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奥巴马到中国来了。他访华会引用哪句中国古诗文?昨天中午就有了答案:奥巴马在上海的Town Hall演讲中引用了一句Chinese proverb:Consider the past you shall know the future,显然这是《论语》中的名句“温故而知新”。



Chairman has written: So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long; seize the day, seize the hour!

中方翻译冀朝铸胸有成竹地翻译出:“多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕!”(《满江红·和郭沫若同志》)尼克松接着借题发挥:This is the hour. This is the day for our two people (现在就是我们两国人民只争朝夕的时候了),赢得了满堂彩。


演员出身的里根总统上台以后的第四年来到北京,在国家主席举行的欢迎晚宴上,里根在祝酒辞中说:Many centuries ago, Wang Po, a famous Chinese poet-philosopher, wrote, "Although we reside in far corners of the world, having a good friend is akin to having a good neighbor." (在许多世纪之前,一位名叫王勃的中国哲学家和诗人写过:“海内存知己、天涯若比邻”)。美国国务院的中国通又为里根在第二天中国总理晚宴上的祝酒辞中加了一句加大互信力度的话:…let us be of the same mind. And as a saying from "The Book of Changes" goes, "If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal."(让我们同心同德,正如《易经》中所说的那样“二人同心,其利断金”。)顺便说一句,在22年后法国总统希拉克访华,在北大演讲时也引用了“二人同心,其利断金”,却说是孔夫子的格言,证明法国的中国通比美国的中国通差了好几个档次。

老布什总统1989年春访华,在欢迎晚宴上两度展示他作为前任驻华联络处主任的功底。在祝酒辞的一开始,老布什就说:There's a Chinese proverb that says: "One generation plants a tree; the next sits in its shade." (有句中国谚语这样说:前人栽树,后人乘凉),由此称赞中国人正在栽种改革之树,而且这一代人已经开始收获果实。随后,老布什提到他和芭芭拉在中国旅行的难忘经历,特别是杜甫的老家四川。老布什提到乘船经过三峡的经历时说:…

where we relished the history of the Three Kingdoms and could almost hear the poet Li Bo's description of "the monkeys who screamed from the two sides without stopping." (我们想起了三国故事,几乎听到了诗人李白“两岸猿声啼不住”的描述)。


Let us give new meaning to the words written in the ancient Book of Rites, what you call the Li Shi: When the great way is followed, all under heaven will be equal(让我们给《礼记》这本历史古书的文字赋予新的意义:当大家走伟大的道路时,世界所有的人都将是平等的)。

克林顿所说的“当大家走伟大的道路时,世界所有的人都将是平等的”是《礼记》的《礼运》篇第一句话“大道之行也,天下为公”。两天后,在北京的国宴上,克林顿在祝酒辞中宣称“我们在以不同的方式坚决维护着孟子的思想”,他所引述的孟子语录是这样一句话: A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens of the community; good citizens of the world will befriend of the other citizens of the world ( “一乡之善士斯友一乡之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士”)。孟子这段话出自《孟子·万章下》,也就是说,伟大的美国人民和美国领导人很愿意和伟大的中国人民和中国领导人交朋友。这样的话从美国总统口中说出来,当然让中国人十分受用。

小布什文采不高,口齿不清,但是也咬文嚼字地引用过中国古诗词。2005年11月在访问中国之前,他在日本京都发表了关于民主与自由的重头演讲。在演讲的最后,他说Thousands of years before Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln, a Chinese poet wrote that, "the people should be cherished, the people are the root of a country;the root firm, the country is tranquil." (在托马斯·杰斐逊或亚伯拉罕·林肯诞生的几千年前,就有一位中国诗人写道:“人民应该被珍视,人民是国家的根基。根基牢固,国家就安宁)。这句话出自《尚书·夏书》中的“五子之歌”,原文是“民可近,不可下。民惟邦本,本固邦宁”。

可见,美国历届总统在访华期间引用中国古诗文已经成了不成文的惯例。其实奥巴马在访华之前已经引用过,在不久前举行的首轮中美战略与经济对话开幕式上,美国总统奥巴马在致辞中引用了孟子语录。奥巴马这段讲话的英语原文是:"Thousands of years ago, the great philosopher Mencius said:'A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.’" (山径之蹊间,介然用之而成路;为间不用,则茅塞之矣。今茅塞子之心矣—《孟子·尽心下》)。


