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induction deduction

induction  deduction
induction  deduction

Deduction归纳:reasoning from general premises, which are known or presumed to be known, to more specific, certain conclusions. Induction演绎:reasoning from specific cases to more general, but uncertain, conclusions.


commonly associated with “formal logic.”

involves reasoning from known premises, or premises presumed to be true, to a certain conclusion.

the conclusions reached are certain, inevitable, inescapable.

It is the form or structure of a deductive argument that determines its validity

the fundamental property of a valid, deductive argument is that if the premises are true, then the conclusion necessarily follows.

The conclusion is said to be “entailed” in, or contained in, the premises Induction

commonly known as “informal logic,” or “everyday argument”

involves drawing uncertain inferences, based on probabalistic reasoning. the conclusions reached are probable, reasonable, plausible, believable. The form or structure of an inductive argument has little to do with its perceived believability or credibility, apart from making the argument seem more clear or more well-organized.

The receiver (or a 3rd party) determines the worth of an inductive argument

Deductive reasoning is either “valid” or “invalid.” A deductive argument can’t be “sort of” valid.

If the reasoning employed in an argument is valid and the argument’s premises are true, then the argument is said to be sound.

Inductive reasoning enjoys a wide range of probability; it can be plausible, possible, reasonable, credible, etc.

The inferences drawn may be placed on a continuum ranging from cogent at one end to fallacious at the other.

问题在于,演绎和归纳并非是根据一般与特殊的关系来定义的。由特殊到一般的推理完全可能是演绎的,比如“张三在看我的博客,所以有人在看我的博客”,又比如“我的右手能写字,我的左手能写字,所以,我的手能写字。”同样的道理,由一般到特殊的推理也完全可能是归纳的。“迄今我知道的乌鸦都是黑色的,所以我即将见到的这只乌鸦是黑色的”。可见,deduction and induction的区别并不在于“一般与特殊”的关系,而是在于其他方面:关键是看前提的真是否能够完全保障结果的真。如果是则为deduction, 如果不是完全保障,那么则是induction。

induction deduction

Deduction归纳:reasoning from general premises, which are known or presumed to be known, to more specific, certain conclusions. Induction演绎:reasoning from specific cases to more general, but uncertain, conclusions. Deduction: commonly associated with “formal logic.” involves reasoning from known premises, or premises presumed to be true, to a certain conclusion. the conclusions reached are certain, inevitable, inescapable. It is the form or structure of a deductive argument that determines its validity the fundamental property of a valid, deductive argument is that if the premises are true, then the conclusion necessarily follows. The conclusion is said to be “entailed” in, or contained in, the premises Induction commonly known as “informal logic,” or “everyday argument” involves drawing uncertain inferences, based on probabalistic reasoning. the conclusions reached are probable, reasonable, plausible, believable. The form or structure of an inductive argument has little to do with its perceived believability or credibility, apart from making the argument seem more clear or more well-organized.

Lab3 - 3 phase induction motor_PE3

University of Glasgow School of Engineering Power Engineering 3 Lab 3 - 3-Phase Induction Motor Student Name……………………………………… Matric No………………………………………….. Introduction In this experiment you will study the performance a squirrel-cage 3-phase induction motor. These motors are very important for many applications and absorb round about 45 % of all energy generated. They come in many sizes, from only a few watts up to several megawatts, and in many shapes, they can have the rotor rotating around the stator and different methods of cooling (e.g., TEFC –totally enclosed fan cooled, IP 55 (ingress protection, outdoor use) is very common, large machines can be water or oil cooled, drip-proof machines (IP 20, indoor use only) will have an internal fan and venting for air inlet and outlet and a fully submersible motor will be IP 68). The 4 pole machine you are using is a total enclosed machine with natural convection cooling. It is low voltage (an educational machine designed to work at less that 50 V line to line) however it can be connected in various ways in a similar way to a normal 3-phase motors working at higher voltages. We will look at the performance of the machine and carry out the following tests and measurements: ?Direction test ?No load test ?Locked rotor test ?Calculation of equivalent circuit parameters ?Obtains torque/speed and current Speed curves from equivalent circuit parameters ?Load test Assessment The 3 laboratory sessions account for 15% of your final mark in Power Engineering 3. You should have with you a bound laboratory book (with graph paper). Record ALL your measured results and any subsequent calculations in your bound laboratory book during the laboratory session, also fill out the necessary results in this lab sheet (this makes it easy for me to check your results during the session). At some point after the lab session you need to write up the results (neatly!) and complete the associated analysis/theory sections before handing in your lab books before the end of the semester.


