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7B unit2

7B unit2
7B unit2


Two t ins of dog food

How many t ins of dog food are there in the fridge?

There are ten t ins of dog food

none. 没有一个人或东西

1、none of------可数名词复数(既可当单数,不可数数名词(当单数,也可以


None of the students is/are here 所有学生都不在这里/没有一个学生在这里None of the money is mine. Nobody of和nothing of是错的

2、当要表达前面提到的东西一个也没或一点也没有只能用hone Welcome to my home. Welcome home

I’m not hungry. = I’m full full 饱的

How many teachers are there in the classroom?

-There is hone.

-How much milk is there in the fridge?-There is none


(1) I want to buy you a comic book. But there is none in the shop

(2)What’s in the fridge? There is nothing

(3) Who is in the classroom? There is nobody

We can buy a TV with the money.

What can you buy with ten yuan?

She may be in the playground/maybe she is in the playground He may knows this We can buy a house with the money 用那笔钱

情态动词maybe=perhaps adv

Perhaps/Maybe he knows this

Order sb. to do sth 命令某人做某事

Tell sb. to do sth ask sb. to do sth

Let’s be good friends, shall we?

There is a lot of homework to do

I have a good pen to write with

I have a lot of homework to do.

Tell sb. about sth

I have nothing to do

tell you about my study

tell you about my best friend

tell a story

They are living a happy life

It is 20 minutes from my home to our school by bike

How far is it from your home to your school?

little +不可数few+可数名词

There is less milk in this glass than in that glass

There are fewer apples in this box than in that box

Be close to---- 靠近--- 地方

I live be close to our school near our school 密友

My school is close to my home

He is my close friend

-Must I get up early tomorrow?

-yes, you must

-No, you needn’t

-No, you don’t have to

Have to do sth 非得做某事/不得不做某事/必须做某事(名词不可数)help n. 帮助(不可数)

I need help with my English

Please give me some help with my English

ask for help 请求帮助ask me for help

I have to get up early every day

Do you have to get up early every day?

He doesn’t have(不是非得/不必) to get up early every day (1)I do my homework unt il 10 o’clock every day.

You should wait unt il he comes back

unt il和if when 一样,用一般现在时表示将来

(2)我每天直到十一点才睡觉,直到------才hot----unt il

I don’t go to bed until 11 o’clock every day

try v. try to do sth

try not to do sth 努力做某事

Try one’s best 尽力做某事

I try my best to learn English well

Why don’t you go there?

Why not go there?

We can teach you how to singing Beijing opera

Can you teach me how to make model planes?

teach sb. to do sth

.My mother teaches me to cook

Why don’t you do sth.

why not do sth

Why not go to the park?

Why don’t you go to the park?

Why not?=Good idea

Water has three states

His health is in a good state

I think of my grandmother

in the country 在乡村

country music

think about 另外一个意思是考虑

可数名词用单数(前面加a/an 或复数代替这类东西)

A cinema is a place for people to watch films

A t iger runs fast =Tigers run fast

It takes (sb.) st. to do sth (某人)花多长时间做某事

It is twenty minute’s walk from my home to our school

It takes (me) twenty minutes to go far from my home to our school

by bike=ride a bike


How far away is your home from our school?

Zhang’s home is far (away) from our school

My home is four kilometers (away) from our school

My father is a cook

A hospital is a place to go if you are sick

A sick person 生病的人an ill person心术不正的人

Go to hospital 去医院看病

He is in hospital 他住院了

How much milk and how many eggs do we have?

How many sheep can you see?

Count from I to 100

How much 提问不可数名词How many提问可数名词

How much water is there in the glass?

How many glasses of water are there on the table?

There is nobody else in the class room except me

Else 也可放在(something) anything nothing somebody anybody nobody no one)( 不定代词)后面

Who else do you know?

What else do you want to buy?

What else do you want =what other things do you want? 你还想要别的什么东西Where else do you want to go?

Belong to----某人属于

This computer belongs to me

Does this computer belongs to you

Does that TV belongs to Lu?

