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Small wei ah ~ mom to buy food you and mom together to

help mom to take food. Good ~ I'll go. Because just buy a

dish so casual wear a pair of slippers.

Mom! I like several years didn't go shopping with you! Ha ha ~ yeah! How many years ~ small wei also grow a lot higher than the mother has a piece! Ha ha! Yes above a truncated or

lil mama heart! Over the years mom always call me small wei! Remained unchanged. Went all the way.

How are men and women feel suddenly the street pairs? All seems to be lovers. After a clothing store, saw a dress feels good. Mom I see the dress fits you, for so many years didn't buy anything for you, let the son filial obedience you today! Mother hurriedly said not to need not, home clothes a lot.

How long have I also back orifice, the clothes wear the changed. Half a mother's hand into the clothing store, look how to also have a team of men and women! Is really strange strange! They were staring at us strange look? It's not my slippers, is it not just a little bit? Should not look we

like that. I'm the boss, the boss help me to take the dress down. The boss looked at me and smile. I think what's so funny. After mother try the clothes bought it feels really good. When I went to pay the boss said to me quietly. The guy I see the woman also don't like rich! Shouldn't make fun of

his life! I am strange you do not do business how so much bullshit! After I paid the money and mother went out! The

more I think more strange today zha so strange! Ah! No matter, continue and my mom to buy food.

After buying the dishes with her mother on the way home, still as pairs of men and women. Mom took my hand and said, really grow up mom hold your hand like you mom's hand, grow

up! I cried to his mother with a smile, let me take your hand walk the rest! Suddenly, a large group of men and women have applauded, what they all say true love has no age. What is

true love has no age. Suddenly pass in front of us, between a man and a woman is dressed like sweethearts outfit behind writing several number 520. I suddenly realize it won't. I

can't believe that picked up the phone a look May 20, this

isn't what number on the network valentine's day! Not I

didn't to go out from now on be misunderstanding! Oh, my gosh! No! Suddenly emerge from my mind a thought, the mother is the people I love most in my life I paid all that kind of selflessness who can do it! She is not two lovers in my life.

I step forward, holding mother's hand, regardless of the quartet eyes to direction walked home on the way home.




























有关我的大学生活英语作文带翻译 If life is a book, then the college life is the most beautiful in the book propaganda; If life is a spectacle, then the college life is the most wonderful scene in play, if life is a long journey from birth to death. So we have the university life, then you can see the most splendid scenery. Friends, the best moment in this life, whether you have raised the sail, are working toward the other side of the ideal? Is open you that strong wings, headed for freedom of the sky? Whether excited by entering the university, in the heart a wish with tacit and strive for? For this long lost dream, we has ten years mill rocks, the hard work and eternal days now still in the mind. On the day of harvest we understanding through their own efforts to finish one thing is how meaningful, comb we together through wind and rain, thin arrived in beautiful campus. Standing at a new starting point, I was so excited, and then the longing... However in the college life picture scroll rolled out, I found that at the end of the search searching, are not in the past the in the mind of "that person but in the lights dim". The dream he found thousands of baidu, is a pious covered face. This time, I was confused, wandering, but time will never stop its steps, to zhu zi-qing wrote "wash your hands, day from the basin in the past, when you eat, time from their jobs in the past, silently, from away before my day-dreaming gaze. I noticed him to rush......" Yeah! Time like water, and our life still have a lot to do, in order to dream, let us cherish the time, the accumulation of every little bit from


七夕情人节深情爱慕祝福语 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 时下,有很多年轻一族为了打动自己爱慕已久的心上人,喜欢选择在七夕情人节这天表白,表达自己对TA爱情的承诺。你的2015七夕情人节短信准备好了么 爱热了、我用冰把它冻起来;爱冷了、我用火炉把它围起来;爱渴了、我用水把它浸泡起来;我精心呵护的爱、在七月初七带给你看、一定鲜活如初。预祝2015七夕情人节快乐! 爱你就是这么莫名其妙,就是这么义无返顾,我知道我不会是你今生的唯一,但你却是我一生的最爱!祝你七夕情人节快乐! 爱情就像电视剧,不同的是它只有现场直播,没有预知,也没有重播。所以这场故事里的主角,永远都只有我和你。七夕节快要到了,愿我们一起用爱,谱写一段唯美的恋曲,缘定三生,永永远远不分离。2015七夕情人节快乐! 地球上两个人能相遇不容易,只有让你拥有我的爱情,我才安心。一直想做件事在你心中埋下我的名