Mathematical Induction and Strong Induction Scope: 1)Mathematical Induction 2)Strong Induction 1. Mathematical Induction 1.1. Introduction & Definition Many mathematical statements assert that a property is true of all positive integers. Example: U=Z+, Show that Mathematical induction is a proof technique that is used to prove a property of a set of positive integers, which is based on the rule of inference: ___________________________ Two Steps: 1.Basis step: Show that 2.Inductive step: Show that Example: We have a line of people. We know that the first person will be told the secret and a person will communicate the secret to the next person in the line. Show that all people will know the secret. 1.Basis step: Since we know that the first person will be told the secret, it follows 2.Inductive step: Let be arbitrary. ------------------------------------------------- Hypothesis person will communicate the secret to the next person+1 in the line ------------------------------------------------- Given fact ___________________________ Because is arbitrary, by universal generalization. Therefore,


Advantages and disadvantages of the deductive and inductive grammar teaching methods The deductive approach of teaching: The deductive approach of teaching English grammar refers to the style of teaching students by introducing the grammatical rules first. and then applying them by the students . This means that a teacher works from the more general to the more specific in a deductive approach called informally a " top down”approach. The deductive methods seem to work best if you want students to be able to quickly and accurately solve problems like those worked out in class or in the work.The deductive approach is more predictable because the teacher selects the information and the sequence of presentation.The deductive approach clarifying that the problem many students have applying these various rules indicates that they may not fully understand the concepts involved and that the deductive approach tends to emphasize grammar at the expense of meaning and to promote passive rather than active participation of the students . The inductive approach of teaching: The approach refers to the style of introducing language context containing the target rules where students can induce such rules through the context and practical examples.in other words . the sequence in this approach goes from creating a situation and giving examples to the generalization where students should discover such generalization by themselves or with the teacher ' s help. Teachers show their students a series of examples and non - examples , and then guide them toward noticing a pattern and coming up with the generalization or concept rule.The inductive approach was difficult for weaker or slower students , and that only brighter students were capable of discovering the underlying patterns of a structure. Comparison : the deductive and inductive approaches Teacher ' approaches of teaching English grammar play an important role in classrooms where students should understand what they are taught and how to use it correctly here , we are interested in the deductive and inductive approaches . this interest leads us to review some previous studies which compared between the two of them , or focused on their advantages and disadvantages.