Who does this computer belong to?

all over the world =in the word = around the world


1、the first

2、the best

the second the tallest

3、play the piano

4、the poor

the old

the rich

5、the Green family=the Greens

6、the sun

the moon

the earth

the milkway


I see a boy on the playground the boy is playing football


Beijing is the capital of line a map of china

I can’t miss seeing jay

miss 错过miss doing sth

miss the early bus 错过了早班车I miss you我想念你




pract ice

be busy

look forward to (doing sth)


have a good t ime

enjoy oneself

have fun


enjoy ourselves

have fun

have a good t ime

chatt ing with each other

Leave Suzhou leave for shanghai leave Suzhou for shanghai leave 留在----动身去上海

Don’t leave your English book in the classroom(不用forget why don’t you eat apples? Why not eat apples?

get reach arrive there 和home here 一样

It takes sb. st to do sth

It takes 25 minutes to go from Suzhou to shanghai from Suzhou by train

It takes me two hours to do my homework every day Suzhou by train get to shanghai from

It will take------将来时

Nearby adv 在附近I have a friend nearby hear a hospital

He lives nearby there is a hospital nearby

I go to school

on my bicycle

on a bicycle

by bicycle

I ride a bicycle to school to go to school

It’s sunny today what’s the weather like today?

There is little 很少pollution in the town a little有一点点little 几乎没有,很少there is a little有一点儿milk in the glass only a little milk

Go into town进城out of town出城

There is little(否定)几乎没有,很少

Pollution in the town is there?

There is a little 有一点的----什么种类的房子

Pollution in our (肯定) city, isn’t there?

I think he knows that doesn’t?

I don’t think he knows that does he ?

I think\ I don’t think/ I believe

I don’t believe 所在句子的反意疑问句看后面,否定也要移到去。


He may be in the classroom he must be in the classroom 他肯定不在/不可能在教室里

He can’t be in classroom heed


You needn’t go to school today


You heed to finish your homework today

You don’t to go to school today


《彩云追月》 执教人: 教学设计: 一、伴着《渔舟唱晚》的旋律,开始今天的音乐课,让学生放松身心,感受乐曲的美。 1、欣赏完,老师问:“这首乐曲的曲名是?它是由什么乐器演奏的?学生回答:“渔舟唱晚》是由古筝演奏的。老师问:“古筝属于西洋乐器还是民族乐器?学生答:“民族乐器”。老师问:“除了古筝,你还了解我国哪些民族乐器。”学生回答,有二胡、琵琶、笛子、萧、笙等等。 2、老师总结:“刚才同学们说了很多我国的民族乐器,今天老师又为同学们带来一件乐器, 你们认识吗?”接着向同学们简单介绍扬琴的知识,并现场为同学们演奏一曲《彩云追月》,同 学们很感兴趣,这样利用扬琴导入课的开始,能激起学生学习的兴趣。 3、欣赏民乐合奏曲《彩云追月》,先完整欣赏一遍,欣赏前提出问题(1)乐曲为我们描绘 了一幅怎样的画面?(2)乐曲分几段?欣赏完让学生回答。 4、分段欣赏,欣赏第一段时提出问题:乐曲里有哪些乐器的音色?欣赏完让学生回答,老 师评价及总结。 欣赏第二段时与第一段做对比,它与第一段比较,旋律有什么变化?欣赏第二段时,你能 想象到一幅怎样的情景?欣赏完后让学生回答,老师评价及总结。 把一二段连起来再听一遍,让学生随音乐划拍或身体随音乐律动,更好的感受音乐带给我 们的美。 5、欣赏第三段,老师讲解:“最富有动感的是第三段,乐器间应答似的对话仿佛云和月的 嬉戏,时明时暗,忽上忽下、意趣盎然。 二、欣赏完民乐合奏曲《彩云追月》,介绍曲作者任光及创作这首乐曲时的背景。 三、学习歌曲《彩云追月》: 1、朗读歌词,老师范唱第一段。 2、欣赏歌曲范唱,让学生随歌曲拍四四拍子,感受歌曲的节拍特点,并注意歌曲的速度。 3、让学生随琴用”噜“音模唱老师弹出的旋律,提醒学生发“噜”时要唱的轻快有弹性。 4、随琴用“哩”完整的演唱歌曲旋律。 5、填词演唱歌曲一遍,并拍节拍。 6、学会第二段结束句,前面的旋律与第一段一样。 7、解决歌曲中的难点:切分节奏的唱法与拍法,演唱歌曲前半部分时拍节拍,演唱后半部 分时拍节奏。让学生完整随琴演唱一遍,老师评价,指出优点与缺点。 8、歌曲的艺术处理,A 段采用五声音阶构成具有浓郁的民族风格,在演唱A 段时用圆润连 贯的声音演唱,以突出歌曲所表达的意境美。B 段是A 段派生出来的旋律,它比A 段更加 委婉动人,每小节都使用了切分节奏,曲调使人产生心潮澎湃的激动情绪,所以我们在唱 时用优美、抒情的声音来表达自己的感情。 9、随伴奏音乐,老师指挥再次完整的演唱一遍歌曲。 四、音乐活动:把学生分三组,打ft乐器组、合唱组、器乐演奏组,给同学们准备时间,然后 老师用扬琴伴奏,师生合作演奏《彩云追月》,使课的气氛达到高潮,形成了师生互动、生生互 动的效果及场面。 五、欣赏《花好月圆》与《彩云追月》从情绪与速度作比较。欣赏完请学生回答。 六、总结:“今天我们主要欣赏了民乐合奏曲《彩云追月》,并演唱了由此改编的歌曲。我们的民 族音乐文化有悠久的历史,它博大精深,希望同学们喜欢并热爱我们的民族音乐文化,将 来成为传承者,只要是民族的就是世界的,音乐是我们共同的语言!最后让我们在《彩云追月》的旋律中结束这节课。

