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哈利波特魔法咒语大全配单词音标中文读音 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

【不可饶恕咒】 阿瓦达索命(索命咒):Avada Kedavra /vɑd kdɑvr/ 伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 魂魄出窍 (夺魂咒):Imperio伊帕利欧 钻心剜骨(钻心咒):Crucio 克鲁西欧 【攻击系】 统统石化(石化咒):Petrificus Totalus 拍曲菲卡斯透塔勒斯 一忘皆空(遗忘咒):Obliviate 欧不利维特 粉身碎骨(粉碎咒):Reducto 瑞德克透 昏昏倒地(昏迷咒):Stupefy斯丢普覅 神锋无影 Sectumsempra瑟克拓姆瑟普拉 【防御系】 障碍重重(障碍咒):Impedimento伊拍迪门塔呼神护卫(守护神咒):Expecto Patronum 伊克斯派替欧帕岔纳姆除你武器(机械咒):Expelliarmus 伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 咒立停(停止咒):Fubute Ubcabtaten菲尼特伊肯拓塔姆 盔甲护身(盔甲咒):Protego普若拓勾 幻身咒(隐身咒_傲罗用魔咒):Disillusionment迪斯勒隼门特羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(悬浮咒):Wingardium Leviosa 【常用咒语】 阿拉霍洞开(开锁咒):Alohomora /lohmr/阿拉霍默拉 荧光闪烁(照明咒):Lumos卢默斯 声音洪亮(大声咒):Sonorus索诺拉斯 悄声细语(小声咒):Puierus快尔塔斯 无声无息(无声咒):Quietus塞冷西欧 恢复如初(修复咒):Reparo瑞帕柔 清理一新(清理咒):Scourgify斯涡基阀 火焰熊熊(火焰咒):Incendio伊森迪欧 飞来咒(召唤咒):Accio 加迪姆勒维奥萨--漂浮咒--Wingardium Leviosa ----维嘎丁勒维欧萨 阿拉霍洞开--开门咒--Alohomora ----阿拉霍磨拉统统石化--石化咒--Petrificus Totalus ----佩屈飞克斯投他勒斯除你武器--缴械咒--Expelliarmus ----伊克斯派锐阿么斯呼神护卫--守护神咒--Expecto patronus ----伊克斯派克托派丘姆阿瓦达索命--索命咒--Avada Kedavra ----阿瓦达开达弗拉钻心剜骨--钻心咒--Crucio ----克入希欧(也可以念成克入器欧) 飞来飞去Accio--【飞来咒】把东西招来 急急现形Aparecium--【显形咒】让隐形墨水显现 幻影显形Apparate 移形幻影 Apparition 幻影移形Disapparation--高级咒语,巫师旅行的方式之一,可以瞬间从 一个地方消失移动到另一个地方。 阿拉霍洞开Alobomora--打开某东西


这是一个讲述我死亡的故事 This is the story of how I died. 别紧张 其实这是个很有趣的故事 Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. 更确切地说 我并不是主角 And the truth is, it isn't even mine. 主角是一个名叫瑞普兹的女孩 This is the story of a girl named, Rapunzel. 故事要从太阳讲起And it starts, with the sun. 很久很久以前Now, once upon a time, 天空坠落了一抹阳光 a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. 在这抹阳光中And from this small drop of sun, 开出了一株金色的仙花 grew a magic, golden, flower. 它能治愈百病 抚平创伤 It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured. 看到那边的老婆婆了吗 Oh, you see that old woman, over there? 你最好记住她 You might want to remember her. 她算是个关键人物 She's kind of important. 几个世纪过去了 Well, centuries pass 在那不远的山水间 崛起了一个王国 and a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom. 受人爱戴的国王和皇后统治着这片土地 The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen. 皇后就快分娩了 And the Queen, well she was about to have a baby, 可是她病了 but she got sick, 病得很重 really, sick. 她已命在旦夕 She was running out of time. 这时 人们通常期盼着奇迹的降临 And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. 而这个故事里 期盼的是那朵金色的仙花 Or in this case, a magic golden flower. 早说了她很重要吧 Ahhh, I told you she'd be important. 这个女巫格特尔 You see instead of sharing the suns gift, 并没有和别人分享这太阳的馈赠 this woman, Mother Gothel, 而是独占了它的治愈能力 hoarded its healing power 让自己永葆青春容颜 and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. 她要做的只是唱一首特别的歌 And all she had to do, was sing a special song. 仙花闪耀 Flower gleam and glow, 魔力显现 let your power shine 倒转时光 Make the clock reverse, 带回往昔美好 bring back what once was mine. 带回往昔美好 What once was mine. 现在明白了吧 All right, you get the jist. 她一唱歌就变年轻了 很恐怖吧 She sings to it, she turns young, creepy, right? 找到了 We've found it! 仙花的魔力治愈了皇后 The magic of the golden flower, healed the queen. 一个健康的小公主诞生了 A healthy baby girl, a princess was born. 她有一头美丽的金发 With beautiful golden hair. 提醒一下I'll give you a hint. 她就是瑞普兹That's Rapunzel. 为了庆祝公主降生 To celebrate her birth, 国王和皇后放飞了一盏天灯 the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. 那一刻 一切都那么完美 And for that one moment, everything was perfect. 然而美好的时光戛然而止 And then that moment ended. 仙花闪耀 Flower, gleam and glow,


