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SIAM J.S CI.C OMPUT.c 2005Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.27,No.3,pp.1058–1070

MULTIDIMENSIONAL INTEGRAL INVERSION,WITH APPLICATIONS IN SHAPE RECONSTRUCTION?ANNIE CUYT?,GENE GOLUB?,PEYMAN MILANFAR§,AND BRIGITTE VERDONK?Abstract.In shape reconstruction,the celebrated Fourier slice theorem plays an essential role. It allows one to reconstruct the shape of a quite general object from the knowledge of its Radon transform[S.Helgason,The Radon Transform,Birkh¨a user Boston,Boston,1980]—in other words from the knowledge of projections of the object.In case the object is a polygon[G.H.Golub, https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,anfar,and J.Varah,SIAM https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,put.,21(1999),pp.1222–1243],or when it de?nes a quadrature domain in the complex plane[B.Gustafsson,C.He,https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,anfar,and M.Putinar,Inverse Problems,16(2000),pp.1053–1070],its shape can also be reconstructed from the knowledge of its moments.Essential tools in the solution of the latter inverse problem are quadrature rules and formal orthogonal polynomials.

In this paper we show how shape reconstruction from the knowledge of moments can also be realized in the case of general compact objects,not only in two but also in higher dimensions.To this end we use a less-known homogeneous Pad′e slice property.Again integral transforms—in our case the multivariate Stieltjes transform and univariate Markov transform—formal orthogonal polynomials in the form of Pad′e denominators,and multidimensional integration formulas or cubature rules play an essential role.

We emphasize that the new technique is applicable in all higher dimensions and illustrate it through the reconstruction of several two-and three-dimensional objects.

Key words.shape,multidimensional,inverse problem,moment problem

AMS subject classi?cations.65D32,65F20,41A21,44A60


1.Problem statement.The problem of reconstructing a function and/or its domain given its moments is encountered in many areas.Several applications from diverse areas such as probability and statistics[10],signal processing[18],computed tomography[16,17],and inverse potential theory[4,19](magnetic and gravitational anomaly detection)can be cited,to name just a few.We can expound on some of these applications in a bit more detail.Consider the following diverse set of examples:?A region of the plane can be regarded as the domain of a probability density function.In this case,the problem is that of reconstructing this density func-tion and/or approximating its domain from measurements of its moments[10].

?Tomographic(line integral)measurements of a body can be converted into moments from which an approximation to its density and boundary can be extracted[17].

?Measurements of exterior gravitational?eld induced by a body of uniform mass can be turned into moment measurement,from which the shape of the region may be reconstructed[19].

?Measurements of an exterior magnetic?eld induced by a body of uniform

?Received by the editors November5,2003;accepted for publication(in revised form)March29, 2005;published electronically December30,2005.


?Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,University of Antwerp,Middelheimlaan1, Antwerp,B2020,Belgium(annie.cuytua.ac.be,brigitte.verdonk@ua.ac.be).

?Department of Computer Science,Stanford University,Stanford,CA94305(golub@sccm. https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,).

§Electrical Engineering Department,University of California at Santa Cruz,Santa Cruz,CA 95064(milanfar@https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,).


INTEGRAL INVERSION FOR SHAPE RECONSTRUCTION1059 magnetization can yield measurement of the moments of the region from which the shape of the region may be determined[19].

?Measurements of thermal radiation made outside a uniformly hot region can yield moment information,which can subsequently be inverted to give the shape of the region[19].

In fact,aside from the general case where the density inside the body may not be uniform,the set of inverse problems for uniform density regions related to general elliptical equations can all be cast as moment problems which fall within the scope of application of the results of this paper.

Although the reconstruction of a shape from its Radon transform is well under-stood,the reconstruction of a shape from its moments is a problem that has only partially been solved.For instance,when the object is a polygon[11],or when it de?nes a quadrature domain in the complex plane[12],it has been proved that its shape can be exactly reconstructed from the knowledge of its moments.Both results deal with particular two-dimensional shapes.For general n-dimensional shapes no inversion algorithm departing from the moments is known.In order to explain the type of result we are looking for,we brie?y repeat the inversion formula based on a shape’s projections provided by the Radon transform.

