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The biggest feature of Chinese Spring Festival: the world's largest event lies in its close observation of Chinese Spring Festival. The program adopts the way of "live broadcast". After the recording of the day is completed, the broadcast content is edited and polished, and the broadcast is delayed for a few days. Due to the short time interval between shooting and broadcasting, the audience can get the vivid feeling of watching the live broadcast, which almost makes the British audience and the Chinese audience spend the Spring Festival of the monkey year at the same time.

After the broadcast of the documentary, it aroused the resonance of overseas Chinese and foreign audiences. British netizens left a message saying: "I plan to travel to China in the Spring Festival next year and have a personal experience", and said that "I can't wait to go to China to play.". Chinese students studying in Britain also watched the program and left a message: "I have not been home for the Spring Festival for several years. Watching this program makes me more homesick. Finally, I can feel a little bit of the flavor of the new year in Britain."

Stephanie Fremaux, Ph.D. professor of media theory at Birmingham City University, said she enjoyed watching this series of programs focusing on Chinese Spring Festival, believing that it shared different cultures of different countries and made them understand different cultures. "This is also becoming more and more important. The deeper we understand the world, the more we can transfer and exchange knowledge at a high level."

Yang Jiantan, the film's producer, said that in the current era of globalization, interpreting the "China story" is not only the expectation of China, but also the expectation of the whole world. "When China has long been an existence that cannot be ignored, the world is more eager to understand a more real China."

Based on the experience of Western hosts in China, the author observes from the perspective of "a third party" at the intersection of eastern and Western cultures. "This documentary reinterprets the Chinese Spring Festival from a Western perspective. It does not look down on or look up to it. It not only finds the cultural

charm of the Spring Festival, but also expresses the contemporary spirit that the Spring Festival places on the Chinese people." He said.

It is reported that "Chinese Spring Festival: the world's largest event" is jointly produced by Wuzhou communication center and lion TV of the UK, and has been launched on major video websites in China.


Chinese New Year , the biggest celebration of the

opportunity of reuniting , lasts for fifteen days and starts

on different date in January and February , and the date

depends on the lunar calendar . In my memory , the Spring

Festival is the sign of the so called Spring Migration and

the reunification with family members . As we can see from

the first episode of the total film , Chinese people travel

a long journey to satisfy their wish through the whole year :

staying with their old parents , taking care of their children

and sending gifts they bought from other cities... I think

it is a great chance for people who worked for a whole year

to have a good rest and feel the strong feeling expressed by

the hometown people around them.

And one screen impressed me most , some people worked

in Guang Dong , they didn't have enough money to travel

by planes or trains , they could only use motorcycles. Taking

their pieces of luggage , and let the wives seat behind the

husbands , they went forward with great strength and vigour .

They travelled against the strong wind and heavy rain , and also travelled against the extremely cold just for their

wish of staying with their family during this short time.

And this year was the first time I had taken a train to

another city with my parents to meet my grandparents and my

uncle in Cheng Du . And this was the first time I had noticed

some small people like dust in their work place during this special period . On the train to Cheng Du , there contained

a large number of people who worked on the train , they sent message of the next station , some of them clean the train over and over again just because they wanted to build a clean place for all the passengers . As the movie said at the beginning , Chinese people are the specialists in food , the passengers ate a lot during their journey so the cleaners had to collect the rubbish and pack them up in plastic bags . They were unimpressive , but they were conscientious.

At last , I have to say , in some foreigners' eyes ,

the Chinese New Year is special and traditional , for our Chinese people , we need to respect the festival and let the tradition last forever.


Chinese New Year , the biggest celebration of the opportunity

of reuniting

, lasts for fifteen

days and starts

on different date in January and February , and the date depends on the lunar calendar . In my memory , the Spring Festival is the sign of the so called Spring Migration and

the reunification with family members . As we can see from the first episode of the total film , Chinese people travel

a long journey to satisfy


wish through the whole year :

staying with their old parents , taking care of their children and sending gifts they bought from other cities... I think

it is a great chance for people who worked for a whole year

to have a good rest and feel the strong feeling expressed by the hometown people around them.

