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Impression of 《Treasure Island》

《Treasure Island》depicts the valiant, witty and lively young boy, Jim Hawkins, the process of finding treasure map and how he encountered pirates, and finally find the treasure.

Among all the plots, the one give me the most impressive is that Jim hided in the apple barrel, accidentally heard the pirates of the plot, and almost caught on the spot. He said, “You may fancy the terror I was in! I should have leaped out and run for it if I had found the strength, but my limbs and heart alike misgave me.”, “John did not know, to be sure, that I had overheard his council from the apple barrel, and yet I had by this time taken such a horror of his cruelty, duplicity, and power that I could scarce conceal a shudder when he laid his hand upon my arm.” and “I have terrible news.” From here, you can determine that how terrified, helpless, and precarious the Jim was. He wanted to tell Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr. Livesey, but they did not show their interests in Jim’s news, finally cause the tragedy of fighting. This plot that Jim heard the conversation between pirates is a turning point of the story, it lays the groundwork for Jim slipped into the place beyond pirates and captured the ship. Imagine that if it is not Jim in the big bucket secretly heard the secret of the pirates, the results will become what it looks like? That may allow pirates to take advantage

of the treasure and do something wrong such as gambling, drinking and squandering food.

In the meanwhile, we can feel the temptation of money. Money can change the relationship between people and people; it is the corrosion of all. But the money itself is innocent, but the psychological deterioration of the people delusion possession of it, use it or even control it. Thus, money has become a synonym for evil. But money is sometimes beneficial to mankind, as long as you use the money reasonably, the money will be the most useful items.

The book is very outstanding in the idea of layout, the atmosphere and characterization of personality. As the story unfolds, tense thrilling scene after another, makes people want to read the book in one time.


金银岛读后感 篇一:读《金银岛》有感 读《金银岛》有感 我读了一本叫《金银岛》的探险故事书,这是19世纪英国作家史蒂文森写的,我非常喜欢这本书。 这本书写了一个离奇的海上冒险故事,主人公吉姆是一个店的老板的儿子,他偶然从一位船长身上得到了金银岛的藏宝图,并将这件事告诉了乡神特劳维尼和利维赛医生等人,他们对这件事似乎很感兴趣,并买了一条船,还招了一些有经验的水手,一起去寻宝。没想到船上混入了一伙与约翰·希尔弗为首的海盗。吉姆偶然听到了他们的阴谋,告诉了乡神特劳维尼和利维赛医生等信任他的人,大家互相支持,互相信任。到了金银岛之后,他们与海盗展开了激烈的战斗。最后凭他们的智慧和勇气战胜了海盗,并得到宝藏,满载而归。 这本书让我深深地感受到吉姆等人的优良品质。他们的不退缩、不犹豫,让我觉得一切困难都不是困难。他们还让我明白,世间最珍贵的东西不是金银财宝,而是友情和信任,只有它们是我们最大的财富,也只有它们才能创造更美好的生活。 篇二:金银岛

金银岛读后感 读《金银岛》有感 《金银岛》讲述了在大航海时,寻宝者和海盗为了同一批宝藏而互相争斗的故事。故事发生在大航海时代初期,被压迫的奴隶们愤起反抗。他们乘船到海上变成最初的海盗。他们中出现了一位海盗王叫弗特林,他战无不胜。弗特林的财宝放在了一个小岛上,并把它定名“金银岛”。许多年后,弗特林病死后,一位名叫杰克的老船长拿到了藏宝图。之后,又因为种种原因藏宝图落到了吉姆手里。于时,吉姆便和他的朋友们一起踏上了寻宝之路。途中,有过凶险的海上风暴;有过船员的叛乱;更有过海盗的袭击,但这都被克服了,他们得到了宝藏。 主人公吉姆的成长,他和他的朋友们之间的友情更让人历历在目,就在吉姆他们找到了宝藏的第二天清早,大家发现淡水不多了,都去岛上找淡水,留下吉姆一人看船。由于岛上淡水也少,他们一直到晚上才回船。中间这一段时间,虽然只有吉姆一个人,但也足以起帆走船,独吞这笔可以淹死人的财宝。可是吉姆却没有。从中可以看出吉姆对大伙的不舍不弃和大伙对吉姆的高度信任。通过这本书,我知道了做一个别人值得信任的人多伟大呀! 《金银岛》英文读后感




