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最新-高中英语 Unit 17《Laughter》导学案4 北师大版

最新-高中英语 Unit 17《Laughter》导学案4 北师大版
最新-高中英语 Unit 17《Laughter》导学案4 北师大版

Unit17 LAUGHTER导学案Communication Workshop

Tips: All for one,one for all.人人为我,我为人人.

Learning aims(学习目标):

A(层次): Remember the important words in this part.

B:Keep the important words,phrases in mind,and can read the simple passage.

C,D:①Learn some important words,phrases and language points in the part.②Understand how a story is written.

Important and difficult point:Understand the passage thoroughly.


Learning procedures(学习过程):


Read and then learn about some information about the author Jonathan Swift

and his book Gulliver’s Travels(格列佛游记)

The author: Jonathan Swift (November 30,1667 – October 19,1745)was an

Anglo Irish priest,satirist,essayist,political pamphleteer,and poet, who was

born inDublin,Ireland,of an English family which had important connections

but little wealth .

Gulliver’s Travels(格列佛游记): An Englishman called Lemuel Gulliver travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput(利力浦特--小人国), Brobdingnag(布罗卜丁奈格--大人国), and Laputa(勒皮他--飞岛), and the country of the Houyhnhnms(慧马国) in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726).The text is adapted from the first part,to Lilliput. StepⅡRead the passage;match each title with each paragraph.(C级)

Para.A 1. Attack!

Para. B 2. A storm at sea

Para. C 3. A special drink

Para.D 4. Tied down

Para. E 5. Freedom

Para. F 6. Welcome speech

Para. G 7. Food and wine

8. Tiny people

StepⅢRead the passage again.Then complete the story using the linking words below.(七个空已给出答案,填好后请把答案移到课本上)

at first, when, before, after, immediately,at last (C级) 1)__________ 2)Then 3)As soon as 4)__________

5)Suddenly 6)Then 7)________ 8)__________

9)________ 10)After 11)at last 12)Suddenly

StepⅣ用简单的英语把这篇文章复述下来.(D级)(about 50 words)





StepⅤLanguage points.

Para A We set sail on May 4th,1699.

set sail___________

回顾关于set的短语 set off__________ set out_________

set about__________ set up___________

Para D

Having scared the little beings,I began struggling to get loose and managed to break

the strings that tied my left arm and slightly moved the

strings that tied down my hair.



1)Having done:现在分词的完成式主要表示分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前的动

作.Having scared…在本句中做状语,可换成After(介)scaring…

eg.Having finished my homework,I walked to the post office.(同义转换)


点归纳it1 知识Un 一、短语11.make sure that+句子确保 1. live this lifestyle 过这种生活方式 通过远程学习12.by distance learning2. go off (闹钟等)响13.take up sth 占据(时间、空间)忍受,遭受3.suffer from 到…频道14. switch over 4.be filled with充满着to转换 5.graduate from从…中毕业换衣服ed15.get chang …去散步16. take…for a walk 带喜欢做某事6.be fond of doing sth t stand doing7.can'不能忍受做某事…17.as soon as 一.就 吃早餐8. complain about sth抱怨做事18. have breakfast 20.be ready for 为…赢得某人支持9.win support from sb 做好准备变的厌烦10. be free of sth 免于,摆脱20. get bored 二、词性转换设计者designer(vt.)设计(n.)10. design peace1.peaceful (adj.)和平的;(n.)和平 广放松的;2. relaxing (adj.) (n.)登广告; advertisement11.advertise(vt.) relax(vt.)放松告有压力的stressful(n.)3.stress 压力;(adj.) (vt.)4. complain抱怨;病12.sick(adj.)有病的;抱怨complaint(n.) sickness (adj.)人;5. person(n.)personal个人的拥挤的crowded(adj.) 13. crowd(n.)人群; (n.)(n.)reduction 6. reduce减少;减少presentation展现14. present(vt.)展现(adj.)遥远的(n.) organization(vt.)7. organize组织组织15. distance(n.)距离;distant骑自行车(n.)骑自行车(vt.)偏爱preference; (vt.)8.prefer 更喜欢(n.);cycling16. cycle graduation毕业;9. grduate(vt.)毕业(n.) 三、重点句型1. Of course, I couldn't live this lifestyle without a good wife. 当然,没有一个好妻子我不可能按这种生活方式生活。 2. As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed. 我一听到闹钟响,就马上跳下床。 3. It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash, get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus. 在不到15分钟的时间里,我洗漱更衣,吃早餐,出门,然后坐上公交车。 4. I am always the first person to get to the office. 我总是第一个到达办公室的人。 5.But I try to work hard so that I can make more money for them. 但我得拼命工作,好为他们赚更多的钱。 6. That's what people call the underground in London. 那就是伦敦人称为地铁的 东西。 7. Usually, it't find anywhere to sit. 's so crowded that I can