哈利波特咒语大全附中 文读音 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

快快禁锢Colloportus克罗泊塔:用来封住门、罐子等可以密封的东西的咒语。(在OOP 中,赫敏为了抵抗追兵,想封住一扇门时用了这个咒语) 快快复苏Enervate伊恩伟特:多用于解救被昏迷咒击中的巫师或其他生物。(在GOF 中,迪戈里先生用它将家养小精灵闪闪救醒) 呼神护卫(呼守护神)ExpectoPatronum伊派托帕托姆:被摄魂怪攻击或围攻时,召唤出守护神(每个人的守护神都不同)来对抗摄魂怪的咒语。 咒立停FiniteLncantatem飞尼特兰卡塔:解除魔法的咒语。 障碍重重Impedimento因派笛门托:不管别人用什么样的魔咒来攻击你,“障碍重重”都会使对方魔咒攻击你的速度变慢。 盔甲护身Protego波特欧:用来减弱敌人咒语攻击威力(或程度轻重)的咒语,也成铁甲咒。 包扎咒:阿魏拉? 赤胆忠心魔咒:FideliusCharm飞得琉查木 咒语1---夺魂咒Imperio因派罗受术者会受人控制,意志力薄弱的人会会受控制,只有意志力强的人才能破解. 咒语2---钻心咒Crucio可鲁欧令人毛骨悚然的黑魔法,受术者会浑身抽搐,痉挛,痛不欲生.

咒语3---索命咒AvadaKedavra阿瓦达科达华只有法力最强大的黑巫师才能使用的最强最邪恶的黑魔法.没有任何破解咒,一道绿光闪过,中者立即毙命. 咒语4---黑魔标记Morsmordre魔斯魔德食死徒闯进一幢建筑或杀死一个人会在天空发射黑魔标记,它是一条从骷髅头中钻出的蛇吐蛇杏的图画. 标准巫师咒语1极咒语1---疯狂生长咒EngorgementCharm恩勾革门查姆海格曾对他的南瓜苗用过,几秒内骤然生长. 咒语2---防水防湿Impervious因派威鲁哈利在一场魁地奇比赛中赫敏给他使用的咒,能有效防止眼镜起雾. 咒语3---飞来咒Accio阿可欧让想要的东西飞来飞去.最经典的是<<哈4>>中哈利召唤火弩箭的场景. 咒语4---洪亮咒Sonorus索挪若斯让自己的声音提高数倍.多用在体育比赛中. 5---阿拉霍洞开Alohomora阿拉霍魔拉!到家忘记带钥匙时,有重要东西丢在柜子里而打不开时,便可使用. 咒语6---熄灭咒Nox挪克斯 咒语1---倒挂金钟Levicorpus雷威库泊斯作用如同有双无形的手抓住你的脚踝,将人吊在半空中.(会脑冲血) 咒语2---"我庄严宣誓我不怀好意"IsolemnlyswearthatIamuptonogood.使用活点地图的咒语