字:七夕情人节快乐哦! 根据你对我“发送”的那些“信息”,表明你很愿意让我打开你的“文件”。我有一颗为你“奔腾”的“芯”。我的“硬盘”里下载的“数据”都是“我爱你”。2015七夕情人节快乐! 马上到来的“情人节”你想好怎样买房了吗我愿是黑夜里的一盏明灯,为你照亮回家的道路;我愿是林间的一棵大树,为你遮挡烈日浓浓;我愿你星空中的一颗繁星,为你拂去孤单寂寞;我愿是空气中的一缕尘埃,可以与你形影不离。七夕将临,邀你共度,可行 你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面;你是风筝我是线,缘定三生不改变;你是明月我是泉,恩恩爱爱情圆满;你海水我是山,相依相伴到永远。七夕节悄悄到眼前,许下的誓言,永不改变,愿我们的爱情永远比蜜甜。祝你七夕情人节快乐! 周六七夕喜重逢,我想和你去约会:林间小道悠闲散步,放松身体自在悠闲;沏杯清茶享受甜蜜,温馨如意渐入心脾;斜看夕阳黄昏落幕,美景怡人难以忘怀;看看大海听听浪声,甩掉烦恼拥抱吉祥。如何你的心意祝你七夕情人节快乐! 眼中的你,无以伦比;心中的你,始终完美;过去的


微信七夕祝福语 悄悄的挟一缕情丝,放飞在炎炎夏日;默默的拽一丝牵挂,悬挂在无垠宇宙;静静的捎 一声问候,盛开在七夕佳节。七夕来临,祝你爱情甜甜,生活满满。 银河水,浪滔滔,九天玄宇格外妖娆。多情人,聚鹊桥,八荒大地感动心跳。送祝福,静悄悄,一颗真心为你来捎,七夕佳节祝你:甜蜜美好,幸福逍遥! 传说在七夕的这一天,如果为你最好的朋友送去祝福,牛郎和织女便会把祝福转达给 玉皇大帝,实现你的美好祝愿。所以,我一直默默的在这里为你祝福,愿健康平安与你一 生永相伴! 王母娘娘有旨:值此七夕牛郎织女相会之际,热恋中的人要约会甜蜜,相爱的人更要 相伴朝夕,有心的人也要形影不离,有情的人更要祝福传递,朋友则要加紧联系。预祝你 快乐七夕!马上送去祝福吧!千万不要抗旨哟! 曾几何时,我们漫步秦时明月,爱意绵绵;也曾留连唐风宋韵,两手牵牵;为你巧笑嫣然,为你筝韵轻拨,为你今生无憾。七夕情人节,爱你只想千年! 请你用一秒钟忘记烦恼,用一分钟想想快乐,用一小时与喜欢的人度过,用一辈子关 怀最爱的人,然后用一个微笑来接收我传递给你的祝福:七夕节快乐! 问世间,情为何物?忆往昔,织女牛郎。观银河,烟波浩渺。搭鹊桥,咫尺天涯。揽 九天,日月星辰。寄此情,地久天长。浪漫七夕,愿有情人终成眷属! 我把思念,托给窗外明月,不知今夜,月辉是否,会洒落你的枕畔,夜,月下玫瑰, 一如你的妩媚,我愿采撷,去装饰你轻柔的梦境,宝贝:晚安,好梦! 今夜我们相处两地,玉簪银河隔不断卿卿之情,两地之遥阻不了郎情妾意,我俩亦有 心灵相约的鹊桥!亲爱的,情人节快乐! 七夕佳节,我代表女娲、嫦娥、月老、王母、牛郎、织女向才子佳人们致以节日的慰问,祝有情人终成眷属!剩男剩女也不要气馁,古语云:剩者为王嘛! 七夕节让我对你无限思念,将心泊在彩云升起的港湾,偷偷把幸福刻在你的心间;用 一缕爱的丝线,将你我紧紧绑在岁月变迁的终点!亲爱的,七夕快乐! 值此浪漫的中国情人节七夕将来之际,短信一条带着我的祝愿,愿月光带给你浪漫的 甜蜜,清风带给你幸福的静谧。提前祝你过一个幸福美满的七夕佳节! Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meetingthecenter one, so that when we finally meet the person, we willknowhow to begrateful.