The Radon transform R

ξ(f)of a square-integrable n-variate function f( x)with

x=(x1,...,x n)is de?ned as(for ease of notation we drop the dependence of f in the notation)



R n

f( x)δ( ξ x?u)d x

with|| ξ||=1and ξ· x=u an(n?1)-dimensional manifold orthogonal to ξ.When n=2, ξis fully determined by an angleθand is given by



?∞ +∞


f(t,s)δ(t cosθ+s sinθ?u)dt ds.

For n=3, ξis determined by anglesθandφand



f(t,s,v)δ(t cosφcosθ+s cosφsinθ+v sinφ?u)dt ds dv.

Making use of the celebrated Fourier slice theorem,one obtains,for instance,that the one-dimensional Fourier transform of Rθ(u),

F1(Rθ)(z)= +∞


Rθ(u)exp(?2πi zu)du,

equals the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the function f restricted to the straight line(z cosθ,z sinθ):

F2(f)(z cosθ,z sinθ)= +∞




f(t,s)exp(?2πi z(t cosθ+s sinθ))dt ds



When f(t,s)is the characteristic function of a compact set A in the complex plane, then(1)allows one to reconstruct A,departing from the Radon transform Rθ(u),by

1060 A.CUYT,G.GOLUB,https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,ANFAR,AND B.VERDONK

taking the inverse two-dimensional Fourier transform of F1(Rθ).In higher dimensions the procedure is completely analogous[14].

Our aim is to establish a similar type of relationship,making use of moment information instead of projections.To this end we need to introduce a few tools.

2.Univariate Markov transform and Pad′e approximant.A Markov func-tion g(z)is de?ned to be a function with an integral representation of the form








where f(u)is nontrivial and positive and the moments

c i=


a u i f(u)du,i=0,1,...,


are?nite.The function g is called the Markov transform of f and is also denoted by g=M1(f).A Markov series is de?ned to be a series of the form

i=0(?1)i c i z i


which is derived by a formal expansion of(2).It is well known that the one-dimensional Markov moment problem is determinate.

Given a series of the form(4),one can construct Pad′e approximants of this series as follows.With the moments c i introduced in(3),one computes coe?cients a0,...,a m+k and b0,...,b m such that for

p m+k,m(z)=m+k


a i z i,

q m+k,m(z)=



b i z i,

the series expansion of(gq m+k,m?p m+k,m)(z)satis?es ∞

i=0d i z i=


(?1)i c i z i

q m+k,m(z)?p m+k,m(z)=O(z2m+k+1).


In other words,the2m+k+2coe?cients a0,...,a m+k and b0,...,b m are determined from the2m+k+1conditions d0=0,...,d2m+k=0and an additional normalization condition.The irreducible form of p m+k,m(z)/q m+k,m(z)is denoted by r m+k,m(z)and is called the(m+k,m)Pad′e approximant.It is usually normalized by putting the constant term in the denominator equal to1.

The following property plays a crucial role in our novel shape reconstruction technique.

Theorem1(see[1,p.228]).For the Markov function(2),each sequence of Pad′e approximants{r m+k,m(z)}m∈N with k≥?1converges to(2)for z∈]?∞,?1/b]∪[?1/a,+∞[.The rate of convergence is governed by

lim sup m→∞|g(z)?r m+k,m(z)|1/m≤







3.Multivariate Stieltjes transform and homogeneous Pad′e approxi-mant.Pad′e approximants have been generalized to higher dimensions by several authors in di?erent ways.For an overview and comparison of these de?nitions the reader is referred to[8].For our purpose the de?nition given in[7,6]is most useful. Without loss of generality,we repeat it only for bivariate functions,but it can be de?ned in any number of variables.

A bivariate Stieltjes function g(v,w)is de?ned by the integral representation


0 ∞



dt ds


with?nite real-valued moments

c ij=

0 ∞

t i s j f(t,s)dt ds.

A formal expansion of(6)provides a bivariate Stieltjes series

∞ i,j=0



(?1)i+j c ij v i w j.


The function g is also called the bivariate Stieltjes transform of f and is denoted by g=S2(f).

Given the moments c ij,one can compute the(m+k,m)homogeneous bivariate Pad′e approximant of(7)as follows.First we introduce the homogeneous expressions

A (v,w)=


a ij v i w j,

B (v,w)=


b ij v i w j

to de?ne the polynomials

p m+k,m(v,w)=(m+k)(m+1)


A (v,w),

q m+k,m(v,w)=(m+k+1)m


B (v,w).

