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学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________


1. Henry ________ himself by winning two gold medals in the Olympic Games.

A.acknowledged B.confirmed C.distinguished D.ranked

2. Mr. Lee was thinking how to solve the problem when suddenly he had

a ________ of inspiration.

A.cash B.flash C.dash D.crash

3. I trust the historian completely. His description of these events ________ other accounts written at the time.

A.subscribes to B.attends to C.relates to D.corresponds to

4. Chinese cuisine is hugely ________ thanks to the many different regions and ethnic groups that have settled in the country. A.delicate B.dynamic C.desperate D.diverse

5. He managed to_______ a place in the final exam by working hard constantly.

A.explore B.reserve C.award D.secure

6. —Mathew, what’s the result of the final?

—Believe it or not, China ________ beat its strong opponent France. A.narrowly B.casually C.manually D.typically

7. The number of people across the globe ________ weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than before.

A.where B.which C.of which D.whose

8. To perform well at the art festival, students in my class ________ the dance every day over the past three weeks.

A.were practising B.would practise

C.have been


D.had practised

9. Some students even don’t know that by helping a partner cheat in

a test they may _____ with the same punishment.

A.come up B.end up C.put up D.catch up

10. When it comes to sensitive topics such as race or religion, he always keeps silent for fear of saying something that might ________ someone.

A.consult B.assist C.offend D.impress


11. For years, I thought of a present and a gift as the

same thing. I grew up in a household where presents marked special

______. There was always a box for each of us under the tree at Christmas ______, Dad always gave Mom something each Valentine’s Day. He would carefully plan his shopping trips to find just the ______ thing. His joy in the hunt was proof of the ______ of giving and of

his love for her. I came to see these presents as the ______ of a husband’s devotion.

So when I married a man who did not give presents on a regular basis, it was an ______. I wrestled with my deep-rooted expectations. Gary did not ______ avoid gift-giving. Gary would return from sea armed with a brown paper bag inside of which was something that

______ him of me. But mostly, he ignored holidays, ______ to shop for a thing to present to me as a sign of his affection.

I tried to change him ______. I prepared gifts for Christmas and for his birthdays ______. He appreciated the caring, but refused to

do the same thing for me. I dropped hints, but they fell on ______ ears. I began to tell him what I wanted, giving ______ instructions. When Gary left for the market one Saturday, I asked him to find me diamond earrings as a birthday gift. Yet he came home with a road scraper (刮路机). ______ when the snowstorm hit later that year and

he was at sea, I used the road scraper to plow ( 犁 ) out both our

driveway and our neighbor’s, thinking how ______ earrings would have been and it was then that I finally realized he had been giving me gifts all along. The gestures, large and small, born of his caring

and concern for the family were the ______ that he gave daily.

We ______ to teach others how to love us. In that struggle, we often forget how to ______ the love they already give us as only they can give it.

I finally began to understand the ______ between a present and a gift. A present is a thing. But a gift is broader and often abstract. It is a small act of kindness, the ______ to bend to another’s needs, the sacrifice of time and effort. Love is a gift. Any expression of it, freely given, is an offering from the heart that is immeasurably better than a present.

【小题1】A.locations B.situations C.occasions D.conditions 【小题2】A.Additionally B.Originally C.Fortunately D.Consequently 【小题3】A.cheap B.astonishing C.splendid D.right

【小题4】A.pleasure B.ambition C.intention D.addiction 【小题5】A.example B.emphasis C.experiment D.expression 【小题6】A.improvement B.adjustment C.excitement D.enjoyment 【小题7】A.actively B.willingly C.patiently D.wholly

【小题8】A.warned B.reminded C.convinced D.informed

【小题9】A.refusing B.announcing C.demanding D.rushing



B.by force C.by example D.by accident

【小题11】A.on purpose B.in order C.at random D.on time

【小题12】A.sharp B.huge C.deaf D.sensitive 【小题13】A.abstract B.specific C.brief D.unusual

【小题14】A.And B.So C.Though D.But

【小题15】A.precious B.practical C.useless D.ugly

【小题16】A.promises B.gifts C.blessings D.instructions 【小题17】A.struggle B.fail C.attempt D.decide