关于元宵节介绍的英语作文带翻译 Introduction of the Lantern Festival (英语作文范文)

关于元宵节介绍的英语作文带翻译Introduction of the Lantern Festival 英语作文范文 The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance. 元宵节是在阴历正月的十五,通常在阳历的二月或三月。早在西汉时期(公元前206年至公元25年),它已经成为具有重要意义的节日。 This day's important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded

my school life初一英语作文带翻译

my school life初一英语作文带翻译 my school life初一英语作文带翻译 1my school life I am a middle student . I am in Linzhang There middle. I am happy boy.I am fourteen years old. My school stays class at 6:50. We go to school at 6:30 and in class .Our teachers is very good.We have four classes in the morning There are five classes in the afternoon.We after class at 18:50.After class,we join our club activity.After our club activity at 21:00. Then ,we do our homework.At 23:00, we go to bed. This is our school life one day.The next day repeat the same thing. 我是一个中学的学生。我在临漳中间。我是快乐男孩。我十四岁。 我的学校呆在骑车。我们六点半去学校,在课堂上。我们的老师很好。早上我们有四节课下午有五类。我们在18:50下课后。下课后,我们加入我们的俱乐部活动。我们的俱乐部活动后在21:00.然后,我们做我们的作业。在11点,我们去睡觉。 这是我们的学校生活的一天。第二天重复同样的事情。 2My School Life Hi! I’m Ma Cheng Long a students of Gread 7. 嗨我是马呈龙一名七年级的学生。 At school my classmates and teachers are kind to me. My shool life is very interesting. I like it very much. 在学校里我的同学们和老师对我和友好。我的学校生活很有趣我非常喜欢它。 Class beging at 8 o’clock a.m. I have four class in themorning and I have four class in the afterroom. I study Chinese English mathP.E. geogarphy and some other sudjests. I’m good at Enlish very much so I like English best. I also like P.E. and math. But I don’t like grogarphy at all. BecauseI think it’s a little difficult and boring. what do you think? 开始上课是在上午8点。我有四节课在上午也有四节课在下午。我学习语文英语数学体育地理和一些其他的科目。我非常擅长英语所以我最喜欢英语。我也喜欢体育和数学。不过我一点也不喜欢地理因为我认为它有一点难并且无趣你认为呢? After schoolI often play besketball with my classmates on the playground. It’s my favorite outdoor activity. Sometimes I play soccer with my classmates. Sometimes I draw pictures with my friends. 放学后我经常在操场上和我的同学打篮球这是我最喜欢的户外运动。有时候我和同学们踢足球。还有的时候我和好朋友画画。 Do you think my school life is very interesting? What about your school life? Can you tell me something about it? 你认为我的学校生活非常有趣么?你的学校生活怎么样?你能高数我有关你的学校生活的事么? 3my school life Hello! My name is Tom I’m a student of NO.7 Middle school I like my school because my school life is very interesting. I like my classmates and teachers. They are very friendly. Classes begin at 8:00. I have four classes in the morning. I study English Chinaese math biology history and some other subject. I