When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. 在中文里crisis这个词是由两个字组成,一个是“危(险)”,另一个是“机”(会)。


国家领导人引用的古诗词英语精妙翻译整理 1.行百里者半九十 中文意思:一百里的路程,走到九十里也只能算是才开始一半而已。比喻做事愈接近成功愈困难,越要坚持到最后。 译文:Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the way side. 直译:行一百里路的人,有一半可能都会半途而废。 2.华山再高,顶有过路 中文意思:即使困难再大,也会有迎刃而解的办法。这是温总理对“自古华山一条道”自我深刻思考后,用自己的语言所提炼出的一句话。 译文:No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top. 直译:无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。 3.亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其尤未悔 中文意思:出自屈原《离骚》的名句,表达了作者为追求家国富强,坚持高洁品行而不怕千难万险、纵死也无悔的忠贞情怀。 译文:For the ideal that I hold near to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. 直译:我遵从我内心的意愿,即使死千万次也不会后悔。 4.人或加讪,心无疵兮 中文意思:出自刘禹锡的《子刘子自传》,意为即使有人诽谤,我也问心无愧。译文:My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside. 直译:不管外界流言蜚语和造谣中伤,我的良知始终保持纯洁没有污点。 5.知我罪我,其惟春秋 中文意思:孔子编写《春秋》之后说:“知我者,其惟《春秋》乎!罪我者,其惟《春秋》乎!”大意是说我做的这些事,写的这本书,后人一定会毁誉不一、


On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. Because while we gather here under open skies, we know that far beyond the Organ Mountains – in the streets of Baghdad, and the outskirts of Kabul – America's sons and daughters are sacrificing on our behalf. And our thoughts and prayers are with them. I speak to you today with deep humility. My grandfather marched in Patton's Army, but I cannot know what it is to walk into battle like so many of you. My grandmother worked on a bomber assembly line, but I cannot know what it is for a family to sacrifice like so many of yours have. I am the father of two young girls, and I cannot imagine what it is to lose a child. My heart breaks for the families who've lost a loved one. These are things I cannot know. But there are also some things I do know. I know that our sadness today is mixed with pride; that those we've lost will be remembered by a grateful nation; and that our presence here today is only possible because your loved ones, America's patriots, were willing to give their lives to defend our nation. I know that while we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, we all –every one of us – hold in reverence those who've given this country the full measure of their devotion. And I know that children in New Mexico and across this country look to your children, to your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and friends –to those we honor today –as a shining example of what's best about America. Their lives are a model for us all. What led these men and women to wear their country's uniform? What is it that leads anyone to put aside their own pursuit of life's comforts; to subordinate their own sense of survival, for something bigger – something greater? Many of those we honor today were so young when they were killed. They had a whole life ahead of them – birthdays and weddings, holidays with children and grandchildren, homes and jobs and happiness of their own. And yet, at one moment or another, they felt the tug, just as generations of Americans did before them. Maybe it was a massacre in a Boston square; or a President's call to save the Union and free the slaves. Maybe it was the day of infamy that awakened a nation to a storm in the Pacific and a madman's death march across Europe. Or maybe it was the morning they woke up to see our walls of security crumble along with our two largest towers. Whatever the moment was, when it came and they felt that tug, perhaps it was simply the thought of a mom or a dad, a husband or a wife, or a child not yet born that made this young American think that it was time to go; that made them think "I must serve so that the people I love can live –in happiness, and safety, and freedom."


奥巴马访华演讲(中英双语 Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good. (Laughter. What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue. This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to see this majestic country. Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world -- the soaring skyscrapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity. And just as I'm impressed by these signs of China's journey to the 21st century, I'm eager to see those ancient places that speak to us from China's distant past. Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm in Beijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall. Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future. The same can be said of the relationship between our two countries. Shanghai, of course, is a city that has great meaning in the history of the relationship between the United States and China. It was here, 37 years ago, that the Shanghai Communique opened the door to a new chapter of engagement between our governments and among our people. However, America's ties to this city -- and to this country -- stretch back further, to the earliest days of America's independence.