And one screen impressed me most , some people worked

in Guang Dong , they didn't have enough money to travel

by planes or trains

, they could only use motorcycles.


their pieces of luggage , and let the wives seat behind the husbands , they went forward with great strength and vigour . They travelled against the strong wind and heavy rain , and hey also travelled

against the extremely cold just for their

wish of staying with their family during this short time.

And this year was the first time I had taken a train to another city with my parents to meet my grandparents and my uncle in Cheng Du . And this was the first

time I had noticed

some small people like dust in their work place during this special period . On the train to Cheng Du , there contained

a large number of people who worked on the train , they sent message of the next station , some of them clean the train over and over again just because they wanted to build a clean place for all the passengers . As the movie said at the beginning , Chinese people are the specialists

in food , the

passengers ate a lot during their

journey so the cleaners had

to collect

the rubbish and pack them up in plastic

bags . They

were unimpressive , but they were conscientious.

At last , I have to say , in some foreigners'

eyes ,

the Chinese New Year is special and traditional , for our

Chinese people , we need to respect the festival and let the

tradition last forever.


Chinese New Year , the biggest celebration of the opportunity of reuniting , lasts for fifteen days and starts on different date in January and February , and the date depends on the lunar calendar . In my memory , the Spring Festival is the sign of the so called Spring Migration and the reunification with family members . As we can see from the first episode of the total film , Chinese people travel a long journey to satisfy their wish through the whole year : staying with their old parents , taking care of their children and sending gifts they bought from other cities... I think it is a great chance for people who worked for a whole year to have a good rest and feel the strong feeling expressed by the hometown people around them.

And one screen impressed me most , some people worked in Guang Dong , they didn't have enough money to travel by planes or trains , they could only use motorcycles. Taking their pieces of luggage , and let the wives seat behind the husbands , they went forward with great strength and vigour . They travelled against the strong wind and heavy rain , and they also travelled against the extremely cold just for their wish of staying with their family during this short time.

And this year was the first time I had taken a train to another city with my parents to meet my grandparents and my uncle in Cheng Du . And this was the first time I had noticed some small people like dust in their work place during this special period . On the train to Cheng Du , there contained a large number of people who worked on the train , they sent message of the next station , some of them clean the train over and over again just because they wanted to build a clean place for all the passengers . As the movie said at the beginning , Chinese people are the specialists in

food , the passengers ate a lot during their journey so the cleaners had to collect the rubbish and pack them up in plastic bags . They were unimpressive , but they were conscientious.

At last , I have to say , in some foreigners' eyes , the Chinese New Year is special and traditional , for our Chinese people , we need to respect the festival and let the tradition last forever.


BBC's documentary is world-famous because of its excellent production and film level lens. The same is true in this documentary about the Chinese New Year.

The lens of the first episode is the most beautiful. Whether it's the Spring Festival, Harbin, or Beijing in the morning, the same scene is particularly beautiful in the BBC's lens. Take Beijing's big underpants as an example. I don't know how many times I've seen this building in all kinds of cameras. I've been to Beijing not long ago.

I feel very general about the city style buildings in Beijing. But in the BBC lens, Beijing shows a totally different temperament, more atmospheric, more modern. The most beautiful is to hit the tree flower, after seeing, only then knew, what is the real fire tree silver flower. The camera, unintentionally, is the main reason that attracts me to watch the BBC Documentary.

The second episode is much more interesting, mainly focusing on food. I really laughed to see two crooked nuts with fungus and white gourd. This time, the BBC also introduced the chicken feet with pickled peppers and spicy strips. I don't know what kind of mood the two hosts were when they tasted it. There is also a section of mixed liquor drinking. Are you afraid to drink it? Hahaha! The auction of flower market introduced here opened my eyes. I didn't know about it before. Oh, by the way, there's the God level Spring Festival Gala. Generally speaking, it is relatively objective. Some important new year's phenomena have been mentioned.

I have to admit that I haven't finished watching the third episode. It takes up a very large proportion of Hong Kong. There is nothing refreshing about the content. It's a son. I wanted to give five stars, but now I can only give four stars.

Generally speaking, the first episode is very beautiful, the second episode is very interesting, the overall rhythm is very good, rhythm is the most important for documentary. The only thing that makes me a little tired is the overall narrative logic. It seems to be very logical, from north to south, but in fact, it is very messy in narration. Neither place nor time is used as logical line. All kinds of jumping without signs make people a little messy. Maybe this is the director's style?