七夕节朋友祝福语精选 本文是七夕节朋友祝福语精选,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 你迷人的微笑,是我快乐的味道;你细腻的温柔,是我心动的征兆;你无限的幸福,是我没完没了的祈祷。水晶之恋,爱你一生不变!七夕节快乐! 你渴了,我带你去水星;你冷了,我带你去火星;你没钱花,我带你去金星;你累了,我陪你留在天上,化作牛郎织女星。宝贝,祝你七夕快乐! 你就像一杯牛奶咖啡,香香地飘在外面,甜甜地浮在表面,酸酸地含在里面,苦苦地沉在下面,温温暖暖倒映在我的眼眸里。七夕到了,想把你捧在手心过节。七夕感人短信 你工作我疲惫,你伤心我落泪,你心烦我无味。因此收到短信,一定在笑,轻启朱唇,浅露酒窝;读完短信,一定要开心,闭目回味,感受真情。七夕快乐! 你的笑容,让我沉沦;你的温柔,让我深陷;你的体贴,让我着迷;你的调皮,让我迷恋;你的娇俏,让我眷恋;你,就是我的一切。七夕到了,要幸福哦! 你的安全我来保护,你的冷暖我来关注,你的大意我来弥补,你的任性我来让步,你的欢乐我来满足,你的幸福我来构筑。七夕即将来临,愿你天天好心情! 男人如器,铜浇铁铸,心性难移;女人如水,无论方圆,都会与器贴在一起。所以,恋爱前的女人,请慎选你的容器。恋爱中的男人更要善待伴侣。七夕快乐! 那一年,你青春如花,我年少轻狂;那一年,你纯洁美丽,我有情有义;那一年,阳光浪漫,花开灿烂。七夕将至,不管过去还是现在,对你的爱永不改变。 拿起支笔,划到银河,今生今世不寂寞;鹊桥搭起,几笔即可,浪漫爱情机遇多;美女只需画一个,真爱马上从天落;记住找笔别错过,预祝七夕更快乐! 拿根牛鞭当鲜花,牛郎真情献给她;织女美貌将她夸,相思话语要肉麻;送她温柔一大把,顺便偷吻她脸颊;浪漫约会美如画,预祝七夕约会笑哈哈! 沐浴七月的阳光,聆听七月的蝉叫,观赏七月的燕雀盘旋,我想对你--我最亲爱的人说:你在我身边的时候,你是一切;你不在我身边的时候,一切是你。 明月几时有,举目望青天,已知天上宫阙,牛郎织女相见,真爱佳话千古传。祝愿你,有相知,爱永远,风雨携手心不变,幸福生活比蜜甜。七夕快乐! 渺渺银河,恋恋鹊桥,两情长久青山翠;脉脉相对,迢迢相会,金风玉露情


2020七夕情人节给女朋友的祝福语 七夕情人节马上就要到了,想好了跟女朋友说些什么甜言蜜语了吗?下面是为大家收 集的关于七夕情人节给女朋友的祝福语,欢迎大家阅读! 如果你是一朵花儿,我愿化作绿叶与你相伴;如果你是一轮月儿,我愿化作星辰与你 相随;如果你是一滴水,我愿化作种子与你相溶。此生不离不弃,祝七夕快乐! 幸福是什么?幸福就是你饿了,我是你的肉包子;你渴了,我是你的矿泉水;你冷了, 给温暖的怀抱;你倦了,给你停泊的港湾。七夕想你了,短信代表我心。 爱情可以有,我还真没有!不管情人有没有,亲戚朋友总会有!不管现在有没有,继续努力肯定有!不管七夕有没有,幸福快乐定要有! 有时候,会被一句话感动,因为真诚;有时候,会把回忆当作习惯,因为思念;有时候会,发一个短信给你,因为朋友!七夕节快乐! 七夕风轻送,七夕花更香。只因七夕到,织女会牛郎。喃喃低絮语,脉脉诉肝肠。情浓心甜蜜,情灭格外伤。祝愿有情人,天天能相傍。生死情不渝,幸福永徜徉! 趁着青春年少,还算花容月貌,何不爱河撒网,直把金龟来钓。谈情理当趁早,追男宜在今朝,七夕一年一次,机会切莫放掉。七夕快乐! 不管相遇错与对,不管结局喜与悲,不管痴情是与非,不管眷恋苦与累。真真切切爱一回,无怨无悔相伴陪。七夕祝福送爱人,幸福快乐蝶双飞! 我愿自己是银河之上绵绵的等待,我愿笑看着人世间的桑田沧海,化作点滴晶莹的泪珠,洒下给你生生世世的爱!七夕到了,愿我们的爱迎着幸福而来! 有一天,牛郎告诉织女:七夕马上就要到了,但我们不能见面了,因为喜鹊们都去恋爱了。织女回答:没关系呀,那我们就发短信息吧! 微风飘飘夏斑斓,万紫千红心孤单。明眸盈盈爱呢喃,黄鹂声声可听见?朝朝暮暮是 眷恋,万水千山念红颜。牛郎织女鹊桥见,七夕相爱每一天! 岁岁七夕时,牛郎会织女。鹊桥遥相望,相见何太急,两行泪无声,执手凝未语。含情细思量,脉脉诉衷肠。天下有情人,永远不分离。 每天的希望是想到你,每天的凝望是见到你,每天的盼望是梦到你,每天的期望是抱着你,每天的渴望是亲到你,我爱你,这是我最大的愿望,七夕快乐。 爱是穿肠毒药,痛苦却幸福;爱是心灵体会,心碎却甜蜜;爱是生活体验,艰辛却美丽;爱是痴狂迷恋,无奈却期盼。爱就是你,让我难以割舍。七夕快乐!