【小题18】A.express B.appreciate C.return D.share

【小题19】A.distance B.similarity C.difference D.conflict 【小题20】A.wisdom B.freedom C.happiness D.willingness


12. The Master Gardener Foundation


(小升初真题)2020年小学文化基础知识测试数学试题 (盐中分班试卷) (考试时间: 60分钟 卷面总分:80分) 一、填空题(每空1分,共16分) 二、1.4时40分= ( )时 1.8公顷= ( )平方千米; 三、 53升:9立方厘米的比值是( ); 8 3 :0.12化成最简比是( )。 四、2.在中31、21、95、127、53、18 11 、……第10个数为( )。 五、 六、3.(如右侧图3)有(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)四个图形中,可以用若干块 拼成的图形是______.(填 七、和序号) 八、 4. 规定A※B=A×B+A-B,那么5※6= ( )。 5. 5.分数15785的分子和分母都减去同一个数,新的分数约分后是5 2 , 那么,减去的数是( )。6.a 是一个四位小数,四含五入取近似值为4.68,a 的最大值是( ), a 的最小值是( )。 7. 有一个圆柱和一个圆锥,圆柱的底面半径是圆锥的,32圆柱的高是圆锥的4 5 ,那么圆 8. 锥的体积是圆柱的( )。 9. 8.算“24点”是一种数学游戏:把所给的四个数字用运算符号(可以有括号)联结起来,使得 运算结果为24,注意每个数字只能用一次。请你用“3、3、7、7”这4个数字算“24点”,列 出的算式是( )。 10. 9.(如图)观察图形的规律,第30个图形一共由( ) 个小三角形组成。 10. (如图10), 将四条长为16m ,宽为2cm 的矩形纸条 垂直相交平放在桌而上,则桌面被盖住的面积是( ) 平方厘米。 11. (如图)扇形中,正方形的面积是30平方厘米。阴影部分的面积是( )平方厘米。(π=3.4) 12. 13. 14. 12.小兰收集各国的纪念币,她收集的纪念币有19 1 15. 是英国发行的,81是美国发行的,4 3 是中国发行的, 此外还有多于20枚且少于25枚是共他国家发行的, 那么小兰现在共有( )枚纪念币。 二、选择题(每小题1分,共7分) 1.如果O <a <1,则a 1、21a 、3 1 a 从大到小順序排列是( )。 A.a 1>21a >31a B.a 1<21a <31a C.a 1<31a <21a D.31a <a 1<21a 2.在有余数的除法算式24÷( ) = ( )……4中,商可以有( )种答案。 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.无数 3.有8级台价,小明从下向上走,若毎次只能跨过一级或两级,他走上去可能有( )神不同方 法。 A.12 B.24 C.34 D.36 4.池塘里某种水草生长极快,当天的水草数量是它前一天的2倍,又知10天长满池塘,( )天 长满池塘的8 1 ? A.5 B.6 C.7 D. 8 5.把体积是10立方分米的圆锥从高的一半处截去一个小圆锥,剩下 的装在一个圆柱体的盒子中,盒子的容积最小是( ) 立方分米。 A.10 B.15 C.20 D. 30