Second we write down the homogeneous accuracy-through-order conditions

C (v,w)=



c ij v i w j,


i,j=0d ij v i w j=


(?1) C (v,w)

q m+k,m(v,w)?p m+k,m(v,w) =O

v i w j,i+j≥(m+k+2)m+k+1


It has been shown[7,pp.60–61]that a nontrivial solution of these conditions can always be computed.Moreover,all solutions p m+k,m(v,w)/q m+k,m(v,w)deliver the

1062 A.CUYT,G.GOLUB,https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,ANFAR,AND B.VERDONK

same unique irreducible form r m+k,m(v,w),which is called the homogeneous Pad′e approximant of(7).A proper normalization of r m+k,m(v,w)can still be chosen but di?ers most of the time from the univariate normalization q m+k,m(0)=1since the denominator of r m+k,m(v,w)need not start with a constant term.It starts with a homogeneous expression in v and w of as low degree as possible.This homogeneous generalization of the Pad′e approximant is the only one to satisfy the following powerful slice theorem.Although it was pointed out soon after the introduction of homogeneous Pad′e approximants,its full impact was only understood recently[9,3].For the sake of the reader we also repeat the short proof.

Let us de?ne the slice function:

gθ(z)=g(z cosθ,z sinθ),?π/2<θ≤π/2,



0 ∞


1+(t cosθ+s sinθ)z

dt ds.

We denote the univariate(m+k,m)Pad′e approximant of gθ(z)as de?ned in(5)by


m+k,m (z).

Theorem2(see[15,5]).The homogeneous Pad′e approximant r m+k,m(v,w)of g(v,w)satis?es

r m+k,m(z cosθ,z sinθ)=r(gθ)



Proof.The univariate rational function of the variable z,parameterized byθ,

r m+k,m(z cosθ,z sinθ)= (m+k)(m+1)



a ij cos iθsin jθ

z (m+k+1)m



b ij cos iθsin jθ


= m+k



a ij cos iθsin jθ

z m



b ij cos iθsin jθ










=0(?1) C (cosθ,sinθ)z







m+k,m (z)?p(θ)



with d2m+k+1in(5)being a homogeneous expression in cosθand sinθ.Because of the unicity of the Pad′e approximant,r(gθ)


(z)must equal the irreducible form of





m+k,m (z)



which completes the proof.

In other words,restricting the homogeneous Pad′e approximant to the slice

Sθ={(z cosθ,z sinθ)|z∈R}


INTEGRAL INVERSION FOR SHAPE RECONSTRUCTION1063 is equivalent to computing the univariate Pad′e approximant of the slice function gθ(z). After analyzing the behavior of the homogeneous Pad′e approximant on the slices Sθ, let us have another look at the slice function gθ(z)itself.

Let the square-integrable function f(t,s)be de?ned in a compact region A of the?rst quadrant t≥0,s≥0of the plane.According to a fundamental property of the Radon transform Rθ(u)of f(t,s)[14],the following relation holds for any square-integrable function F(u):



f(t,s)F(t cosθ+s sinθ)dt ds.


If we take F(u)=1/(1+zu),then





1+(t cosθ+s sinθ)z

dt ds=gθ(z).


Consequently,if f(t,s)is zero outside a compact subset A of the?rst quadrant,then gθ(z)is a Markov function,because Rθ(u)is zero outside a compact support.In addition Theorem1applies.

4.Connection and new results.Making use of the homogeneous Pad′e slice property and the fact that the slice function gθ(z)is a Markov function with f in(2) equal to the Radon transform of f(t,s),it is now easy to obtain the following result for the bivariate Stieltjes transform g(v,w)de?ned by(6).

Theorem 3.Let the function f(t,s)in the Stieltjes transform(6)be square-integrable and zero outside a compact support A?{(t,s):0≤t2+s2≤1}∩

{(t,s):t≥0,s≥0}.Let the slice Sθbe de?ned by(11).Then for all k≥?1 and each?π/2<θ≤π/2,the sequence{r m+k,m(z cosθ,z sinθ)}m∈N converges to g(z cosθ,z sinθ)for|z|<1given by(6).The rate of convergence is governed by

lim sup m→∞|g(z cosθ,z sinθ)?r m+k,m(z cosθ,z sinθ)|1/m≤







Proof.Since f(t,s)is zero outside A and by means of the celebrated Fourier slice formula(12),we know that

S2(f)(z cosθ,z sinθ)=g(z cosθ,z sinθ)=



1+(t cosθ+s sinθ)z

dt ds






with?1≤a(θ)≤b(θ)≤https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,bining Theorems1and2delivers

b(θ) a(θ)Rθ(u)








r m+k,m(z cosθ,z sinθ)


When the compact support A intersects all four quadrants,the theorem still holds.The current formulation is just one way of scaling the problem,without loss of generality.