魔法奇缘 Enchanted Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, 很久以前在一个叫Andalasia的魔法王国 there lived an evil queen. 住着一个邪恶的皇后 Selfish and cruel, 自私而且残忍 she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry, 她整天在担心有天继子结婚的话 and she would lose her throne forever. 她会永远失去王位 And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting 因此她竭尽全力阻止王子跟任何 the one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss. 可能会带给他真爱之吻的少女见面 Giselle, Giselle, how about this for your statue? Giselle Giselle 这个给塑像装上怎么样? - Oh, this will be perfect. Thank you. - You're welcome. - 这真是太完美了谢谢 - 不客气 Come on, come on! OK, you mookses, move it! We have got a face to put together here 得了得了! 让开你们这些家伙! 我们还有张脸要塑造呢 while it's still ingrained in her subcranium. 现在仅仅是根植在她脑海里 Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream. Pip 这真是美妙的梦想 We were holding hands and dancing, and... 我们手拉手跳舞还... - Oh! - And these for the eyes. - 噢! - 这个做眼睛用 Blue? Oh, how did you know? 蓝色的? 你怎么知道我喜欢? And they sparkle just like his. Mm! 象他的一样闪闪发光唔! OK. There we go. 好的装上去了 - Yes! That's it! - OK. Yeah, yeah. - 对了! 就是这样的! - 是的是的 - Floor's yours, honey. - Presenting my one true love. - 亲爱的地板都归你用 - 展示我的真爱 My prince. My dream come true. 我的王子梦想成真了 Oh, my goodness! 天哪! - Whoa, whoa. What? What's the problem? - I didn't give him any lips. - 怎么? 哪儿不对? - 没给他装嘴唇 - Ooh! - Does he have to have lips? - 噢! - 他需要有嘴唇吗? Of course. 当然 When you meet the someone who is meant for you 当你遇到缘份注定的人时 Before two can become one There's something you must do 在合二为一之前你需要做些事情 - Do you pull each other's tails? - Do you feed each other seeds? - 你们要拉对方的尾巴吗? - 你们给对方喂种子吗? No. 不 There is something sweeter 有更甜蜜的东西 Everybody needs 每个人都需要 I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss 我一直梦想得到王子带来的 And a prince I'm hoping comes with this 真爱之吻 That's what brings 它让 Ever-afterings so happy 以后的日子如此快乐 And that's the reason we need lips so much 那是我们需要嘴唇的原因 For lips are the only things that touch 因为嘴唇是唯一碰触的东西 So to spend a life of endless bliss 要享受快乐的一生 Just find who you love 只需去找你爱的人 Through true love's kiss 通过真爱之吻 If we're going to find a perfect pair of lips, 如果我们要找完美的双唇 we're going to need a lot more help. 还需要多一点帮助 She's been dreaming of a true love's kiss 她一直梦想得到 And a prince she's hoping comes with this 一个王子带来的真爱之吻 That's what brings ever-afterings 它让以后的日子 - So happy - So happy - 如此快乐 - 如此快乐


