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F1 VISA-Study_Plan-Liao Xianhe-August 1,2012

F1 VISA-Study_Plan-Liao Xianhe-August 1,2012
F1 VISA-Study_Plan-Liao Xianhe-August 1,2012

Study Plan

Dear visa officer,

The purpose of this letter is to explain my study plan while studying in America. As part of visa application process, I understand that a study plan is essential for my further success.


To pursue a master degree in Second Language Learning in America.


My strong interest was aroused after learning English for two months in New Oriental School. With the globalization of economy, China's labor market professionals are equipped with advanced knowledge and good English communication capabilities. It is important to master English for seeking good working opportunities in China in the future.

My choice of studying in America

A graduate with a master degree from a western university is much more competitive in China’s labor market comparing with holding the same degree from a domestic university. In that case, the experience of studying abroad and holding a foreign master degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me to find a better job in China.

Inevitably, there will be many challenges and obstacles for studying abroad with culture, manners and customs differences between China and foreign countries. And I have to leave my parents and live in a distant country, to work part-time and to be a self-dependent man, I am completely ready to conquer all these and I am fully prepared to take these as one precious experience in my whole life, I am sure I will be more mature and strong-minded after these 3 years learning and living there.

In comparison with other western countries, I chose America to be the destination for its more peaceful and harmonious environment and its richness in educational resources will surly help me to grow soon as I wished.

The reason for my choosing to study Second Language Learning in Mission College

To apply for studying abroad in some American universities or colleges needs strong English communication skills and performances, like taking the exams of IELTS, TOEFL etc... My major is Traditional Chinese Medicine before wards which do not require English level in my college. However, Mission College only requires an undergraduate degree and does not ask for necessarily related education background, so I applied and I am confidently to get authentic English education in Mission College.

Financial Support

My parents have deposited sufficient money for me to study abroad. And my father is a manager of Yu Yuan Biological Technology Limited Company. He will offer ¥300,000 for my study.

Return to China and Career Objective

Studying abroad will provide me with opportunities learning advanced knowledge and help me to construct a better future. I will return to China to serve my motherland after the completion of my studying abroad. With the unique study experience abroad and great efforts I invested in, I am confidently in believing my successful and productive career in China at that time. In addition, I am a family-oriented boy. I am sure for coming back to China and taking good care of my parents after this period, as they are getting close to their retirement age.

Based on my own experiences and the strong study motives, please you trust me in my ability to study in America. I really hope that you will prove my application and issue the student visa for me; I will be able start a new life there and thus enrich my experience.

Y ours truly,

_________________ __________________ Date Signature of Applicant


计量标准考核报告 [ ] 量标证字第号 考评计划编号 计量标准名称E2等级克组、毫克组砝码标准装置计量标准代码12113202 / 12113203 建标单位名称米易县计量测试所 考评单位名称四川省攀枝花质量技术监督局 考核类型?新建?复查 考评方式?书面审查?现场考核考评日期 2017年 11月 24 日

计量标准名称E 2 等级砝码标准装置计量标准 考核证书号 保存地点检定室 计量标准原值(万元) 计量标准类别 社会公用 □计量授权 □部门最高 □计量授权 □企事业最高 □计量授权 测量范围1mg~500g 不确定度 或准确度等级 或最大允许误差 E2等级 计量标准器 名称型号测量范围 不确定度 或准确度等级 或最大允许误 差 制造厂及 出厂编号 检定周 期或复 校间隔 末次检 定或校 准日期 检定或 校准机构 及证书号E2级砝码 圆柱 带 顶、 片型 1mg~500g E2级 邛崃工具 厂 1年 2016.11 .29 中测院 检定证字 第 201611114 204 主要配套设备数显温湿 度表 WSB- 1型 (-20~60 )℃ / 郑州博洋 仪表有限 公司 01 1年 2017.4. 5 攀枝花市 计量测试 研究所 F20170326

