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[摘要] 目的系统评价我国综合性医院综合ICU呼吸机相关肺炎(ventilator associated pneumonia, VAP)发生情况,为其综合防控提供基线数据和依据。方法使用国内外数据库,检索国内有关三级综合性医院综合ICU呼吸机相关肺炎目标性监测相关的研究(前瞻性研

究,提供监测时段呼吸机使用人次等信息),提取各研究VAP发生率数据,运用R 3.1.2软件进行Meta分析,合并各研究监测的VAP发生率。结果该研究共纳入综合性医院VAP监测5篇研究,8个时间段,监测总人次为6825人次,呼吸机总使用天数为30270床日,Meta分析显示,VAP综合发生率为24.8‰(95%CI:18.3‰~31.3‰)。各研究时间段结果存在异质性,PHeterogeneity

[关键词] 呼吸机相关肺炎;重症监护病房;发病率;Meta分析

[中图分类号] R563 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2015)12(a)-0147-03

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the prevalence of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) in intensive care unit (ICU) from Chinese comprehensive hospitals, providing baseline information for VAP prevention and control. Methods Studies were identified from the databases of Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Medical, VIP, and PubMed. Studies should have the information of VAP incidence data, and the device days. Meta-analysis was used to assess the overall VAP incidence rate. Statistical analyses were carried out using the R soft ware package version 3.1.2. Results A total of five studies with eight separate surveillance data for VAP were included in this Meta-analysis. The pooled number of surveillance patient in ICU was 6825; and the total device days were 30270. Meta-analysis showed that the pooled incidence rate of VAP was

24.8‰ (95%CI:18.3‰-31.3‰). Conclusion The prevalence of ICU-VAP in Chinese comprehensive hospitals is rather high, suggesting a long way to go to prevent and control it.

[Key words] Ventilator associated pneumonia; Intensive care unit; Incidence rate; Meta-analysis

呼吸机相关肺炎(ventilator associated pneumonia, VAP),是指机械通气48 h后至停用机械通气、拔除人工气道后48 h内发生的肺实质的感染[1]。近年来,随着医疗机械通气技术的迅速发展,VAP已经成为ICU患者最为常见的医院获得性感染(health care-associated infections, HAIs)。VAP约占所有医院获得性肺炎的一半以上[1];国外文献显示,9%~27%的患者使用呼吸机后会发生VAP[2],在ICU中是仅次于手术部位感染(surgical site

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