羀中国节日介绍英文版中国节日介绍英文版 羈一、农历节日 农历正月初一春节 (the Spring Festival) 螃 农历正月十五元宵节 (Lantern Festival) 莁 农历五月初五端午节 (the Dragon-Boat Festival) 肀 农历七月初七乞巧节 (中国情人节) (Double-Seventh Day)荿 农历八月十五中秋节 (the Mid-Autumn Festival) 蒅 农历九月初九重阳节 (the Double Ninth Festival) 莄 农历腊月初八腊八节 (the laba Rice Porridge Festival) 膀 蒆二、阳历节日 膆1 月 1 日元旦( New Year's Day)

膃2 月 2 日世界湿地日 (World Wetlands Day) 芀2 月 14 日情人节 (Valentine's Day) 3 月 3 日全国爱耳日 袆 蚄3 月 5 日青年志愿者服务日 羁3 月 8 日国际妇女节 (International Women' Day) 莀3 月 9 日保护母亲河日 芇3 月 12 日中国植树节 (China Arbor Day) 莆3 月 14 日白色情人节 (White Day) 蚀3 月 14 日国际警察日 (International Policemen' Day) 蒀3 月 15 日世界消费者权益日 (World Consumer Right Day)蚈 3 月 21 日世界森林日(World Forest Day)

袄3 月 21 日世界睡眠日 (World Sleep Day) 螃3 月 22 日世界水日 (World Water Day) 蕿3 月 23 日世界气象日 (World Meteorological Day) 袅3 月 24 日世界防治结核病日 (World Tuberculosis Day) 薆4 月 1 日愚人节 (April Fools' Day) 蒂4 月 5 日清明节( Tomb-sweeping Day) 蕿4 月 7 日世界卫生日 (World Health Day) 芆4 月 22 日世界地球日 (World Earth Day) 羄4 月 26 日世界知识产权日 (World Intellectual Property Day)芁5 月 1 日国际劳动节 (International Labour Day) 虿 5 月 3 日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)


5部BBC 史诗级纪录片,不可不看! 从小伴随你长大的节目有哪些呢?《人与自然》?《动 物世界》?每次母上大人不让看电视的时候,我们就可以理直气壮地说:“我们在学习知识!”这话绝对没!毛!病!我 们确实在学知识。自从生命中有了小U,我们升级成了在英 语中学知识!今天小U 为大家准备了 5 部BBC 史诗级纪录片!涨姿势又学英语,U粉儿们接着读下去吧?《人类星球》 Human Planet Human Planet is an 8-part British television documentary series. 《人类星球》是一部英国电视纪录片系列,分为8 个部分。It describes the human species and its relationship with the natural world by showing the remarkable ways humans have adapted to life in every environment on Earth. 它描述了人类物种及其与自然世界的 关系,展示了人类在地球的各种环境中,适应生活的非凡方 式。豆瓣评分9.8 部极其特别的自然纪录片,说是讲地球,其实是在从社会学的角度讲人类;但说是讲人类的纪录片,它又是以自然生态地理环境等要素为载体来讲述。视点新颖,内容丰富,把自然和人文结合得天衣无缝。 IMDb 评分9.8 Like all life forms, humanity partially adapts to types of