磁盘碎片整理慢的五个解决方法 windows系统的磁盘碎片整理功能能够显著提升系统程序的执行效率,因此定期进行磁盘碎片整理对系统是非常有益的。大家都知道磁盘碎片整理会花费大量的时间,这种情况会影响我们的工作,有没有办法来加快磁盘碎片整理的速度呢?笔者给大家介绍5个方法加快磁盘碎片整理速度。 加快磁盘碎片整理速度方法一:保留足够的硬盘空间 windows系统必须保留足够的硬盘空间才能保证应用程序正常执行,如果硬盘空间较少,磁盘碎片整理也会很慢。因此,对于比较小的磁盘分区,最好保持15%以上的可用空间;对于比较大的磁盘分区,最好保持5%以上的可用空间;对于引导分区,至少要有40MB以上的可用空间。另外,在使用电脑的过程中,我们应该及时释放浪费的磁盘空间,例如经常清空回收站、删除上网后的历史记录以及删除临时文件夹和文件等。 加快磁盘碎片整理速度方法二:关闭应用程序 应用程序在执行的过程中会反复读取硬盘的数据,这样就会大大降低磁盘碎片整理的执行效率,严重还有可能导致系统死机。因此,为了加快磁盘碎片整理的速度,必须关闭应用程序。 加快磁盘碎片整理速度方法三:修改注册表关闭屏幕保护 在进行磁盘碎片整理工作前,首先要关闭屏幕保护程序,否则磁盘碎片整理程序会反复地启动,但是如果每次都通过人工的方式来关闭应用程序,可能比较麻烦。在这里笔者告诉大家一个小窍门,即通过修改注册表来实现自动关闭屏幕保护。具体操作步骤如下:首先,在命令行中使用regedit命令打开注册表,定位到"HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware MicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionApplets",然后在此路径下寻找是否有"Defrag"键值,如果没有,就新建一个,系统默认情况下都有此键值。在"Defrag"键值下再新建一个名为"Settings"的主键,然后再在此新建的主键下建立一个名为"DisableScreenSaver"的主键,最后将它的默认字符串值改为"YES"即可。以后每次运行磁盘碎片整理程序时系统会自动屏蔽掉屏幕保护,运行完成后自动恢复。 加快磁盘碎片整理速度方法四:改变临时文件夹位置 在使用IE浏览器上网冲浪时,为了能花很少的钱访问更多的信息,用户常常会采取离线浏览的方法来进行访问。而每次上网后,ie浏览器将会在C:windowsTemporary Internet Files目录中留下许多临时文件。如果我们频繁地上网冲浪,IE浏览器可能会在该目录下生成大量临时文件,同样会对硬盘频繁读写,产生大量碎片,从而影响访问速度。为了避免这一情况,我们同样可以将临时目录指定到其他分区。方法为:首先在D盘中建立一个临时文件的存放目录,选择"控制面板"*"Internet 选项",在打开的对话框中单击"设置"按钮,然后单击"移动文件夹"按钮,选择D盘中相应目录即可。 加快磁盘碎片整理速度方法五:调整参数或使用专用软件 如果硬盘的容量或者分区的容量比较小,对其进行碎片整理工作需要的时间不会太长,但对于一些塞满数据的大硬盘和分区来说,则需要一个漫长的等待过程。所以,我们在整理这些大容量的硬盘或者分区时,可以采取下面2种措施: 首先可以将windows系统自身附带的整理程序中的优化参数关闭,这样可以加快碎片整理的速度,但这种方法的效果可能不会很明显。另外一种方法是,使用专用的碎片整理工具来对硬盘或者分区进行整理,例如笔者目前使用的Vop99软件,其整理磁盘碎片的速度就非常快。如果我们每天都使用Vop99整理磁盘碎片,磁盘将在几分钟内得到优化,系统能够一直保持最佳状态。笔者建议大家使用windows的计划任务程序,设定至少每周自动运行一次 Vop99。



【不可饶恕咒】 阿瓦达索命(索命咒):Avada Kedavra /??vɑ?d? k??dɑ?vr?/ 伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 魂魄出窍 (夺魂咒):Imperio伊帕利欧 钻心剜骨(钻心咒):Crucio 克鲁西欧 【攻击系】 统统石化(石化咒):Petrificus Totalus 拍曲菲卡斯透塔勒斯 一忘皆空(遗忘咒):Obliviate 欧不利维特 粉身碎骨(粉碎咒):Reducto 瑞德克透 昏昏倒地(昏迷咒):Stupefy斯丢普覅 神锋无影 Sectumsempra瑟克拓姆瑟普拉 【防御系】 障碍重重(障碍咒):Impedimento伊拍迪门塔 呼神护卫(守护神咒):Expecto Patronum 伊克斯派替欧帕岔纳姆除你武器(机械咒):Expelliarmus 伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 咒立停(停止咒):Fubute Ubcabtaten菲尼特伊肯拓塔姆 盔甲护身(盔甲咒):Protego普若拓勾 幻身咒(隐身咒_傲罗用魔咒):Disillusionment迪斯勒隼门特 羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(悬浮咒):Wingardium Leviosa 【常用咒语】 阿拉霍洞开(开锁咒):Alohomora /??lo?h??m??r?/阿拉霍默拉 荧光闪烁(照明咒):Lumos卢默斯 声音洪亮(大声咒):Sonorus索诺拉斯 悄声细语(小声咒):Puierus快尔塔斯 无声无息(无声咒):Quietus塞冷西欧 恢复如初(修复咒):Reparo瑞帕柔 清理一新(清理咒):Scourgify斯涡基阀 火焰熊熊(火焰咒):Incendio伊森迪欧 飞来咒(召唤咒):Accio /??ki.o?/ 艾克希欧 来咒 Accio 艾克希欧 清水如泉 Aguamenti 艾古阿门提 急急现形 Aparecium 艾帕希姆 移形幻影 Apparate 阿普瑞特 阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 阿拉霍默拉 飞鸟群群 Avis 艾维斯 蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 巴特-波基赫克希斯(非咒语!) 快快禁锢 Colloportus 克洛朴塔斯 眼疾咒 Conjunctivtus Curse 肯僵克踢舞塔斯克斯(非咒语!) 消隐无踪 Deletrius 徳勒曲耳斯 门牙赛大棒 Densaugeo 邓哨基欧 四分五裂 Diffindo 迪芬抖 幻身咒 Disillusionment 迪斯勒隼门特 快快复苏 Enervate 恩纳维特 速速变大 Engorgio 英咯基欧