美国总统奥巴马胜选演讲稿(中英文) 超过10万人4日深夜把美国芝加哥格兰特公园变成狂欢的海洋。当选总统贝拉克奥巴马在这里向支持者宣布:“变革已降临美国。”他在这篇获胜演说中承诺推进“变革”,但呼吁支持者付出耐心,甚至提及连任。 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 如果,还有人怀疑美国是一切皆有可能的国度,还有人怀疑国父们的梦想在我们的时代是否还存在,还有人怀疑我们的民主所拥有的力量,那么今晚,你听到了回答。 It’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. 是那些今天在学校和教堂排着长队、数不胜数的选民做出了回答;是那些为了投票等待了三四个小时的人们做出了回答。他们中的很多人,是有生以来第一次投票,因为他们相信,这次真的不同――他们的声音会让这次不同。



【前言】前天花费一个晚上,昨天下午从三点一直坐到晚上近九点,今天上午又忙一个小时,总算把温家宝总理历年讲话中引用过的经典文化中的名句基本整理完毕。纵观温总理任期这十年的讲话,尤其是每年的两会答记者问,引经据典成为各大媒体记者竞相报道的焦点之一。记者们都是文人,文人嘛,热衷于玩文化,所以,遇上这么一个学富五车的文化总理,正好暗合了记者们的口味。于是,这十年,温总理的博学多才,通过媒体的信号放大,传遍了中国,影响了很多人,这对我们优秀传统文化的传承和弘扬,起到了很大促进作用。从这个角度看,如果开个玩笑,我认为,温总理任期十年最大的贡献,除了搞经济,就是传播了中国优秀的传统文化! 为了把这笔文化财富全景式地展现给大家,我不惜时间,苦坐电脑前,做“地毯式轰炸”搜寻,用了“竭泽式捕鱼法”,搜罗温总理的历届答问原文和其他讲话资料。我想,争取做完这件事后,让后来需要查阅温总理引用经典文化名言资料的人,不再重复我的辛苦,所以,我宁愿辛苦一点,即使不能一网打尽,至少也是超越前人了。 ★温家宝总理引用过的经典名句 ▲苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?(林则徐《赴戍登程口占示家人》:力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支。苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?谪居正是君恩厚,养拙刚于戍卒宜。戏与山妻谈故事,试吟断送老头皮。) ■引用背景:2003年,温总理说:“在我当选以后,我心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:‘苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之’,这就是我今后工作的态度。” ▲葬我于高山之上兮,望我大陆。大陆不可见兮,只有痛哭;葬我于高山之上兮,望我故乡。故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。天苍苍,野茫茫,山之上,国有殇。(近现代政治家、教育家、书法家于右任《望大陆》) ■引用背景:2003年03月20日,国务院新当选的总理温家宝回答记者有关两岸关系的提问时说:“说起台湾,我就很动情,不由得想起了一位辛亥革命的老人、国民党的元老于右任在他临终前写过的一首哀歌:‘葬我于高山之上兮,望我大陆。大陆不可见兮,只有痛哭;葬我于高山之上兮,望我故乡。故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。天苍苍,野茫茫,山之上,国有殇。’这是多么震撼中华民族的诗句。” ▲生财有大道,生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者舒,则财恒足矣。(《礼记·大学》) ■引用背景:2003年03月20日,温总理在回答记者有关农村问题时说:“中国古代《大学》一文说,生财有道,生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者舒。现在在农村倒过来了,‘食之者众,生之者寡’。”


奥巴马演讲稿英文版 篇一:奥巴马中英文演讲稿 Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good. 下午好。能够有机会在上海跟你们大家交谈,我深感荣幸。我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还要感谢我们出色的大使Jon Huntsman,他代表了我们两国之间的深远联系和相互尊重。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说的是好的。 What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as


奥巴马上台后中美关系的变化及其实质 前言:奥巴马上台一年多以来,中国与美国关系波折不断,经历过了几个不同的阶段。为什么会出现这种情况,多年来的这种反复背后的实质是什么,这些情况是大家比较关心的问题。本文将就这些阶段做简单介绍,并初步分析其背后实质。 关键字:中美关系国家利益意识形态 一、中美关系的变化 奥巴马上台之后,中美之间的关系主要经历了三个阶段,分别是:一路高歌的蜜月期;风云突变的摩擦期;迅速回暖的正常期。 1、一路高歌 奥巴马08年刚上台,与克林顿、布什等前任总统的表现相反,对华方面表现出一种相当亲密的态度,具体为美国总统时隔十多年的首次对华国事访问以及期间与我国领导人达成的一系列共识、与中国联合发表的《中美联合声明》上的主张等。这些对华的亲密主张使中美关系似乎又上了一个新的台阶,由此,中美关系又进入了新一轮历史轮回中的蜜月期。 2、风云突变 在经历了一段时间的对华友好以后,奥巴马政府突然转变了对中国的态度。一些事件的发生使中美关系骤然转冷,其中主要具有表现性的是:在哥本哈根大会上的中美意见分歧、对台的军售、无视中国利益,会见达赖、谷歌事件中的中美政治对抗、对人民币汇率施压等等问题,在这些问题中,中美之间的利益分歧较大,致使两国关系呈