natural environment, yet also tends to change them. 像所有 的生命形式一样,人类部分地适应不同类型的自然环境,但也倾向 于改变它们。Each episode examines how life differs for men and nature in some type of environment, from Arctic to desert and jungle, from coasts to mountains. 每一集都考察了在不同类型的环境中,从北极到沙漠到丛林、从海 岸到山脉,人们的生活是如何的不同。《人类星球》 生命》Life Life is a British nature documentary series created and produced by the BBC in association with The Open University. 《生命》是由英国广播公司与开放大学联合 创作和制作的英国自然纪录片系列。The series takes a global view of the specialized strategies and extreme behavior that living things have developed in order to survive; what Charles Darwin termed 'the struggle for existence'. 该系列以一种全球性的观点来看待那些为了生存而发展的特殊策略和极端行 为。查尔斯?达尔文称之为“为生存而斗争”。豆瓣评分9.7 人类看完足以无地自容的片子,哪怕只是地穴里一只微不足道的小 虫子,每天也在上演生存的史诗。为了吃饭,为了繁衍,为了活下去,无数精彩甚至悲壮的生物行为,在这个生生不息的地球上无限 地演绎下去,地球也因此而不朽。 IMDb 评分9.1 David Attenborough's legendary BBC crew explains and shows wildlife all over pl anet earth in 10 epi sodes. 大卫?爱登堡的传奇BBC 制作团队,在10 集的时间内解释和说明了全世界的野生动物。The first is an overview of the challenges facing life, the others are dedicated to hunting, the deep sea and various major evolutionary groups of creatures: plants, primates and other large sections of other vertebrates and invertebrates. 此片首先是概述了生活面临的挑战,其它则致力于 狩猎,深海和各种主要进化群体的生物:植物,灵长类动物和大量 其他的脊椎动物和无脊椎动物。《生命》


中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重


中国新年bbc观后感英文版 《中国春节》是英国广播公司(BBC)2015年12月拍摄的三集纪录片,用镜头聚焦“亿万中国人同时迁徙的壮观。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的中国新年bbc观后感英文版,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 中国新年bbc观后感英文版1 The biggest feature of Chinese Spring Festival: the world’s largest event lies in its close observation of Chinese Spring Festival. The program adopts the way of “live broadcast”. After the recording of the day is completed, the broadcast content is edited and polished, and the broadcast is delayed for a few days. Due to the short time interval between shooting and broadcasting, the audience can get the vivid feeling of watching the live broadcast, which almost makes the British audience and the Chinese audience spend the Spring Festival of the monkey year at the same time. After the broadcast of the documentary, it aroused the


2016 is the Year of the Monkey and Kate goes in search of the extremely rare Snub-Nosed Monkeys of Yunnan. She goes on a 'poo hunt', looking for monkey faeces to test for their health. Jing experiences the spectacular showers of sparks from ancient fireworks made from liquid metal by Mr. Xue, the last practitioner of this dying craft - his only protection is a sheepskin coat and straw hat. Ant finds out how an entire ice city is made from just frozen river water, sculpted to make full-sized buildings that are illuminated beautifully at night. 2016年是猴年,凯特来到云南寻找稀少的狮鼻猴。她进行了一场“便便搜索之旅”,寻找到猴子的排泄物并检验他们是否健康。Jing观看了一场由薛先生用液态金属制作的绚烂烟火,这样的做法非常古老。薛先生是这一即将失传技艺的最后传人,期间他仅有的保护措施就是一件羊皮外套和一顶草帽。安特则探索了整个冰城是如何从整条冰冻的河建造而来,在灯光的照射下,整座冰城在夜间熠熠生辉。Meanwhile, the Hairy Bikers, Dave and Si, join the largest motorbike flotilla on earth, as thousands of migrant workers in Guangzhou province head for home as New Year approaches. It’s an extraordinary scene as workers from the city go back to their home villages, often for the only time in a year. The Bikers join the volunteers helping the motorcyclists as they head carefully back home on bikes loaded high with people and presents. 同时,毛毛骑手戴维和Si加入了地球上最大规模的摩托迁徙大队,春节将近之时,成千上万的民工从广州省骑摩托车回家过节。多么壮观的场面,众多工人从城市骑车回到农村,一年中他们只有在春节才回家。戴维和Si加入了志愿者团队,去帮助这些一心想骑车回家的摩托骑手们,他们的摩托车上坐着很多人,载满礼物. 第一集重点笔记整理 1.词汇篇 春节Chinese New Year=the Spring Festival 中国丰富的文化the richness of Chinese culture 农历lunar calendar 聚集到城市flock to the cities 惨不忍睹的eye-watering 对…爱发牢骚enjoy a good old moan about… 管理这么大的车流量manage this flow of vehicles 保持交通顺畅keep the traffic flowing 春运期间during the New Year rush 全家福have a family portrait 精密的运营require precision organization 入境旅客,接机家属arriving passengers and waiting families 与家人团聚reunite with their families 顽强的意志iron will 摩托车大军motorbike flotilla 巍然直立stand proud in the sky 需要对细节的一丝不苟demand meticulous attention to detail 中国生肖Chinese zodiac 犯太岁offend the God of Taisui 少数民族ethnic minority 2.句型篇 中国食物丰富和多样绝世无双。Chinese food is as rich and varied as any on earth. 使用的是中国本土生长的食材。Use a host of ingredients grown right across the vast nation. 在春节时,千百万人会涌出城市前往他们位于全国各地的家乡。 At Chinese New Year, millions floods out of the city and head to their home towns across China. 在整个中国,春节期间会有惊人的五千四百万次航空旅行。 Across China, a staggering 54 million trips are by air during the festival. 红帽子的工作深受乘客欢迎。Red Caps truly got their work cut out for them. 它将哈尔滨升级为本地区的工商业中心。 It transformed this city into the beating heart of commerce and industry in this region.