7B Unit2 课堂练习

7B Unit2 巩固练习(p26) 一.根据句意及所给首字母填空: 1. A h________ is a place to go if you are ill. 2. A s________ is a place to study and learn. 3. A s________ is a place you can buy food and drinks. 4. Jimmy doesn’t know. Let’s ask Tommy i______ 5. A w________ and a c________ work in a restaurant. 6. Because of the air p________ in the city, people are not very healthy.. 7.If we get up late, we will m______ the bus. 8. He wants to learn how to ride a b________. 9.There are a lot of w________ of art in the Palace Museum. 10.That knife looks beautiful. It is g________. 11. Most people love Chinese p________. 12. Complete the m________ information in Part A 二.按要求改写句子: 1. His father is a waiter. ________ ________ his father? = ________ ________his father________? 2. They enjoy sports. We can take them to the sports center. (if连接) ______ they enjoy sports, ______ can take them to the sports center. 3. Her sister works in a shopping mall.(一般疑问句) ________ her sister ________ in a shopping mall? 4. His brother studies in Sunshine Secondary School.(否定句) His brother _________ ________ in Sunshine Secondary School. 5. I went to bed after I finished my homework.(同义句) I ________ ________ to bed ________ I finished my homework 6. There is no dog food in this shop.(同义句) There ________ ________ dog food in this shop. 7. There are also some plates on the table.(否定句) There ________ ________ plates on the table, ________. 8. we need fifteen loaves of bread. ________ ________ ________ of bread do you need? 9. We bought three kilos of beef yesterday. ________ ________ beef did you buy yesterday? 10. What other places did you visit? (同义改写) ________ ________ did you visit? 11. He sent an email to his teacher. ________ ________ he ________ an email to? 12. They made plans to visit a palace in Nanjing. (now 改写) They________ ________ plans to visit a place in Nanjing. 13. We shall be there at 9 a.m. to enjoy a full day there. (一般疑问句)_______ ______ be there at 9a.m. to enjoy a full day? 三.动词填空: 1. Where ________ your sister ________(teach) English? 2. There are lots of exhibitions ________(see) in the museum. 3. Tell him ________ (not look) out of the window. 4. We won’t go to Nanjing if it ________(rain) tomorrow. 5. He finished ________(read) the book and passed it to her. 6. It’s very important ________(learn) all the subjects well. 7. I spend much time________(do) my homework every day. 8. There’s a watch ________(lie) on the ground. 9. We ________(see) Beijing Opera at the local theater last night. 10.It took me two hours ________(work) out this maths problem. 11. Everyone in our school ________(speak) Putonghua. 12. You have ________(finish) your homework before going to bed. 13. My mother ________(go) ________(walk)ten minutes ago. 14. What about ________(go) to see bronzes in Jingren Palace? 15. What time ________ we ________ (get) up tomorrow morning? 16. Mr Wu asked Daniel ________(not be) afraid of him. 17. Don’t _______(be) afraid. I can help you ________ (work)out the problem. 18. My grandpa ________(come) tonight. 19. ________(not miss) the great exhibition. 20. Help her ________(write) the correct answers in the blanks. 21. He often ________(miss) the early bus in the morning. 22. This afternoon they ________(watch) the exhibition. 23. Look! They ________(read) a poster about exhibitions at the Palace Museum. 24. We can ________(order) some special food in this restaurant. 25. Can you teach me ________(ski)? 26. Young children enjoy ________(sing) and ________(dance) in their lessons. 27. There are many interesting books ________(read) in this book shelf. 28. He prefers ________(stay) at home to ________(play) with them. 四.句子翻译: 1.乘船时间太长,让我们代之以乘飞机吧.It _______ too long ________ _______. Let’s take a plane ________. 2.他长大后想成为一名好厨师。He ______ to ______ a good ______ when he _______ ______.