Lesson 1 What’s so funny? Unit 17 Laughter I.New words and phrases(单词与词汇). 1.____ vt.提取,收回9.____n.国界,边境 2.____ adj.成熟的10._____adj.不可置信的,极其惊人的 3.____ vt.忽视11.____ n.代理人,经销商 4.____ vt.澄清,讲清楚12.______adj.和谐的 5.____ n,延误,延期13.________ n.身份 6.____vi.排队14.____ adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的 7.____n.惊险小说或电影15._____ adv.迅速地 8._______ n.锦标赛,联赛16.burst ___ laughing 突然笑起来 17.____ a cheque 兑现支票18._____ delay 毫不拖延 19.____ one’s opinion 忽视某人的观点20.wait __ line 排队等候 21.yell __ sb. 对某人大声叫喊22.push one’s ___挤进去,挤着前进 23.be in harmony ___ 与…协调一致24.deal ___ 对付,处理 II.Fast-reading(快速阅读回答问题) 1.Why did the woman write a cheque for fifty dollars? A.She forgot how to spell 40 in English. B.She often withdraws $50 from the bank. C.Her husband wanted to cash a cheque for her. D.Her husband couldn’t remember if 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”. 2.What happened at last in anecdoteA? A.Her husband took out $50. B.Her husband made a joke with her. C.She withdrew fifty dollars instead. D.She had to go home to get some help. 3.Why did Mr Wang ask his daughter about her opinions of going on a holiday? A.He wanted to get his daughter to go with him,not his wife. B.He thought that his daughter was a mature girl,and wanted to hear her own opinion. C.He had gone to Hainan Island. D.He had gone to Thailand. 4.Why did the man say“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM”? A.He wanted to persuade the counter to give him the money. B.He wanted to get the counter to realize that he was a very important person,and she could take care of him first. C.The man came here first. D.The man was not the first to come. III.Match the titles,the pictures(1-3)and the anecdotes(A-C)(连线找出正确的小标题) 1. Memory loss 2.Check your spelling 3.Family harmony IV.Important phrases and how to use(重要短语及用法). 1.I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank account… Withdraw vt.___________(汉语意思)

北师大版高中英语必修一UNIT 1 Lifestyles

高中英语学习材料(灿若寒星*制作整理) UNIT 1 Lifestyles Ⅰ学习目标 单词Warm -up boring, relaxing, stressful, peaceful, active, interesting, dangerous, exciting Lesson 1 sports programmes, TV series, cartoons, game shows Lesson 2 stress, studio, expert, pressure, social, reduce, organise, prefer, stand Lesson 3 support, solve, design, volunteer, challenge, advertisement, presentation Lesson 4 accountant, crowded, career, otherwise, nearby Communication Workshop classical, formal, style, cycle 短语Warm-up once a week, in one's free time Lesson 1 switch on/off/over, go off, take up, be filled with, complain about Lesson 2 suffer from Lesson 3 graduate from, be excited about, make a decision, be prepared for, meet challenges, to tell the truth, have a long talk, win one's support, be proud of, solve problems Lesson 4 distance learning, music fan, weather forecast Communication Workshop at the moment, over the years 句型I think... but... I find... very... I prefer/like/enjoy... because... I can't stand... 交际用语All the best. Can you give me...?How about...? Why don't you...? 语法一般现在时和现在进行时 一般将来时will,be going to及一般现在时表示将来 Ⅱ质量检测


