刺激在其下部分布不均匀造成的 D.实验四证明造成胚芽鞘弯曲的刺激是一种化学物质 2、下列关于生长素发现过程的叙述,错误的是( ) A.达尔文提出单侧光使胚芽鞘尖端产生生长素,造成背光面生长快引起向光弯曲 B.鲍森·詹森通过实验证明胚芽鞘尖端产生的影响可以透过琼脂片 C.拜尔的实验证明胚芽鞘的弯曲生长是因为尖端产生的影响在其下部分布不均造成的 D.温特的实验证明造成胚芽鞘弯曲的影响是一种化学物质并命名为生长素 3、下面是植物生长素发现过程中的几个经典实验,据图分析,相关实验结论叙述正确的是( ) A.鲍森·詹森实验说明胚芽鞘的尖端产生的IAA可以透过琼脂片传递给下部 B.拜尔认为胚芽鞘弯曲生长的根本原因是尖端产生的生长素在其下部分布不均匀 C.温特认为胚芽鞘的尖端确实产生了某种促进生长的物质,这种物质可由尖端向下运输,促进

下部的生长 D.达尔文认为单侧光对胚芽鞘的尖端产生某种影响,该影响传递到下部,使向光面生长比背光面更快,胚芽鞘向光弯曲生长 4、如图是取自生长素发现过程中的一些经典实验示意图,结合所学知识,下列说法中错误的是( ) A.图①取自达尔文实验,可用于探究植物的感光部位 B.图③取自鲍森?詹森实验,其结论是胚芽鞘尖端产生的影响可以透过琼脂片 C.图⑤是温特实验的实验组,其对照组使用的是未接触胚芽鞘尖端的琼脂块 D.图①②④都能验证胚芽鞘尖端产生的物质因单侧光的照射而发生横向移动 5、1914年,匈牙利的科学家拜尔将燕麦胚芽鞘尖端放在去除胚芽鞘尖端的一侧,结果胚芽鞘向对侧弯曲生长。下列有关叙述正确的是( ) A.该实验证明尖端确实能产生某种物质,该物质是吲哚乙酸 B.该实验在黑暗中进行,可排除受光不均匀对实验结果的影响 C.该实验证明了生长素在植物体内进行极性运输 D.对照组是没有尖端的胚芽鞘,结果不生长 6、科学家温特做了如下实验:把切下的燕麦尖端放在琼脂块上,几小时后,移去胚芽鞘尖端,将琼脂块切成小块,再将经处理过的琼脂块放在切去尖端的燕麦胚芽鞘一侧,结果胚芽鞘会朝对侧弯曲生长。但是,如果放上的是没有接触过胚芽鞘尖端的琼脂块,胚芽鞘则既不生长也不弯曲。该实验证明了( ) A.生长素只能从形态学上端运输到形态学下端 B.造成胚芽鞘弯曲的刺激是某种化学物质 C.生长素的化学本质是吲哚乙酸 D.胚芽鞘会弯向光源生长 7、胚芽鞘产生生长素的部位、感受单侧光的部位和弯曲生长的部位分别是() A.尖端、尖端、尖端B.尖端、尖端、尖端下部 C.尖端、尖端下部、尖端下部D.尖端、尖端下部、尖端


2019-2020学年人教版高二英语寒假作业(8) 一、小题练习 1 no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. A.Were there B.Had there been C.If there are D.If there have been 2、Hardly_____got out of the court_____the reporters raised a lot of questions to him. A.had he; when B.had he; than C.he had; when D.did he; than 3、It was too noisy outside. Not until_____at the top of my voice_____his head. A.I shouted; did he turn B.I shouted; had he turned C.did I shout; did he turn D.had I shouted; he turned 4、_____do we go for picnics. A.Certainly B.Sometimes C.Seldom D.Once 5、Not until he retired from teaching three years ago ______ having a holiday abroad. A.he had considered B.had he considered C.he considered D.did he consider 6、So fast__________he walk that I couldn’t catch up with him. 7、Only then__________(do) they realize how much damage had been caused. 8、Only when Lily walked into the office __________(do) she realize that she had left the contract at home. 9、__________ when we lost what we had did we realize how much we loved it. 10、Never before__________she seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. 11、Hardly we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room. 12、Not until I had read the report I understand the true state of affairs. 13、He doesn’t like classic music,nor I do. 14、Hardly she finished her homework when her mum asked her to play the piano. 15、Only then did we realized the importance of English.