哈利波特 魔法咒语大全 配单词音标中文读音

【不可饶恕咒】 阿瓦达索命(索命咒):Avada Kedavra /??vɑ?d? k??dɑ?vr?/伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 魂魄出窍(夺魂咒):Imperio伊帕利欧 钻心剜骨(钻心咒):Crucio 克鲁西欧 【攻击系】 统统石化(石化咒):Petrificus Totalus 拍曲菲卡斯透塔勒斯 一忘皆空(遗忘咒):Obliviate 欧不利维特 粉身碎骨(粉碎咒):Reducto 瑞德克透 昏昏倒地(昏迷咒):Stupefy斯丢普覅 神锋无影Sectumsempra瑟克拓姆瑟普拉 【防御系】 障碍重重(障碍咒):Impedimento伊拍迪门塔 呼神护卫(守护神咒):Expecto Patronum 伊克斯派替欧帕岔纳姆除你武器(机械咒):Expelliarmus 伊克斯帕利亚玛斯 咒立停(停止咒):Fubute Ubcabtaten菲尼特伊肯拓塔姆 盔甲护身(盔甲咒):Protego普若拓勾 幻身咒(隐身咒_傲罗用魔咒):Disillusionment迪斯勒隼门特 羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(悬浮咒):Wingardium Leviosa 【常用咒语】 阿拉霍洞开(开锁咒):Alohomora /??lo?h??m??r?/阿拉霍默拉 荧光闪烁(照明咒):Lumos卢默斯 声音洪亮(大声咒):Sonorus索诺拉斯 悄声细语(小声咒):Puierus快尔塔斯 无声无息(无声咒):Quietus塞冷西欧 恢复如初(修复咒):Reparo瑞帕柔 清理一新(清理咒):Scourgify斯涡基阀 火焰熊熊(火焰咒):Incendio伊森迪欧 飞来咒(召唤咒):Accio /??ki.o?/ 艾克希欧


win7磁盘碎片整理在哪?win7磁盘碎片整理方法 很多用户被Win7丰富的创新功能、卓越的兼容性,安全稳定的性能表现以及简单、安全、便捷的操作方式深深吸引,明显体会到了Win7给自己生活工作提供的各种方便。但是最近很多用户发现,系统用久了速度越来越慢,而且磁盘碎片会越来越多,可能会影响Win 7系统的运行速度,对此,如何解决win7磁盘碎片整理呢?win7磁盘碎片整理有什么方法呢?下面,我们一起来看看win7磁盘碎片整理的方法。 方法一: 1、在磁盘管理器中,对任意磁盘右键找到属性点击。 2、转到工具选项卡,找到磁盘整理功能。 3、选择需要进行磁盘碎片整理的磁盘,然后点击“磁盘碎片整理”,系统会自动进行操作。 4、待系统自动完成碎片整理功能后,会显示各个磁盘中的碎片整理率。当然,如果大家不想每次都手动去进行磁盘碎片整理功能,可以进行“配置计划”。在配置计划中,可以设置让系统每隔一段时间自动进行碎片整理功能,然后选择需要整理的磁盘。到了特定的时间,系统会悄无声息的自动进行磁盘碎片整理。 推荐阅读:利用Defrag命令清除磁盘碎片 方法二: 1、首先,先从开始菜单中找到“磁盘碎片整理程序”。可以选择“开始”——“所有程序”——“附件”——“系统工具”——“磁盘碎片整理程序”,也可以直接在搜索栏中查找。