必修一 Learning to learn Questionnaire 问卷,调查表 Matter 要紧,有重大关系 Partner 合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up Lifestyle 生活方式 *shepherd 牧羊人 Peaceful 平静的,和平的 Relaxing 轻松的,放松的 Stressful 充满压力的,紧张的 Suppose 认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series 系列节目;系列 TV series 电视连续剧 Cartoon 卡通片,动画片 Talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain 抱怨;投诉 *couch 长沙发,睡椅 Couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 Switch 转换,转变 Switch on 把开关打开,接通 Switch over 转换频道,转变 Switch off 把关掉,关上 BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation 英语广播公司 Portable 轻便的,手提(式)的 Remote 遥远的 Remote control 遥控 *workaholic 工作狂 Paperwork 日常文书工作 Alarm 警报,警告器 Alarm clock 闹钟 Go off (铃,爆竹等)响 Take up 占据 Be filled with 充满着 Urgent 急迫的,紧急的 Document 公文,文件 Midnight 午夜,半夜 Bored 厌烦的,不感兴趣的 Lesson 2 Stress 压力 Studio 演播室,工作室Expert 专家 Suffer 遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from 忍受,遭受Pressure 压力 Social 社交的,社会的 Reduce 减少,降低 Organize 组织 Diet 饮食,节食 Prefer 更喜欢,宁愿 Stand 忍耐,忍受 Lesson 3 Volunteer 志愿者 Graduate 毕业 Minus 零下,负 Basin 脸盆 Challenge 挑战 Support 支持,支撑 Dial 拨(电话号码) Design 设计 Advertisement 广告Presentation 表演,展示 *slove 解决,解答 Lesson 4 Accountant 会计,会计师Tube (英)地铁 Crowded 拥挤的 Nearby 附近的 在附近 Otherwise 否则,另外Forecast 预报,预测 Crowed 人群,一伙人 Lung 肺 Sickness 疾病 Distance 距离 Distance learning 远程学习Cigar 雪茄烟 Communication Workshop At the moment 此刻,目前Over the years 数年间 *survey 调查 Classical 古典的 Mini-skirt迷你裙,超短裙Formal 正式的,合礼仪的Cycle 骑自行车


高二英语导学案 班级:_________ 姓名:_________ Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (词汇导学案) 一、学习目标 1.掌握本单元51个课标单词及7个课标短语,达到听说读写的基本要求。 2.能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 二、学习重点 能够熟练掌握并正确运用词汇表中黑体的12个重点单词及7个重点短语。 三、学习难点 学会自我分类,根据词性归纳整理本单元的重点单词,并利用词汇的派生扩展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 四、学习过程 【自主预习】 1.词汇先根据读音规则试读,再听录音纠正发音、大声朗读,然后通过音形义相结合的方式记忆本单元单词。你记住了吗?写一写,试试吧! 名词(n.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______形容词(adj.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 动词(v.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2.短语合上课本,试着写出以下几个短语的中文意思。 1)test out______________________ 2) ring up_____________________ 3) leave…alone___________________ 4) set aside____________________ 5) be bound to____________________ 6) turn around_________________ 7) in all__________________________ 【小组合作】 1.词形变化判断下列后缀的词性,并根据要求为所给单词选择相应的后缀并给出相应的词类转换形式。你可以吗?试试看吧! -ion/ation_______; -ing_______; -ed_______; -er_______; -ce_______; -ment_______; -cal_______. 1)satisfy→____________(n.) 满意,令人满意的事物→____________(adj.)令人 满意的→____________(adj.)满足的,(感到)满意的 2)alarm→___________(adj.)担心的 3)elegant→____________(n.)优雅,高雅 4)declare→__________(n.)宣言,声明 5)count→_________(n.)柜台,计数器 6)state→__________(n.)陈述 7)talent→_________(adj.)天才的,有才能的 8)imagine→__________(n.)想象力 9)theory→__________(adj.)理论上的 10)divorce→_________(adj.)离婚的 11)assess→_________(n.)评价,评定 12)affect→________(n.)喜爱,感情 13)think→_________(n.)思考,思想14)transfuse→_________(n.)输血 15)bed→_________(n.)寝具,铺盖 2.复合词合上课本,根据汉语意思试着拼写出下列复合词,试一试吧! 1)超重的________ 2)手指甲________ 3)理发________ 4)项链________ 5)扶手椅________ 6)邮筒_________ 7)框架________ 8)兼职的_______ 9)化妆品________ 10)生物化学________