中国节日介绍英文版中国节日介绍英文版一、农历节日 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day) 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival) 二、阳历节日 1月1日元旦(New Y ear's Day) 2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day) 2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day) 3月3日全国爱耳日 3月5日青年志愿者服务日 3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day) 3月9日保护母亲河日 3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day) 3月14日白色情人节(White Day) 3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day) 3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day) 3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day) 3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day) 3月22日世界水日(World Water Day) 3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day) 3月24日世界防治结核病日(World T uberculosis Day) 4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day) 4月5日清明节(T omb-sweeping Day) 4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day) 4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day) 4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day) 5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day) 5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day) 5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Y outh Day) 5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day) 5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day) 5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day) 5月17日世界电信日(World T elecommunications Day) 5月20日全国学生营养日 5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day) 5月31日世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day) 6月1日国际儿童节(International Children's Day) 6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)

英国BBC 《中国新年》

英国BBC 《中国新年》 无论是“欲扬先抑”的《中国创造》, 还是摆脱高级黑路线, 直接一键黑到底的《中国的秘密》, BBC纪录片的中国话题, 总有那么点吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的味道。但是! “昨天的我你爱理不理, 如今的我你高攀不起。” 给力的中国各种实力打脸, 引得全世界都想知道, 这个有品位的暴发户,到底在想啥?于是,BBC坐不住了,发挥“识时务者为俊杰”的优良传统, 2016年年初发了一个大招, 推出纪录片《中国新年2016》, 满满正能量画风。 不过说来惭愧,好些传统, 身为中国人的非凡君都不知道(捂脸)。从南到北,从城市到农村, 从冰雪之城到热闹花街,

几位外国主持人春节期间, 随着返乡大潮, 好好体验了一把热闹的中国新年。哈尔冰的冰雪之城, 有极限温度下孕育而出的虔诚,以冰雪塑造长城, 用霓虹灯点开新年的炫彩, 美,在于通透,在于明妍, 在于天地万物之间。新年的钟声按时敲响返乡的人们, 也都开始动身了, 统计之后的35亿次出行, 带着回家心切的震撼。而支撑在这些匆匆的脚步背后的,是繁忙而高效的交通网。还有些职业, 专为春运而生, 比如北京车站的红帽子。(为了工作,两年没回家的小伙)经过了多少次别离, 依旧惮于别离, 经过了多少次重逢, 依旧感怀于重逢。(小侄子长得都快举不动了)中国人好客, 而且越淳朴的地方越好客, 邀请外国人过年, 觥筹交错间,

同一个世界,都是新的一年。欢庆是全国的事, 但每个地方都有自己的花样, 这也是非凡君最爱中国的一点, 和而不同,当是社会的哲学。查干湖自然少不了渔网, 只是撒下去的, 是数百年的生生不息, 收上来的, 是千万人的勃勃生机。河北蔚县, 这个应该为众人熟知的地点, 记着,如果每年只能开一朵花, 便只能是这老汉手里, 洒向老城墙的铁花。即使春节, 云南金丝猴的保护员也在工作, 他认识保护区的每一只猴子, 每一只都上帝的杰作。如何真正融入中国人的生活呢? 想走捷径的话, 只能和我们共舞一场了。(反正老了都要跳)百年前,鸦片敲开中国的国门, 百年后,辣条攻陷全世界的心门, 说到底,还是中国强。(别傻啦,辣条是老少通吃)春晚上演着最初也是最后的大戏,