金银岛读后感 读《金银岛》有感 《金银岛》讲述了在大航海时,寻宝者和海盗为了同一批宝藏而互相争斗的故事。故事发生在大航海时代初期,被压迫的奴隶们愤起反抗。他们乘船到海上变成最初的海盗。他们中出现了一位海盗王叫弗特林,他战无不胜。弗特林的财宝放在了一个小岛上,并把它定名“金银岛”。许多年后,弗特林病死后,一位名叫杰克的老船长拿到了藏宝图。之后,又因为种种原因藏宝图落到了吉姆手里。于时,吉姆便和他的朋友们一起踏上了寻宝之路。途中,有过凶险的海上风暴;有过船员的叛乱;更有过海盗的袭击,但这都被克服了,他们得到了宝藏。 主人公吉姆的成长,他和他的朋友们之间的友情更让人历历在目,就在吉姆他们找到了宝藏的第二天清早,大家发现淡水不多了,都去岛上找淡水,留下吉姆一人看船。由于岛上淡水也少,他们一直到晚上才回船。中间这一段时间,虽然只有吉姆一个人,但也足以起帆走船,独吞这笔可以淹死人的财宝。可是吉姆却没有。从中可以看出吉姆对大伙的不舍不弃和大伙对吉姆的高度信任。通过这本书,我知道了做一个别人值得信任的人多伟大呀! 《金银岛》英文读后感 The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish. An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure. After reading this book, I like the bit part very much. And it makes me feeling more. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to struggle with enemies, and recapture the ship from the enemies at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me


《金银岛》读后感小学生作文10篇《金银岛》告诉了我们一个道理:在有困难的时候不能向他们低头,要用勇气去击败它,这样才能取得最后的成功与胜利!下面是橙子为大家整理的《金银岛》读后感小学生作文10篇,以供大家参考借鉴! 《金银岛》读后感范文一 暑假里我读了一本由美国作家史蒂森写的《金银岛》,妈妈告诉我这本书在美国很受欢迎,就像我们中国的《西游记》一样,是一本冒险小说,我很感兴趣。 《金银岛》写的是一个十岁的男孩吉姆意外得到了海盗的藏宝图,有钱得乡绅带着吉姆和医生李甫西一起坐着帆船踏上了寻宝之旅。然而以西尔弗为首的一批觊觎宝藏的海盗装扮成水手也随船前往金银岛。在岛上,以乡绅为首的寻宝者与海盗之间展开了一场斗智斗勇的生死搏斗。最终吉姆凭他的机智勇敢打败了海盗,寻得宝藏,平安返航。 读完了《金银岛》,我非常喜欢主人翁吉姆,他聪明勇敢,尽管他才十岁,做事却临危不乱,十分冷静,而我做事却很容易手忙脚乱,我要向吉姆学习。 《金银岛》读后感范文二 《金银岛》是一本非常好看的书,它的作者是英国著名作家罗伯特?路易斯?斯蒂文森。为什么说它好看呢?因为它的封面上写着一句话:如果中国孩子是看《西游记》长大的,那么英国孩子就是看《金

银岛》长大的。我们知道《西游记》的影响力是多么的大,由此可见《金银岛》真的很好看。它讲的是一个关于寻宝的故事。 它的大概内容是这样的:一个名叫吉姆的十岁男孩子,偶然在老海盗的遗物中得到了一张埋藏着巨大财富的荒岛藏宝图。于是,他离开家园,随着众人远涉重洋,冒险寻宝,最终成功了。 在这本书中,我最喜欢的人物是主人公吉姆。他机智、勇敢,历尽艰辛,并且面对海盗毫不害怕,最终打败了海盗,并找到了巨额财富。这种勇气真值得我们赞赏,更值得我们学习。 你想亲历这场离奇、惊险的角逐吗?你想懂得善永远比恶强大吗?那就随着吉姆前往《金银岛》吧,你终将满载而归。 这真的是一本非常好看的书,看了这本书,我明白了很多道理,也感受到了很多的乐趣,是笑着看完这本书的,不信你也试试看吧! 《金银岛》读后感范文三 吉姆是一个十岁的小男孩,吉姆的父亲开了一家宾馆有一天来了一个脸上带着伤疤,身才魁梧,引人注目的客人,他就是比尔船长。吉姆非常喜欢听比尔船长的讲故事,每一个故事都让吉姆又爱又怕,宁静的小镇也从此添加了不少新鲜的话题。 但是没过多久比尔船长就因为饮酒过度和受到的惊吓而死在了宾馆里,吉姆为了拿到比尔船长欠下的酒钱和房费,无意中发现了比尔船长藏着的的藏宝图这是海盗头目拂林特船长遗留下来的于是吉姆和利费西医生在金银岛的寻宝故事就展开了,读到着里我想说一个人死还去翻别人的钱材是很不道德的但是吉姆家的条件很差,他们又