牛津版7B Unit2单元测试卷 (满分:100) 一、听力(每题1分,共10分) A. 听对话回答问题。(听两遍) (每题1分,共4分) ( )1. Which festival does the man like best? A. B. C. ( )2. What does the man’s aunt do? A. B. C. ( )3. What are they going to do together? A. B. C. ( )4. How will the man travel? A. B. C. B. 听短文,回答问题。(听两遍) (每题1分,共6分) 听第一篇短文,回答第5-6小题,以完成信息记录表。 An English Club Time At 4.30 every ___13____ afternoon Place Room 12 Things to do Watch free films Contact Call Mr. White on ___15____ ( )5. A. Monday ( )6. A. 379-5624 B. 379-6542 C. 379-4624 听第二篇短文,回答第7-10小题。 ( )7. Why are they lucky? A. Because they have got a good car. B. Because they have many close friends. C. Because they live in city. ( )8. What does Jim do? A. A teacher. B. A driver. C. A student. ( )9. Why don’t we see Bob often? A. Because Bob is not so friendly. B. Because Bob lives far away from them. C. Because Bob is busy.


彩云追月教案 彩云追月 教学目标: 1、在学习民族音乐作品《彩云追月》的过程中,感受幽淡的夜幕下,云月追逐相映成趣的意境。初步产生热爱民族音乐的情感。 2、在欣赏、歌唱、探究中感受音乐的情感并充满感情地歌唱。 3、初步掌握切分节奏、波音、倚音的唱法,并能尝试用圆润、连贯的声音演唱歌曲《彩云追月》。 教学重点:能尝试用圆润、连贯的声音演唱歌曲《彩云追月》 教学难点:初步掌握切分节奏、波音、倚音的唱法,及美好的歌唱方式。 教学过程: 一、师生问好。 二、创设情境,引入欣赏 1、欣赏舞蹈《彩云追月》。 提问:(1)看完这段舞蹈体会到怎样的音乐情绪? (优美、抒情) (2)哪一幅图的意境更适合表现这段音乐? (课件出示太阳和月亮) 2、出示课题:民族管弦乐《彩云追月》 师:刚才我们欣赏的这段舞蹈的乐曲叫做什么?同学们知道吗? (《彩云追月》) 它是由着名的作曲家任光所写。乐曲的旋律舒缓优美,把人带进了“皎洁明月动,彩云紧相随”的诗画意境之中,下面我们一起来欣赏民族管弦乐演奏的《彩云追月》。 师:在欣赏的过程中请同学们感受作品的节奏、情绪、速度是怎样的? (生欣赏,提供学生选择的答案:节奏:平稳的多变的自由的 情绪:雄壮的抒情的活泼的 速度:中速稍慢较快) 三、新授歌曲 师:如此美妙的乐曲旋律深深打动了词作者王付林,他主动为旋律配上了歌词,于是便诞生了歌曲《彩云追月》,被一代又一代的人们传唱着。同学们仔细聆听老师演唱的《彩云追月》又表达了怎样的情感? 师演唱《彩云追月》,学生回答问题。 (思念、离愁、盼望亲人相见)