To the authors’knowledge,at the time of this writing,no inverse Stieltjes trans-form exists for the transform de?ned by (6).Hence the function f (t,s )must be solved for from the relationship S 2(f )(z cos θ,z sin θ)=M 1(R θ)(z )=lim m →∞

r m +k,m (z cos θ,z sin θ),


which is an identity of the same type as (1).Note that the switch from Cartesian to polar coordinates is only required to make the transition from the Stieltjes transform to the Markov and Radon transform.More generally,

S 2(f )(v,w )=lim m →∞

r m +k,m (v,w ),

where (v,w )=(z cos θ,z sin θ)with ?π/2<θ≤π/2.In the new reconstruction algorithm,this Markov and Radon transform shall not be computed explicitly.We only want to make use of moment information.We summarize the computations described so far and complete the reconstruction of f (t,s )by solving (15).

5.Shape reconstruction algorithm.From the preceding theory we now sum-marize the bivariate reconstruction algorithm,with the higher-dimensional case being completely similar.Given the moments

c ij = ∞0

f (t,s )t i s j dt ds

(16)we compute,for some k ≥?1and consecutive m ,the homogeneous bivariate Pad′e

approximant r m +k,m (v,w )as a function of the Cartesian coordinates v and w .A fast algorithm for the computation of the multivariate Pad′e approximant is given in [2].The computation of r m +k,m (v,w )requires knowledge of the moments c ij appearing in the expressions C (v,w )given in (8)for =0,...,2m +k ,or in other words the ?rst (2m +k +1)(2m +k +2)/2moments c ij .

In the reconstructions,shape often means compact set A in R 2(or R 3)and then f (t,s )equals the characteristic function δA .In that case

c ij =


t i s j dt ds.Theorem 3guarantees that the approximants r m +k,m (v,w )converge rapidly on

each slice S θto g (v,w )restricted to that slice.A typical value for m is between 3and 7,and hence one needs with k =?1on average between 21and 105moments.Moreover,the moments are not required very accurately.For a rough estimate of a shape as in Figure 2,moments with 2to 3signi?cant digits (a relative error bounded by 5×10?2or 5×10?3)are su?cient.

The Pad′e approximant is then evaluated in a discrete number of points (v j ,w j )inside the unit disc to approximate

g (v j ,w j )≈r m +k,m (v j ,w j ).

The latter constitutes the right-hand side of (17).To speed up the convergence of the Pad′e approximants r m +k,m the points (v j ,w j )can be taken in a disc of radius r <1:Pad′e approximants converge more rapidly in the neighborhood of the origin.At the same time,for each point (v j ,w j )the value g (v j ,w j )can be approximated to high accuracy by a cubature formula,

L i =1


1+t i v j +s i w j

f (t i ,s i ),

j =0,1,...,

INTEGRAL INVERSION FOR SHAPE RECONSTRUCTION1065 with weightsωi and nodes(t i,s i).The inverse problem of computing f(t i,s i)from

L i=1


1+t i v j+s i w j

f(t i,s i)≈g(v j,w j)=lim


r m+k,m(v j,w j)


is a(structured)system of linear equations.When applying a quadrature method directly to(16),it is clear that a few dozen moments are not su?cient to retrieve the value of f(t,s)with the accuracy shown in the illustrations below(h=k=2?5gives a resolution of about3200pixels in the unit disk and h=k=2?6a resolution of almost 13,000pixels)!The current technique allows one to write down as many equations as required,by adding evaluations of the Pad′e approximant in points(v j,w j),without increasing the number of required moments c ij.

The linear problem(17)is in general ill-conditioned,and therefore a regulariza-tion technique must be applied.In all of the following examples we have found the technique known as truncated SVD[13]to do an excellent job.After regularization, we solve(17)for f(t i,s i)and identify an approximation for the shape A with

A≈{(t i,s i)|f(t i,s i)≥0.5}.

The threshold0.5is chosen because for the original shape f(t,s)=1inside A and f(t,s)=0outside A.