金银岛英文版读后感 金银岛》是罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森创作的一部冒险小说。小编收集了金银岛英文版读后感,欢迎阅读。 金银岛英文版读后感【一】 I think this book is fabulous!I thought this because it was full of adventure,death,excitement,and a little humor.I also thought the author had a strange but interesting desire to kill off his characters!I haven't read the whole book yet,but I have a dire need to find out what happens in the end. After I have read the whole book, it really did frustrate me because i didnt understand the hard old languages that were written in the book. I hated the ending of the story because you never really recieve some sort of a good feeling. I did learn that the main character , Jim becomes a loyal and responsible character though. Overall i didnt quite enjoy reading the "boring brick" but however i did fancy the plot. Now i have to write a chracter essay for Jim. But i dont know how i am going to get all the information on to one sheet of pa-pe-r.Personally i dont reccomend people to read this book if they are suppose to write an essay on it, but i do reccomend people to read this book if they are stranded on an island with nothing to do. 金银岛英文版读后感【二】 Lots of people may read the masterpiece called. This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups


金银岛读后感优秀作文10篇 《金银岛》真是一本好书,它告诉了我们人要机智勇敢,遇到诱惑不为所动,遇到困难迎头而上……下面是橙子为大家整理的《金银岛》读后感,希望对大家有帮助。 《金银岛》读后感 当打开《金银岛》这本书时,刺激而又惊险的故事使我陶醉。主人公小男孩吉姆因为偶然得到了一张海盗的宝藏图,从而引发出了一系列的故事,一个个另人意想不到的事情接踵而来。 我忘不了小男孩吉姆与母亲在逃避敌人追杀的危险时刻,忘不了吉姆在与霸道的敌人对战时所负出的代价,更忘不了荒岛上海盗把自己的同伴遗弃的暴力行为!一开始,我觉得吉姆是缺少勇敢的力量。后来,当把书读完的时候,我才知道,原来勇敢的力量加上善于发现的智慧才是最终能够取得宝藏的秘密所在。 这段日子,我时时在想着:什么是勇气和智慧的?早上我吃过早饭坐在门前正在发呆,不知不觉好几只蚂蚁居然爬到我的身上来了。我非常生气,想把这几只胆大包天的蚂蚁给“杀”了。不过,我喜欢看看究竟是怎么事情,所以我把它放回了地上。 在不远处的一块地方,成群结队的黑蚂蚁在一起搬运一只昆虫的尸体。它们知道光靠一只蚂蚁的力气,绝对搬不走一只庞大的昆虫,所以就齐心协力把昆虫分成碎块,让蚂蚁运回去。我知道这就是勇气,这就是智慧。它们敢从我身上走过,那意味着它有着足够的勇气和智慧!

当你读完《金银岛》这本书时,你会觉得那些惊险而刺激的事情都在考验主人公的勇敢和智慧。只有通过了考验,他们才会得到宝藏,所谓“百忍得金人”。在我们的学习生活中,何尝不是如此呢? 金银岛 今天,我看了《金银岛》这本书。 《金银岛》这本书讲的是一个叫吉姆的人在海上冒险的故事。本来,吉姆开了一家宾馆,但宾馆被强盗抢了。吉姆去市长家向市长报告,可是市长正好要出海,便把小吉姆也带上了。途中,他们遇见了假扮船员的海盗和投靠海盗的船员,但小吉姆和市长英勇反抗,最终获得了胜利。 这本书告诉我们邪不胜正,有些人虽然外表温和,但内心确是丑陋的。所以我们不仅要外表美,更重要的是心灵美。 《金银岛》观后感[300字] 这个暑假,我读了史蒂文生写的一篇名著—《金银岛》。 《金银岛》写的是主人公吉姆意外得到了海盗头子佛林特的藏宝图。有钱的乡绅带着吉姆和医生李甫西一起坐着帆船踏上了寻宝之旅。然而以西尔弗为首的一批觊觎宝藏的海盗装扮成水手也随船前往金银岛。在岛上,以乡绅为首的寻宝者与海盗之间展开了一场斗智斗勇的生死搏斗。最终吉姆凭他的机智勇敢打败了海盗,寻得宝藏,平安返航。 我们要学习吉姆机智、勇敢的精神。在文中,吉姆意外偷听到了海盗的阴谋,受到了海盗的利诱、威胁,然而吉姆临危不惧、镇定自