北师大版英语模块一unit 1单元测试题2 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分60分) 第一节单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.How beautiful you are today ! I like ______ design of your shoes. They are ______ match for your dress. A. a, the B. a, a C. the, a D. the, the 2. After he retired from office, Rogers ______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest. A. took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up 3. The evening party was well _____ and everyone had a good time in it. A. organised B. set up C. put on D. managed 4. The little boy entered the classroom without ______. A. noticing B. noticed C. being noticed D. notice 5. The message is very important, so it is supposed _______ as soon as possible. A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending 6. The visiting professor ____ to students _____ to meeting at time. A. preferred giving lectures; to being invited B. preferred to give lectures; to be invited C. preferred to giving lectures; rather than being invited D. preferred giving lectures; to be invited 7. A woman, with her daughter, both looking very friendly, _______ the policeman for help. A. is asked B. are asked C. is asking D. are asking 8.It was ____ cold that they had to put on more clothes. A. such a B. such C. so D. so a 9. ---Have you read the timetable ? ---Yes . The train ____ at 10:12 p.m.. A. will start B. is going to start C. should start D. starts 10. Now more and more workers ______their free time trying to improve themselves at school or college. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay 11. ---Did you sleep well last night?


必修一Learning to learn Questionnaire问卷,调查表 Matter要紧,有重大关系 Partner合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up Lifestyle生活方式 *shepherdxx Peaceful平静的,和平的 Relaxing轻松的,放松的 Stressful充满压力的,紧张的Suppose认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series系列节目;系列 TV series电视连续剧 Cartoon卡通片,动画片 Talk show谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain抱怨;投诉 *couchxx发,睡椅 Couch potato终日懒散在家的人

Switch转换,转变 Switch on把开关打开,接通Switch over转换频道,转变Switch off把关掉,关上 BBC=BritishBroadcastingCorporation 英语广播公司 Portable轻便的,手提(式)的Remote遥远的 Remote control遥控 *workaholic工作狂 Paperwork日常文书工作 Alarm警报,警告器 Alarm clock闹钟 Go off(xx,爆竹等)响 Take up占据 Be filled with充满着 Urgent急迫的,紧急的Document公文,文件 Midnight午夜,半夜 Bored厌烦的,不感兴趣的Lesson 2

Stress压力 Studio演播室,工作室Expert专家Suffer遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from忍受,遭受 Pressure压力 Social社交的,社会的 Reduce减少,降低 Organize组织 Diet饮食,节食 Prefer更喜欢,宁愿 Stand忍耐,忍受 Lesson 3 Volunteer志愿者 Graduate毕业 Minus零下,负 Basin脸盆 Challenge挑战 Support支持,支撑 Dial拨(电话号码) Design设计 Advertisement广告