Since the homogeneous Pad′e approximant can be de?ned analogously in higher dimensions,the procedure for three-dimensional shape reconstruction is entirely sim-ilar.In this case,we are given the moments

c ijk=

0 ∞

f(t,s,v)t i s j v k dt ds dv.


Here Theorems2and3hold on the slices

Sθ,φ={(z cosφcosθ,z cosφsinθ,z sinφ)|z∈R}, and the three-dimensional version of(13)is





1+(t cosφcosθ+s cosφsinθ+v sinφ)z

dt ds dv



r m+k,m(z cosφcosθ,z cosφsinθ,z sinφ).


The homogeneous Pad′e approximant r m+k,m(w,x,y)of the Stieltjes transform

∞0 ∞



dt ds dv


is now constructed from the trivariate Stieltjes series representation






c ijk w i x j y k

for(20).Note that the vector(cosφcosθ,cosφsinθ,sinφ)generating the one-dimen-sional slice Sθ,φbelongs to the three-dimensional unit sphere.




6.Numerical examples.For each example we give the cubature parameters h and k used in formula (21)or h,k ,and used in (22)and the distance Δbetween the coordinates of the points (v j ,w j )used in the formulation of (17).For these evaluation points we construct a uniform grid (the distance Δin the x -and y -directions is kept equal)that we intersect with the disc of radius r .All points in the intersection are selected.We also list the denominator degree m of the Pad′e approximant (the numerator degree is m ?1),the radius r of the disc in which the points (v j ,w j )are chosen,and the relative accuracy of the moments (here 2?4,2?11,2?14,and 2?24stand for,respectively,2,4,5,and 8signi?cant digits).Even when r <1,the shape A is allowed to cover the entire unit disk.Note that the resolution of the reconstruction is expressed by h and k or h,k ,and ,not by Δ.

6.1.Reconstruction of two-dimensional shapes.We take for f (t,s )in The-orem 3the characteristic function of a compact set A contained in the unit disc and use the simple compound 4-point Gauss-Legendre product rule [20,pp.230–231]for the approximation of g (v j ,w j )in (17):

a +h


b +k


f (t,s )1+tv j +sw j dt ds ≈hk 44

i =1f (t i ,s i )1+t i v j +s i w j


(t 1,s 1)=

a +


6h,b +3?√36k ,(t 2,s 2)= a +3?√3

6h,b +3+√




(t 3,s 3)=

a +


6h,b +3?√

36k ,(t 4,s 4)=

a +3+√3

6h,b +3+√


k .

We reconstruct several shapes,such as a simple convex shape like the ellipse in Figures

1and 2,the more di?cult nonconvex lemniscates in Figures 3and 4,and the bone-like Figure 5containing a hole.In each of the illustrations we delimit the original shape in black and show the reconstructed area in gray.The black contour is given only for comparison.Note that the shape’s boundary is unknown in real-life situations where only the shape’s moments are known up to some order and accuracy.For the reconstruction of the two-dimensional shapes we choose h and k in (21)equal to h =k =2?5.





?1?0.8?0.6?0.4? 1.m =7,r =1.00, =2?24,Δ=2?4.Fig. 2.

m =5,r =0.15, =2?4,Δ=2?6.








?1?0.8?0.6?0.4? ={(t,s )| (t ?t 0)+(s ?s 0)2+α (t ?0.1)=βFig. 3.

t 0=s 0=0.02,α=β=0.5,m =9,r =0.12, =2?11,Δ=2?6.

Fig. 4.

t 0=s 0=?0.05,α=0.62,β=0.65,m =9,r =0.30, =2?14,Δ=2?5.



?1?0.8?0.6?0.4? ={(t,s )| t 2+s 2+0.4225 =0.2401}\{(t,s )||t |<0.8,|s |<0.1}

Fig. 5.m =9,r =0.50, =2?24,Δ=2?4.

Finally,a di?cult two-dimensional shape is presented in Figure 6.Here,for a change,h =k =2?4and the evaluation points (v j ,w j )are placed on a radial grid,while the moments are ?1










A ={(t,s )sin(τ)/3}

Fig. 6.m =10,r =0.5,Δ≈1/12.

