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当前位置:文档视界 › 2019届高三英语二轮复习书面表达专项练习(11)应用文写作-求职信与通知类含答案




1、假定你是李华, 大学刚毕业,正在找工作。《中国日报》上刊登了一则某公司招聘职员的启事,你认为你很合适, 于是你向该公司发送一封e-mail求职。内容要点如下:

1. 出生于山西省,22岁, 身体健康。

2. 毕业于山西大学,所学专业为计算机科学。

3. 擅长电脑和英语。

4. 业余爱好:打篮球。

5. 请回复e-mail:lihua@https://www.docsj.com/doc/2017133409.html,



Dear Mr Brown,

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________Yours truly,

Li Hua 2、请根据以下报纸上的招聘启事写一篇求职邮件。





Dear Mr. Liu,

I am writing to express my interest in your advertised position for a part-time English assistant.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________Yours




1. 信息来源,求职意愿;

2. 自我介绍, 申请理由;

3. 表示谢意,盼望回复。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________



1. 观看的时间和地点

2. 记录片大致内容

注意:1. 词数100左右:

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________Student Union



今天上午由你带着参观学校,中午在餐厅和同学们一起吃午饭,下午由代表团的英国老师John为高二四班上一节英国地理课。明天上午代表团团长Taylor 先生在报告厅作关于英国教育情况的讲座,下午参观邯郸市博物馆和丛台公园。注意:

1. 词数100左右,必须包含以上所有要点;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数…


Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


1. 时间:11月18日(星期日), 上午8:00-11:00

2. 地点:福州火车站

3. 活动内容:捡垃圾(pick up rubbish)、信息咨询(provide information for passengers)、帮助使用自助售票机(ticket vending machine)等

4. 注意事项

注意:1. 词数100 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Volunteer Activity at Fu Zhou Railway Station

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Student


7、假如你是一名学生会主席, 你校学生会要组织一次户外活动,现在请你根据以下内容以学生会的名义写份书面通知,字数100词左右。


为了放松自己,走进大自然,我们决定去附近的农场采摘脐橙(navel orange)。欢迎踊跃参加。

时间:下周日上午:8:00——11:00. 下周五下午5:00前到办公室报名。



1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。


November 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________The Students’



1. 比赛时间,地点及路线


3. 评奖办法及奖品


1. 字数100左右

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯


______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________Student




Dear Mr Brown,

I’ve learned from China Daily that some clerks are wanted in your company. I’m eager to be one of them. So I’m writing this letter.

Now I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Hua. I’m 22 years old. I was born in Shanxi Province and I am in good health. I graduated from Shanxi Un iversity. My major is computer science. I’ve done very well in all subjects and I’m especially good at computer studies and English. And in my spare time, I like to play basketball very much.

If you are interested in my application, please write to me. My e-mail address is lihua @ sina. com. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With best wishes.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

2答案:Dear Mr. Liu,

I am writing to express my interest in your advertised position for a part-time English assistant.

My qualifications make me a perfect candidate for the job. I majored in English Literature at university and won a scholarship as an excellent student in all courses. Therefore, my outstanding oral and written English skills will surely enable me to assist in English teaching.

What’s more, I fully developed my communication ability in various university activities, which makes me experienced enough in helping organize English activities. Given the chance, I will prove I’m well suited for this job not only with my qualifications and experience but also with the best qualities in my personality, as are shown in my resume attached.

Thank you for your consideration of my application. I’m looking forward to an interview in the near future.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mr. Liu,

I’m LiHua, a student from Class 6. I learned from the Intemet that during the School English Week a host for parties is wanted, a position which I am interested in.

I’m sure I am well qualified for the job. To begin with, I can speak English fluently. In addition, I enjoyed acting and performed many times on different stages, which will contribute to my hosting the party well. Last but not least, I am capable of organizing activities and have a strong team spirit.

Thanks for reading my application. Looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


One possible version:


As the 50th anniversary of the school is approaching, our school has decided to organize the students to watch a documentary about the history of the school. All international students are arranged to attend this event together with the Grade Two students at 3:00 pm this Friday at the No. one meeting hall.

Through the documentary, you can get a knowledge of the great changes that have taken place during the 50 years, the contributions of the teachers and the achievements of former students. I believe this is a good chance to have a better understanding of the school as well as the development of Chinese education.

Please arrive early for better seats and write an article about your comments and reflections after watching.

Student Union


Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention,please?

Welcome to our school! Here is the arrangement for your visit. This morning. I'm going to show you around our school. During lunch time, you will have dinner with some students in the school dining halll, where you can have a free talk with students from different classes. This afternoon, students of Class 4, Grade 2 will enjoy a lesson about British geography,given by Mr. John. Tomorrow morning, Mr. Taylor,leader of the delegation, will give a lecture about the education of Britain in the lecture hall. After lunch, we will visit the Handan Museum as well as the Congtai Park. That's all Thank you. Any questions?