江苏省盐城中学2010—2011学年度第一学期期中考试 高三年级生物试题(2010.11) 试卷说明: 本场考试100分钟,共120分。请将选择题答案填写在答题卡上。 ............... 一、单项选择题:本题包括20小题,每小题2分。共40分。每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一个选项最符合题意。 1.下列物质在元素组成上最相似的一组是 () A.乳糖、维生素D、胰高血糖素 B.纤维素、胰岛素、性激素 C.糖原、蛋白酶、糖蛋白D.三磷酸腺苷、脱氧核糖核酸、核糖核酸2.关于ATP分子的叙述正确的是 () A.ATP中的糖是脱氧核糖,A表示腺苷 B.ATP分子中含有C、H、O、N、P五种元素 C.T表示胸腺嘧啶,因而ATP的结构与核苷酸很相似 D.1molATP水解,能释放出30.54kJ的能量,这些能量贮存在两个高能磷酸键中 3.下列实验中,试剂与鉴定的物质及颜色变化对应正确的是 () A.双缩脲试剂-蛋白质-紫色 B.苏丹Ⅲ染液-脂肪-红色 C.斐林试剂-蔗糖-砖红色 D.重铬酸钾溶液-酒精-蓝色 4.下列各组物质肯定不在人体同一细胞中合成的是() A.干扰素和呼吸酶B.RNA聚合酶和抗体 C.解旋酶和促性腺激素D.胰岛素和血红蛋白 5.右图为核苷酸的模式图,下列相关说法正确的是 () A.DNA与RNA在核苷酸上的不同点在①和②方面 B.如果要构成ATP,只要在①位置上加上两个磷酸基团 C.③在病毒中共有4种,在人体中共有8种 D.植物内的③有5种,②有2种 6.大肠杆菌和T2噬菌体的根本区别是有无 () A. 成形的细胞核 B.细胞壁 C. 细胞结构 D.线粒体等细胞器7.细胞是生命的基本单位,细胞的特殊性决定了个体的特殊性,因此,对细胞的深入研究是揭开生命奥秘、改造生命和征服疾病的关键。下列关于细胞结构和功能的叙述中,正确的是() A.蓝藻、霉菌、水绵的细胞不都含有核糖体、DNA和RNA B.人和动物细胞在无氧条件下也能分解有机物,释放能量,并产生二氧化碳 C.抑制细胞膜上载体活性或影响线粒体功能的毒素,都会阻碍根细胞吸收矿质离子 D.性激素是在核糖体上合成的 8.若观察到一个动物细胞中正处于染色体两两配对。你认为正确的判断是()A.这个细胞可能来自肝脏 B.此时细胞的染色体上含有染色单体 C.此时细胞中的染色体数和DNA分子数均为体细胞的二倍 D.染色单体的形成和染色单体变成染色体发生在同一时期


绝密★启用前 2020年高中阶段教育招生统一考试 英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷包含第I卷选择题(第1 ~ 45题)、第II卷非选择题(第46 ~ 85题及书面表达题)两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分。考试形式为闭卷。 2.本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分。 3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. Ge You is ______ popular film star in China, who likes listening to music. A. a B. an C. the D.∕ 2. ______ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 3. —Where’s David? —He ______ be in the playground because he is fond of playing basketball. A. will B. may C. can’t D. mustn’t 4. —Can I use your e-dictionary? —Sorry. I don’t have ______. A. it B. this C. that D. one 5. Sandy feels unhappy because nobody seems to ______ her progress. A. notice B. look C. watch D. read 6. —I’ll go to Beijing for the coming summer holiday. —______. A. Thank you B. It doesn’t matter C. The same to you D. Have a good time 7. I saw Li Ming ______ near the river on my way home. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. played 8. The two cities have reached an ______ to develop science and technology. A. education B. excitement C. agreement D. invention 9. Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he ______ us English. A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. will teach 10. Many volunteers______ food and water to the local people in Japan after the tsunami. A. gave out B. cut out C. put out D. found out 11. Plan your time carefully and make sure you have some time ______ what you like every day. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done 12. I ______ along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat. A. walked B. was walking C. would walk D. had walked 13. —Is Mr. Black ill? —______. I think he will have to stay at home to have a good rest. A. I don’t think so B. I’m afraid not C. I hope so D. I’m afraid so 英语试题第1页(共8页)


盐城市二O一一年高中阶段教育招生统一考试 英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷包含第I卷选择题(第1—45题)、第Ⅱ卷非选择(第46~85题及书面表达题)两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为l20分。考试形式为闭卷。 2.本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分。 3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 第I卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. Ge You is popular film star in China, who likes listening to music. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2. interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer! A .What B. What an C. How D. How an 3. —Where's David? —He be in the playground because he is fond of playing basketball. A. will B. may C. can't D. mustn't 4. —Can I use your e-dictionary? —Sorry. I don't have . A. it B. this C. that D. one 5. Sandy feels unhappy because nobody seems to _ her progress. A. notice B. look C. watch D. read 6. —I'll go to Beijing for the coming summer holiday. — . A. Thank you B. It doesn't matter C. The same to you D. Have a good time 7. I saw Li Ming near the river on my way home. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. played 8. The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology. A. education B. excitement C. agreement D. invention 9. Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he us English. A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. will teach 10. Many volunteers food and water to the local people in Japan after the tsunami. A, gave out B. cut out C. put out D. found out 11. Plan your time carefully and make sure you have some time what you like every day. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done 12. I along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat. A. walked B. was walking C. would walk D. had walked 13. —Is Mr. Black ill? —I think he will have to stay at home to have a good rest. A.I don't think so. B. I'm afraid not. C. I hope so. D. I'm afraid so.