6.2.Reconstruction of particular three-dimensional shapes.Since The-orem 3also applies to more general functions f (t,s )than characteristic functions,particular three-dimensional shapes as in Figure 7,namely,with one ?at side,can also be reconstructed by means of the two-dimensional integral inversion technique.Here the positive function f (t,s )de?nes the top surface of the three-dimensional shape while the bottom surface is the domain of f in the (t,s )-plane.Further,the object is cylindrical.The reconstruction of the crater-like object is obtained by plotting the reconstruction of f (t,s )as a function of t and s .The plot is overlaid with a mesh depicting the exact function f (t,s ).

In this example we have also increased the sizes of h and k to 2?4,while keeping the number of points (v j ,w j )rather moderate.

1068 A.CUYT,G.GOLUB,https://www.docsj.com/doc/04542279.html,ANFAR,AND B.


Three-dimensional object with surface f(t,s)=t2+s2for t2+s2≤0.25.

Fig.7.m=8,r=0.5, =2?11,Δ=2?4.

6.3.Reconstruction of three-dimensional shapes.A more general three-dimensional shape,such as the ball in Figure8,can be reconstructed through the solu-tion of the three-dimensional analogue of(17)for its characteristic function f(t,s,v). Here we use the compound8-point Gauss–Legendre product cubature formula given in[20,pp.230–231]:

a+h a b+k






dt ds dv≈





f(t i,s i,v i)

1+t i w j+s i x j+v i y j

, (t i,s i,v i)=












Reconstruction of the ball t2+s2+v2≤0.49.

Fig.8.m=6,h=k= =2?2,Δ=2?4.

7.Conclusion.The new technique is able to deal with very general shapes: nonconvex such as in Figures3and4,shapes with nonconnected boundary such as in Figure5,and last but not least higher-dimensional objects such as in Figures7 and8.In Figure7we illustrate that the technique can also be used for more general functions f(t,s)than characteristic functions.

By carrying out a lot of numerical experiments,we have come to the conclusion that the numerical quality of the output delivered by an implementation of the math-ematical property formulated in Theorem3seems to depend on a number of elements. Let us formulate a conclusion and some numerical advice.

When the accuracy in the moment information decreases,then it is recommended to reduce the radius r of the ball from which the points(v j,w j)(in two dimensions) or(w j,x j,y j)(in three dimensions)are selected.This shrinking of the region for the evaluation points improves the quality of the Pad′e approximant.We refer the reader to Figures1and2for a clear illustration.With moments known up to7



signi?cant digits,a perfect reconstruction is possible with r =1,with a moderate number of moments.With moments known only up to 2signi?cant digits,a good quality reconstruction is possible when selecting the (v j ,w j )inside a disc with far smaller radius.Fortunately,the lack of quality of the moments does not have to be compensated for by their quantity.Note that in Figure 2even fewer moments are used than in Figure 1:m =5versus m =7.

The quality of the reconstruction improves when the shape’s center of gravity is positioned near the origin.To illustrate this we increase the values of t 0and s 0in Figure 3to t 0=s 0=0.1,without altering the other parameters.The reconstruction technique then delivers Figure 9.The same observation is made in [11],the reason for this being that the conditioning of the problem improves.



?1?0.8?0.6?0.4? =9,r =0.12, =2,Δ=2?6.

Increasing the degree of the Pad′e denominator has little or no in?uence on the reconstruction.This is due to the fact that the Pad′e approximants converge quite rapidly.Their relative error drops quickly below the relative error on the moments.As a rule of thumb one can bound the relative error of the Pad′e approximant r m ?1,m in the proposed reconstruction technique by 10?m ?1.


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Inversion(倒置法) Inversion of W ord Order in Translating W ord-Groups or Phrases(词组或短语的词序倒置) Examples & Drills8.1 Give Chinese equivalents for the following, paying attention to the word order: 1. Four cardinal points: north, south, east, and west. 2. northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest; North and South Poles 3. card-playing, letter-writing, white-washing, absent-minded, open-door policy, time-sharing system, error correcting code 4. contradictions between ourselves and the enemy 5. men and women, young and old; sisters and brothers (cf. boys and girls); dear mother and father 6. the iron and steel industry 7. sooner or later; quick of eye and deft of hand 8. heal the wounded and rescue the dying; life or death; now sink, now emerge 9. the soil and water mixture 10. you, he and I; Lisa, Linda and I; my wife (husband) and I 11. rich and poor 12. food, clothing and housing 13. negative and positive 14. hot and cold (water); hard and soft; old and new 15. back and forth; to and fro 16. by twos and threes 17. right and left 18. loss and gain 19. land and water; fire and water; as well blended as milk and water 20. track and field (events) 21. model worker The coordinating words of an English word-group or phrase are usually arranged according to their shades o f meaning: “each is more impressive than the preceding” (Fowler 1965:92). Chinese word order is often the opposite. Thus a common rule for translation is: English Chinese narrower range →wider range wider range →narrower range less important →more important more important →less important weaker →stronger stronger →weaker Examples: 1. 无地和少地的农民 peasants who had little or no land 2. 丰收年多积累一点,灾荒年或半灾荒年就不积累或少积累一点。