Period 1 Grammar (relative pronouns of attributive clause sⅠ) 【学习目标】 1.To know some basic definitions, such as attributive clauses (定语从句), antecedent (先行词), relative pronouns(关系词). 2.To learn how to choose a relative pronoun — that,which,who,whom,whose,as. 【学习重点与难点】 Important point: To grasp the way of selecting a relative pronoun. Difficult point: To identify the sentence parts (subject or object) that relative pronouns function as in attributive clauses. 【使用说明与学法指导】 1、带着预习案中问题导学中的问题自主设计预习提纲,对概念进行梳理,作好必要的标注和 笔记。 2、认真完成基础知识梳理,在“我的疑惑”处填上自己不懂的知识点,在“我的收获”处填写自 己对本课自主学习的知识及方法收获。 3、熟记relative pronouns of attributive clauses基础知识梳理中的重点知识。 预习案 一、问题导学 观察句子。 1.The boys are from Class One. They are playing basketball. → The boys who are playing basketball are from Class One. 2.The student is Wang Kun. The teacher has praised him. → The student whom the teacher has praised is Wang Kun. 3.The factory is over there. It produces cars. → The factory which produces cars is over there. 4.Football is a game. Most boys like football. → Fo otball is a game which most boys like. 二、知识梳理 1. 定语从句:一个句子作_______,修饰主句中的某一名词或代词。 2. 主句中被修饰的名词或代词叫_________。引导定语从句的词叫做_______。 3.关系词的三个作用:指代_________;位于定语从句句首,引导整个____________; 关系词在定语从句中________(作/不作)成分。 三、预习自测 请找出下列句子中的先行词和关系词。 1.The boy who is wearing a black jacket is my friend. 2.That’s the girl whom I teach. 3.The cake that my mother made is for my birthday. 4.He lent me the book which you talked about yesterday. 5.They all enjoyed the story that I told. 6.The man who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing. 7.There is an old man who wants to see you. 8.The problem that we are facing now is how to collect so much money. 9.These are the trees which I planted last year.


北师大版高中英语单词表 北师大版高中英语模块一单词表(English)Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Unit1 Learning to learn questionnaire 问卷,调查表;matter要紧,有重大关系;partner搭挡,合作者; Warm-up lifestyle生活方式;shepherd牧羊人; peaceful和平的;平静的;relaxing轻松的,放松的;stressful轻松的,放松的;suppose认为,猜想 ----------------------- Lesson 1 series连续;系列,丛书TV series电视连续剧cartoon卡通片,动画片talk show谈话节目,现场访谈complain抱怨,投诉couch睡椅,长沙发 couch potato终日懒散在家的人switch转换,转变 switch on把开关打开,接通switch off把关掉,关上switch over转换频道,转变play戏剧,短剧 BBC英国广播公司portable轻便的,手提(式)的remote遥远的remote control workaholic工作第一的人,专心工作的人 paperwork日常文书工作alarm警报,警告器 alarm clock闹钟(爆竹,铃等)响 go off

take up占据be filled with充满着urgent急迫的,紧急的personal私人的,个人的document公文,文件midnight午夜,半夜 bored厌烦的,不感兴趣的 ----------------------- Lesson 2 stress压力studio工作室,演播室expert专家suffer感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) suffer from 忍受, 遭受pressure压力 social爱交际的;社交的reduce减少降低organize组织diet饮食,节食 stand忍耐,忍受prefer更喜欢,宁愿 ----------------------- Lesson 3 volunteer志愿者graduate毕业 minus负,零下basin水盆,脸盆challenge挑战support&支持;支撑 dial拨(电话号码) design&设计advertisement广告presentation表演,展示solve解答,解决 ----------------------- Lesson 4 accountant会计,会计师tube(英)地铁crowded拥挤的nearby附近的;在附近


北师大版高中英语知识概要与语法总结 必修一 1.共有三个单元 2.各单元知识点 第一单元:一般现在时,现在进行时,be going to 第二单元:一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时 第三单元:被动语态,情态动词 3.全书单词数量为:204个 词组数量为:44 北师大版高一英语必修一第1单元 一.重点句法词法。 Lesson 1 1.疑问句+do you think+述句结构。该句式常用来询问对方对某事的意见或想法。Do you think 在句中作插入语。除了think以外,动词believe, imagine, suppose, guess, suggest等也常用于该句式。 Who do you think will give us a talk next week? 你觉得下星期谁给我们做报告? What do yor think he will do tomorrow? 你认为他明天会做什么? 2.I think…but…常用来表达先是肯定然后转折。