江苏省盐城中学—第一学期期末考试 高一年级语文试题(.01) 试卷说明:本卷总分150分,考试时间150分钟。请将所有答案写在答题纸上。 第Ⅰ卷(70分) 一、语言文字应用(34分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音完全相同 ....的一组是(▲)(3分) A.熨.帖/呼吁.隽.永/携.手共进惬.意/汗流浃.背 B.恪.守/溘.然狙.击/居.安思危谅.解/量.体裁衣 C.跌宕./坦荡.慰藉./披荆斩棘.胡诌./皱.皱巴巴 D.荒芜./抚.摸邂.逅/坚持不懈.坍.圮/下肢瘫.痪 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字 .....的一组是(▲)(3分) A.长春藤玉砌雕栏凝眸远眺明目张胆 B.酹江月一愁莫展百无聊赖欢呼鹊跃 C.管弦乐瞬息万变不屈不挠莫名其妙 D.癞头僧托沓冗长惊骇万状向死而生 3.下列成语使用无误 ..的一项是(▲)(3分) A.当今传媒界,炒作成风、虚假成灾,在追名逐利甚嚣尘上的污浊氛围中,季羡林主 动摘冠脱冕的高风亮节之举,犹如一束亮光,石破天惊 ....,令人耳目一新。 B.盐塘河公园到处都是花,到处都是树,仿佛随便朝地上扔根枝条就能开出沸反盈天 ....的花来。 C.1945年,声名显赫 ....的德国贝尔森集中营,在纳粹溃逃后,宁静的中午,一个孩子走在遍布尸体的营地的路上。 D.我不相信战争只是政客和资本家搞出来的,芸芸众生 ....的罪过和他一样大。 4.下列句子中没有语病 ....的一项是(▲)(3分) A.人们的悲哀在于,应该珍惜的时候不懂得珍惜,而懂得珍惜的时候却失去了珍惜的机会。 B.通过历史文本,让我们进入当时的语境,抵达历史的现场,同时,我们还应立足当代,寻找历史在当今的意义。 C.这次诗歌朗诵大赛,我一定说服老师和你一起参加,这样你就不会太紧张了,可以发挥得更好。 D.为了能有永久的和平,人类必须正视战争造成的苦难,思考如何避免战争不再发生。 5.下面加点词语的意义和用法,相同 ..的一组是(▲)(3分) A.①李牧连却之.②存亡之.理

江苏省盐城中学初中部2014届九年级上学期语文12月月考试题 (word版含答案)

