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中科院考博英语 培训资料(作文范文) 读书的利弊

中科院考博英语 培训资料(作文范文) 读书的利弊
中科院考博英语 培训资料(作文范文) 读书的利弊


Topic 1

As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.

Thesis: Reading books can strongly mature your thoughts, widen you horizon and enrich your personality. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. Hence, we should encourage our children to read more books.

Good books teach and help children to do good things. Good books are children's real companions, and they are both instructive and inspiring. Children know past events from history books, study communication by language book, learn space and numbers through mathematics books. In a word, different kinds of good books can give them a large amount of ideas and knowledge.

On the other hand bad books contain evil thoughts. Some books are harmful, particularly the pornographic books. In them, there might be much description about violence and sex. Let's suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read whatever appeals to them? If children read bad books, the evil thoughts would poison their mind gradually. They will be dispirited

and perhaps commit a crime.


词汇(无) 完型(网络上找到的原文,试题没有这么长,压缩了。划线部分为虫友考后忆起的待选空及答案) In the last post, we discussed why fabrication and falsification are harmful to scientific knowledge-building. The short version is that if you’re trying to build a body of reliable knowledge about the world, making stuff up (rather than, say, making careful observations of that world and reporting those observations accurately) tends not to get you closer to that goal. Along with fabrication and falsification, plagiarism is widely recognized as a high crime against the project of science, but the explanations for why it’s harmful generally make it look like a different kind of crime than fabrication and falsification. For example, Donald E. Buzzelli (1999) writes: [P]lagiarism is an instance of robbing a scientific worker of the credit for his or her work, not a matter of corrupting the record. (p. 278) Kenneth D, Pimple (2002) writes: One ideal of science, identified by Robert Merton as ―disinterestedness,‖ holds that what matters is the finding, not who makes the finding. Under this norm, scientists do not judge each other’s work by reference to the race, religion, gender, prestige, or any other incidental characteristic of the researcher; the work is judged by the work, not the worker. No harm would be done to the Theory of Relativity if we discovered Einstein had plagiarized it… [P]lagiarism … is an offense against the community of scientists, rather than against science itself. Who makes a particular finding will not matter to science in one hundred years, but today it matters deeply to the community of scientists. Plagiarism is a way of stealing credit, of gaining credit where credit is not due, and credit, typically in the form of authorship, is the coin of the realm in science. An offense against scientists qua scientists is an offense against science, and in its way plagiarism is as deep an offense against scientists as falsification and fabrication are offenses against science. (p. 196) Pimple is claiming that plagiarism is not an offense that undermines(zqc2849) the knowledge-building project of science per se. Rather, the crime is in depriving other scientists of the reward they are due for participating in this knowledge-building project. In other words, Pimple says that plagiarism is problematic not because it is dishonest, but rather because it is unfair. While I think Pimple is right to identify an additional component of responsible conduct of science besides honesty, namely, a certain kind of fairness to one’s fellow scientists, I also think this analysis of plagiarism misses an important way(whj19890715) in which misrepresenting the source of words, ideas, methods, or results can undermine the knowledge-building project of science. On the surface, plagiarism, while potentially nasty to the person whose report is being stolen, might seem not to undermine the scientific community’s evaluation(zqc2849) of the phenomena. We are still, after all, bringing together and comparing a number of different observation reports to determine the stable features of our experience of the phenomenon. But this comparison often involves a dialogue as well. As part of the


1995年博士生(地学分析入学试题 一、简答题(40分 1. 遥感地学评价标准。 2. LandsatTM数据特征。 3. 我国风云一号气象卫星主要通道及特征。 4. 遥感信息处长合分析。 二、问答题(任选二题,60分 1. 评述我国遥感应用的发展特点。 2. 遥感在自然资源调查中的应用。 3. 举例说明遥感在地学研究中应用与作用。 4. 遥感监测在全球变化研究中的作用。1996年博士生入学试题(遥感地学分析 (任选四题,每题25分 1. 遥感地学分析及其意义 2. 遥感在资源调查中的应用特点 3. 论述遥感在全球变化研究中作用 4. 遥感信息增强方法 5. 专题遥感信息提取的方法与应用 2000年中科院博士入学考试(RS