I thought he should come by air, but he preferred to drive is new car. 我以为他会坐飞机来,但他更愿意驾驶他的新车。 3.relaxing. Relaxing 是由及物动词relax+ing构成的形容词,意思是“轻松的,令人放松的”。Boring和relaxing的构词法相同,意思是“令人厌烦的,单调乏味的”。 Relaxed“放松的”和bored“无聊的”常用来修饰人;而relaxing和boring均表示“令人……”,常修饰物。 Mary felt relaxed to make a relaxing conversation with a good friend, while Peter got bored with a lot of boring homework to do.和一个好朋友的轻松交谈让玛丽感到很放松,而要做很多无聊的作业使彼得感到很厌烦。 The teacher said something relaxing to get him relaxed, so Peter decided to do something satisfying to make the tacher satisfied.老师对他说了一些让人放松的事情使他放松,于是彼得决定做点儿令人满意的事情让老师满意。 4.suppose(认为,猜想)的用法。 (1)suppose+that从句,表示“猜测,假定”。 I suppose that you are right.. 我想你是对的。 (2)supose+名词/代词+to be…表示“认为……是……” Many people suppose him to be over 50.许多人认为他已经50多岁了。(3)suppose/supposing作“假定,设想”讲,相当于连词if. Suppose you are wrong,what will you do then? 假如你错了,你将会怎样做

高二英语导学案unit2book7词汇篇 (1)

高二英语导学案Unit 2 Book 7 词汇篇 学习目标:认识本单元的单词和短语,并能够顺利读懂本单元的2篇课文和warming-up 的内容。 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英并能记住几个典型例句。 第一课时 1. household adj. n. 2. fiction n. 3. desire n. 4. satisfaction n.; 5. test out 6. bonus n. 7. alarm vt. 8. alarmed adj. 9. apron n. 10. sympathy n. 11. overweight adj. 12. elegant adj. 13. favour n. 14. pile n. 15. scan vt. 16. fingernail n. 17.We are not in favour of testing out the new medicine on human beings. 18.I had a strong desire to help and care for people. 19.We expressed our sympathy for her loss. 20.On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene. 第二课时 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学 习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英 并能记住几个典型例句。 1.haircut n. 2.makeup n. 3.accompany vt. 4.cushion n. 5.bedding n. 6.necklace n. 7.clerk n. 8.counter n. 9.ring up 10.turn around 11.awful adj. 12.affair n. 13.armchair n. 14.declare vt. 15.cuisine n. 16.envy vt. 17.I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather. green with envy : 十分妒忌 18.I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair. 19.Your income must be declared on this form. 必须在这张表格上申报你的收入。 21.He'll remain to accompany you. 他将留下来陪你。 22.I'll accompany you home. 我陪你回家。 第三课时 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学 习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英 并能记住几个典型例句。 1. leave…alone 2. digital adj. 3. mailbox n. 4. aside adv. 5. set aside 6. grand adj. 7. alphabetical adj. 8. receiver n. 9. in all 10. affection n. 11. bound adj. 12. be bound to do 13. biography n. 14. holy adj. 15. imagination n. 16. transfusion n. 17. part-time adj. 18.Let's set aside an hour a day for review purpose. 我们每天留出一小时用于复习吧! 19.Things were bound to improve. 事情必定是会好转的。 19.The ship was bound for Italy. 这艘船驶向意大利。 20.Students of arts study six subjects in all. 21.Go away and leave me alone.走开, 不要管我。 第四课时 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学 习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英 并能记住几个典型例句。 1. master’s degree 2. staff n. 3. Philadelphia n. 4. navy n. 5. junior adj. 6. PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 7. biochemistry n. 8. talent n. 9. chapter n. 10. empire n. 11. theoretical adj. 12. framework n. 13. thinking n. 14. divorce n. 15. obey vt. & vi. 16. disobey v. 17. assessment n. 18.The outpatient program has a staff of six people...门诊部有6 名工作人员。 19.Most of the staff were supportive. 职 员大多数表示支持。 20.She is my junior by three years. 她比 我小三岁。 21.Tom is junior to me in the company. 在公司里汤姆比我地位低。 22.Her husband divorced her last year.

北师大版高中英语课文unitstories (1)

Unit 16 Stories Warm-up Tapescript 1 It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight, just as we thought we were lost, we saw a light behind some trees. As we got nearer, we could see a house. It looked abandoned. We knocked on the heavy door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed entirely in black stood there. “Good evening,” he said in a slow, deep voice. “I've been expecting you.” 2 We were travelling through deep space at the speed of light. Suddenly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view – a bright star with twenty or more planets. One of these would be our new home, five light years from our own planet. 3 One of my earliest memories is of my father running along the beach with our dog, Tess. I must have been about three years old. I remember the dog jumping up on me and knocking me over into the water. 4 The man lay on the ground next to a white truck. There was no doubt. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket – some money, a handkerchief and a theatre ticket with a Chicago phone number written on it. Three murders in three weeks and the victims all killed in the same way.