江苏省盐城中学初中部2014届九年级12月月考语文试题 (时间:150分钟总分:150分) 一、积累与运用。(38分) 1.古诗文名句默写。(10分) ①我劝天公重抖擞,。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》) ②项庄舞剑,。(司马迁《史记》 ③,人以群分。(《易经》) ④,柳暗花明又一村。(陆游《游山西村》) ⑤长风破浪会有时,。(李白《行路难》) ⑥,再而衰,。(《左传》) ⑦,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏。(《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》) ⑧李白《行路难》中运用典故,表达了诗人依然对前途充满信心,并希望有朝一日能被朝廷重用,成就功名的句子是:,。 2.阅读下面一段文字,完成下列题目。(4分) 每当寂寞的时候,我总想到那古园里去,去默坐,去呆想,去推开耳边的c?o杂,理一理纷乱的思绪。十五年中,古园的形体被不能理解他的人肆.意雕琢。幸好有些东西是任谁也不能改变它的,pì如祭坛石门中的落日,寂静光辉平铺的一刻,地上的每一个坎坷都被映.照得灿烂。 (1)根据拼音写汉字。(2分) c?o()杂 pì()如 (2)根据汉字写拼音。(2分)肆.()意映.()照 3.下列句子中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是()(2分) A.我刚从南方回来,不想再出门,可经理非要我去北方讨债,真是差强人意 ....。 B.离“黑色六月”还有六个月时间,同学们个个焚膏继晷 ....,奋力拼搏。 C.你尽管安心养病,家里有什么困难,我一定鼎力相助 ....。 D.齐白石画展一开幕,绘画爱好者趋之若鹜 ....,争相观瞻。 4.下面句子中没有语病的一项是()(2分) A.随着时代的变迁,我国古代流传下来的饮食器具也在不断地改进和完善。 B.阳光中学在2013年世界读书日到来之际,开展话说“我与世界读书日”。 C.大气中的臭氧每减少到2.5%,就会给世界带来47万个皮肤癌患者。 D.减轻学生过重的课业负担,是目前中小学教学工作的当务之急。 5.依次填入下面横线上的句子,排列最恰当的一组是 ( )(2分) 山水是自然最生动、最完美的体现。。 ①智者则涉水而行,望水而思,以碧波清流洗濯自己的理智和机敏。 ②那屹立万年的大山,多像静穆庄重的仁者; ③仁者在山的稳重、博大和丰富中,积蓄和锤炼自己的仁爱之心; ④那欢快流动的江河,多像才华横溢的智者。 A.①②③④ B.①③②④ C.③①④② D.②④③① 6.下列选项表述有误的一项是()(2分)


江苏省盐城市2019年中考英语试卷 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)(共15题;共15分) 1.Yancheng, ________energetic city, has set up trade relations with lots of countries and areas. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.A marathon was held in Yancheng ____________21st April, which drew 12,000 runners. A. on B. in C. at D. by 3.Each of us _____ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future. A. has B. have C. will have D. had 4.Size and type do not matter — you ______ do almost anything if you never give up. A. should B. must C. need D. can 5._________ needs one or two close friends to share his happiness and sadness with. A. Someone B. No one C. None D. Everyone 6.The number of the people using Huawei ________is getting larger and larger. A. cultures B. customers C. products D. histories 7.I've wanted to read Peter Pan for long, _________ today I finally borrowed the book from the library. A. or B. but C. and D. since 8.You need not only talent but also hard work to become a _________ football player. A. young B. successful C. happy D. friendly 9.Mr Wu keeps __________ his students that the future belongs to the well-educated. A. telling B. to tell C. ordering D. to order 10._________ say the English is too difficult for us to learn. We can learn it well with efforts. A. Always B. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Never 11.In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey ______ to be smart. A. say B. said C. will be said D. are said 12.— Do you know ____________Grandma is going to visit us? —Next Saturday. She told me on the phone. A. where B. why C. when D. whether 13.—WeChat makes communication much easier. — _____ We can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere. A. With pleasure. B. I can't agree more. C. What a shame! D. Don't mention it. 14."___________" means "If lots of people share the work, it will make a job easier to complete." A. Burn the candle at both ends. B. Every dog has its day. C. Many hands make light work. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 15.—Excuse me, could you please tell me___________? —Sure. It's on Jianjun Road.


江苏省盐城中学2020┄2021学年度第一学期期中考试 高三年级化学试题(11) 注意:本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题,共120分,考试时间100分钟。可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16 Na:23 S:32 Fe:56 选择题 选项符合题单项选择题:本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共计20分。每小题只有一个 .... 意。 1.化学与人类生活、社会可持续发展密切相关。下列说法正确的是()A.大量使用农药和化肥,以提高农作物产量 B.用CO2合成聚碳酸酯可降解塑料,实现“碳”的循环利用 C.天然药物无任何毒副作用,可长期服用 D.为改善食品的色、香、味并防止变质,可加入大量食品添加剂 2.下列化学用语的理解中正确的是()A.电子式:可以表示羟基,也可以表示氢氧根离子 B.结构示意图:可以表示氯原子,也可以表示氯离子 C.比例模型:可以表示水分子,也可以表示二氧化硫分子 D.结构简式(CH3)2CHOH:可以表示1—丙醇,也可以表示2—丙醇 3.下列叙述正确的是() A.硅可作半导体材料,是光导纤维的主要成分 B.常温下浓硝酸与铁不反应,可用铁桶贮运浓硝酸 C.将CO2通入Ba(NO3)2溶液无沉淀生成,但将SO2通入Ba(NO3)2溶液有沉淀生成