高中历史学习的重要方法:归纳法和演绎法高中历史课程改革,课程结构的重大变化为:以"模块"加"专题"的形式出现,每个模块由若干专题组成,同一模块内的专题在课标上具有相近的教育价值,在内容上具有内在的逻辑联系。模块专题确立遵循古今贯通、中外关联的原则。因而,理清历史线索,通过古今中外同类史实的比较,从历史事实的个别性、偶然性背后探寻一般性和必然性,揭示历史发展的一般规律,进而从历史规律中寻找特殊性,形成对历史的整体认识是至关重要的,是高中历史教学课标要求之一。从中学生心理特征来看,初中阶段学生以形象思维为主;高中阶段学生以逻辑思维为主,具备一定的思维能力,需要教师有深度的引导,形成一定的历史思维。因此,从个别事实走向一般概念、结论的思维方法――归纳法和从一般概念、原理走向个别结论的思维方法――演绎法的运用就显得特别重要。我们必须指导学生运用这两种最基本的思维方法学习历史,建立历史唯物主义的思想观。下面浅谈我在这方面的探索。 一、用归纳法和演绎法提高学生概括、分析历史的思维能力。 高中历史必修二着重反映了人类社会经济发展进程中的重要内容,通过对这部分内容的学习,学生不仅能掌握有关历史的基本知识,培养对人类经济活动的兴趣,还能认识到:影响经济发展的因素有哪些?有哪些经验和教训?从而培养学生关注人类历史命运的基本素养。 我有意识引导学生归纳出影响社会经济发展因素的一般性认识:(1)生产力的发展,这是衡量经济发展的标准,也是驱动经济发展的根本动力,如春秋时期铁器的使用、人类历史上的三次科技革命等,无不促进经济的巨大发展。(2)生产关系的变革调整,如垄断的产生、国家垄断资本主义的产生,促进了资本主义经济的发展。(3)上层建筑的反作用,它包括政治上层建筑和思想上层建筑,如封建专制制度、重农抑商政策对封建经济和资本主义经济有着截然不同的影响。(4)有利的社会环境,包括全局的统一、局部的统一和社会的安定、和平的国际环境和国内环境,促使经济稳步增长。(5)有利的地理资源环境,为经济发展提供物质条件。(6)人民群众的主力作用,如中国人民建设社会主义的积极性使得1956―1966年曲折发展的十年仍取得很大的成就。(7)市场的因素。(8)资金的因素。通过以上八个方面的归纳,学生形成了影响社会经济发展因素的一般性认识。 以上总结可以作为分析不同国家不同时期经济发展原因的基本思路。我接着引导学生以演绎法分析得出同类属性的历史现象的成因。如十一届三中全会后,中国经济取得巨大成就的原因是什么?对于这个问题教材没有进行专门综合分析,学生可用已归纳的思路进行分析:(1)生产力的角度:十一届三中全会后中国制定科教兴国的战略,积极发展国内教育

Induction Program

COMPANY NAME INDUCTION PROCEDURE Introduction The purpose of an induction procedure is to assist a new employee in the "settling down " process. Starting a new job is a stressful experience, due to new situations and demands plus fears of looking silly. During the settling - in period, a new employee is unlikely to be effective or fully productive and may even leave if the feelings of unease are strong enough. It is therefore worth spending time on effective induction, as real cost savings can be made on avoidance of accidents caused through unfamiliarity, rapid achievement of full productivity and avoidence of costs incurred in unneccesary recruitment to replace lost employees. How to induct successfully To achieve successful induction, a systematic plan should be followed. This is to enable records to be kept and thus ensure that information is not missed out. A check list of points to be included in induction is attached. Although induction is of vital importance to new employees, anyone who is promoted or transferred from one job to another should also be inducted. In general, the aim of induction should be to convey a clear picture of the working of the organisation. The Personnel Department. The Personnel Department will be the first calling place for new employees. The following points will be covered : - ? A warm welcome to the Company. The Company and employing Department management structure will be outlined and a brief description of the Company given. ?Employee Qualifications/ Training /Professional Registration details (as appropriate.) will be confirmed and copies taken for personnel files. ?The importance of maintaining appropriate professional registration if required will be emphasised and attention drawn to the contactual requirement to do so. ?The need for confidentiality regarding the Company will be highlighted. ?Pay scales and allowances, method of payment, holiday entitlements, hours of work, pension scheme and trade union arrangements will be explained in detail.