磁盘碎片 2、然后,在“当前状态”下,选择要进行碎片整理的磁盘。在这里,如果你无法确定自己的磁盘上是否存在碎片,可先选择分析磁盘。当然,如果你确定知道某个磁盘上一定存在碎片,那也可以直接选择“碎片整理”。 磁盘碎片

3、分析磁盘结束后,你就可以根据分析结果,选择进行磁盘碎片整理了。只要在“上一次运行时间”中检查磁盘上碎片的百分比超过了10%,则应该对磁盘进行碎片整理。只需单击一下“磁盘碎片整理”,即可帮你的Win7减负加速了。 磁盘碎片 4、此外,你也可以通过“配置计划”进行设置,使每周自动进行“磁盘碎片清理”,以保证Win7的减负加速。


咒语中“英”对照: Accio** 飞来 Aguamenti 清水如泉 Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开 Aparecium 急急现形 Stupefy 昏昏倒地 Avis 飞鸟群群 Cave inimicum 《哈7》中给帐篷施的保护咒语,应该是“降敌陷阱” Colloportus 快快禁锢 Comfundo 《哈7》中混淆咒咒语,译为“混淆视听” Deletrius 消隐无踪 Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒 Diffindo 四分五裂 Disillusionment 幻身咒 Dissendium 左右为难 Enervate 快快复苏 Engorgio 速速变大 Evanesco 消影无踪 Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫(专打摄魂怪) Expelliarmus 除你武器 Ferula 阿魏拉 Finite 终了结束 Finite incantatem 咒立停 Flagrate 标记显现 Furnunculus 火烤热辣辣 Homenum revelio 《哈7》中显示人类(Homo sapiens是人类的学名……)的咒语,人形现身Impedimenta 障碍重重 Impervius 防水防湿,在《哈7》中有新用法,译为“水火不侵”(查字典Impervious) Incarcerous 速速禁锢 Incendio 火焰熊熊 Levicorpus 倒挂金钟 Liberacorpus 金钟落地(倒挂金钟的反咒) Legilimens 摄神取念 Locomotor .... ....移动 Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死 Lumos 荧光闪烁 Nox 诺克斯(荧光闪烁的反咒) Metelojinx recanto 《哈7》里韦斯莱先生用它制止了魔法部某个办公室下雨的情况,译为“云咒撤回”Mobiliarbus 移形幻影(意思为:瞬间转移) Mobilicorpus 幻影显形 Morsmordre 尸骨再现 Obliviate 一忘皆空 Orchideus 兰花盛开 Pack 收拾