师:说的真好,歌曲描绘了作者思念远在台湾的亲人,盼望两岸早日统一的迫切愿望,让我们怀着这样的心愿再听一遍歌曲,同学们轻声跟着用“嗯”哼鸣模唱,找出你认为较难的乐句我们共同探讨。 (学生找出切分节奏,装饰音,波音来共同探讨) 1、课件出示6 i 6 5 3 5 | X X X XX X | 翘首遥望 (请几个同学试着唱唱看,唱的好的同学可以请他当小老师领其他同学唱,采用先学后教的方法) 2、讲解切分节奏: X X X (板书画W和切西瓜方法,强弱用西瓜的重量引导学生,最重的那个音就是切分音) 3、出示:6 i 6 5 3 5 |(同学们分男女两组第一条旋律) 3 5 3 2 1 2 |(请个别同学尝试唱第二条旋律) 生跟琴跟师反复练唱。 4. 出示波音6 5 5. 出示倚音 5 3 (师范唱,让学生感受波音的正确演唱方式,并请同学先自己尝试唱唱看) 6. 师范唱乐谱,同学轻声尝试跟唱。 7. 学生轻声跟琴尝试带入第一段歌词,师领学生跟唱。 8. 给学生时间熟读第二段词,自主学唱第二段词,学生熟读期间,师可以在前面轻声的弹旋律。 9.分2—4大组,分别跟琴唱第二段词检查他们的自主学习情况。 10.完整的演唱全曲。 四、歌曲处理 师提问:你认为应该用什么样的声音演唱比较好呢? (深情、优美) 师:很好,那就让我们尝试着用这样的声音来演唱吧! 生:(充满感情地演唱《彩云追月》) 五、拓展延伸 师:一首经典的老歌寄托了人们多少深情的盼望,无论是乐曲还是歌曲,都被许多音乐艺术家们再度创作、传唱着。今天老师还准备了其他版本的《彩云追月》,想一听为快吗? 1、欣赏高胡演奏的《彩云追月》,并试着画一画旋律线,体会乐曲的旋律。 2、欣赏超级女声版《彩云追月》,该曲融入了现代的音乐元素,并用丰富的的和声手法使音乐更加饱满、感人。 六、总结下课:


译林7B Unit2 单元测试 满分(120分) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) Ⅰ、单项选择(共20小题,每题1分,共计20分) ()1. Daniel wants to be _______teacher, and I want to work as _____engineer. A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. /; / ()2. I am afraid they don?t like friends ________you. A. as B. like C. of D. with ()3. There ______ some social workers and a computer engineer in their community centre. A. is B. are C. be D. have ()4. In my free time, I often _______my brother _______maths. A.help in B. will help, with C. help with D. will help in ()5. There is ________wrong with you. You are just too fat. A.something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ()6. At weekends, some college students ____________help people with all kinds of problems. A. is ready to B. get ready for C. are ready for D. are ready to ()7. Next week, the students in Class 1, Grade 7__________some shopping for old people. A. are going to do B. will do C. do D. are doing ()8. ---_________will you finish reading these books? ---In about two weeks. A.How long B. How often C. How soon D. When ()9. ----_______you ready ________help people in need? ----Sure. A. Do; to B. Are; to C. Are for D. Do; for ()10. ----______you find ________to help me with my computer.? ---No problem. A.Can; someone B. May; someone C.Can; anyone D. May; anyone ()11. ----Simon, you really do well in computers. ----___________. A.No, I am not good at it B. Thank you C. Yes, I do D. Are you joking? ()12.In the library, the librarian always asks us ____________. A. to shout B. not to shout C. shouting D. not shouting ( )13.There __________ a sports meeting this month in our school. A.will be going to B.will going to be C. is going to be D.will go to be ( )14.Jackson __________ here next month. A.isn?t working B. doesn’t working C.isn’t going to working D. won’t work ( )15.He ________ very busy this week; he ________ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D.is; will be ( )16. I don’t like this house _________. A.all B.for C.at all D. all at ( )17— ____________ you __________ free tomorrow? — Sorry, I __________ free the day after tomorrow. A.Are; going to; will B.Are going to be; will C.Are; going to; will be D.Are going to be; will be ( )18.My grandma ___________ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B.will give C. gives D. give ( )19.— Shall I buy a cup of coffee for you? — ___________.I?m not thirsty A. No, you won’t B. No, you aren’t C. No. thanks D. No, please

牛津译林版英语7B Unit2单元综合测试卷

7B Unit2单元综合测试卷 一、听力测试(10%) A.根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案 ( )1. What may Mr Zhang's job be A. He is a doctor. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a waiter. ( )2. Where does Kate sit in the classroom A. ( )n the right of Sandy. B. Behind Sandy. C. In front of Sandy. ( )3. How many people are there in the town A. 3,045. ,054. ,504. ( )4. Where is the woman's house A. On Sixth Street. B. On Seventeenth Street. C. On Seventh Street. ( )5. What kind of book does the woman want to buy book about travel. book about cooking. book about the computer. B.根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案 ( )6. How can the girl get there A. Take the bus. B. Take the No. 11 bus. C. Take the No. 13 bus. ( )7. What is the boy's new number A. . B.. C.. C.根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表 ( )8. A. flowers B. chocolates C. books ( )9. A. New York B. London C. Paris ( )10. A. green eyes and black hair B. blue eyes and black hair C. blue eyes and red hair 二、根据汉语注释和对话内容,写出单词的正确形式(10%) 1. If you want to know some_________(信息)about the new film, you can call us. 2. A bad man broke into(闯人) our _________(邻居)houses last night. 3. She is our _________(组)member. She is very kind to us all. 4. Do you have a_________(社区)centre in your neighbourhood 5. It's_________ (有用的)to have a dictionary(字典)when you want to learn English. 6. Some_________(学院的)students will come to our neighbourhood and help us. 7. John's father owns a company. He is the _________(经理)of it. 8. -Who is playing the piano in the next room It_________ beautiful. -It's Jane. Let's go to see her. 9. -Is your father a policeman -No, he isn't. But he works in the police__________. 10. Can you help me_________my radio It doesn't work. Sorry, I can't. But we can ask my dad for help. 三、单项选择(20%) ( ) 1.-_______ we go fishing this afternoon, Dad -Sure. It_______ be sunny.