浅谈归纳法与演绎法的区别与联系 一、归纳法与演绎法的基本概念及应用实例 归纳法或归纳推理,有时叫做归纳逻辑,是根据对某类事务中具有代表性的部分对象及其属性之间必然联系的认识,得出一般性结论的方法。归纳法论证的前提支持结论但不确保结论必然正确,它把特性或关系归结到基于对特殊的代表的有限观察的类型;或公式表达基于对反复再现的现象的模式的有限观察的规律。 应用实例:明朝刘元卿编的《应谐录》中有一个笑话:财主的儿子学写字.这则笑话中财主的儿子得出"四就是四横、五就是五横……"的结论,用的就是"归纳法",不过,这个归纳推出的结论显然是错误的。下面还有一个例子“公鸡归纳法”——某主妇养小鸡十只,公母各半。她预备将母鸡养大留着生蛋,公鸡则养到一百天就陆续杀以佐餐。天天早晨她拿米喂鸡。到第一百天的早晨,其中的一只公鸡正在想:“第一天早晨有米吃,第二天早晨有米吃,……第九十九天早晨有米吃,所以今天,第一百天的早晨,一定有米吃。”这时,该主妇来了,正好把这只公鸡抓去杀了。这只公鸡在第一百天的早晨不但没有吃着米,反而被杀了,虽然它已有九十九天吃米的经验,但不能证明第一百天一定有米吃。 演绎是从一般性知识引出个别性知识,即从一般性前提得出特殊性结论的过程。演绎推理的前提与结论之间存在着必然联系,只要推理的前提正确,推理的形式合乎逻辑,则推出的结论也必然正确。所以运用演绎推理,作者所根据的一般原理即大前提必须正确,而且要和结论有必然的联系,不能有丝毫的牵强或脱节,否则会使人对结论的正确性产生怀疑。 应用实例:毛泽东在《为人民服务》一文中有一段著名的论述:“人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。中国古时候有个文学家叫做司马迁的说过:‘人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。’为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重;替法西斯卖力,替剥削人民和压迫人民的人去死,就比鸿毛还轻。张思德同志是为人民利益而死的,他的死是泰山还要重的。”这段话中就包含着一个完整的演绎论证。“为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重”,是普遍性原理,是论据,是“大前提”;“张思德同志是为人民利益而死的”,是已知的判断,是“小前提”;而“他的死是比泰山还重的”则是结论,也是论点。 二、归纳法与演绎法的区别

高周波热处理(High-frequency induction hardening)

高週波熱處理 (High-frequency induction hardening) 前言 熱處理是藉著加熱與冷卻的操作,使金屬的組織改變,提升金屬本身的機械性質。熱處理可改善材料的特性,其中特性包括:強度、硬度、韌性、耐疲勞性、耐磨耗性、耐腐蝕性等等。 高週波熱處理是指一種利用感應對工件進行加熱的熱處理,因加熱的關係故應用在焠火、回火、正常化、退火、固體熔化、滲碳、熔接等,而一般業界運用於表面硬化,稱為高週波表面淬火,將高週波感應電流,容易集中在工件表面的特性,將表面急速加熱,然後淬火,而達表面硬化。 感應加熱原理 感應加熱原理是將磁性材料放入變化磁場內,會因電磁感應在物件內產生所謂渦電流(eddy current);如圖 1 所示。用此渦電流對工件進行加熱。 圖 1 渦電流 如圖 2 所示,將金屬圓棒放入圓筒形線圈中,對線圈通以高週波電流,則線圈內

側產生交變磁束,電磁感應在金屬棒內產生電動勢,此電動勢使渦電流產生,又稱感應電流。渦電流的方向和線圈電流之方向相反。因為電流的頻率愈高,反向的電流愈接近,電阻降低,此稱近接效應,這兩種反向電流也隨著週波數的增高而分別向表面集中,此稱表皮效果(skin effect);因此可使表面急速加熱,工件中心仍保持低溫或因熱傳導關係使中心溫度少量提升,此即利用高週波電流加熱的方法。 圖 2 電磁感應現象 渦電流的分佈呈指數函數的關係,如圖3 所示。設表面及表面下Xcm 處的電流密度為i。及ix,集中於金屬圓棒表面層附近的感應電流分佈 可表示為: -x/δ |ix︱=|io︱.E 電流的穿透深度與週波數f,導磁係數μs, 電阻係數ρ有關,如下式: δ=5.03x103√ρ/(μs.f) (cm) 式中, δ=穿透深度(cm) (penetration depth) ρ=電阻係數(μΩ.cm) f=週波數(Hz, 周/秒) μs=比導磁係數


A i ti Aviation I Induction d ti

Civil aircraft are designed g to meet 民航飞机的设计应满足: 民航飞机的设计应满足 (1) Aviation authority requirements 民航局的要求 (2) Customer requirements 客户的要求