一、简答与名词解释: 1. 混合像元(98 2. 高光谱(98 3. 监督与非监督分类(97 4. 最大似然法(97 5. 纹理特征用于信息提取 (98 6. 主成分分析(99 7. TM的七个波段(97 8. 高光谱遥感(99 9. 遥感影象的特征(99 二、论述 1. 最小二乘法的原理、公式及应用。(98 2. 结合工作,谈遥感的应用与发展前景。(99 3. 遥感地学评价基础。(97 一、简答题(10分/题 1、ETM影像的各波段特征 2、监督分类的过程 3、高光谱遥感及其特点 4、植被指数及其计算方法

5、干涉雷达遥感 二、论述题(25分/题 1、遥感信息融合的方法及它们比较 2、遥感图像分类的方法 3、遥感分辨率及其地学意义 一、简答每个10分共5个 1.几何校正的主要方法 2.光谱成像仪的成像机理 3.监督分类及其优缺点 4.水体的光谱特征 5.图像融合有哪些技术方法 二、论述体 3选2 1.遥感信息地学评价的标准及应用意义 2.微波技术的发展现状及趋势 3.光学影像的分类方法及特点 2008年中科院地理所博士考题 总分:100分时间:180分钟 一、名词解释(2*5 10分 1.波谱反射率

中科院考博英语 培训资料 阅读技巧


阅读技巧 主题句的位置 ?主题句出现的位置有以下四种情况: ?1)段首主题句经常居于段首,以便读者浏览主题句就可掌握文章的概要。这个位置适用于提供信息或解释观点的段落。 ?2)段末用推理方法展开段落时,主题句往往位于句末。 ?3)段中(有时为了使段落多样化,主题句也可以居于段中。 ?4)隐含有时候,尤其在叙述性或描写性段落中,当所有的细节都围绕着一个显而易见的主题时主题句有时不出现。 各类题型解题思路 ?1.细节事实题: ⑴标志:题干中明确提到的时间、地点、人物等细节信息 ⑵做题的关键在于:返回原文 细节事实题 ?迷惑人的手段: ①单词替换 ②颠倒因果 ③扩大范围

④常识判断 常见试题 ??1 What do we know about ...? ??2 How many (much)...in this article? ??3 The real cause is . ??4 According to the author ,the techniques can be used to . ??5 The author states that . ??6 The experiment shows that . ??7 Mr. X expects (hopes ,wishes )——. 2.例证题 ⑴ 标志:case example illustration demonstration exempl ify demonstrate illustrate ⑵ 做题的关键在于:是否能找到例子支持的论点,而不在于能否看懂例子 ? 划清“事实”与“观点”之间的界限 3.词汇题 常见试题(The phrase “…”in the context means…. The word “…” is closest in meaning to_____. As the context shows, a placebo is ________.) ⑴ 标志:在题干中明确指出原文中某处的单词或词组,要求辨别其意思 ⑵ 做题的关键在于:该单词本身并不重要,重要


gain . Furthermore federal regulations designed to promote the New Town idea do not consider social need s as the European New Town plans do. In fact, our regulations specify virtual y all the ingredients of the typical suburban community, with a bit of political rhetoric thrown in. A workable American New Town formula should be established as firmly here as the national formula was in Britain. All possible social and governme ntal innovations as well as financial fac tors s hould be thoroughly considered and accommodated in this policy. Its objectives should be clearly stated, and both incentives and penalties should be provided to ensure that the objectives are pursued. If s uch a poli cy is developed, then the New Town approach can pla y an important role in alleviating American's urban problems. 36. As revealed in Para 1, the author considers the American New Town approach_____ A. atypical B. irrelevant C. impractical D.unprecedented 37. According to the author, the present New Town plan will _____ A. fail t o bring about the i ntended re sults B. produce genuinely needed New Towns C. bridge the gap between the poor and the rich – D. help resolve the spreading urban problems 38. The author believes that the New Town projects will lead to _____ A. m ore brisk co mmercial activities in th e cities B. more l ow-income people living in the s uburbs C. higher incidence of tax avoidance by industries D. heavier tax burdens on the remaining citi zens 39. In the author's o pinion. the European New Town plans are superior to the America's in their concern for A. the typical suburban community B. the interests of the promoters C . the welfare of the general public D. the government's political achievement