分词作定语 一.分词的位置 1. 分词前置 We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到东升的旭日 He is a retired worker.他是位退休的工人 2. 分词后置(i.分词词组;ii. 个别分词如given, left;iii. 修饰不定代词something等) There was a girl sitting there.有个女孩坐在那里 This is the question given.这是所给的问题 There is nothing interesting.没有有趣的东西 二.分词的类别 1.过去分词,即动词的-ed形式 2.现在分词,即动词的-ing形式 两者的区别: 1. 现在分词表示正在进行的动作,而过去分词表示已完成的动作。 eg:falling leaves fallen leaves developing country developed country 2. 现在分词有主动的含义,过去分词有被动的含义。 eg:I heard someone opening the door. I heard the door opened. 3.现在分词表示它所修饰的名词的性质和特征,过去分词表示它所修饰的名词的状态。 eg:an exciting news an excited boy bored students boring lecture 练习: 1) The first textbook ___ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. have written B. to be written C. being written D. written 2)What's the language ____ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak 3)I could say nothing, and___ tears come out to my eyes. A. surprising B. surprised C. exciting D. excited 4)We were ___ to have seen the ____ leader. A. inspired; inspiring B. inspiring; inspiring C. inspired; inspired D. inspiring; inspired 5)Don’t worry, it’s safe to skating on the ___ lake. A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. having frozen 答案:DBDAB


Inversion 主语和谓语是句子中最主要的成分,它们的语序有两种: Natural Order :S+V Inverted Order :V+S: Full Inversion Partial Inversion 完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称"全部倒装",是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。 部分倒装(Partial Inversion):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前,而谓语动词无变化。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does 或did,并将其置于主语之前。 英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而 进行的倒装。 前一种情况,倒装是必须的,否则就会出现语法错误;后一种情况,倒装是选择性的,倒装与否只会产生表达效果上的差异。 Ⅰ.Full Inversion 1. here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2. 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 3. 状语或表语位于句首时的倒装 为了保持句子平衡或使上下文衔接紧密,有时可将状语或表语置于句首,句中主语和谓语完全倒装: Among these people was his friend Jim. 他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。 By the window sat a young man with a magazine in his hand. 窗户边坐着一个年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志。 注意: 在表语置于句首的这类倒装结构中,要注意其中的谓语应与其后的主语保持一致,而不是