Aviation Authority
中国民航总局 (CAAC) 中国香港民航局 (HK-CAD) 美国联邦民航局 (FAA) 日本民航局 (JCAB) ……

Most civil aircraft are made by 主要的民航飞机制造 商有: -Boeing g (McDonell-Douglas) -Airbus Industry

Most civil aircraft are powered by 主要的民航飞机的动 力制造商有: -GE 通用电气公司 -P&W 普惠公司 -RR 罗·罗公司 -CFM

Inspection 检查
Removal/Installation 拆装
Repair 修补
Many systems help the aircraft fly. These systems must be maintained. The airframe, engine and avionics must also be maintained. 飞机上的各个系统用来协助飞机的飞行 这些系统都需要维护 机身 引擎 航电 飞机上的各个系统用来协助飞机的飞行。这些系统都需要维护。机身、引擎、航电 设备都需要维护。

归纳法与演绎法 PDF

归纳法与演绎法 PDF 逻辑思考法归纳法与演绎法就像航海需要选对路线才能够到达成功的彼岸一样思考问题也同样需要有正确的途径和方法。正确的思考是以逻辑方法作为基础的它通常包括两个基本方法一、归纳法归纳法就是从部分导向整体从特定事例导向一般事例的过程它以经验和实证作为基础并从基础中得出结论。奥地利医生彼得在看儿子睡觉时忽然发现儿子的眼珠子转动起来。他感到奇怪连忙叫醒了儿子儿子说他刚才正做着一个梦。彼得想眼珠子转动会不会与做梦有关呢于是他把儿子当成了“试验品”每当儿子睡觉时他便守在旁边。一旦发现眼珠子转动就叫醒儿子儿子总是说做了一个梦。彼得又仔细地观察他的妻子后来又观察了邻居观察了他的病人都发现同样的情况因此他写出了论文指出人睡觉时眼珠转动表示睡者在做梦。他的论文引起了各国科学家的注意。如今人们研究梦的生理学用眼珠子转动的次数、转动的时间来测量人做梦的次数、梦的长短。这种用直接观察所取得的结果和今天用脑电波的测试数据是相吻合的。“人睡觉时眼珠子转动表示睡者在做梦。”这个结论当时是怎样得来的呢是这位奥地利医生观察了儿子、妻子、邻居及病人等个别现象后归纳分析得出来的儿子睡觉时眼珠子转动表示在做梦妻子睡觉时眼珠子转动表示在做梦邻居睡觉时眼珠子转动表示在做梦病人睡觉时眼珠子转动表示在做梦 ???? 所以人睡觉时眼珠子转动表示睡者在做梦。“儿子????”“妻子??????”“邻居????”“病人????”等都是一些个别的特殊的事例所以人睡觉时眼珠子转动表示睡者在做梦是从这些个别的特殊的事例中总结出的同一类事物的一般结论这种由一些个别的、特殊的事例推出同一类事物的一般性结论的思维方法叫归纳分析法。这种方法在我们实际生活中的应用十分广泛。二、演绎法以一般性的逻辑假设为基础得出特定结论的推理过程就是演绎法。这两种推理方法之间有很大的不同但两者可以一起运用。例如每当你用石头砸窗户的时候只


归纳法和演绎法的优势和劣势 演绎和归纳的优缺点 语法教学方法 演绎教学法: 英语语法演绎教学法是指先介绍语法规则,再教学生的教学风格。然后由学生们表演。这意味着教师用一种被非正式地称为“方法”的演绎方法从更一般到更具体地工作。如果你想让学生能够快速准确地解决像在课堂或工作中解决的问题,演绎方法似乎是最有效的。演绎方法更容易预测,因为老师选择信息和呈现的顺序。演绎方法阐明了许多学生在应用这些不同规则时所遇到的问题,这表明他们可能没有完全理解所涉及的概念,并且演绎方法倾向于强调语法而忽略意义,并且促进学生的被动参与而不是主动参与。 归纳教学方法: 这种方法指的是引入包含目标规则的语言语境的风格,学生可以通过语境和实际例子来归纳这些规则。换句话说。这种方法的顺序是从创设情境和举例到概括,学生应该自己或在老师的帮助下发现这种概括。教师向学生展示一系列例子和非例子,然后引导他们注意到一个模式,并提出概括或概念规则。对于较弱或较慢的学生来说,归纳方法是困难的,只有较聪明的学生才能发现结构的潜在模式。 比较:演绎和归纳方法 教师的英语语法教学方法在课堂上起着重要的作用,在课堂上,学生应该理解他们所学的内容以及如何正确使用它们。这里,我们对演绎