Impression of 《Treasure Island》 《Treasure Island》depicts the valiant, witty and lively young boy, Jim Hawkins, the process of finding treasure map and how he encountered pirates, and finally find the treasure. Among all the plots, the one give me the most impressive is that Jim hided in the apple barrel, accidentally heard the pirates of the plot, and almost caught on the spot. He said, “You may fancy the terror I was in! I should have leaped out and run for it if I had found the strength, but my limbs and heart alike misgave me.”, “John did not know, to be sure, that I had overheard his council from the apple barrel, and yet I had by this time taken such a horror of his cruelty, duplicity, and power that I could scarce conceal a shudder when he laid his hand upon my arm.” and “I have terrible news.” From here, you can determine that how terrified, helpless, and precarious the Jim was. He wanted to tell Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr. Livesey, but they did not show their interests in Jim’s news, finally cause the tragedy of fighting. This plot that Jim heard the conversation between pirates is a turning point of the story, it lays the groundwork for Jim slipped into the place beyond pirates and captured the ship. Imagine that if it is not Jim in the big bucket secretly heard the secret of the pirates, the results will become what it looks like? That may allow pirates to take advantage of the treasure and do something wrong such as gambling, drinking and squandering food. In the meanwhile, we can feel the temptation of money. Money can change the relationship between people and people; it is the corrosion of all. But the money itself is innocent, but the psychological deterioration of the people delusion possession of it, use it or even control it. Thus, money has become a synonym for evil. But money is sometimes beneficial to mankind, as long as you use the money reasonably, the money will be the most useful items. The book is very outstanding in the idea of layout, the atmosphere and characterization of personality. As the story unfolds, tense thrilling scene after another, makes people want to read the book in one time.


金银岛的读书笔记300字以上 《金银岛》启示我们,只要不怕困难,有坚持不懈的勇气,无论有多大的困难阻碍,都能克服,并会取得成功。今天小编就与大家分享金银岛的读书笔记,仅供大家参考! 金银岛的读书笔记300字以上


Book Report of Lots of people may read the masterpiece called . This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. T he boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail over good. Through each justicial person’s effort, Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure. At the end of the story, Silver runs away with one of the bags of coins, perhaps three or four hundred coins. Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea. Gray, Jim’s friend, saves his money and now is a half-owner and captain of a fine ship. Ben Gunn, who is marooned by pirates, gets a thousand pounds. However, he spends all his money in three weeks. Then he has to beg and luckily is given a job as a gatekeeper when he comes back. Though I don’t have a chance to adventure as Jim does, the face of Jim often appears in my mind. Jim is a kind-hearted, brave and ambitious boy. He can always find a good way to solve the problems or beat the pirates. And this book shocks me when I read this part: You are in trouble. Ship lost, treasure lost, men lost. And if you want to know who did it—it was me! I was in the apple barrel the night we saw the island, and I heard every word you said. And the ship? It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her……Why am I shocked? Because I can’t believe a young boy has such great courage to say those words, and this is admired by me. There’s someone I admire, and of course, there’s someone I hate, like Silver. What I can only find from the pirates are cruelty and selfishness. He kills people without mercy and even becomes crueler. His sole pursuit of treasure results in his red hand never dry. Although it is only a novel, the scenes of the novel always come to my mind. It gives me a lesson. We can’t be selfish, because the selfish one only focuses on himself and can commit immorality or even crimes when trying to protect his own interest. We can see the justice of the spiritual wealth from Jim. What’s more, in my point of view, we should save money in the bank instead of wasting it in our daily life. Wasting money is a bad behavior. The less money we use, the higher spirit level we will have. If we use up our money like Ben Gunn one day, we will be in a big trouble. As a saying goes, “No pain, No gain”. If we try our best to do everything as Jim, I think we will make more progress in many fields. That’s all. Thank you. 浙江省金华市永康市二中 学生:王家晗 指导老师:施淑贞