有关七夕节的英语作文(中英对照) QiQiao needle This is the earliest QiQiao mode, and later began in han deteriorates. The fissura miscellanea, said: "the Chinese female often in July 7 colour in seven holes, people look to needle with learning." By age LiangZongMou jingchu, said: "the July 7, Pennsylvania is somebody else women wear seven self-expanding floor with gold and silver, or stone for yourself." "And", said: "all topographic exerts on July 7th layer, city of more than GongRen, put a needle. The needle floor." The five WangRenYu YiShi tianbao kaiyuan Tanabata, "said: by jin palace building, forming a hundred yards, high house can be overcome with dozens of people, Chen, fruit wine, with ZuoJu char sacrificial cow female star in nine holes, concubines to wear colors on needle thread for ever, skillfully. Move the hou qing of song, pleasures of people working. Soil is of validity. The correlations TaoZongYi yuan YuanShi records of court said: "the nine lead, QiQiao Tanabata. And, with colorful silk wear lady-in-waiting debut at first, for after finish, who was later lost the contributive to exchange, each person should be." XiZhu should be perfect This is a QiQiao earlier, the common later in QiQiao needle, roughly in the southern. In LiangZong deloitte was alarmed by the age of chu said, "Is TingZhong in Pennsylvania, Chen melon QiQiao in hei subnet. In melon is thought operator shall."

my school life英语作文100词带翻译

my school life英语作文100词带翻译 你的校园生活是怎样的呢?校园生活应该时候美好的,纯真的,大家不妨写一篇100词的英语作文描述一下吧。下面是为大家精心挑选的带翻译的我的学校生活英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 my school life英语作文篇一As you may know I am going to shool from Monday to Fridayand every day in school I am very busy. In the morningI have four lessonsand in the afternoon I have three lessons. Of course I take two hours to go home for lunch. And we begin classes at 2:30the school is over at 4:55. After schoolsometimes I’ll stay in the classroom.But sometimes I play games with my friends when I go home after school.I think my school life is busy but happy. 翻译: 如你所知,我从星期一至星期五都要上学,在学校我很每天都很忙。 每天早上,我有4门课要上,在下午我有三门课要上。 当然,我需要两个小时的时间回家吃午饭。我们班2时30分开始,学校是在4:55才放学的。

放学后,有时我会留在教室里.不过有时我会和我的朋友玩游戏,当我放学回家后,我觉得我的学校生活是繁忙而开心的。 my school life英语作文篇二I like going to school very much because I am happy in school. In school I can learn knowledge from teachers.They are always kind to me.Having class is interesting. I like answering questions in class.I am proud to get the right answers.Besides I am glad to play with my friends and classmates in school. We have many activities after class.We talk to each other share our lives together. After class we often play on the playground.We have many games to play.After that we often go home together.Some of us live nearly. 翻译: 我非常喜欢上学因为在学校我很高兴。 在学校我可以从老师那里学到知识。他们总是对我。上课很有趣。我喜欢在课堂上回答问题。我非常自豪能得到正确的答案。另外我很高兴和我的朋友和同学在学校玩。课后我们有许多活动。我们相互交流一起分享我们的生活。 下课后我们经常在操场上玩。我们有很多游戏玩。在那之后我们经常一起回家。我们中的一些人住近。