D.Mg、Fe等金属在一定条件下与水反应都生成H2和对应的氢氧化物 4.常温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是()A.pH=1的无色溶液:Na+、Cu2+、NO3—、SO42— B.c(H+)=1.0×10—13mol·L—1溶液中:C6H5O—、K+、SO42—、Br— C.加入苯酚显紫色的溶液:K+、NH4+、Cl—、I— D.Na2S溶液中:SO42—、 K+、Cl—、Cu2+ 5.短周期元素W、X、Y和Z的原子序数依次增大。金属W是制备一种高效电池的重要材料,X原子的最外层电子数是内层电子数的2倍,元素Y是地壳中含量最丰富的金属元素,Z原子的最外层电子数是其电子层数的2倍。下列说法正确的是() A.由金属W制备的高效电池可用NH4Cl溶液作电解质 B.元素X与氢形成的原子个数比为1:1的化合物只有两种 C.元素X、Z形成的化合物为离子化合物 D.元素Y、Z的最高价氧化物对应水化物之间可以发生反应 6.设N A代表阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是()A.0℃、1.01×105 Pa时,11.2 L氧气中所含的原子数为N A B.0.1 mol H2O和D2O组成的混合物中含有的中子数是N A C.1 mol CH3+(碳正离子)中含有电子数为10N A D.0.1 L 2 mol·L—1的(NH4)2S溶液中含有的S2—数目为0.2N A 7.类推思维是化学解题中常用的一种思维方法,下列有关离子方程式的类推正确的是()


江苏省盐城中学高三期末考试语文试卷 (总分150分,时间150分钟) 第 I 卷(选择题共36分) 一、(12分每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字读音全不相同 ....的一组是 A.毗.邻纰.漏考妣.蚍.蜉撼树 B.蚊蚋.纳.闷木讷.方枘.圆凿 C.泥淖.飞棹.悼.念绰绰 ..有余 D.妯.娌甲胄.车轴.舳.舻千里 2.下列词语中没有 ..错别字的一组是 A.戴罪立功融会贯通推崇倍至什锦开胃羹 B.事必恭亲浮想联翩身败名裂外向形经济 C.耳根清静不容置疑兵荒马乱城乡结合部 D.待价而沽流芳百世平心而论海滨度假村 3、下列加点熟语使用正确的一项是 A.沙龙病重住院后,以色列各派力量纷纷使出重拳,加快权力争夺的步伐, 一时间,朝野上下,闹得扬汤止沸 ....。 B.目前虽然全国各级机关都展开了轰轰烈烈的机关工作作风改革,但机构 重叠、人浮于事 ....的现象没有得到根本的改变。 C.一只发黑的藤编箱,一把破旧的竹躺椅,放在哪儿都碍事,可祖父就是 舍不得扔掉,这是老年人特有的抱残守缺 ....的心理。 D.舍甫琴科的三粒进球对已经连负两场的乌克兰队来说,只能是隔靴搔痒 ....,等待他们的将是被淘汰出局的命运。 4.下列各组句子,没有语病的一句是

