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The Top Five Best Qualities of Successful People 成功人士的五大品质

The Top Five Best Qualities of Successful People 成功人士的五


The meaning of success is not universal1. It is unique to each person. Success is not necessarily2 what we have but what we are and become. We can build success in our lives by observing3 and developing qualities that successful people have in common.

成功的定义不是放之四海而皆准的。每个人对成功都有独一无二的解读。成功不一定在于我们得到了什么,而在于我们成为一个怎样的人。我们在生活中,通过观察和培养成功人士共有的品质,就有机会获得成功。 1. Taking Chances 1. 勇于冒险

The fear of failure prevents people from taking action. This fear is often more debilitating4 than failure itself. Facebook

co-founder Mark Zuckerberg cautions:“The biggest risk is not taking any risk...In a world that’s chang-

ing really quickly,the only strategy5 that must fail is not taking risks.”


时代,不冒险就绝对会失败。”2. Pursuing One’s Passion6 2. 追求激情

Pleasure is a strong emotion7. We can make use of it to achieve the life that we want. When we work at something that we are pas-sionate about,it is easier to exert our full effort toward it. Entrepreneur8 Mark Cuban advises:“Find something you love to do. If you don’t make money at it,at least you love going to work.”

愉悦是一种强烈的情绪。我们能够利用它来实现我们想要的人生。当我们在做自己喜欢的事情时,更容易全力以赴。企业家马克?库班建议:“试着找寻自己爱做的事情。虽然你不能从中赚钱,但你至少能满心愉悦地去工作。” 3. Stretching Oneself 3. 拼尽全力

Cultivating9 success needs breaking free of self-limiting beliefs and habits. We must face and move beyond our fears,doubt and lack of confidence. Richard Branson suggests:“I think whatever you’re doing in life just push yourself to the limi ts.”

成功的培养需要跳出固有的观念和习惯。我们必须勇敢面对恐惧、疑问和信心缺失,并超越它们。理查?布兰森(大企业家)建议到:“我认为,不管你做什么事,都要逼自己一把。” 4. Meeting the Needs of Others 4. 应人所求

Successful people have learned to take the focus off their needs and create solutions10 for others. They find joy in serving others with their expertise11. Former FLOTUS (=First Lady of the United States)Michelle Obama says,“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”

成功人士懂得把焦点放在别人的需求上,而不是自己的需求上,并为别人提供解决方案。利用自身的专长帮助别人是他们的乐趣所在。前美国第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马说:“成功不在于你赚多少钱,而在于你对别人的生活产生多大的影响。” 5. Practicing Gratitude 5. 学会感恩

Successful people understand the power of thankfulness. It helps us focus on the positive12. Oprah Winfrey observes:“The more you praise and celebrate your life,the more there is in life to celebrate.”


1. universal adj. 普遍的;全世界的

2. necessarily adv. 必然地;必定地

3. observe v. 观察

4. debilitating adj. 使衰弱的

5. strategy n. 策略;战略

6. passion n. 激情;热情

7. emotion n. 情感;感情;情?w

8. entrepreneur n. 企业家

9. cultivate vt. 栽培

10. solution n. 解决办法

11. expertise n. 专门知识;专门技术

12. positive adj. 积极的;肯定的

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