司法考试票据法要点详解 备注: 1.有因性存在于直接前后手之间,有因可抗辩;无因性存在于间接前后手间,无因不能抗辩,这保证了票据的流通性,后手不受前手的抗辩影响。 2.追索是反向的,连带的,单向的。 二、背书 (一)回头背书: (二)禁止转让背书 (三)背书的涂消:票据权利人故意将背书中背书人的签名或其他记载事项等记载文句的一部或全部涂去或消除。 三、承兑和保证 承兑:是指远期汇票的付款人在汇票上签名,同意按出票人指示到期付款的行为。 保证:是指汇票的债务人以外的第三人以担保特定的汇票债务人承担汇票付款为目的,在汇票上签章及记载必要事项的票据行为。 四、票据的伪造:指假冒或虚构他人名义为票据行为并在票据上签章。 五、票据变造:指无合法变更权限的人,对除签章外的票据记载事项加以变更。 票据权利的种类 1.付款请求权 票据法规定持票人最基本的权利是请求付款人按票据金额支付款项。付款请求权是票据的第一次权利,实践中人们常称此权利为主票据权利。 付款请求权须符合以下条件: (1)持票人持有处在有效期内的票据,其中汇票和本票的有效期自票据到期日起2年以内;见票即付的汇票和本票,自出票日起2年以内;支票自出票起6个月以内。 (2)持票人须将原票据向付款人提示付款,如果不能提供票据原件的,不能请求付款,付款人也不得付款; (3)持票人只能请求付款人支付票据上确定的金额,付款人须一次性将债务履行完毕,因此,持票人也不得向付款人请求少于票据确定的金额付款。 (4)持票人得到付款后,必须将票据移交给付款人,原票据上的权利可能由付款人承受,向其他债务人请求付款,从而使付款请求权呈持续状态。 (5)付款人支付票据金额后,如果发现该票据有伪造、变造情况的,有权向持票人请求返还所给付的金额。这是对票据权利不确切的处置。 2.追索权


中国科学院大学2015考博英语复习“四大策略”攻破低分城墙 考博英语复习是一个长期慢慢积累提高的过程,只有脑海中有大量的英语词汇才能做到阅读速度快给接下来答题的争取更多的时间,出来积累一定量的词汇外就是加强语法的学习。海量的词汇、语法、完美的结合,平常在注意培养下语感,离高分的步伐会越来越近。下面育明考博的考博英语辅导老师给大家说下几个注意问题:联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 一、梳理基础,积累海量词汇 考博英语词汇是一个水滴石穿的过程,需要时间的积累,同时,词汇也是完成各种题型的基础,如果没有词汇量的积累,想要拿高分更是难上建难。暑期,考生都比较有充裕的时间,所以,考生可以借助这段时间将英语基础打牢。词汇是考博英语的基石,词汇量积累的多少非常影响考生在做题时的信心、心态、做题速度以及准确率。因此熟练掌握考博大纲单词尤为重要。 复习词汇的有效办法:避免枯燥乏味的记忆,从词形、词义和词法的角度把握词汇,这涉及眼、口、手、耳、脑并用,充分调动自己学习词汇的主观积极性。这一阶段对词汇的学习是复习和巩固,所以节奏上需要有所加快,遇到一个单词,扫一眼,快速朗读一遍,之后动手默写一遍,在大脑留下印记。如果能够下载词汇书的音频,可以在复习完当天的单词之后,再听听词汇音频,听的时候可以努力回忆词汇的拼写、发音、含义和用法。通过这种方式,全方位地调动自己的感官,达到良好的学习效果。 我在前一段的复习过程中单词已经背的差不多了,现在还再复习单词是不是有点浪费时间。对于已经把大纲上所列单词背的比较熟练得同学来说,在现阶段的首要任务就是把它们放到试题中去,放到活生生的语境中去,认真体会其引申含义和感情色彩。同时也应注意,有些同学的确已经将考博词