高二上学期英语寒假作业1 含答案

高二英语寒假作业1 训练日期:2月 1日 第一节阅读理解 One of the latest trend(趋势)in American Childcare is Chinese au pairs. Au Pair in Stamford, for example, has got increasing numbers of request for Chinese au pairs from aero to around 4,000 since 2004. And that’s true all across the country. “I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age” Joseph Stocke, the managing director of s company, says of his 2-year old son. “I would at least like to give him the chance to use the language in the future,” After only six months of being cared by 25-year-old woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says. Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China. She didn’t want her children to miss out on their roots.” Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to(接触) the language and culture.” she says. “Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom,” says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of Children.” But parents must understand that just one year with au pair is unlikely to produce wonders. Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12.” The popularity if au pairs from China has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children who want their children to learn Chinese. It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years. 【小题1】What does that term” au pair” in the text mean? A. A mother raising her children on her own B. A child learning a foreign language at home C. A professor in language education of children D. A young foreign woman taking care of children. 【小题2】Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them ______.


新课标2016年高二英语寒假作业2 第Ⅰ卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A A machine that takes sweat-laden clothes and turns the moisture into drinking water is in use in Sweden. The device spins and heats the material to remove the sweat, and then passes the vapor through a special membrane(膜) designed to only let water molecules(分子) get through. Since its Monday launch, its creators say more than 1,000 people have “drunk others’ sweat" in Gothenburg. They add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water. The device was built for the United Nation's child-focused charity UNICEF to promote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water. The machine was designed and built by engineer Andreas Hammar, known locally for his appearances on TV tech show Mekatronik. He said the critical part of the sweat machine was a new water purification component developed by a company named HVR in collaboration with Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology. "It uses a technique called membrane distillation(膜蒸馏)," he told the BBC."We use a substance that's a bit like Gortex that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria, salts, clothing fibers and other substances out."They have something similar on the International Space Station to treat astronaut's urine - but our machine was cheaper to build. Volunteers have been sampling the treated sweat since the start of the week in Gothenburg .“The amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is - but one person's T-shirt typically produces 10ml , roughly a mouthful."


高二年级生物寒假作业 本学期寒假作业分两部分: 1.整理本学期必修一和必修二各章节的学习笔记,查漏补缺。 2.巩固本期学习内容,完成以下试题。 一、选择题:只有一个正确选项 ()1.豌豆在自然状态下是纯种的原因是 A.豌豆品种间性状差异大B.豌豆先开花后授粉 C.豌豆是闭花自花授粉的植物D.豌豆是自花传粉的植物 ()2.下列叙述正确的是 A.纯合子测交后代都是纯合子B.纯合子自交后代都是纯合子 C.杂合子自交后代都是杂合子D.杂合子测交后代都是杂合子 ()3.将具有一对等位基因的杂合子,自交一代,在其子代中纯合子的比例为 A.1/2 B.1/4 C.2/3 D.1/3 ()4.羊的毛色白色对黑色为显性,两只杂合白羊为亲本,接连生下了3只小羊是白羊,若他们再生第4只小羊,其毛色 A.一定是白色的B.是白色的可能性大 C.一定是黑色的 D.是黑色的可能性大 ()5.在做性状分离比的模拟实验时,分别同时从甲小桶和乙小桶抓取小球50~100次,统计小球组合为DD的比例为 A.1/3 B.1/4 C.1/2 D.1/5 ()6、人类多指畸形是一种显性遗传病。若母亲为多指(Aa),父亲正常,则他们生一个患病女儿的可能性是() A.50% B.25% C.75% D.100% ()7.下列属于等位基因的是 A.A与b B.Y与y C.E与E D.f与f ()8.减数分裂中,等位基因的分离和非等位基因的自由组合发生在( ) A.形成初级精(卵)母细胞过程中B.减数第一次分裂四分体时期 C.形成次级精(卵)母细胞过程 D.形成精细胞或卵细胞过程中 ()9.分离定律的实质是() A.F2(子二代)出现性状分离B.F2性状分离比是3:1 C.成对的控制相对性状的遗传因子彼此分离D.测交后代性状分离比为1:1 ()10.下列各杂交组合中,属测交的一组是 A.Aabb×aaBB B.AaBb×AaBb C.AABb×aaBb D.AaBb×aabb ()11、两个杂合子交配,后代只有一种表现型,这两个杂合子是()A.AABb×aaBb B.aaBb×Aabb C.AABb×AaBB D.AaBb×AaBb ()12、下列哪项最可能不属于配子

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