金银岛读书笔记英文 【篇一:金银岛英文读后感 treasure islad】 book report of treasure island 1. about the author. robert louis stevenson was a scottish novelist, essayist, and poet, who contributed several classics to the world of childrens literature. stevenson was born in edinburgh on november 13th 1850. his grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. and they wished that stevenson would take over their own enterprise. in 1867, stevenson received his father’s decree to enter the edinburgh university to study civil engineering. in fact, he loved literature when he was a child. so he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. but his father let him study law. since childhood, however, stevensons natural inclination had been toward literature; eventually he took up letters seriously, soon making his way into the first rank of contemporaneous writers by the excellence of his style. in 1878 and 1879, he published two works of the theme of travel, since then the continued to publish works. in 1883, he published treasure island. the story was praised as the best work of children’s adventure story as soon as the work was published. since then stevenson had became a famous writer. however, 1894, only 44-year-old stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the pacific south of the capital, apia, western samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the pacific. stevenson had a lot of famous works, such as treasure island, kidnapped, a child’s garden of verses and new arabian nights. 2. background. treasure island is regard the pacific islands as the background of the writing, the island is located in the distance costarica coast 300 miles of sea, was pirates rest stop the 17th century, the pirates will predatory treasure in this outfit handling discharge, buried hidden for this un known island. it’s sounds very mysterious .it is said that there are at least six place buried treasure, among them, the most attractive treasure-seekers is the treasure of lima, peru. the treasure


金银岛读后感100字 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 金银岛读后感100字(一) 暑假来了,我又读了不少书。其中,《金银岛》是我最喜欢看的书。 《金银岛》讲了一些人去金银岛挖宝,但却中了海盗的奸计,与海盗展开了殊死搏斗。 读完这本有趣而惊险的书之后,我学到了不少知识和道理。首先,面对困难要迎难而上,沉着冷静地对待困难。其次,“小不忍则乱大谋”对于别人对不起自己的事,不能过于冲动,要想办法解决事情,这样才能成功。 同学们,面对只困难要勇敢、冷静,再大的困难也能克服。 金银岛读后感100字(二) 我觉得这本书讲得很生动,主要讲了吉姆和希尔佛去寻宝。 希尔弗表面善良,其实是一个阴森,诡异的人。吉姆是个机灵,勇敢的人。给我印象最深的是第三章,吉姆和他的母亲从海盗船里找到了钱,还进行了自救,机智地吉姆发出了求救信号,得到的救援。最后,寻到了宝藏。 金银岛读后感100字(三) 《金银岛》这本书非常好看,它讲的是有七十五个人出海,去寻找福克斯的宝藏,可是那儿有很多危险,他们历尽千辛万苦,还死了

好多人,才拿到宝藏,希弗尔最奸诈了,他还偷了一部份宝藏,然后人就不见了,返回的时候,他们并没有那么惨,因为还有五个人能平安回来。他们真的好勇敢。 这本书很好看,我非常喜欢这些人勇于冒险,不畏艰险的精神。 金银岛读后感100字(四) 最近我读了一本英语书,叫《金银岛》。说的是少年吉姆意外得到一张宝藏图,就和地方乡绅启程前往金银岛。为了抢夺岛上的秘密财宝,无论是奸诈,强悍,杀人越货无数的海盗,还是乡绅和地方官员都摩拳擦掌,夺宝大战一触即发! 我觉得当时金钱对人们太重要了甚至有人说:“金钱就是权利的象征!”我认为,金钱只是个小小的娱乐工具,但可以有很多用处。换了我我也要去抢的,就像书中独脚大盗的一句名言:“如果全世界都是黄金做的,人们将会为一把泥土而奋斗。”金钱可以改变现实,东山再起,好处很多。 在21世纪,金钱真的很重要! 金银岛读后感100字(五) 这本书充满冒险乐趣,读来让人感到惊心动魄。读完这本书我的感受很深,吉姆凭借过人的勇气、毅力和智慧才到达了金银岛,这使我明白,为实现目标就要付出艰辛的努力,要不怕吃苦、不必牺牲。同时通过这本书也让我看到了世界上还有各种各样、形形色色的人,要学会与人交往,要学会辨别好人和坏人,要敢于同邪恶行为做斗争。 感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!