魔法奇缘 中英剧本英语口语练习

魔法奇缘 Enchanted 中英文剧本 Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, 很久以前在一个叫Andalasia的魔法王国 there lived an evil queen. 住着一个邪恶的皇后 Selfish and cruel, 自私而且残忍 she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry, 她整天在担心有天继子结婚的话 and she would lose her throne forever. 她会永远失去王位 And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting 因此她竭尽全力阻止王子跟任何 the one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss. 可能会带给他真爱之吻的少女见面 Giselle, Giselle, how about this for your statue? Giselle Giselle 这个给塑像装上怎么样? - Oh, this will be perfect. Thank you. - You're welcome. - 这真是太完美了谢谢 - 不客气 Come on, come on! OK, you mookses, move it! We have got a face to put together here 得了得了! 让开你们这些家伙! 我们还有张脸要塑造呢 while it's still ingrained in her subcranium. 现在仅仅是根植在她脑海里 Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream. Pip 这真是美妙的梦想 We were holding hands and dancing, and... 我们手拉手跳舞还... - Oh! - And these for the eyes. - 噢! - 这个做眼睛用 Blue? Oh, how did you know? 蓝色的? 你怎么知道我喜欢? And they sparkle just like his. Mm! 象他的一样闪闪发光唔! OK. There we go. 好的装上去了 - Yes! That's it! - OK. Yeah, yeah. - 对了! 就是这样的! - 是的是的 - Floor's yours, honey. - Presenting my one true love. - 亲爱的地板都归你用 - 展示我的真爱 My prince. My dream come true. 我的王子梦想成真了 Oh, my goodness! 天哪! - Whoa, whoa. What? What's the problem? - I didn't give him any lips. - 怎么? 哪儿不对? - 没给他装嘴唇 - Ooh! - Does he have to have lips? - 噢! - 他需要有嘴唇吗? Of course. 当然 When you meet the someone who is meant for you 当你遇到缘份注定的人时 Before two can become one There's something you must do 在合二为一之前你需要做些事情 - Do you pull each other's tails? - Do you feed each other seeds? - 你们要拉对方的尾巴吗? - 你们给对方喂种子吗? No. 不 There is something sweeter 有更甜蜜的东西 Everybody needs 每个人都需要 I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss 我一直梦想得到王子带来的 And a prince I'm hoping comes with this 真爱之吻 That's what brings 它让 Ever-afterings so happy 以后的日子如此快乐 And that's the reason we need lips so much 那是我们需要嘴唇的原因 For lips are the only things that touch 因为嘴唇是唯一碰触的东西 So to spend a life of endless bliss 要享受快乐的一生 Just find who you love 只需去找你爱的人 Through true love's kiss 通过真爱之吻 If we're going to find a perfect pair of lips, 如果我们要找完美的双唇 we're going to need a lot more help. 还需要多一点帮助 She's been dreaming of a true love's kiss 她一直梦想得到


哈利波特咒语中英文大 全 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

咒语中“英”对照: Accio**飞来 Aguamenti清水如泉 Alohomora阿拉霍洞开 Aparecium急急现形 Stupefy昏昏倒地 Avis飞鸟群群 Caveinimicum《哈7》中给帐篷施的保护咒语,应该是“降敌陷阱”Colloportus快快禁锢 Comfundo《哈7》中混淆咒咒语,译为“混淆视听” Deletrius消隐无踪 Densaugeo门牙赛大棒 Diffindo四分五裂 Disillusionment幻身咒 Dissendium左右为难 Enervate快快复苏 Engorgio速速变大 Evanesco消影无踪 ExpectoPatronum呼神护卫(专打摄魂怪) Expelliarmus除你武器

Ferula阿魏拉 Finite终了结束 Finiteincantatem咒立停 Flagrate标记显现 Furnunculus火烤热辣辣 Homenumrevelio《哈7》中显示人类(Homosapiens是人类的学名……)的咒语,人形现身Impedimenta障碍重重 Impervius防水防湿,在《哈7》中有新用法,译为“水火不侵”(查字典Impervious)Incarcerous速速禁锢 Incendio火焰熊熊 Levicorpus倒挂金钟 Liberacorpus金钟落地(倒挂金钟的反咒) Legilimens摄神取念 Locomotor........移动 LocomotorMortis腿立僵停死 Lumos荧光闪烁 Nox诺克斯(荧光闪烁的反咒) Metelojinxrecanto《哈7》里韦斯莱先生用它制止了魔法部某个办公室下雨的情况,译为“云咒撤回” Mobiliarbus移形幻影(意思为:瞬间转移) Mobilicorpus幻影显形 Morsmordre尸骨再现 Obliviate一忘皆空