和归纳方法感兴趣。这种兴趣使我们回顾了以前的一些研究,这些研究比较了它们两者,或者集中于它们的优点和缺点。 在比较这两种方法时,一个不同之处是演绎方法与教学语言的语法翻译方法最接近,而归纳方法被认为与有声语言主义很接近,在有声语言主义中,意义和语法是通过情境和替代表中的例子从实践中归纳出来的。归纳方法以前总是等同于60年代的有声语言方法,定义为习惯形成,除非老师在课程结束时给学生适当的规则 。这两种方法的第二个主要区别在于每种方法的步骤或程序。而演绎方法从引入规则或原则的步骤开始。归纳方法从语言环境开始,包括在演绎序列中应用这些规则,思想从概括、原则、定律出发。命题或理论在具体应用中的演绎顺序包括提出概括,然后寻找或提供例子。 年龄是学者们讨论的第三个分歧或有争议的问题。rivers ( 1 9 7 5)发现演绎方法的使用对成熟、动机良好的学生或强化课程中的成人学生最有用,并发现归纳方法更适合年轻的语言学习者。事实上,我们不知道里弗斯提出的确切年龄,他建议在两种方法中选择年龄作为一个因素。但是时间是第四个区别,它区分了两种方法。演绎方法更快,是教授大量事实和结论的有效方法。学习者有更多的时间练习或应用演绎和归纳方法之间的第五个不同因素是学生的参与。这一结论也是由其他研究人员或教师给出的,他们发现在演绎方法中,教师在课堂上的解释通常会使学生的参与和互动最小化。但是在归纳方法中,学生更积极地参与学习过程,而不是简单地被动接受


分类比较法、演绎法、归纳法 一、分类比较法 1.定义 分类比较法又称类比法,是从两个或两类对象具有某些相似或相同的属性的事实出发,推出其中一个对象可能具有另一个或另一类对象已经具有的其他属性的思维方法。其结论必须由实验来检验,类比对象间共有的属性越多,则类比结论的可靠性越大。 2.使用 (1)类比法的运作方式:面对卡住的难题,先用一个简单的故事或情境(类比物)做比喻, 然后顺着类比物的逻辑思考,再回头将逻辑对照到原本的难题上,就可以产生解决之道。 (2)使用步骤:①列出要解决的问题②选择类别物③建立类比物与问题之间的联系④延 伸类比物的故事⑤将故事与问题对照⑥为问题寻找方案 (3)例子: 问题: 地上有个瓶子,里面装满了核桃。一只猴子走过来,看见里的核桃,伸手去抓,但瓶口太小了,紧抓核桃的的话就没法出来。那么猴子怎么才能吃到核桃? 解决步骤: ①列出要解决的问题:瓶子里的核桃没法拿出来,那怎么才能吃到? ②选择类别物:椰子。 ③建立类比物与问题之间的联系:椰子和这个瓶子类似,外表都有一个壳,都需要解决掉外面的壳,才能吃到里面的食物。 ④延伸类比物的故事:以往猴子在吃椰子的时候,是通过使用坚硬的石头把椰子的壳砸破,解决掉坚硬的外壳,就能够吃到里面的椰肉。 ⑤将故事与问题对照:在这个问题里,瓶子对照的就是椰子壳,核桃对照的就是椰肉。 ⑥为问题寻找方案:通过砸破瓶子,从而吃到里面的核桃。 二、归纳法 1.定义 归纳法(归纳推论),逻辑推论最基本的形式之一,指根据一个事物具有的某种特质,推出这类事物的所有对象都具有这种性质的推理方法。 2.分类 空间性归纳:我们把在一个地方,一个群体的性质,归到所有地方,所有群体的性质,就叫做空间性归纳。比如说,在欧洲看到的所有的天鹅都是白色的,所以,全世界的天鹅都是白色的。 时间性归纳:我们把在过去或者现在积累的经验,归纳到未来,认为未来也和现在和过去一样,这叫做时间性归纳。比如说,在我们过去的时间和经验里,太阳总是从东方升起,所以将来太阳还会从东方升起。 3.特点 (1)使用归纳法需要一个重要的“隐含假设”作为推理成立的基石,这个隐含假设就是未来和 过去一样。 (2)即时所有前提都是正确的,结论依然有可能错误。归纳法只能得出概率性趋势,而不是 必然性知识。 4.使用 归纳的过程可以分为三步: 一是搜集和积累一系列事物经验或知识素材; 二是分析所得材料的基本性质和特点,寻找出其服从的基本规律或共同规律;