七夕情人节祝贺语大全 1. 天上牛郎织女来相会,地下多情人儿共祈爱情永恒不渝。 2. 你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵。 3. 我是董郎,你是仙女,愿天天是七夕,岁岁共婵娟。 4. 面对你默默的等待,我无法喊出那圣洁的爱,只好立于相思树下,用岁月的剪刀,把思念精心地剪裁。 5. 往年,我祈求上天赐我幸福。现在有你在我身边。我知道,幸福,我已经得到了。我爱你! 6. 守候星空盼星雨,数落星辰许星愿。星空星雨落千粒,星辰星愿现千回。遥祝远朋行安至,笑柔挚心有相知。 7. 今天是七月七,七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝 8. 你是风儿我是沙,七夕啦!你何才会归来不让我心挂挂! 9. 如果真的有鹊桥.我要跟你走到桥的尽头.然后把桥拆了.绝不让你走.愿意吗? 10. 情人节快乐!愿我俩的爱情能比牛郎织女更深,但不要像他们的两地相思。相思之苦好惨喔!

11. 莫羡鹊桥仙,人间花更嫣;今沐七夕雨,爱你更心坚! 12. 七夕抬头望碧霄,喜鹊双双搭鹊桥。家家乞巧看秋月,穿尽红丝儿百条。 13. 天不老,情难绝,鹊桥上为你我系上同心结!我爱你! 14. 怕黄昏忽地又黄昏,不销魂怎地不销魂?新啼痕压旧啼痕,断肠人忆断肠人。今秋,香肌瘦几分?缕带宽三寸。 15. 3001年的这一天,我在鹊桥的另一边。不见不散! 16. 年年花相似,岁岁人不同;鹊桥一相会,留你在心中! 17. 流水落花夏去也,斜风细雨乍秋寒,七月七,月易见,见君难..... 18. 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 19. 中国情人节,你过了吗? 20. 好想朝朝暮暮,更想天长地久。思念悠悠,爱意浓浓。 21. 独上西楼,观月。寂寞梧桐,锁秋。问天上人,见鹊否?是否共婵娟? 22. 七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。


七夕情人节短信祝福语 七月七日长生殿,夜半无人密语时。这么有诗意的祝福短信在七夕情人节送出,一定会让对方很开心的,下面是我为大家精心推荐的七夕情人节短信祝福语,希望能够对您有所帮助。 七夕情人节短信祝福语【热门篇】 1) 早过了为爱痴狂的年纪,也从不相信一见钟情的故事!而想你,却身不由己!你看到的是最真的我!一种永无止境的感动!感动这世界有你与我这最美的存在! 2) 不论天涯海角,不管春夏秋冬,我一定会把你带在自己的身边,不论走到哪,你都将是我一辈子最重的行囊。左思右想,只有你对我最好,你不要我,谁要呢? 3) 相信有缘,就应该承认有份,有时间,就应该有距离,所以,嫁给我吧!我们的爱是没有时空界限的缘份!这辈子最大的希望,就是有你陪我一辈子... 4) 我的心只有你最懂,为什么你就不能像爱你一样爱我,不要让我感觉若有若无,这样我会很累。我希望,全世界都下雨,只有我一个,在为你撑伞。 5) 爱一个人,就是让一个完全不懂得爱的人深刻领悟到爱与被爱的含义。我的爱为你开启,像白色的闪电划破天际;我的爱为你奔驰,像红色的血液充满身体。 6) 爱情很简单,因为每个人都会说:"我爱你,会为你付出一切!"