现出恶化的趋势。 3、迅速回暖 中美关系似乎总是表现出一种忽冷忽热的关系,在经历一系列的对华强硬政策后,我们看到了一些两国关系逐渐缓和的迹象。今年3月,白宫国家安全委员会亚洲事务高级主任贝德好美国常务副国务卿斯坦伯格访华、月末,在新任美国大使张业遂递交国书后奥巴马重申尊重一个中国的原则,都表现出美国总体上还是尊重中国的国家利益的,在这样的前提下,中美关系无疑将继续稳定的走下去。 二、中美关系波折的实质 历史上的历任总统虽然上任伊始对中国的态度可能不太一样,但是大体上总是经历着一波三折、忽冷忽热的循环,期间的原因比较复杂,下面我以奥巴马政府为例,就各阶段来逐个分析。 1、蜜月期的实质 奥巴马刚上任的时候,金融危机的阴云正笼罩在美国的上空,美国在金融危机中受到的巨大创伤迫使美国必须与受影响相对较小的亚洲国家尤其是中国实现合作,原因是中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,虽然也受到了危机的冲击,但还能保持向上的经济发展,国家实力表现的淋漓尽致,美国正需要这样一个强有力的伙伴来帮助其走出危机带来的各种恶劣影响。在历史上,每当国家利益出现危机的时候,美国总会主动靠拢中国以期实现其国家利益的维护,而中国也需要美国这世界上最强大的发达国家的合作,以实现中国的长远发展,中美双方总能在这一时期找到利益的均衡点。

美国总统奥巴马2014父亲节致辞 (2)

美国总统奥巴马2014父亲节致辞 简介:上周日是父亲节,美国总统奥巴马发表电视讲话,谈当爸爸这项重要又艰巨的工作。美国总统心中怎样的爸爸才够称职?我们一起来听听吧! Hi, everybody. Sunday is Father's Day. If you haven't got Dad a gift yet, there's still time. Just barely. But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us. I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because I grew up without my father around. I felt the weight of his absence. So for Michelle and our girls, I try every day to be the husband and father my family didn't have when I was young. And every chance I get, I encourage fathers to get more involved in their children's lives, because what makes you a man isn't the ability to have a child – it's the courage to raise one. Still, over the past couple years, I've met with a lot of young people who don't have a father figure around. And while there's nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our part to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one. Earlier this year, I launched an initiative called My Brother's Keeper – an all-hands-on-deck effort to help more of our young men reach their full potential. And if you want to be a mentor to a young man in your community, you can find out how at https://www.docsj.com/doc/1a19121407.html,/My Brothers Keeper. Now, when I launched this initiative, I said that government can't play the primary role in a young person's life. Taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make. No government program can ever take the place of a parent's love. Still, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice. That's why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across America to the White House to talk about the challenges they face. And in a few weeks, I'll hold the first-ever White House Working Families Summit. We've still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and it's time to bring them up to date for today's families, where oftentimes, both parents are working. Moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or child without running into hardship. Women deserve equal pay for equal work –and at a time when more women are breadwinners for a family, that benefits men, too. And because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it's time for Congress to follow the lead of state after


经典演讲稿:奥巴马上海演讲中文版 【奥巴马上海演讲中文版】 你好。诸位下午好。我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈,我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。 我还想感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他是我们两国间深厚的纽带。 我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得很好。 我今天准备这样,先做一个开场白,我真正希望做的是回答在座的问题,不但回答在座的学生问题,同时还可以从网上得到一 些问题,由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提问。很抱歉,我的 中文远不如你们的英文,所以我期待和你们的对话。这是我首次访 问中国,我看到你们博大的国家,感到很兴奋。在上海这里,我们 看到了瞩目的增长,高耸的塔楼,繁忙的街道,还有企业家的精神。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时我也急切的