电影Post Grad的台词

Movie: Post Grad - [剧集电影] Tag:Words Movie 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 https://www.docsj.com/doc/1a19271335.html,/logs/57015522.html 1. On a class reunion party, after asking others what they were doing, Ryden was confronted by Jessica. "Ryden, what about you? What are you up to?" Ryden said" Uh... I just... You know, I've been interviewing. A lot. And, um, just had some really amazing opportunities... and just keeping my options open." Jessica said bluntly"So what you're saying is you're unemployed." Ryden felt really bad with this and complained to Adam"God. I feel like such a loser. Everyone is doing something with their lives... and I just turn out to be this big, pathetic loser." Adam tried to console her by a hug offer, Rydey: "No. I don't want your pity hug(怜悯的拥抱)." Pity means 怜悯, 同情, 可怜in most cases, here's some examples: 与pity hug相似的用法有pity sezx/pity fcuk What girls do to boys who've never done anything with girls before. Anytime a person chooses to have sexual intercourse with another person for the sole purpose of getting that person through an awkward or sad moment. Typically there is no actual interest romantically in that person, but the idea of engaging in intercourse is not horrifying and almost a bit sporty(有体育道z德精d神的). The giver goes through the motions(go through the motions of sth装装样子, 做做样子to do something because you are expected to do it and not because you want to (often in continuous tenses) These days when we go out, cook a meal together or even make love, I get the feeling that he's just going through the motions.set something in motion付诸行动to start something moving. The mayor set the project in motion by digging the first shovelful of soil. I cannot set the procedure in motion until I receive a purchase order.) of actual romance without any actual feelings.To have sex with someone for reasons stemming from pity rather than desire. The phrase allows a range of implications from concern about the unfulfilment of the fcukee被fcuk的人or feelings of superiority自大over them. Kate came round last night and looked so dejected(忧郁沮丧失望难过的), I had to pity-fcuk her. Sally felt bad for Jim during his visit after the loss of his girlfriend several weeks earlier, and while nothing she tried that afternoon could snap him out of his sadness, she decided to give him a pity-fcuk which would show him that happiness could be found again. pity yes A "pity yes" is the expression of half-hearted consent半心半意的同意a woman gives to a man's request for a date. It's a "yes" to a request for a date, but not one with enthusiasm. A man can evoke a pity yes with the look on his face, or by asking a woman out in a novel way. Ack! You can't ask someone out over IM! You always have to ask out someone at least via phone. You're much more likely to get a pity yes. Then, if you make a good impression, you turn that into a real yes! more's the pity更可惜的是, 更遗憾的是Fig. it is a great pity or shame; it is sad. (Sometimes with the.)Jack can't come, more's the pity. Jane had to leave early, more's the pity. take/have pity on somebody同情某人to do something because you feel sympathy for someone She stood there shivering until Claudia took pity on her and put her sweater around the child's shoulders.


-Woman: Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, there lived an evil queen. (once upon a time: 从前magical: 魔法的kingdom: 王国evil: 邪恶的queen: 女王,王后) Selfish and cruel (selfish: 自私的cruel: 残酷的) she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry,(fear: 害怕,唯恐stepson: 继子marry: 结婚) and she would lose her throne forever.(throne: 王座,王位) And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss.(do all in one’s pow er: 全力以赴,竭力prince: 王子prevent: 阻止某事special: 特殊的maiden: 少女true love: 真爱) -Birds: Giselle, Giselle, how about this for your statue?(statue: 雕像) -Giselle: Oh, This Will be perfect. Thank you. (perfect: 完美的) -Birds: You're welcome. -Pip: Come on! OK, you mookses, move it! We have got a face to put together here while it's still ingrained in her subcranium. (mook: 期刊式书,杂志式书--书呆子ingrained: 根深蒂固的) -Giselle: Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream.(lovely: 可爱的,令人愉快的) We were holding hands and dancing, and...( hold hands: 手牵手) -Rabbit: Oh! And these for the eyes. -Giselle: Blue? Oh, how did you know? And they sparkle just like his. Mm!(sparkle: 使闪耀,使发光) OK. There we go. Yes! That's it! -Pip: OK. Yeah, yeah! Floor's yours, honey.(舞台是你的了) -Giselle: Presenting my one true love.(present: 呈现,展示) My prince. My dream come true.(come true: 实现) Oh, my goodness! (my goodness: 天哪哦,天呐!) -Pip: Whoa, whoa. What? What's the problem? -Giselle: I didn't give him any lips. (lip: 嘴唇) -Deer: Ooh! Does he have to have lips? -Giselle: Of course. When you meet the someone who is meant for you -Giselle: “Before two can become one, there's something you must do.” -Rabbit: Do you pull each other's tails? (pull: 拉,拽tail: 尾巴) -Bird: Do you feed each other seeds?(seed: 种子)

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