爱情很难,因为没有多少人做到了他的承诺。因为我不相信诺言,所以我不会说为了心爱的人会怎么怎么样。我只能通过自己的行动使她愿意和我步入婚礼的殿堂。我们的婚姻不是爱情的坟墓。 7) 当我凝视到你的眼,当我听到你的声音,当我闻到你秀发上的淡淡清香,当我感受到我剧烈的心跳,我明白了:你是我今生的唯一! 8) 如果上帝给我金钱和美貌,我将使你难以离开我,就象我现在我难以离开你一样。上帝没有这样,但我们的精神是同等的,正如我们走过坟墓,将同样站在上帝面前。我爱你!你会像我爱你一样爱我吗? 9) 我真正要说的是,我是一个爱你成痴的人。亲爱的,我其实只要想你,只要告诉你我很思念你。可是,我总忘不了自尊的这个蜗牛皮。亲爱的,等你回来,我要将这篇文章压在巧克力底下送给你。 10) 戒烟容易,戒你太难。当爱恋的病毒悄然而至,当你把从我心中下载的初吻放进回收站,我决定把爱情低格,让回忆格式化。你知道我的心在哭泣吗? 11) 是你给了我整片的星空,好让我自由来去。我享有的是一片深沉宽广的爱!我对你的爱就象一封没写回信地址的信,只懂得寄出,却知道没有办法收到什么。 ) 爱无须证明,在你的眼睛里,在你的微笑里,在你的呼吸里我已感觉到。忘记自己是谁,看见你便记起了我是谁;一直记得回家的路,看见你我就忘记家在哪里 13) 我想送你半朵玫瑰代表我的半颗心,因为另外半颗心已被你撕碎。泪水是我想你的滋味,寄出的心无力挽回,如果回忆是惟一的回信,


七夕节英语作文带翻译 每年的农历七月初七这一天,是中国的传统节日七夕节。今天给大家带来了七夕节英文作文范文,希望能够帮助到到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 七夕节英语作文带翻译:又到一年七夕节 "The way Altair, glistening white milky girl." Vega to met when the lunar July seven, the magpies busy take xi bridge, laughter everywhere in the world. In the summer, I enjoy the cool in the yard with my grandma. The night wind was cool, I tease grandma told me the story. Grandma shook his cattail leaf fan began to tell the story of "the gigolo knit". "...... later, on July 7, will be as vega and meet once a year." In persimmon leaves "wow - wow -" sound, grandma the end of the story. Plunge into the horn of my looking up at grandma, curiously ask: "when just to July 7 ah!" Then for the gigolo knit to dissatisfaction: "she really hate, niulang and zhinv will see once a year, how enough!" Grandma with a smile touched my head and said: "in a couple of days to July 7!" Young I ran around in the yard,


life英语作文带翻译各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! Life in the present is quiet different from that in future. Pollution has became a serious promble in many cities. The air is so bad that we can't breathe outside long time. And we can only stay at home. Many stuents have extra classer or reading to relax themselves.With the development of technology, I believe we will have a better life.Scientists will invent an air-clean machine to make the air fresh. And we can study at home with the help of internet. What's more? We can play table tennis with robots or travell to space by spaceship.I hope it will bacome true as soon as possible.生活在当下是安静的不同。污染已经成为一个严重的问题在许多城市。太糟糕了,我们不能呼吸的空气


七夕情人节经典短信祝 福语大全 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

七夕情人节经典短信祝福语大全 七夕情人节经典短信祝福语大全 -你灵气,我傻气;你秀气,我土气;你香气,我酒气;你生气,我受气。一切只为你满意。 -老公(老婆):愿我们的爱情永远像幽淡的清茶、香浓的咖啡、浪漫的红酒、热烈的伏特加那样多姿多彩, 让人回味... -春风如梦,风过无痕,只为心的思念,遥寄一份浓浓的祝福。你的肌肤是五线谱,我的唇印是爱的意符;我要谱写一首难忘的歌,让你永远快乐。 -老公(老婆):愿我们的爱情永远像幽淡的清茶、香浓的咖啡、浪漫的红酒、热烈的伏特加那样多姿多彩,让人回味... -我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。 -帅气的你,美丽的我,蓝蓝的月亮,傻傻的笑容,喜欢你的好,喜欢你的“坏”,幽幽的湖边,清清的湖水,我决定爱你到底! -佛说:前世的五百次回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。如果真的是,我愿用一万次去换与你的相遇,并告诉你:“好想好好爱你”。 -爱上你是我今生最大的幸福,想你是我最甜蜜的痛苦,和你在一起是我的骄傲,没有你的我就像一只迷失了航线的船。 -天变、地变、海变、人变,世界更是变、变、变,唯一永恒的是——我对你的情、我对你的爱、还有一颗早已为你沉醉的心。