Lesson 1 安格斯*伊德莱采访前百万富翁查尔斯雷时。查尔斯说:‘谁想当百万符文呢?我不想很多人一心想成为百万富翁。他们花一半的时间追求致富的方法。另一半的时间则在琢磨一旦富裕起来要做些什么。但是,是否所有的百万富翁真正得到了他们要实现的目标前所想的幸福呢、其实,有些人成为百万富翁后还有其他的烦恼———他们拼命的到的财富,怎样拼命以确保不在失去这些财富。 但是也有人把自己的百万资产置于一边,选择不同的人生的路,查二斯就是这样的一个人。 16年前,查尔斯是大学教授,住着一有六个卧室的房子,有着百万的资产,而现在住的则是小宿舍的房间,家具都是二手的,没有任何的迹象表明查尔斯是个富人没房间外有个小花园,花园里种着几个果树,查尔斯自己种植蔬菜和花,衣服和家具的用品都是从慈善点买的。 但是查尔斯喜欢折中改变。查尔斯对这样的富人的生活方式感到高兴。他不在想做在许多人一无所有的情况下自己拥有一切的那种人,他选择了了把自己的钱财送给别人,他说这样会给他带来快乐。 查尔斯说:几年前,我曾经是个百万富翁,但是我意识到世界上还有许多的忍受疾饿的穷人。因此他把所有的钱财捐给了慈善机构,当只剩下两千美元的时候,他将小额的纸币散发给当地的贫困街区的穷人,难道他真的举得自己像圣诞老人吗?查尔斯说这么做具有乐趣。 查尔斯相信很多人盼望着挣一大笔钱解除烦恼,然而,大多数的人根本没有挣多那么多的钱,查尔斯*格雷决定退出富人网,他发现拥有少量的钱会给人自由,难道真的没有什么让他依旧怀念的吗?查尔斯答道:没有,我现在更快乐了。什么也不可能在回到富人的行列——决不可能。 Lesson 3 五元钱能做什么?或许你觉得做不了什么,你如果对买包糖果或甜点不感兴趣的话,买课树怎样?确切的说,一棵树在黄河岸迹的树。 每年,大约有16亿吨泥土流入黄河——这条中国国第二大河流,这些泥土中含有保持该大自然平衡的物质,经年累月,大量的泥土被冲走,导致黄河两岸严重的水土流失,在山西省有些地区,折中水土流失几乎会掉了所有的土地,还迫使当地的农民迁移到其他地区去控制黄河水土流失是一项巨大的工程,很多人认为这项工作最好靠政府或是国际组织承担,你或许会赞同这样的观点,若真这样想的话,现在到了你重新考虑的时候了。 事实上,你才是阻止黄河水土流失最重要的人物,你知道你的五元钱的重要性吗?首先,你可以用五元钱买一棵树,而这棵树可以使泥土不流失,在肥沃的土地上,当地农民可以种庄稼陌生,农民会用他们种的庄稼赚到钱购买所需物品或服务,这有助于发展地区经济。 还是你不理解你得五元钱有如此大的作用吧?那么,看看下面的事实吧:自1997年期,一项植树计划已使内蒙古就成沙流变成了绿色家园,世界各地的人前来这里观赏这一伟大的成就,另外,这项规划的成功大大的改变了当地人民的生活,试想一下,这一切就是始于五元钱。 所以,下次当你的口袋里有五元钱时,仔细想想该怎么花,情记住,你可以用它买树,为了我们的祖国人民一及你自己创造绿色的未来。 所以,下次当你口袋里再有五元钱时,仔细想想该怎么花。请记住,你可以用它买树,为了我们的祖国,为人民以及你自己创造绿色的未来 Lesson 4 无线耳机

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