The impression after reading “Treasure island” “Treasure island”is a well-known adventure story book. After reading Treasure Island, I thought that it’s important to be brave. If we want to gain the character of brave, we should be ready to take risk, dare to explore the new area along our lives. In other words, if we want be survive and successful, we should be adventurers in the sea of life. It is said that the best stock exchange brokers in America are people who are used to be athletes and not the graduates of finance. Therefore the parents should give their children the chance to adventure. However, parents always tell their children what to do, when to do, how to do and why to do. In this way, parents become the masters, while the children,to some extant, become the servants. They may dare not to do anything at all, which absolutely is not the purpose of parents.


金银岛的读后感 金银岛的读后感(一) 读了《金银岛》这本书,让我知道了不管形势如何,世间总是公平的,恶有恶报,善有善报,只有付出了努力,才会有收获,付出的努力和收获是形成正比的。 《金银岛》讲述了一位小男孩吉姆;霍金斯和妈妈、爸爸共同开了一家名叫“本葆海军上将”的旅店。一天,一个叫比尔的古怪船长来到了这里,他脾气坏、爱唱水首歌,经常在晚上站在桌子上,唱着歌、喝着朗姆酒,并要求别人也喝,大家不敢对他有异议,尽管他面目可憎,他还隔三差五的将一些恐怖、吓人的海上故事,导致客人们全都吓跑了,人们称他“真正的老水手”。接着,怪事就排着队敲着吉姆家的大门,先是一个叫“黑狗”的人找比尔,并和他打了起来,然后是吉姆的爸爸去世了,后来又是一个瞎子给船长送来的上面刻有“你将活到今晚十点”的“黑劵”,比尔看后当场死亡……这一切朴素迷离的事,都是因为比尔有一张藏宝图,这波及到好几条人命的图,却又阴差阳错的被吉姆拿到了,于是,他组织船队去寻宝,但在接近藏宝小岛时,吉姆又发现了船上其实有海盗!于是他们和海盗在小岛上大战,最后,他们终于找到了宝藏并满载而归。 看了这本书后,我想:这不就是人们生活的真实道理吗?如果你真的想生活的好,这就需要你自己的努力,不能依赖于运气、他人。

这其实就像弹皮球,你的劲使得越大,皮球就会弹得越高;相反,你的劲越小,皮球就弹得越低。这样的例子数不胜数,这是大自然的规律,也是社会的规律,不要期望天上掉馅饼,这是无稽之谈,这是不可能的,只有一份耕耘,才有一份收获,就像吉姆,如果他不勇敢地和海盗搏斗,有可能获得宝藏吗? 金银岛的读后感(二) 最近,我读了一本着名探险故事书,它便是史帝文生所着的《金银岛》了。故事发生在十八世纪,杰夫。何金斯是一个小男孩,他渴望并且热衷於出海寻宝。有一次,他到了金银岛寻宝,与海盗、水手打交道,亲身体验到船员之间真诚、忠实、虚伪、残暴的种种现象,目睹了一幕幕令人惊心动魄的故事。 读了这本探险故事,使我感触良多。主人翁杰夫。何金斯原是一个胆小、害羞的孩子。父亲去世后,他便开始了探险。在探险之旅中,初时杰夫只是一个船舱里的服务生,但他却勇於与敌人搏斗,后来更从海盗手中夺回大船,并自命为新任船长。虽然杰夫。何金斯经常易於冲动,但他所表现出来的非凡勇气和过人胆识,足以令我佩服不已。杰夫。何金斯凭着勇气与胆识,由一个胆小怕事的小男孩变成一位夺回大船的英雄。而我们有时遇到难题,便自乱阵脚,不努力探讨解决的办法。试想想,若我们也有杰夫那种勇於尝试和敢於探索的精神,许多难题不是都能迎刃而解吗? 在故事结尾,杰夫返航后,并没提到他分到多少财宝,他反而发誓再也不去寻宝了。还时常受到噩梦困扰,梦见大海和金币。金币令