Volunteer Activity at Fu Zhou Railway Station

To help students learn more about sharing, volunteers in our school will be organized to offer service at Fu Zhou Railway Station.

The activity will be held from 8 a.m. to 11a.m this Sunday morning on November 18th . Volunteers can offer a variety of services. Some can pick up rubbish on the ground and provide information for passengers. Some can help the passengers with heavy baggage. In addition, some volunteers can teach passengers how to use the ticket vending machine.

Please remember to come to the station on time. Welcome to join us, and we believe you will benefit a lot from this activity.

Student Council



November 8 In order to relax ourselves and get close to nature, we have decided to go to the farm nearby to pick navel oranges from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. next Sunday. All the students are welcome to take an active part in the activity.

Those who would like to go are requested to sign up your names in the office before 5:00 p.m. next Friday. It is recommended that you prepare suitable clothes and shoes. In addition, please remember to wear a hat and a pair of gloves in case the branches will hurt you.

We hope all the participants will have a good time in the activity.

The Students’ Union



In order to build up our body and make our life more colorful, our city will hold a marathon race this Sunday morning. All the participants are required to meet at 9am at the gate of the Sports Park and the race will begin 30 minutes later. All the participants are expected to run 8 laps around the park, which is equal to abut 40 kilimeters.

Top 10 runners will win a special prize and all the participants will be given a small gift. Those who are interested in the marathon race should sign up for it before 4pm this Thursday.All are welcome to take part!

Student council


应用文写作-邀请信 1、请写一封信邀请你的英语外教Smith一同前往参观国际非物质文化遗产博览园the International Intangible Cultural Park。内容如下: 1、时间安排:12月10日8点校门口集合乘大巴前往,下午3点返回。 2、活动内容:随导游参观;中午野餐(自备) 要求:1、100字左右; 2、可适当增加内容。 参考词汇:遗产:heritage Dear Smith, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 2、假定你是李华,想邀请邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.展览时间、地点; 2.展览内容。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


高考英语书面表达背诵 范文25篇 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

高考英语书面表达背诵范文25篇 ---多背范文,表达加分!! 书面表达(一) 假定你叫李华,今年六月份将从北京新华中学高三毕业,打算到美国哥伦比亚大学上学。现在请你根据下面表格的个人信息,用英语写一封 注意: 1. 信件必须包括以上内容,不能逐句翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:哥伦比亚大学the University of Columbia 范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to further my study in computer science in your university. First, please allow me to take a brief introduction of myself. I’m Li Hua, a girl born in June, 1993. I’m graduating from Beijing Xinhua High School this coming June with each course excellent. I have a keen interest in computers and the Internet. Besides, I’m good at English. I know th at the University of Columbia ranks among the most famous universities in the USA, and that’s the very reason why I’m now applying to further my university study in your Computer Science Department. I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to provide me with some information and send me the necessary application materials. By the way, my email address is lihua93@https://www.docsj.com/doc/2017133409.html,. I’m looking forward to your reply. 2


英语作文求职信模板 本文是关于英语作文求职信模板,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am a senior from the Department of Business Administration. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member. I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music. Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you render me. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming Dear sir, in response to your advertisement in the newspaper of january 15, i wish to apply for the position of (secretary, accountant, lerk, salesman, etc). i am twenty-five years old and a graduate of ____ college. my experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the abc company. the reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office. i am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and believe that they may be found satisfactory. with respect to salary, i shall expect hk$5,000


优秀英文求职信范文三篇 求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和“闪光点”,以使对方信服。 优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in XX. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to selfinitiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge


2018~2019学年度第一学期高三12月份调研卷 英语 考试时间120分钟,满分150分。仅在答题卷上作答。 第一部分听力(共20题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的指定位置处。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the meeting begin? A. At 10:30. B. At 10:50. C. At 10:45. 2. What does the woman mean? A. The homework can’t be due in two days. B. She hasn’t finished her homework yet. C. She doesn’t expect it to come so soon. 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. On the street. B. At a hotel. C. At a shop. 4. What does the woman suggest? A. Cooking at home. B. Eating out at McDonald’s. C. Taking McDonald’s home. 5. What is the woman’s attitude? A. She agrees with the man. B. She doesn’t ag ree with the man. C. She doesn’t know what to do. 第二节(共15小题,每小题l.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后.各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时问。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。


高考英语书面表达背诵文25篇 ---多背文,表达加分!! 书面表达(一) 假定你叫华,今年六月份将从北京新华中学高三毕业,打算到美国哥伦比亚大学上学。现在请你根据下面表格的个人信息,用英语写一封信,申请 注意: 1. 信件必须包括以上容,不能逐句翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:哥伦比亚大学the University of Columbia 文 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to further my study in computer science in your university. First, please allow me to take a brief introduction of myself. I’m Li Hua, a girl born in June, 1993. I’m graduating from Beijing Xinhua High School this coming June with each course excellent. I have a keen interest in computers and the Internet. Besides, I’m good at English. I know that the University of Columbia ranks among the most famous universities in the USA, and that’s the very reason why I’m now applying to further my university study in your Computer Science Department. I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to provide me with some information and send me the necessary application materials. By the way, my email address is lihua93@sina.. I’m looking forward to your reply.