四、归纳法与演绎法应用专题 通过本专题训练,着重掌握分析复杂物理过程的一种重要方法——归纳法和演绎法. 从某些个别物理现象或特殊的物理过程出发,可以推论出具有普遍意义的一般性结论;这种从个别到一般,从特殊到普遍的逻辑推理方式叫归纳法.与归纳法的思维程序相反,从某个具有普遍意义的一般性原理出发,也可以推论出某一个别的物理现象或特殊的物理过程;这种从一般到个别,从普遍到特殊的推理方式叫做演绎法. 演绎依据的一般性原理是由特殊现象中归纳出来的,而归纳又必须以一般性原理为指导,才能找出特殊现象的本质;所以,归纳离不开演绎,演绎也离不开归纳,虽然归纳和演绎是两种不同的思维方法,但是它们之间是相互渗透、相互依赖、相互联系、相互补充的.当我们解决物理问题时,根据物理概念或规律分析题目描述的物理现象,使用的是演绎法;根据题目描述的物理现象推导出某些一般性的结论,使用的是归纳法.归纳法和演绎法的交叉应用,是我们解决问题的常见思维方式. 【例题1】A 、B 两点相距s ,将s 平分为n 等价.今让一物体(可视为质点)从A 点由静止开始向B 运动,物体在每一等分段均做匀加速运动,且第一段加速度为a ,但每过一个等价点加速度都增加a n ,试求该物体到达B 点时速度. 【分析与解析】由于物体在每个等分段上都做匀加速运动,所以每段运动的初、末速度应满足同样的关系: 2210-v v =2a ·s n 2221-v v =2a (1+1n )·s n 2232-v v =2a (1+2n )·s n …… 22n n 1--v v =2a (1+1-n n )·s n 将上述各式两端分别相加,即得 2n v =2a ·s n [1+(1+1 n )+(1+2n )+ (1) 1-n n )] =2a ·s n [n +(1n +2n +……+ 1-n n )]=(3-1n )as ∴ v n 总结与提高 该题所用关系即为匀变速直线运动的速度、位移关系,每一等分段上的方程都不难给出.但若要按常规的解法,逐一地求出v 1、v 2、v 3……,从中找出v n 的通式,则是较困难的.上述解法恰是利用各方程左侧的特点,相加后将中间诸项相消,而直接求得了最终速度v n . 【例题2】一弹性小球自4.9m 高处自由落下,当它与水平桌面每碰撞一次后,速度