A 1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合 He adapted himself to the cold weather. When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well. adept adj.(与at, in 连用)熟练的;精通的n. 行;老手 She was adept at the fine art of irritating people. adopt vt.收养;采取;采用 They adopted our methods. 正式通过;采纳 The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it. 2.adopted adoptive adopted adj.被收养的,被采纳的 an adopted child/an adopted advice adoptive adj.收养(孩子)的 an adoptive mother 3.averse adverse averse adj.(常与to 连用)嫌恶的 I am not averse to a dance party and a good mean after a week's hard work. The minister is averse to/from flattery. adverse adj.不利的;相反的 an adverse decision Adverse circumstances compelled him to close his business. 4 affection affectation affection n.友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向 affectation n.假装, 虚饰, 做作 5.altitude attitude aptitude latitude longitude multitude altitude (海拔)高度-At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.

历年中科院遥感所 GIS 地理信息系统概论考博真题

2000年中科院遥感所博士入学考试(GIS) 一、名词解释(每个4分,共20分) 1. 空间拓扑关系 2. 地址匹配 3. 元数据 4. 栅格数据结构 5. 空间数据精度 二、简答题(每个10分,共30分) 1. 简述地理信息系统的组成 2. 数字地形模型(DTM)的构建与应用 3. 叠加分析 三、问答题(任选二,每个25分,共50分) 1. 地理信息系统的发展及趋势 2. 时空动态数据结构研究 3. 结合你的专业,论述GIS应用的关键技术问题 2001年中科院遥感所博士入学考试(GIS) 一、名词解释 1. 地址匹配 2. 地图精度 3. 关系数据库 4. 四叉树 二、简答题 1. GIS的特点及应用 2. GIS的结构及功能 3. 空间分析方法及应用 三、论述题 1. GIS的发展趋势 2. GIS与RS、GPS的集成方法 3. GIS空间分析功能的缺陷及改进方法 2002年中科院遥感所博士入学考试(GIS) 一、名词解释 1. 地理空间 2. 行程编码 3. 地址匹配 4. 拓扑关系 5. 空间数据元数据 二、简答 1. 地理信息系统的组成与功能 2. 数字地形模型的建立方法与特点 3. 地理信息系统互操作

三、问答 1. GIS的发展历程 2. 结合你的专业,谈一谈gis的应用与关键点 2003中科院遥感所GIS部分试题(版本一) 一、名词解释 1. GIS 2. 数据挖掘 3. 空间索引 二、简答题: 1、GIS标准化的意义及作用 2、数据质量标准 三、论述 1、关于长江三峡搬迁的,求几个数据。很麻烦。 2、关于温度梯度的 2003年GIS试题(版本二) 一名词解释 DEM、TIN、平移转换、栅格结构 二、简答 1、GIS的组成 2、空间拓扑分析 3、GIS互操作 三、论述(任选二个) 1、GIS的发展简史和趋势 2、WebGIS的核心模型及其应用 3、结合您的专业,谈谈GIS的应用关键和潜在领域 2005年中国科学院遥感所GIS考博试题 一、简答题 1. 传统数据库管理空间数据的缺陷 2. GIS中TIN的生成步骤 3. 空间信息分析的基本方法有哪些 4. GIS标准化的内容 5.地理信息系统的开发策略 6.谈谈GIS与RS的关系 7. 开放式地理信息系统实现技术 8. 电子地图的特征 9. 空间索引有哪些,特点是什么 二、论述题 1. 印度洋海啸造成重大伤亡。请设计一个海啸预警、检测、评估系统的系统方案。