Confucius named Qiu styled Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius instructed more than 3000 disciples and some were from poor families. Confucius gradually changed the tradition that only nobilities had the right to receive education. In his later years , Confucius compiled many literary works of ancient times, including The Book of Songs ,The Book of Documents, and The Books of Changes. His saying and behaviors were compiled in The Analects of Confucius by his disciples. His ideology has been absorbed and carried composing the essential part of Chinese traditional ideology. It was also spread into the border regions and areas building up a circle of Confucianism. UNESCO labeled him one of the “Ten Culture Celebrities”. 孔子 孔子名丘字仲尼,春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创史人。孔子一共教授了三千多个学生,其中不乏贫困家庭的孩子,改变了只有贵族子女才有资格上学的传统。孔子晚年还编订上古书籍,《诗经》《尚书》《周易》等。孔子的言行被他的弟子们收集在《论语》中,他的思想也被后人吸收和发扬光大,成为中国传统思想最主要的组成部分,并逐渐传播到周边国家,形成了影响范围很广的儒家文化圈。联合国教科文组织曾将孔子列入世界十大文化名人之一。 Beijing Opera Beijing Opera is the most popular and influential opera in China with a history of almost 200 years. In development Beijing Opera has formed a number of fictitious props. For instance a pedal means a boat. Without any physical props involved , an actor may perform going upstairs or downstairs opening or closing a door by mere gestures. Though exaggerated those actions would give audience an impression with graceful movements. There are four main roles sheng dan jing and chou. A sheng or dan has the eyebrows painted and eyes circled. A jing and chou have their facial makeup ,for example, a red face depicts the loyalty and bravery and a white face symbolizes treachery and guile. 京剧 京剧是中国流行的最广泛影响最大的一个剧种,拥有两百多年的历史。在长期的发展过程中,京剧形成了一套虚拟表演动作,如一条桨就可以代表一只船。不需要任何的道具,演员就能表现出上楼、下楼,开门、关门等动作,虽然经赤了夸张但这些动作能给观众既真实又优美的感觉。京剧演员分生、旦、净、丑四个行当,生和旦的化痕迹要描眉、吊眉、画眼圈,净丑面部需要化妆,比如,红脸表示忠诚勇猛,白脸表示奸险。


中国新年bbc观后感英文版1 The biggest feature of Chinese Spring Festival: the world's largest event lies in its close observation of Chinese Spring Festival. The program adopts the way of "live broadcast". After the recording of the day is completed, the broadcast content is edited and polished, and the broadcast is delayed for a few days. Due to the short time interval between shooting and broadcasting, the audience can get the vivid feeling of watching the live broadcast, which almost makes the British audience and the Chinese audience spend the Spring Festival of the monkey year at the same time. After the broadcast of the documentary, it aroused the resonance of overseas Chinese and foreign audiences. British netizens left a message saying: "I plan to travel to China in the Spring Festival next year and have a personal experience", and said that "I can't wait to go to China to play.". Chinese students studying in Britain also watched the program and left a message: "I have not been home for the Spring Festival for several years. Watching this program makes me more homesick. Finally, I can feel a little bit of the flavor of the new year in Britain." Stephanie Fremaux, Ph.D. professor of media theory at Birmingham City University, said she enjoyed watching this series of programs focusing on Chinese Spring Festival, believing that it shared different cultures of different countries and made them understand different cultures. "This is also becoming more and more important. The deeper we understand the world, the more we can transfer and exchange knowledge at a high level." Yang Jiantan, the film's producer, said that in the current era of globalization, interpreting the "China story" is not only the expectation of China, but also the expectation of the whole world. "When China has long been an existence that cannot be ignored, the world is more eager to understand a more real China." Based on the experience of Western hosts in China, the author observes from the perspective of "a third party" at the intersection of eastern and Western cultures. "This documentary reinterprets the Chinese Spring Festival from a Western perspective. It does not look down on or look up to it. It not only finds the cultural

中国山的介绍 英文版

The Mountains With Resorts in the US ------Group four 100501 Members : 吴伟慧080520100019 范秀秀080520100018 阮丽云080520100016 李华080520100015