要看到向我们展现中国古老的古迹,明天和后天我要到北京去看雄伟壮丽的故宫和令人叹为观止的长城,这个国度既有丰富的历史,又有对未来憧憬的信念。 而我们两国的关系也是如此,上海在美中关系的历史中是个具有意义的重大城市,在30年前,《上海公报》打开了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新的篇章。 不过美国与这个国家的纽带可以追溯更久远的过去,追溯到美国独立的初期,乔治-华盛顿组织了皇后号的下水仪式,这个船成功前往大清王朝,华盛顿希望看到这艘船前往各地,与中国结成新的纽带。希望中国开辟新的地平线,建立新的伙伴关系。在其后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,而即使在最动荡的方向中,我们的两国人民打造深的,甚至有戏剧性的纽带,比如美国人永远不会忘记,在二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,当地人民对他们的款待,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险罩着他们。

两会美女翻译张璐 引用古诗文翻译.doc

两会美女翻译张璐引用古诗文翻译 1.行百里者半九十。 张璐译文:Half of the people who have embarked on a one-hundred-mile journey may fall by the wayside。 译文直译:在百里的旅途中,有一半人会在途中放弃。 点评:“fall by the wayside”在英语中是半途而废的意思,用英语中的成语来翻译中国古语,对接得很巧妙。 2.华山再高,顶有过路。 张璐译文:No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to it's top。 译文直译:无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。 点评:后半句翻译得非常好。always(一直)表现出誓要登顶的坚定信念。 3.亦余心之所向兮,虽九死其尤未悔。 张璐译文:For the ideal that I hold dear to myheart, I'd not regret at thousand times to die。 译文直译:我遵从我内心的想法,即使要死千万次我也不会后悔。 点评:“九死”翻译成thousand times(上千次),很地道。 4.人或加讪,心无疵兮。 张璐译文:My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside。 译文直译:我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言飞语和造谣中伤。 点评:如果把my改成one's会更客观一些,总体来说用词非常好,把握得恰到好处。


奥巴马就职演讲的感想 那天在政治课上看了美国首位有色人种总统奥巴马就职演讲的视频,看到如此大的阵容和那么多民众的支持都让我为之一震。他的演讲中,有几点对我来说是印象比较深刻的: 1.虽然我并不了解美国的政治和党派的竞争。但是可以看出他对总统的获选是怀着一颗感恩的心,无论是感谢那些曾选过他的人、感谢自己的家人、感谢他的竞争对手、感谢那些下层的年轻工作者、感谢所有普普通通的民众,还是他最后提及的世纪老人。(Ann Nixon Cooper) 2.美国大国的代言人。其实无论是谁当选任何人都不会错过宣传美国世界大国的地位。这是必然的,所以一开始就显示了这股强大的力量。(If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.)还有讲到美国一直以来的治国精神时也暗中宣扬其世界警察的地位。(To those who would tear this world down we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security we support you. And to all those who have wondered if America’s beacon still burns as bright tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.) 3.如果前半部分是感谢或感性部分,后半部分就涉及到其国家的民主与变革。我认为这个部分演讲是挺好的,但也有一半的感觉是作秀。新官上任三把火嘛,肯定是满怀激情的。(America I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you we as a people will get there.)其中以一个106岁的老人讲述美国一个世纪的变化,并讲到这些变化是一种机遇。(For that is the true genius of America that America can change. Our union can be perfected)最后更是以7个Yes we can来传达其好言壮志。其实他着重讲到变化,讲到许多的不可能变成可能,或许也是暗示美国“黑人总统”成为可能的变化也将是一种机遇。 4.现场出现了几个高潮部分。开场是肯定的。其次是感谢他的夫人,这一段写得很好,相信这个总统夫人听了自豪之余还是很感动的。(I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last sixteen years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation’s next First Lady, Michelle Obama).最后就是那几个“Yes we can”掀起一阵高潮。 也许这种获奖演讲无非就是一种拉票获取民心的一种形式,包含很多美国情感,但是那种激情和感恩的心还是必须的,也是各国领导人都应该具备的。