让我感受最深的是,做事一定要制定合理的计划。凡事预则立不预则废,真的太有道理了,绝不能率性而为。我要给学生上课,没那么多时间坐下来看书,所以精确的计划对我尤为重要。中科院最难搞的就是英语了(迄今为止,我所经历的大大小小考试中,这个难度最大,基本上是bt的难度),花样多、题量大、时间紧,考验人类极限能力的一个科目。备战这个科目,除了要大量记忆词汇、阅读文章、做复习题,还要积极锻炼身体,储备体能(累死到考场上就亏大了)。专业课难度虽然也不小,不过还好,毕竟是本国语言,看得懂在说什么。不过想要吃透,也必须最少看书3-5遍,起码将3级以上知识点全部记牢。鉴于此,我最终制定并执行的方案是: 1、考试之前英语单词量12000以上,每天100词,3个月一个循环,1年之内牢记这12000词。我用的字典是世图的王湘云的那本考博词汇手册,特点是便携、针对性强、精炼。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 2、每天阅读英文原版书籍或期刊杂志。书最好是近几年出版的小说(我看的是哈利波特系列),期刊就无所谓了,看娱乐八卦都可以,主要是为了增强阅读能力。ps:这个对我帮助很大,对比之下我才知道自己从前的语言逻辑、语句组织其实问题很大。 3、最后4个月吧,集中开始做题。推荐先做清华、北大、复旦等高校题目热热身,最后做中科院的历年真题。数目不一定多,每周2套,大约30套左右吧,重点在于做完后的复盘,这个很管用。 4、专业课书目做到2个月看1遍,记3便笔记。有时间的话,可以看看相关书籍。我的感觉是中科院考题比较活,和实际结合得相当紧密,不怎么考一些死记硬背的东西。师从生活吧,处处留心皆学问。ps:专业考试一样有陷阱,眼神要好(眼睛度数不够的考前抓紧配),精力要集中。我的专业课,


真题词汇An ticipati on 希望;预感;先发制人;预支 Architect 建筑师建筑工程师建设师Aesthetic 审美美学的美的 Aspect 方面;方向;形势;外貌 Attach 附加;附属;伴随 Adequate 足够的充足适当 Allusi on 暗示;提及 Assumpti on 假设假定设想 Anti cipati on 预期预料 Authorities 当局,官方 Accountable应负责的负有责任的可以解释的 On acco unt of '由于因为 Count for有价值重要的 Go coun ter to 违反,与。。。背道而驰 Adjustme nt 适应 Assig nment 作业任务Assimilatio n 消化吸收同化Acce nt 口音 Alter改变更改 Allergic 过敏 Approve of 赞成

Bear on 涉及关于对…施加压力;与??有关;对…有影响;瞄准 Bear out 证明证实支持 Be boiled cbwn to 被归结为 Obsession with 着迷 Observation 观察 Obsolete 废弃废除 Obsce ne 淫秽的;猥亵的;可憎的 Obvious 明显的 Oblique 倾斜不正 Oblige 被迫做 裁判 Arbitrate进行仲裁 In terve ning 干涉斡旋 Referee 担任裁判 Mediate 调停调节斡旋居中 Media 传媒 Coordi nate 协调

宣传 Declare 断言宣布 Proclaim宣布赞扬称颂 Publicity 宣传公开 Advertise 通知;为??做广告;使突出Propagandize 宣传;对??进行宣传Claim 要求声称索取夺走 Acclaim欢呼喝彩表扬 Assert 断言声称 Dissemination散播传播传染病毒 Dissem in ate 宣传传播散布 Acclaim 称赞为。。。喝彩 Adm onish 告诫劝告 Address演说发言解决 Assert 律师陈述维护坚持断言主张声称 Aroused 唤醒激发 致以问候称赞 Salute 致意问候称赞 Approve of 赞成 说明 In terpretatio n 解释说明 术语 Glossary 术语(特殊用语)表;词汇表;专业词典 Jargon 行话专门术语术语 Dialect 方言地方话 Idiom 成语习语 沉迷 In dulge nee 沉溺沉迷放纵 Obsessed with入迷的一门心思 Addicted 上瘾