A.数码媒体艺术,对于大多数人还是比较陌生的;作为一种新的艺术形式,它在中国正日益受到广泛关注和发展。 B.青灰色的方形地砖,原木色的一组藤椅依稀有些斑驳,客厅右侧那面墙边放置着的同样刻画着岁月痕迹的书橱,古气中渲染出中国文化的“传统”特质。 C. 人们往往重视了语数外理化等基础课程,却常常与它们有密切关系的逻辑思维的训练擦肩而过。 D. 昨天,中国足协通过其官方网站,广泛地征求社会各界对深化中国足球改革的意见和建议,收到了预期的效果。 二、(12分,每小题3分) 阅读下面一篇文章,完成5—8题 联合国教科文组织2000年设立了《人类口传和非物质文化遗产代表作名录》,2001年公布了世界19项非物质文化遗产,中国的昆曲入选。2005年11月中国新疆维吾尔木卡姆艺术以及中国与蒙古国联合申报的蒙古族长调民歌,又成为继2001年、2003年之后联合国教科文组织宣布的第三批“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”。对非物质文化遗产的认识过程,同样付出了时间的代价。三十年前(1972年),形成了最早的世界遗产公约,当时主要指有固定空间形式的文化遗产,简称物质遗产或有形遗产。 工业文明的迅速发展、全球经济一体化的大趋势,逐渐形成强势文化对弱势边缘文化的侵蚀,当经济迅猛发展到每个地域后,相应而来的是物质消费方式和生存观念的急剧改变,导致许多民族的无形文化发生急剧消亡和流变。 在这样一种背景下,人们开始关注人类文化不同的精神存在,尤其是发展中国家的文化传统存在与可持续发展。世界开始把口传的民间文化遗产提到了一个新的历史日程上来。《人类口传和非物质文化遗产代表作名录》的申报规定指出:


2020年江苏盐城中考英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷包含第Ⅰ卷选择题(第1-45题)、第Ⅱ卷非选择题(第46-81题)两部分。 本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分。考试形式为闭卷。 2.本试卷共8页,在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后在开始答题。 3.所有试卷必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内,注意题号必须对应,否则不给分。 4.答题前,务必将姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑丝签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案1. Yancheng is the only city China to be named after salt. A. at B. on C. in D. with 2. Our country now has high-speed rail network in the world. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 3. You can’t taste Lu Xun’s writing style until you read his works for . A yourself B. myself C. himself D. itself

4. Tan Dun has brought Chinese and Western music together. A. successfully B. hopefully C. harmfully D. pcacefully 5. Love from parents is like the wind-you can’t see it you can feel it. A. and B. or C. but D. so 6. Watching The Legend of Lno Xiaohei is a good to relax when you're tired. A. rule B choice C. question D. skill 7.-My mother said you went on a Silk Road trip last year. -Yes, it a wonderful trip. A.is B. was C. will be D. were 8. It is said that Yancheng-Nantong High-specd Railway in December, 2020. A complete B. is completed C was completed D will be completed 9. Although Zhong Nanshan knows the new virus is more to old people, he cares little for his own safety. A. polite B. dangerous C. friendly D important 10. The Birdwatching Society goes to Zhalong Nature Reserve the birds every year.


第一套:满分150分 2020-2021年江苏省盐城中学初升高 自主招生数学模拟卷 一.选择题(共8小题,满分48分) 1.(6分)如图,△ABC中,D、E是BC边上的点,BD:DE:EC=3:2:1,M在AC边上,CM:MA=1:2,BM交AD,AE于H,G, 则BH:HG:GM=() A.3:2:1 B.5:3:1 C.25:12:5 D.51:24:10 2.(6分)若关于x的一元二次方程(x-2)(x-3)=m有实数根x1,x2,且x1≠x2,有下列结论: ①x1=2,x2=3;②1 > ; m 4 ③二次函数y=(x-x1)(x-x2)+m的图象与x轴交点的坐标为(2,0)和(3,0). 其中,正确结论的个数是【】 A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 3.(6分)已知长方形的面积为20cm2,设该长方形一边长为ycm,另一边的长为xcm,则y与x之间的函数图象大致是()