英语作文求职信万能模板 随着全球经济一体化的发展,我国的教育和文化等方面也在不断地向前发展。英语作为全球通用的语言,是不同国家的人们之间沟通的桥梁。整理了英语求职信作文万能模板,欢迎阅读! 英语求职信作文万能模板篇一Dear Sir / Madam: Hello! I was e-Humanities and Social Sciences University of Science and Technology Marketing, a graduate in XX. Wen noted that companies take your talents as a keen and motivated to pursue the challenges of contemporary college students, I would like to join your company, do everything we can to promote your company to develop a more vibrant. University for four years, in the strict division of Friends of lessons, as well as the efforts of individuals, I have a more solid theoretical foundation for knowledge. System in accordance with the curriculum on the one hand, grasp the marketing management of the relevant theoretical knowledge, also read a lot of extra-curricular authoritative books at home and abroad to enrich their professional knowledge. At the same time, I am well aware that the information age, the importance


经典英文求职信范文 respected leaders: hello! glad to attend your pany‘s talent recruitment. my car is a professional undergraduate graduation, sure to seek work in your pany. also hope that the pany i enclose leadership read carefully record and report. in this to say thank you. during the university, i give their location is first, secondly, give attention to two or morethings arrives in technical management, economy. but also very focused on their learning ability training, make great efforts to perfect their knowledge structure. technical aspect, i prepared in three aspects. 1) professional basis, probably because of the automotive industry, very convincing work behind the emissary, so i put emphasis on the course of the school. have won five scholarships and excellent students, learning model. the three years prior to my grades for 82 points, weighted basically has an exemption postgraduate qualification. 2) puter and work, puter and work is a trend. from the characteristics of consideration, i customize the


浙江省临海市2019届高三英语模拟测试 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Basketball Statistician Help Wanted The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016, Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters. Students in this position will be keeping live statistics during basketball games. Students must meet all of the following requirements: ●Good computer skills ●Available evenings and weekends ●Knowing basketball rules and statistics Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective(各自的) campuses. ●TP/SS Athletic Coordinator, Michael Simone,240-567-1308 ●Rockville Athletic Coordinator, Jorge Zuniga,240-567-7589 ●Springfield Athletic coordinator, Gary Miller,240-567-2273 ●Germantown Athletic Coordinator, GavriChavan, 240-567-6915 1.When will the job start? A . In May 2016. B. In May 2017. C. In September 2016. D. In September 2017. 2.Who is more likely to get job? A. Sam,English major ,member of the college basketball team. B. Judy,IT staff with night classes,children’s basketball team coach. C. Ted,computer major, basketball fan,free on evenings and weekends. D. Molly,part_time programmer,high school basketball player ,new mother. 3.Whom should you contact if you want to apply for the job in Rockville? A. Michael B. Jorge C. Gauri D. Gary B


请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 Cleanliness is important to academic success at one Chinese university where compulsory labor is part of a program designed to award class credits while teaching students with proper moral values. During winter, the sky is still dark at 6:30 a.m. when the first-year students in Trade and Management College in Zhengzhou begin sweeping the 165-acre campus and it can take up to an hour. Mr. Sun, the university official, said labor is good for building character and promotes “the spirit of hard work.”Some students also claim that they are always proud of the clean campus. They never litter because they've been through the labor and understand that they should respect the fruits of labor of others. Some students, however, are against it because they feel the demands of the cleaning program are a distraction. Some often show up late and hungry to their morning classes after rushing to sweep the campus and clean their rooms. 【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要。 2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1) 支持或反对这个学校的做法;(2) 用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。 【写作要求】 1. 可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据。 2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句。 3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 4. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 支持: One university in Zhengzhou designs a program where students must clean the campus every day and relates it to class credits. Some people support the program while others do not.(30) Generally, I am in favor of the practice. To begin with, through their effort, students provide a clean and comfortable environment, which, as a result, is an assurance of their successful academic life. Moreover, cleaning and labor can not only serve to build students' character but also contribute positively to students developing healthy routines and good sanitation habits. Last but not least, by enjoying the fruits of others' labor, students will develop the awareness of gratitude and regard labor as a matter of honor. In short, carrying out the cleaning program is crucial. The significance for students of participating in it means more than academic success. It is part of moral education and benefits students as well as the campus. (120) 反对: It is required by one university in Zhengzhou that students should clean the campus every morning to achieve class credits. Opinions on the practice vary widely from person to person.(30) I am strongly opposed to the practice for the following reasons. First of all, cleaning tends to take up too much time, which becomes a distraction for students and discourages them from focusing on their academic performances. Then, students can be encouraged to maintain clean living areas but it's unreasonable to relate the cleaning with the academic credits. As students, they should put more efforts into their studies to achieve class credits instead of sweeping the campus. Furthermore, though someone claims labor can contribute to developing the spirit of hard work, it should by no means be achieved through daily floor-sweeping. In conclusion, there is no sense in students sweeping the campus, for it benefits neither their character nor study.(120)