-山外青山楼外楼,哥哥身体壮如牛,春风吹得哥哥醉,只把恐龙当靓妹。亲爱的,情人节快乐。 -看不到你时,渴望看到你;看到你时,害怕别离;无论是看不到你还是看到你,我都无法欣喜。 -空白的日子有你来填满,无论平静还是灿烂,我都喜欢;人生的旅途有你来做伴,不管坎坷抑或平坦,我都情愿。 -喜欢手被你握在掌心的那种感觉。想和你深爱到老,牵手一生。原谅我曾经的任性和刁蛮。爱你。 -也许爱你是错,但我不后悔爱上你,希望让我下辈子还能遇见你!既然爱上你我就不后悔,我愿永远陪着你,用我的一生爱你! -相知是一种宿命,心灵的交汇让我们有诉不尽的浪漫情怀;相守是一种承诺,人世轮回中,永远铭记我们这段美丽的爱情故事! -呐,说实话你在偷偷想我吗你真的是在偷偷想我吗如果你真的想我就告诉我啊!我不会不让你想我的,大家讲道理嘛,我也想你啊! -情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。 -花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。亲爱的,你在忙什么你的宝贝想你啦! -世界上最笨的人,就是爱一个人爱得都不知道如何是好,这个人就是我。我会时时想着你,为你做任何事情。你对今后有什么想法呢 -喜欢看你睡着的样子,因为那时的你不会有烦恼。喜欢你对我笑的样子,因为那时你最开心。我只希望你开心。 -不敢太爱你,怕忘了自己。不敢太爱你,怕迷失了自己。不敢太爱你,怕找不回自己。


精选七夕节英语作文带翻译:数字情人节 Small wei ah ~ mom to buy food you and mom together to help mom to take food. Good ~ I'll go. Because just buy a dish so casual wear a pair of slippers. Mom! I like several years didn't go shopping with you! Ha ha ~ yeah! How many years ~ small wei also grow a lot higher than the mother has a piece! Ha ha! Yes above a truncated or lil mama heart! Over the years mom always call me small wei! Remained unchanged. Went all the way. How are men and women feel suddenly the street pairs? All seems to be lovers. After a clothing store, saw a dress feels good. Mom I see the dress fits you, for so many years didn't buy anything for you, let the son filial obedience you today! Mother hurriedly said not to need not, home clothes a lot. How long have I also back orifice, the clothes wear the changed. Half a mother's hand into the clothing store, look how to also have a team of men and women! Is really strange strange! They were staring at us strange look? It's not my slippers, is it not just a little bit? Should not look we like that. I'm the boss, the boss help me to take the dress down. The boss looked at me and smile. I think what's so funny. After mother try the clothes bought it feels really good. When I went to pay the boss said to me quietly. The guy I see the woman also don't like rich! Shouldn't make fun of his life! I am strange you do not do business how so much bullshit! After I paid the money and mother went out! The more I think more strange today zha so strange! Ah! No matter, continue and my mom to buy food.

my school life英语作文带翻译.doc

my school life英语作文带翻译 Hello! My name is Wang Yueqi. My English name is Steven. I'm a boy. I'm twelve. I'm in Class 2, Grade 6. In our class, every student has an English name. Our classroom is wide and bright. There are forty-six students in my class. We have Chinese, maths, English, science, music, art and PE lessons every day. Our English teacher is Mr Zhang. He speaks English well. He is very kind to us. My classmates love him very much. We like to play football with him after class. We read English every morning. We say "Hello!" and "See you later!" to all the teachers in our school in English. Other teachers say "Good morning." and "Sit down, please." to us in English, too. We are all glad to hear that. So we are very happy in our school life. 你好!我的名字叫王跃起。我的英文名字叫史蒂文。我是一个男孩。我十二岁了。我在二班,六年级。在我们班上,每个学生都有一个英文名字。我们的教室是广泛的和明亮的。有46个学生在我的类。 我们有语文、数学、英语、科学、音乐、艺术和体育课程每一天。我们的英语老师是张先生。他说英语很好。他对我们非

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