苏少版小学音乐《彩云追月》教学设计 教学目标: 1、体会歌曲情绪,能用圆润、连贯的声音视唱曲谱并演唱歌曲《彩云追月》。 2、学习并掌握切分节奏的特点。 教学重点: 能够较熟练、准确的视唱出歌曲的曲谱 教学难点: 掌握切分节奏的强弱特点,引导学生运用于歌曲的演唱中,能更贴切地表达歌曲的情感 教学过程: 一、熟悉乐曲旋律 1、听赏一段旋律 2、教师:这是我国著名的一首器乐作品《彩云追月》的片段,正是因为它的旋律优美,很多作词家纷纷为他填词,今天老师想为大家演绎一首由王付林作词家创作的《彩云追月》 教师范唱《彩云追月》第一段。 教师:这首《彩云追月》的歌曲表达了王付林作词家思念远在台湾亲人的心情。 3、学生熟悉旋律

教师:下面我们随着琴声来用“lu”轻声哼唱,来细细体会这首歌曲所带来的那种思念的情绪。 二、掌握切分节奏 1、教师:真是一首意境十分优美的旋律,我们来看看它的曲谱,有谁告诉我《彩云追月》的曲谱中主要有那几个音? 学生回答 它的曲谱中主要有1,2,3,5,6这五个音,也正是这五个音构成了我国传统的五声调式,而这首《彩云追月》也正是一首五声性的音乐作品。 2、下面我把这几个音重新排一个顺序,老师用两种不同的方式来演绎这一段旋律,听完之后,发生了什么改变? 教师范唱: 6 1 6 5 3 5 6 1 6 53 5 学生回答 教师:为什么第二种好听?(因为有节奏的出现) 3、出示6 1 6 53 5 教师:在这段旋律中出现了切分节奏,切分节奏改变了原来的强弱规律,重音放在了第二个音。加强了旋律的流动感,就像思念的潮水,潮起潮落。我们试着体会一下。 教师再次示范,学生模仿。(加上动作) 4、出示:3 5 3 21 2

牛津英语7B Unit2练习题

Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共8分) ( )6. A. The fish. B. The soup. C. The meat. D. The chicken wings. ( )7. A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Snowy. D. Rainy. ( )8. A. 8:30. B. 8:00. C. 9:00. D. 9:30. ( )9. A. 100 yuan. B. 150 yuan. C. 300 yuan. D. 400 yuan. ( )10. A. He liked the film very much. B. He enjoyed the music. C. He agreed with the woman. D. He didn’t like the film. ( )11. A. At the corner of the street. B. At the end of the street. C. At the No. 48 bus stop. D. The woman has no idea. ( )12. A. Funny films. B. Action films. C. “Police Story”. D. Cartoon films. ( )13. A. In the park. B. At home.

C. At school. D. In the library. Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共6分) ( )14. Anderson (安徒生) was born in Denmark over 200 years ago. ( )15. Anderson came from a shoemaker’s fa mily. ( )16. Anderson’s father died when he was just fourteen years old. ( )17. Anderson wanted to be a singer and an actor at first. ( )18. Anderson wrote 150 stories in less than forty years. ( )19. Anderson’s stories are only told in English.Ⅳ.Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences (听对话,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) :(共6分) 20. The girl wants to go to the restaurant from the ______. 21. The restaurant is not very ______. 22. The boy tells the girl to walk along School Road until she reaches the ______ corner. 23. Then, turn ______ and reach Green Street. 24. The restaurant is right next to the ______ on the corner. 25. The girl can have a cup of coffee in the ______. Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分语音,词汇和语法)