The Mountains in the US Every nation possesses unique features ,so does the US. The mountains in the US are very attractive and famous all over the world. Now we come to see the Mountains in the US.In the western North America,the Rocky Mountains are a major mountains range.In Eastern North America,there is the Appalachian Mountains.The Cordillera located in the West America.And the Mountain McKinley in the Alaska located in the North America.These four Mountains are the famous mountains in the US. The Cordillera is the longest drape ridge in the world.It is about 15,000 kilo miles.There are many volcanoes and earthquakes.It concludes Andes Mountains 、Coast Mountains Sierra Nevada Mountain and Rocky Mountain.The mineral resources has the continent or world significant.And there are many rare animals,such as mink,lynx,armadillo and so on.Inside,the Mount Whitney is 4418 meters high which is the highest mountain in the America. However,in China,the highest mountain is the Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters high.It is also the highest


观BBC《中国新年》有感 春节过后,观看了英国BBC 拍摄的纪录片《中国新年》,纪录片分为三集,分别以归乡、团聚、欢庆为主线,淋漓尽致地叙述了中国春节的传统习俗,甚至做为一个中国人看了之后也对其大加赞赏。 第一集,归乡此集最触动人心的当属春节前夕,身处异国他乡的中国人对于归乡的赤子之情。看到人流穿梭的北京西站,身在国外的李桐瑜一家,为父亲准备的全家福礼物,在下飞机相聚的那一刻,才深深地感受到中国人对于春节的特殊情怀。广东是中国制造业的中心,地区西南的人们大多牺牲了自己的家庭,在广东打拼,到年根,他们为了节省路费,组成了摩托大军,带着满满的行囊穿越寒冷归乡,路上的休息站点有着无私奉献的志愿者为他们准备一碗热粥,取暖的加热器等等,也有交警为其护航,这些平凡的工作者在他们归乡的途中,送一丝温暖,无异于雪中送炭。 震撼人心的不仅仅是归乡的期盼,还有对美好事物的执着,看到暖泉古镇的“打树花” 艺术传承人,从小学习祖辈传下来的传统技艺,在追求艺术的过程中付出的艰辛,被滚烫的铁水灼伤的双手并没有阻止他的步伐,但说到技艺即将失传时,话语中也透着些许的无奈。人们赞叹打树花美丽的同时,殊不知这短暂的美丽背后是这些艺术传承者无尽的付出和几十年如一日的坚守。 同时,这一集还展现了哈尔滨冰灯制作的全过程,尽管它的生命力只有短暂的三个月,但准备可能需要一年或更长的时间。每一年的冰灯节都有不同的主题,今年的主题是丝绸之路,宏伟雄壮的一座座冰雕无不展示着设计者的杰出设计和冰雕工匠鬼斧神工的技艺。制作的过程更加缜密,都是工匠一刀一刀的杰作,传统的艺术和现代科技的结合,完美地呈现了冰雕艺术,虽然呈现的时间短暂,但它的生命力却是永恒的。 第二集,团聚 春节的欢聚离不开年夜饭和春晚,一道是节日大餐,另一道是文化盛宴。 先来说年夜饭,节目中,两位主持人在北京新发地蔬菜交易市场选购火锅食材的过程中,风趣地展示了新发地庞大的规模,在这里,你能看到洋葱一条街,白菜一条街,冬瓜一条街,感到有趣的同时也令人赞叹,so amazing! 中国人春节的餐桌上除了丰富的才要致外,还少不了水饺,全家人围坐在一起包饺子、拉家常,好一副其乐融融的温馨画面。 关于年夜饭,必不可少的一定是白酒了,中国有着悠久的历史,酒文化也源远流长,喝白酒不仅是餐桌上必不可少的饮料,更是人们交流文化、增进情感的纽带,不仅制作工艺复杂,饮酒也有众多的规矩,更流传下了几千年的酒文化。 关于春晚,凝聚了几代人的特殊情怀,如今,春晚已连续举办了30 年,它是几代艺术家、艺人甚至普通百姓的大舞台,看到彩排中忙碌的演员,不禁要给他们点一个赞,尤其是武术表演艺术家们为了能够在春晚出演,提前一年就要紧锣密鼓地排练,动作要整齐划一,对于几十人的队伍,想做到这一点和其困难,他们牺牲了自己与家人团聚的机会,为观众呈现了一道视觉盛宴。而他们也只是春晚舞台上的一道缩影。更有成千上百的幕后工作者无私奉献,才给了观众艺术的享受。 说完了春晚再来看香港庙宇前的祈愿仪式,新年伊始,成千上万的普通群众都来到黄大仙祠前祈求来年的鸿运,这寄托了人们对新年美好的向往和对未来的憧憬。其中,求签将传统和现代结合起来,给人以耳目一新的感觉。在节目末尾北京夜空烟花的绽放更是将节日气氛推向了高潮,此刻,将是全球华人狂欢的时刻。 第三集,欢庆 此集中主要以香港、北京等地欢庆新年的景象展开描述。