求职信: 二、求职信 ?1、求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要。语言注意点求职信不同于简历。在介绍自己情况时,不可面面俱到,否则篇幅过长,反而不易得到重视。应重点突出与所应聘职位相关的自己的特点及特长。语言要有礼貌,要能体现出诚恳的态度和对工作的渴求。 ?求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内容:首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你的联系方式。 ?求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。 2、求职信的内容一般包括以下部分: (1)写信的缘由; (2)个人情况简介,例如;年龄、性别、文化程度、工作经历、工作技能、个人专长等; (3)推荐人或证明人姓名以供录用方查询; (4)约定面试时间。通常随求职信附上个人简历和两三封推荐信。 3、推荐模板 1、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in…of… ?I am sure that I meet the qualifications you specified in your ads. I am a …., and I have … I have also… ?My references are available and I can send as soon as possible. ?Thank you for your consideration of my application. I am looking for your prompt reply. ? ? ?Yours sincerely, ?Name… 2、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I am writing this letter to show my great interest in the position of… ?…. ?I hope to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working in your company. I can be reached at…


程序员英文求职信范文 dear leaders: hello! i am afraid bother. i am a just from the accounting department of hunan business college graduates. i am honored to present you the organic back to my personal information. in the occasion to join the society, in order to find the line with their professional work and interests, but also good to play to their talents and realize their life values, all the leaders would like to make a self-recommendation. brief introduction to their own situation now is as follows: accounting profession as a student, i love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy. in the four years of study and life, i have learned from the accounting including the basic knowledge to use, and many aspects. through the study of this knowledge, i have knowledge in this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering this profession is a tool, and the ability to take advantage of this tool is the most important carried out simultaneously with the course when all the relevant and practical in practice, has a certain practical skills and techniques. in school work, to enhance life skills training, learning management knowledge, absorbing management experience. i know that computers and networks are the future tools to learn the profession in the premise, i had a great interest in the computer and read a lot about books, windows98/XX, kingdee finance, uf financial and other systems, application software, foxpro, vb language and other programming languages.


高三英语复习---书面表达高分技巧(20120307) By Zhang Shiqin Teaching aims: we are trying to teach sts how to write a good composition, or how to make a composition better so as to get a good mark in an examination especially in the National College Entrance Examination. Teaching Procedures: Step 1高考英语书面表达高分卷常识 一.高考英语书面表达题材特点、体裁特点及出题模式: 1. 题材特点:紧扣课标,教材和考试说明; 贴近现实生活和学生生活实际,易于表达; 突出考查学生实际运用语言的能力。 2.体裁特点:利用各种体裁,以应用文(致辞、发言稿、记叙文、议论文)为主。 3.出题模式:叙事+ 议论,写人+ 议论 二.近年高考英语写作高分卷的五大特点: 1.行文逻辑科学,条理性好; 2.巧用过渡词汇,逻辑性强; 3.巧用高级词汇和复杂句式,文章品味高; 4.妙用变通式表达,文章错落有致; 5.书写规范工整,整体效果好。 三.英语写作高分卷的七大原则、八项注意︰ 七大原则八项注意 主题句原则注意审题 一二三原则注意人称 分段原则注意时态 长短句结合原则注意巧用连接词 多实少虚原则禁用汉式英语 短语优先原则注意书写 词句多变原则注意用有把握的词句 注意检查 四.高分卷书面表达段落的核心要素︰ 1. General structure Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence 2. Linking words 3. Advanced expressions Various structures Graceful words Step 2怎样写出高分作文 一.仔细审题Analyze the topic carefully


Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company. What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong interest in software. When I was still a freshman, I got Band Two certificate for computer, which was outstanding in my class. Besides, I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in software in these two years. I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours Li Hua. Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Liu Ying and I will graduate from Xi’an University in the year of 2010. My major is secretary in English department. It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three –year college study,I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; I have mastered English listening,speaking,writing and reading skills. Moreover,I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory,public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade,and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation,and now I’m familiar with Office 2000. It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge,and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man. As a college graduate,I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in

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