彩云追月教案 一、教学目标 1、知识与技能:通过复习使学生回忆齐唱、合唱的定义与区别,四拍子的指挥 图示;学习四分休止的前休、后休并能准确应用;能够准确的发声并能准确的演唱歌曲彩云追月及其第二声部。 2、过程与方法:通过葫芦丝演奏直观而迅速的吸引学生进入课堂;通过发声练 习中的连音和顿音的练习使学生能够准确的演唱歌曲的连音和休止;通过柯达伊节奏、使学生能准确的掌握几个特殊节奏型;通过字母谱提示学生快速并准确的学习两个声部的演唱;通过弹一部唱二部、弹二部唱一部使学生能准确的合唱;通过教师对歌曲的改变激发学生思考如何歌曲进行再度创编。 3、情感态度价值观:通过合唱的过程充分感受“皎洁明月动、彩云紧相随”诗 画般的意境,从而激发学生增进民族文化意识、热爱我国优秀的音乐作品、喜爱合唱艺术。 二、教学重点 1、齐唱、合唱的定义与区别。 2、四拍子指挥图示。 3、重复记号 4、四分休止 5、歌曲的合唱 三、教学难点: 歌曲二声部的合唱。 教具: 多媒体、钢琴、葫芦丝 四、教学过程: (一)、导入: 教师吹奏《月光下的凤尾竹》,问:这首乐曲叫什么?月亮象征着和谐、宁静、温馨和团圆你还知道哪些关于月亮的歌曲或者乐曲呢?例如:《在银色的月光下》、《月之故乡》、《月亮代表我的心》、《千千阙歌》、《彩云追月》、《月亮之上》《荷塘月色》今天咱们一起来学习这首《彩云追月》。

彩云追月:彩云意指仙人驾着彩云,寓意是仙人驾着五彩祥云奔向月宫,歌曲描述了人们心目中的月宫仙境。 (二)、新课教学: 1、简介任光 2、初听歌曲,问:歌曲速度、情绪、拍子是怎样的?并复习4/4拍子的强弱规律和指挥图示。(为歌曲划拍子)歌曲是怎样的演唱形式?复习齐唱合唱。 3、复听歌曲小组讨论并为歌曲分段 4、发声练习:注意连音和顿音的演唱区别。 5、A段学唱,关注学生两拍前附点、大切分以及四拍的演唱是否准确。 6、将学生分成两个声部,学唱B段的两个声部。加入字母谱辅助练习。 7、师示范唱二部、弹一部,让二部学生与琴合唱。反之师唱一部、弹二部,让一部学生跟琴合唱。 8、分别用琴给学生找到各自声部的音、师指挥并帮唱。 9、全曲演唱 (三)、拓展与活动: 1、师将改编的陶笛版《彩云追月》为学生演奏。 2、自己改编歌曲的艺术形式,提示可以是独唱、舞蹈、配乐朗诵、器乐独奏、情景剧等等! (四)、小结 今天我学习了齐唱合唱版的《彩月追月》,复习了4/4拍子的强弱规律和指挥图示,以及合唱的定义。学会了演唱彩云追月,老师希望你们能够热爱祖国的大好河山,热爱我们的家乡宜昌,在外不要忘了故乡和亲人!最后让我们再一次演唱歌曲《彩云追月》。 五、板书设计 ⌒连音线▼顿音 x. x| x x x|


7B Unit2 语法练习 一some, any 填空: 1. I don’t have _____ milk. 2. There is _____ water in the glass. 3. Do they have ______ friends in China? 4. I want to buy ______vegetables. 5. How about _____ ideas? 注解:1 .some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句2. some 可用于征求意见的句型:Would you like some bread? Why not…..? What abut….? Could you ….? 二用many, much 填空: 1. How _____ is that skirt? 2. How ______ people are there in your family? 3. How _______ rice do you need? 4. I have _____toys in my house. 5. How ______ bread is there in the box? 注解:much 用于不可数名词,many 用于可数名词 三句型转化:(注意some的转变) 1. I have some books. (否定句,一般疑问句,及回答) 2. There are some knives in the pencil-box. (同上) 3. She has some rulers in the desk. ( 同上) 4. They need three bags of salt. (就划线部分提问) 5. There are two bottles of milk in the frige.( 同上) 6. He wants five apples. ( 同上) 7 I would like five boxes of erasers.(同上) 四单选: 1. We don’t have _____ water in the pool. A. any B. little C. some 2. ---How about _____ rice? ---Thank you. A. some B. any C. many 3. ---Do you have ____ vegetables? ---Here they ____.