用演绎法和归纳法讲授语法优缺点分别是什么 A. It is + adj. + to do B. It is + adj. + for sb + to do C. It is + adj. + that 这三种句式在前面的教材中都出现过,学生掌握这三种句式本身并不难。本课的重点是怎样用这三种句式来描述生活中的个别现象,尤其是本课学的新话题慈善步行的一些阐述。也就是本节语法课的有效教学应体现在运用上。 2. 学生情况分析 九年级学生通过前面几册书的学习,只要老师引导有方,应该有话可说,有话要说,他们在前面两单元刚刚学了国内、国际的一些慈善机构,而这些话题离学生的生活相对远了些。因此通过新句式复习学过的话题以达到温故而知新的目的。 3. 教学目的 A. 用It is +adj. + 带to的不定式来描述行为和情境 B. 用It is +adj. +for + 带to的不定式来具体说明正在谈论的对象 C. 用It is + adj. + that 来表达自己对某件事的感受 4. 教学方法 启发式,小组合作法,主体参与法,自主学习法 5.设计思路 第一步,通过口头改写两组句子,让学生自己总结归纳出第一种句式It is +adj. + to do ,然后再让学生用这种句式进行自由造句,选词造句。 第二步,通过完成课本第101页的选词填空,然后选出有代表性的五个句子让学生口头翻译并打在屏幕上,让学生自己总结归纳出第二种句式It is +adj. + for sb + to do,再让能力较强的学生用这种句式自由造句。

第三步,通过完成课本上的重组练习,学生自己归纳总结出第三种句式It is + adj. + that,然后学生自由造句以达到巩固之目的。 第四步,设置一些图片并提供必要的单词,让学生根据图片自由造句,以便所有的学生对着三种句式有一个从感性到理性的认识。 第五步,选择四幅与慈善机构有关系的图片进行小组练习,每组选择一幅图片用本堂课学的三种句式先造句,然后组成文章说出来,最后写在作文本上。 6. 教具: 多媒体 二、教学步骤 Task1: Present the pattern " It is +adj. + to do " 1. Rewrite the following sentences: 1) To help others is meaningful. It is meaningful to help others. 2) To finish the work within an hour is difficult. It is difficult to finish the work within an hour. 3) To learn to drive is fun. It is fun to learn to drive. 4) To learn foreign languages is useful. It is useful to learn foreign languages. 5) To keep the classroom clean is necessary. It is necessary to keep the classroom clean. 2. Rewrite the following sentences: 1) This question is easy to answer. It is easy to answer this question. 2) The Reading Club is fun to join.

Induction vs Deduction

Induction vs. Deduction In writing, argument is used in an attempt to convince the reader of the truth or falsity of some proposal or thesis. Two of the methods used are induction and deduction. Induction: A process of reasoning (arguing) which infers a general conclusion based on individual cases, examples, specific bits of evidence, and other specific types of premises. Example: In Chicago last month, a nine-year-old boy died of an asthma attack while waiting for emergency aid. After their ambulance was pelted by rocks in an earlier incident, city paramedics wouldn’t risk entering the Dearborn Homes Project (where the boy lived) without a police escort. Thus, based on this example, one could inductively reason that the nine- year-old boy died as a result of having to wait for emergency treatment. Guidelines for logical and valid induction: 1. When a body of evidence is being evaluated, the conclusion about that evidence that is the simplest but still covers all the facts is the best conclusion. 2. The evidence needs to be well-known and understood. 3. The evidence needs to be sufficient. When generalizing from a sample to an entire population, make sure the sample is large enough to show a real pattern. 4. The evidence needs to be representative. It should be typical of the entire population being generalized. Deduction: A process of reasoning that starts with a general truth, applies that truth to a specific case (resulting in a second piece of evidence), and from those two pieces of evidence (premises), draws a specific conclusion about the specific case. Example: Free access to public education is a key factor in the success of industrialized nations like the United States. (major premise) India is working to become a successful, industrialized nation. (specific case) Therefore, India should provide free access to public education for its citizens. (conclusion) Thus, deduction is an argument in which the conclusion is said to follow necessarily from the premise. Guidelines for logical and valid deduction: 1. All premises must be true. 2. All expressions used in the premises must be clearly and consistently defined. 3. The first idea of the major premise must reappear in some form as the second idea in the specific case. 4. No valid deductive argument can have two negative premises. 5. No new idea can be introduced in the conclusion.

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