中国科学院博士研究生入学考试英语试卷构成 试卷一:小计110分钟65分 Ⅰ 词汇15分钟10分Ⅰ 完形填空15分钟15分Ⅰ 阅读80分钟40分 试卷二:小计70分钟35分 Ⅰ 英译汉30分钟15分Ⅰ 写作40分钟20分 2006年3月 PAPER ONE PART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each) 1. The problem is that most local authorities lack the to deal sensibly in this market. A. anticipation B. perception C. prospect D. expertise 2. Awards provide a(n) for young people to improve their skills. A. incentive B. initiative C. fugitive D. captive 3. The profit motive is inherently with principles of fairness and equity. A. in line B. in trade C. at times D. at odds 4. Oil is derived from the of microscopic sea creatures, and is even older, according to most geologists. A. layouts B. reminders C. remains D. leftovers 5. Successful students sometimes become so with grades that they never enjoy their school years. A. passionate B. involved C. immersed D. obsessed 6. Apparently there were between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times. A. distortions B. discrepancies C. disorders D. distractions 7. It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, at about six o’clock in her father’s sudden col unconsciousness. A. converging B. culminating C. finalizing D. releasing 8. The 12-year-old civil war had 1.5 million lives. A. declared B. proclaimed C. claimed D. asserted 9. The tribe has agreed to contribute 2 percent of net to charitable activities in the county. A. expenses B. revenues C. budgets D. payments 10. This will make schools more directly and effectively to parents, and more responsive to their criticisms and wishes. A. accountable B. submitted C. subjected D. available 11. Make up your mind that whatever the short-term temptations may be, you will never from the highest standards of honor. A. deviate B. escape C. derive D. refrain 12. They teach the vocabulary of the English used in computer science, which is also listed in the glossary. A. in sum B. in total C. in general D. in full 13. This brings a feeling of emptiness that can never be filled and leaves us with a for more. A. scarcity B. command C. hunger D. request 14. Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam , surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everyday run of things. A. at peace B. at leisure C. at rest D. at speed 15. The closest to English and Welsh grammar schools are called grammar secondary schools; they can, however, accept some fee-paying pupils. A. equality B. equation C. equivalent D. equity 16. At first the university refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was_____ revised. A. consecutively B. consequently C. successively D. subsequently 17. He us as consistently fair and accurate about the issues we are concerned about. A. confuses B. regards C. strikes D. knocks


中科院博士研究生英语写作分析及范文 1999.3 2000.3 2001.3 2002.3 2002.10 2003.3 2003.10 2004.3 2005.3 题目解析: “如何减少交通事故?”这道作文题目简洁明了,比较容易把握。正确地理解本题最重要的是抓住题眼,也就是“如何”这个词。本题十分明确地要求考生专门讨论解决某一现象或问题的具体措施,而有的考生没能紧紧围绕解决办法多着笔墨,而去分析交通事故这个问题背后的根源,显然无法取得理想的成绩。 范文: With the rapid development of society, more and more people in China can afford to buy a car.As a consequence, traffic accidents gradually become a serious problem and bring great inconveniences to people. In my opinion, this problem can be solved from three aspects. Firstly, our government should take drastic measures and enforce a series of effective traffic rules, which must be well acknowledged and understood by every person. Those who do not obey the rules will be punished according to the actual situation.


中科院考博英语历年真题必背固定搭配 in question讨论中的;谈及的;争论中的 in/with respect of/to关于 in return回报;付给 in search of寻找;搜寻;查究 in secret/private/public私下;暗地/不公开;私下;秘密地/当众;公开地 in short/brief/sum简言之;总之 in spite of虽然;不管;不顾;纵使 in support of维护…;支持…;证实… in that因为 in/under the circumstances在这种情况下;考虑到这种情况 in the course of在…期间;在…的过程中 in the end最后;最终;结果;终归 in the face of面临;不顾(反对等) in the first place起初;首先;早先 (not)in the least/the least bit一点(也不);丝毫(不);(常用于强调否定) in the long/short run结果;最后/暂时:目前 in the name of在…的名下;以…的名义;为…的缘故 in no/good time立刻;马上,一转眼工夫;迅速地;恰好 in vain徒劳;无益 in view of鉴于;考虑到 independent of独立于…之外;不依赖…的;不受…支配的 inform of告诉;报告;通知 insist(on/upon)坚决主张;坚决要求;坚持认为;定要;坚持要 instead of代替;而不是 interfere with干涉;干预;妨碍;干扰;影响 involve in涉及;卷入;陷入;使进入;使连累 join in参加;加入 jump to a conclusion草率决定;贸然断定 keep down控制,限制,;低下;蹲下;躺下;压住;压制;镇压;忍住了呕吐;缩减 keep from隐瞒,瞒住;避开;使免于 keep off驱散;避开;防止,挡住;不接近 keep on继续…;不停地…