奥巴马对华政策分析 陈静静11政治学与行政学学号:110403003 摘要:2012年美国总统大选中,奥巴马连任成功,在其过去执政的四年里,对华政策褒贬不一。再次当选,奥巴马对华政策更是受到了广泛关注。不光影响着中美两国的经济发展、更是对世界经济。政治与和平稳定起着重要作用。 关键词:对华政策、台湾问题、贸易问题、互利共赢 2012年美国总统大选,奥巴马再次当选总统。在这次大选中,对华政策成为双方唇枪舌战的主要内容。从08年奥巴马第一次当选美国总统时候,其对华政策就受到了广泛的关注。从其执政的过程来看,奥巴马对华政策实际上是有着不断调整的,但又大体维持着总的方针未变。奥巴马对华政策有了那些变化,又是什么原因导致了这些变化,又有什么原则是一直坚持的? 首先,不可否认的是,相对于布什政府的强硬,奥巴马政府对华政策相对温和。他也十分重视与中国的关系,在其上任的第一年便对中国进行了访问,这是第一位在任期的第一年便对中国进行访问的美国总统。并且访问日期维持了四天,而对于美国的一贯盟友日本的访问,仅仅一天而已。奥巴马本人更曾经说过:我与中国特别有缘。然而,其实无论谁当选成为美国总统,对华政

策的根本出发的还是基于对于美国的利益的考虑。奥巴马对华政策也不可避免的在执行中发生了变化,出现了“当面一套,背后一套”的尴尬处境。 台湾问题仍然是中美关系中最为核心、最为敏感的问题。奥巴马政府在对台问题上,做出的声明是反对两个中国论,这看似是支持大陆与台湾关系进一步改善。可是事实上,美国政府继续遵行《与台湾关系法》,在对待台湾问题上的立场并没有发生任何改变。克林顿国务卿在访华前夕曾明确表示,美国不会放弃对台湾的义务,美国将继续对台军售。 而奥巴马在竞选时候曾经称如果当选会积极推进与中美关系,与中国发展建设性的关系。不会将中国妖魔化。可是而后,他又表明,中国既是美国重要的合作伙伴,也是美国的主要竞争对手。近期内甚至频频出现“中国威胁论”“中国高傲论”等。奥巴马政府在从伊拉克撤军等方面做了积极的行动,却在对于中国方面实行了“重返亚太”的战略计划。虽然美国称这一计划只是为了维护地区和平,但是其实对中国的针对性不言而喻。2012年的“黄岩岛”事件,日本与中国的钓鱼岛之争等,其实在背后都有美国的影子。 而在经贸问题上,奥巴马上台以后则是显示了更加强硬的态度。他讲中美两国贸易的巨大顺差归责为中国操控人民币,提出中国必须改变贸易政策,并指责中国有意压低人民币汇率。还指出希望中国提高内需在GDP中所在的比重,从而降低中国出口


美国总统奥巴马的演讲稿集(中英文对照) 奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词 奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. 谢谢,非常感谢各位。 Tonight more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. It moves forward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the sof hope. The belief that while each of us will pursue our own indivual dreams, we are an American family and we rise or fall together as one nation and as one people. 今晚,是在一个曾经的殖民地在赢得自己主权200多年之后,我们来到这里,不断前行,这主要是因为你们坚信这个国家能够实现永恒的希望,实现移民的梦想。每一个人都可以独立的争取自己的未来,我们将会作为一个国家共同起落。 Tonight in this election, you, the American people, remind us while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our hearts that the united states of America the best is yet to come. 今晚,在选举的过程当中,你们——美国的人民,让我们记得我们的道路是非常艰辛的,我们的道路是漫长的,我们重新站了起来,我们也从内心知道,美国还没有迎来最好的时代。 [cheering] I want to thank every American who participated in this election [CHEERING] Whether you voted for the very first time or waiting in line for a very long time. By the way, we need to fix that. Whether you pounded the pavement or picked up the phone. Whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you mad your voice heard. And you made a difference. I just got off the phone with Governor Romney and I congratulated him and Paul Ryan on a hard-fought campaign. 我想要感谢每一个参与选举的美国人。无论你们是第一次投票,还是(排队)等了很长的时间才投上一票——顺便说一下我会解决这个问题。无论你是自己上门投的票,还是打投的票;无论你是投给奥巴马的人,还是投给罗姆尼的人,你都是为我们国家带来变的力量。我刚刚同罗姆尼通过,我祝贺他们这次竞选所取得的成绩。 [CHEERING] We may have fought fiercely, but it’s only because we love this country deeply. And we care so stronly about its future.

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