计量标准考评表 序号考核内容及考核要点 考评结果考评记事 符 合 有 缺 陷 不 符 合 不 适 合 1 4.1计量标准 器及配套设备 的配置*△4.1.1计量标准器及配套设备配置科学合理,完整齐全,并满足开展检定或校准工作的需要 2 *△4.1.2 计量标准器及主要配套设备的计量特性符合相应计量检定规程或计量技术规范的规定,并满足开展检定或校准工作的需要 3 *△4.1.3计量标准的溯源性符合要求,计量标准器及主要配套设备均有连续、有效的检定或校准证书 4 4.2计量标准 的主要计量特 性△4.2.1 测量范围表述正确 5 △4.2.2不确定度或准确度等级或最大允许误差表述正确 6 *△○4.2.3 计量标准的稳定性合格 7 △4.2.4 计量标准的其他计量特性符合要求 8 4.3环境条件 及设施*4.3.1温度、湿度、照明、供电等环境条件符合要求 9 4.3.2设施的配置符合要求;互不相容的区域进行了有效隔离 10 4.3.3环境条件进行了有效的监控 11 4.4人员4.4.1有能够履行职责的计量标准负责人 12 *△4.4.2配备了两名以上具有相应能力的检定或校准人员 13 4.5 文 件 集 4.5.1 文件集的 管理 4.5.1文件集的管理符合要求 14 4.5.2 计量检定 规程或计 量技术规 范 *4.5.2有有效的计量检定规程或 计量技术规范 15 4.5.3 计量标准 技术报告△计量标准技术报告更新及时,有关内容填写齐全、表述清晰 16 △ 计量标准器及主要配套设备信息填写正确


计量标准技术报告 计量标准名称E 2等级克组砝码标准装置计量标准负责人董英刚 建立单位名称天津市蓟州区计量检定所填写日期2017年

目录 一、建立计量标准的目的……………………………………… ( ) 二、计量标准的工作原理及其组成……………………………( ) 三、计量标准器及主要配套设备………………………………( ) 四、计量标准的主要技术指标…………………………………( ) 五、环境条件……………………………………………………( ) 六、计量标准的量值溯源和传递框图…………………………( ) 七、计量标准的稳定性考核……………………………………( ) 八、检定或校准结果的重复性试验……………………………( ) 九、检定或校准结果的不确定度评定………………………( ) 十、检定或校准结果的验证…………………………………( ) 十一、结论……………………………………………………( ) 十二、附加说明………………………………………………( )

一、建标计量标准的目的 加强计量器具管理,规范计量器具检定要求,保障国家计量单位制的统一和量值传递的一致性、准确性,为国民经济发展以及计量监督管理提供公正、准确的检定数据或结果。 一、计量标准的工作原理及其组成 等级砝码标准装置的工作原理是:利用精密天平的测量求出被检定物E 2 质的对应值,在砝码的计量检定过程中,将标准砝码放在天平的右盘,在左盘放置被检定砝码,利用精密天平的平衡原理,经过多次循环的测量,通过公式计算,求出被检定砝码的实际值。 E 等级砝码标准装置的标准及配套设备由:标准砝码,天平等组成 2


计量标准技术报告 计量标准名称F1等级毫克克组砝码标准装置计量标准负责人赵瑞仓 建标单位名称(公章)晋州市质量技术监督检验所 填写日期2008年05月10日

目录 一、建立计量标准的目的...................... ....... ....... .. (1) 二、计量标准的工作原理及其组成................ ....... ....... . (1) 三、计量标准器及主要配套设备...................... . (2) 四、计量标准的主要技术指标....... ....... ....... ....... ....... (3) 五、环境条件.............................................. (3) 六、计量标准的量值溯源和传递框图................. (4) 七、计量标准的重复性试验....................... (5) 八、计量标准的稳定性考核.............................. (6) 九、检定或校准结果的测量不确定度评定....................... (7) 十、检定或校准结果的验证 (10) 十一、结论 (11) 十二、附加说明 (11)

一、建立计量标准的目的 加强计量器具管理,规范计量器具检定要求,保障国家计量单位制的统一和量值传递的一致性、准确性,为国民经济发展以及计量监督管理提供公正、准确的检定、校准数据或结果。 二、计量标准的工作原理及其组成 1、工作原理: F1等级砝码借助相应精度的标准天平以比较法向F2级、M1级砝码、M2级砝码传递质量量值。 用此项标准对基层1—10级天平、水分测定仪进行检定。 首先以高一等的克砝码与其标称质量相当的其标秤质量的较小的一群被检砝码相比较,然后依次将被检砝码组中每个砝码与相当于其标称质量的较小的一群被检砝码相互比较。平衡方程式及砝码质量修正值公式形式上与检定规程24.1.1项的平衡方程式及砝码质量修正值完全相同。各等级砝码检定合格后,根据质量传递系统以及是否用于标准传递或测试工作,分别发给标准砝码检定证书或工作砝码检定证书。 2、组成: (1)左盘T 右盘B (2)左盘T 右盘A (3)左盘T 右盘A+ 依公式:【K A】*=【K B】*+*(mg) ?ρκ(L A-L B)d±m w* a*=(V A-V B)± *:折算质量