中科院考博英语阅读理解题型介绍 阅读理解的短文内容涉及社会科学(主要包括社会学、教育、人类学、心理学、经济、管理、金融等领域)、自然科学(主要包括化学、生物、交通、物理、工程、计算机、医学、农业等领域)和人文科学(主要包括哲学、历史、文学、语言、新闻、艺术等领域)。考博英语的阅读理解题型中的文章通常选取外文杂志、外文网站中的文章,然后由各院校的命题组命题,或者选取四六级、考研、研究生学位英语考试等已考过的文章。纵观各院校的考博英语阅读理解题型,主要涉及了四种考查方式: 1)常规阅读理解题 给出一篇文章,文章后面会有几个问题或者未完成的陈述,而且每个问题都会有四个选项,要求考生选择符合题意的最佳答案。根据大纲要求,常规阅读理解主要考查主旨大意题、推理判断题、词义猜测型、事实细节题及观点态度题。 2)阅读解答题 给出一篇文章,要求考生回答题后的5个问题。主要考查考生对文章的中心思想、重要细节的理解和提取,并用较为精炼的语言将其陈述清楚。 3)阅读选句填空题 给出一篇文章,将其中一些信息除去,而且文章后面会有多于空格数量的句子或者段落,要求考生在理解中心大意的基础上,联系上下文的内容,选择合适的句子填入空白处。 4)阅读排序题 给出一篇文章,分别去除部分信息,文章后会有相应的选项,要求考生通过对文章连贯性、一致性的理解,将这些选项正确的排列,这部分对阅读理解的综合能力要求比较高。 当然,有的院校会考快速阅读,难度低于常规(仔细)阅读理解题。有的院校出阅读判断题,即通过阅读文章,判断文章后所给出的陈述是否正确。阅读理解题型中,常规阅读理解是必考的,其他题型是根据各院校的具体情况变动。总之,阅读理解题型是考博英语题型中占分比例最大的,考生应该予以更多的重视,找准复习方向,多熟练阅读理解中各类题型的解题技巧。


2013年3月 What is the one thing that you’ve learned from doing sports which applies to all aspects of your life? Please use examples to illustrate your points. 2013年10月 People who claim to have supernatural powers, like Wang Lin, Yan Xin and many others, have come and gone in the past few decades and have always had a large following. What conclusion may be drawn from this phenomenon? 2012年3月 Do you agree that history repeats itself? Provide examples to support your viewpoints. 2012年10月 What is the true spirit of the Olympic Games? Please use examples to illustrate your points. 2011年3月 “To get success, you need friends; to get huge success, you need enemies.” Do you agree with this saying or not? Why or why not? 2011年10月 If your child were bullied (受欺负), what would you say to him or her? Tell why you would say so. 2010年3月 People often come up with different decisions when facing the same situation. WHY? 2010年10月 According to some statistics, by the end of 2009, the resident population(常住人口) in Beijing has reached 17 million, not to mention the large floating population and the number is becoming bigger. Do you think the population in Beijing should be controlled? Why or why not? 2009年03月 Should there be two focuses available in Chinese high school (humanity focus and science focus)? Please give specific reason to support your argument. 2009年10月 There are different kinds of students: those who don’t study; those who study hard, but have to; and those who really want to study and do it well. What kind of students are you? Why? 2008年03月 When do you think is the best time for a college candidate to dicide on his major: before going to college or while enrolled in college? Provide your reasons and supporting details. 2008年10月 What has China gained from holding the Olympic Games? Please give specific examples to support your argument. 2007年03月 How would you react to appearance when you are trying to the discrimination against your physical find a job? 2007年10月

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