A. B. C. D. 4.(6分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,⊙O 的半径为1,则直线y x 2=-与⊙O 的位置关系是( ) A .相离 B .相切 C .相交 D .以上三种情况都有可能 5.(6分)若一直角三角形的斜边长为c ,内切圆半径是r ,则内切圆的面积与三角形面积之比是( ) A . B . C . D . 6.(6分)如图,Rt △ABC 中,BC=,∠ACB=90°,∠A=30°, D 1是斜边AB 的中点,过D 1作D 1 E 1⊥AC 于E 1,连结BE 1交CD 1于D 2;过D 2作D 2E 2⊥AC 于E 2,连结BE 2交CD 1于D 3;过D 3作D 3E 3⊥AC 于E 3,…,如此继续,可以依次得到点E 4、E 5、…、E 2013,分别记△BCE 1、△BCE 2、△BCE 3、…、△BCE 2013的面积为S 1、S 2、S 3、…、S 2013.则S 2013的大小为( ) A. 31003 B.320136 C.310073 D. 671 4 7.(6分)抛物线y=ax 2与直线x=1,x=2,y=1,y=2围成的正方形有公共点,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .≤a ≤1 B .≤a ≤2 C .≤a ≤1 D .≤a ≤2


盐城中学2010届高三年级第一次模拟考试 英语试题2010.04 说明:1.本试卷共分六部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.在答题卡的相应位置填写姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题; 3.请将所有答案按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡相应的答题处,否则不得分 一、听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does Alice’s father want to buy for her? A. A watch. B. A sweater. C. A red bike. 2. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The train will not arrive. B. The train may arrive at 9:15. C. The train may arrive at 9:50. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Something robbed B. Something repaired. C. Something misplaced. 4. What does the woman think the man should do? A. Tell his neighbors about it. B. Report it to the police. C. Keep it quiet. 5. How will the man be paid? A. By the hour. B. By the week. C. By the month. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段对话,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man doing here? A. Checking in. B. Doing shopping. C. Checking out. 7. What’s the clerk’s suggestion? A. To come again. B. To have a good trip. C. To make a reservation for next time. 听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。 8. Where did the car come according to the man at the beginning of the conversation? A. He lent it. B. He won it. C. He bought it. 9. What color is the car? A. Blue. B. Black. C. Yellow. 10. What’s the date today? A. 1st, March. B. 1st, April. C. 1st , May. 听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。


2020年盐城市中考英语试卷及答案 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案 1. Yancheng is the only city China to be named after salt. A. at B. on C. in D. with 2. Our country now has high-speed rail network in the world. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 3. You can’t taste Lu Xun’s writing style until you read his works for . A yourself B. myself C. himself D. itself 4. Tan Dun has brought Chinese and Western music together. A. successfully B. hopefully C. harmfully D. pcacefully 5. Love from parents is like the wind-you can’t see it you can feel it. A. and B. or C. but D. so 6. Watching The Legend of Lno Xiaohei is a good to relax when you're tired. A. rule B choice C. question D. skill 7.-My mother said you went on a Silk Road trip last year. -Yes, it a wonderful trip. A.is B. was C. will be D. were 8. It is said that Yancheng-Nantong High-specd Railway in December, 2020. A complete B. is completed C was completed D will be completed 9. Although Zhong Nanshan knows the new virus is more to old people, he cares little for his own safety. A. polite B. dangerous C. friendly D important 10. The Birdwatching Society goes to Zhalong Nature Reserve the birds every year. A. to count B. counting C. count D. counts 11. What our society is like is decided by everyone chooses to bchave. A where B. when C. how D. why 12. These activities at bedtime can get kids excited and make it hard for them to and sleep. A. come down B break down C. calm down D. sit down


江苏省盐城中学2021届高三上学期阶段性考试英语 试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单项选择 1. Henry ________ himself by winning two gold medals in the Olympic Games. A.acknowledged B.confirmed C.distinguished D.ranked 2. Mr. Lee was thinking how to solve the problem when suddenly he had a ________ of inspiration. A.cash B.flash C.dash D.crash 3. I trust the historian completely. His description of these events ________ other accounts written at the time. A.subscribes to B.attends to C.relates to D.corresponds to 4. Chinese cuisine is hugely ________ thanks to the many different regions and ethnic groups that have settled in the country. A.delicate B.dynamic C.desperate D.diverse 5. He managed to_______ a place in the final exam by working hard constantly. A.explore B.reserve C.award D.secure 6. —Mathew, what’s the result of the final? —Believe it or not, China ________ beat its strong opponent France. A.narrowly B.casually C.manually D.typically 7. The number of people across the globe ________ weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than before. A.where B.which C.of which D.whose

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