译林版英语7B Unit2单元综合测试卷(A)含答案

7B Unit2单元综合测试卷(A) 一、单词辨音(5%) ( )1.A. plate B. flat C. manager D. lamp ( )2.A. sound B. country C. double D. enough ( )3.A. farm B. artist C. large D. warm ( )4.A. city B. capital C. notice D. mile ( )5.A. over B. college C. most D. notice ( )6.A. lucky B. full C. study D. hundred ( )7.A. notice B. collect C. cook D. cool ( )8.A. station B. manager C. palace D. lamp ( )9.A. football B. neighbourhood C. cook D. pool ( )10.A.afraid B. train C. says D. waiter 二、根据汉语注释和对话提示,写出单词的正确形式(10%) 1. If you are on the plane, you will find the houses_______(在下面)look so small. 2. A lot of_______(参观者)will come to the factory next month. 3. Can you tell me how to get to the_______(邮政)office? 4. _______(任何事)is not difficult if you put your heart into it(用心去做). 5. Y ou can learn many_______(技能)from your teachers. 6. Can you help me_______(检查)my computer. It doesn't work. 7. My dream_______(工作)is to be a teacher. 8. -Do you have an_______ brother? -No, I only have a little brother. 9. -My sister is a computer_______ .She can help you fix your computer. - Thank you very much. 10. -Is there_______ in the classroom? -No, all the students are on the playground. It's time for after-school activities. 三、单项填空(20%) ( ) 1.My sister and I_______ some housework tomorrow. A. will do B. did C. do D. does ( )2.-Will you go fishing next Tuesday? -_______. A. Y es, I do B. Y es, I'll C. No, I don't D. No, I won't ( )3.-What's wrong with the boy? -He is a(n)_______ boy. He can't run fast-. A. ill B. sick C. good D. well ( )4. Daniel and Kitty_______ visit the Children's Palace tomorrow. A. is going to B. going to C. will going to D. are going to ( )5. We are happy_______ you to the party for our friends from Beijing. A. invite B. invite to C. inviting D. to invite

八年级音乐 第16课时《彩云追月》教案教案

第16课时《彩云追月》 一、教学目标 1、能用圆润、连贯的声音演唱歌曲《彩云追月》。 2、通过各种音乐活动,使学生能够掌握切分音节奏,并能用各种音乐的形式来表现歌曲。 3、学生能体会歌曲情绪,并能用音乐的形式来表达自己的感情。 二、教学重点 能掌握切分音节奏,用圆润、连贯的声音演唱歌曲。 三、教学难点 通过小组合作,能按要求处理、表现歌曲。 四、教具准备多媒体课件 五、教学过程 听《彩云追月》广东音乐,学生进教室。 导入:节奏练习 认一认:——“切分音”及“切分节奏” X X X X X 用加了连线的切分音节奏配上词语念一念 感受歌曲旋律,体会歌词意境:——诗朗诵 教师有感情的朗诵。 新歌教学 1、学生听赏《彩云追月》FLASH。感受歌曲。 2、选择:节奏——平稳的情绪——抒情的速度——稍慢的 3、用LU哼唱边唱边找切分节奏学生回答,点出方块底色 4、看着歌谱,把这些地方唱一唱,跟钢琴 5、听范唱(童声)开口默唱,注意范唱声音 6、跟琴直接唱老师发现有问题的地方单独唱一唱 (老师发现有XX地方,表现的还不好,我相信同学们还可以表现的更好,我们把XX

再来唱一唱) 波音,倚音更加表达出激动的情绪,跟教师模仿一下 7、跟琴完整演唱带着情绪,注意声音 处理歌曲 1、比较法,讲解切分节奏在本课的作用 师:在这首歌曲,大量使用了切分节奏,它起到了什么样的作用呢? 下面老师用两种不同的节奏来唱一唱(第一乐句) 大家来听一听,哪种节奏表达这种思念之情更深更切? 6 16 53 5 …… 6 1 6 53 5…… 2、在长音处加上切分节奏,用BONG带着音高演唱 注意:1、用手指尖轻轻敲击掌心,根据音高将手势放在“高、中、低”三个位置 2、声音轻轻的 3、节奏平稳 4、速度不要越唱越快 3、加上渐强渐弱记号唱一唱 4、完整演唱 最后,让我们在深情的歌声中走出教室。

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