?I LOVE YOU ,CHINA! 我爱你中国 ?China is my mother land. I am a Chinese .China is very big and very beautiful country .China is very old,too. 中国是我的祖国,我是一个中国人。中国是一个很大很美丽的国家,也是一个历史悠久的国家。 ?Beijing is the capital of China .Beijing is the very beautiful city ,and it is in the north .There are lots of people live in Beijing.My cousins live in Beijing ,too . 北京是中国的首都,那是一个非常美丽的城市,它在中国的北方。有许多人居住在那里,我的表兄弟姐妹们也住在北京。 ?There are lots of famous place in Beijing.I want go to Beijing ,but I didn’t go to beijing now. 北京还有许多著名的景点,我想去北京,可是我一直没有去成。 ?I love you, Beijing ! 我爱你,北京! ?There are two bigger river in China. They are the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River . 中国有两条大河,它们是长江和黄河。 ?The Huanghe River is a very long river ,but it isn’t longest river of China . The Huanghe River is the second river in China .The Huanghe fish is very famous .I like eat ,too . The Huanghe River is a great river.The Huanghe River is also called “Mother River”,because we all dink the Huanghe River’s water . 黄河是一条很长的河流,但是却不是中国最长的河流,它是中国第二大河流。黄河鲤鱼非常有名,我也很喜欢吃。黄河是一条伟大的河流,黄河又被称作“母亲河”,因为,我们都喝黄河水。 ?I love you,the Huanghe River ! 我爱你,黄河! ?The Changjiang River is the longest river in China . In China,It is longer than any others .It is in south of china.It is wide and deep very much . The Changjiang River is a beautiful river .There are many many boats on the Changjiang River every day .

BBC 中国纪录片之《中国新年》全方位诠释中国文化

BBC中国纪录片:《中国新年》全方位诠释中国文化BBC中国纪录片又出新啦!是不是立马想到满弹幕都在怒嚎?没想到这次《中国新年》能这么拍?当BBC不黑我们的时候,能拍了一部怎样的纪录片呢? 2016猴年到来之际,BBC拍了一部名为Chinese New Year:The Biggest Celebration on Earth (《中国新年:全球最大庆典》)的纪录片。三位BBC主持人在春节期间来到中国,南至滇南、北到冰城,感受中国各地的春节习俗与文化,以西方人的视角讲述这片广袤土地上的春节故事。 对比以前BBC出品的中国题材纪录片(如:Secrets of China、Are our kids tough enough? Chinese School),这部片子与以往的风格可谓是大相径庭。几乎没有任何偏见与讽刺,而是对中国人庆祝春节的独特方式、春节中蕴含的深厚文化大加赞扬。「春节」在这部纪录片中不断被几位主持人称为the world's biggest party(世界上最大的聚会)、extraordinary annual event(非凡的年度盛会)。 片中对中国的描述是这样的: As well as having some of the fastest-growing modern cities,the landscapes are truly diverse. They range from vast deserts to expensive grasslands,tropical jungles and the highest mountain range in the world. 中国除了拥有发展最为迅速的城市,也有特别多样的地貌:浩瀚的沙漠,广袤的草原,有热带雨林,也有世界上最高的山脉。 对于春节的描述是这样的: At the Chinese New Year,the modern and the traditional are brought together as the Chinese prepare for a celebration even older than the Great Wall itself. 春节期间,现代与传统交融在一起,中国人庆祝春节的历史甚至比长城更为古老。

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