《孔雀东南飞并序》教案 导入: 有这样一个故事,在一个叫沈园的地方,一个叫陆游的诗人,娶了一个叫唐婉的女子,伉俪相得,琴瑟相和,好一对神仙眷侣。然而,这一切,并不随陆母之意,逼迫夫妻离异。几年后的一个春日,陆游满怀郁闷踽踽独游,邂遇唐婉,唐遣人送酒致意,陆游满怀伤感,词成《钗头凤》一首,唐婉和之。不久,唐婉抑郁而亡。”幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭却有着各自的不幸,我们的《孔雀东南飞》演绎的又是怎样的一段爱情故事呢让我们走进课文。 学习目标: 1、阅读欣赏,把握故事情节,通过个性化的语言分析人物形象。 2、小组合作,探究悲剧产生的原因,培养欣赏古典诗歌的能力。 学习过程: 一、整体感知 ^ 同学们,《孔雀东南飞》讲述的是一个什么样的故事,又是如何讲述的呢谁能: 1、请用最简洁的语言复述这个故事。 明确:诗歌前面的“序”是全诗内容最概括、最简洁的介绍 本文讲的是在汉末建安年间,才貌双全的刘兰芝和庐江小吏焦仲卿真诚相爱,却因焦母的逼迫,不得已而选择离婚。但夫妻二人双双“誓死不相负”。兰芝回到娘家后,哥哥却逼她再嫁,兰芝毅然投井而死,仲卿也自缢身亡。死后两人变成了一对鸳鸯相对而鸣。 2、请按照“引子、开端、发展、再发展、高潮、结局”这样的层次为我们梳理故事脉络,并用2至4字概述每一层次的内容。 引子: 1 自然段,托物起兴 开端: 2-6 自然段,被遣 发展: 7-12 自然段,誓别 ; 再发展: 13-21 自然段,抗婚 高潮: 22-31 自然段,殉情 结局: 32 自然段,合葬 通过解决前两个问题,我们整体感知了全文。那么,同学们 二、分析人物形象 这个故事的女一号是谁下面,请你在文中寻找刘兰芝的动人之处,做到能通过分析语言,分析刘兰芝形象,并能有感情的朗诵个性化的语言。 我来说说我眼中的刘兰芝。 (诵读指导:五言诗一般是三个节拍,二二一或二一二,其节奏按意群划分。如:孔雀/东南/飞,五里/一/徘徊。从情感上来说,我们要注意个性化的语言所具有的人物感情色彩。) . 1、美丽、聪明、勤劳,知书达礼。 ◆诗的一开头,“十三能织素,十四学裁衣,十五弹箜篌,十六诵诗书……”的铺排,立即令读者对她产生“多才多艺、美丽、聪明”印象。◆随着故事的展开,这种印象不断得到充实和加强。如“指如削葱根,口如含朱丹。纤纤作细步,精妙世无双。”表现了她出众的美丽,下文里写县令、太守纷纷派人到她家求亲也从侧面表现了她的美貌远近皆知。◆又如“鸡鸣入机织,夜夜不得息”“三日断五匹”“朝成绣夹裙,晚成单罗衫”等,表现了她的


公开课教案九年级上学期教师:李光芸 一、课题:《范进中举》 二、课型:预习课 三、课时:一课时 四、学习目标: 1、能记住文章字词、作者等相关常识; 2、通过人物描写的方法,能够对比分析人物形象; 3、初步掌握课文中心; 五、教学重点和难点: 1、通过人物描写的方法,能够对比分析人物形象; 2、初步掌握课文中心; 六、学法指导:自主、合作和讨论学习 七、知识链接:有一部叫《南部新书》的书中记载:一个姓杜的读书人多次参加科举考试未中,正想回家,却收到妻子寄来的诗:良人的确有奇才,何事年年被放回?如今妾面羞君面,君若来时近夜来!“明末高邮有袁体庵者,神医也。有举子举于乡,喜极发疯,笑不止。” 八、学习内容: 1、吴敬梓(1701----1754),字敏轩,号粒民,晚年又号文木老人,安徽全椒人,清代讽刺小说家。出生于官僚地主家庭,曾祖父、祖父、叔祖均凭科举显达。其父吴霖起,拔贡出身,只做过一任县教谕(八品学官),为人正直耿介,不慕荣利,对吴敬梓颇有影响。吴敬梓13岁丧母,后随父到任所,20岁中秀才(此后即屡举不中),23岁丧父。从此,他的生活起了很大变化,由于“素不习治生,性复豪上,遇贫即施,……不数年而产尽矣”,大家都拿他作“败家子”的典型来教育子孙。他33岁时移居南京,生活愈加贫困,到后来甚至常常无米下锅。1754年病逝于扬州。《儒林外史》成书于作者50岁以前。这部长篇章回体讽刺小说共55回,刻画了100多个人物,但并无一个中心人物做主干,是连缀很多故事而成的长篇小说。“儒林”指读书人这一阶层。《儒林外史》是一部杰出的现实主义章回体长篇讽刺小说,全书正是以封建知识分子为主要对象,描写他们的生活和精神状态。 全书用白话写成,语言准确、生动、幽默、洗练,细节描写传神,人物栩栩如生,艺术上取得了极大的成就。成功的展示了一幅以封建儒生的生活和精神状态为中心的十八世纪中国社会的风俗画。 2、“范进中举“这个片断选自《儒林外史》第三回“周学道校士拔真才,胡屠户行凶查捷报”。小说描写广东学道周进上任后在广州主考两场生员,然后主考南海、番禺两县的童生考试,其中就有范进。范进当时已是54岁了,从20岁到54岁,他整整考了35年。当花白着胡子的范进坐在考场里,引起了周进的怜悯,因为范进与自己的遭遇非常相似。周进最初考了许多年连秀才也没有考上,最后他做生意的一个朋友替他捐钱买了一个秀才资格,他才得以考上举人,最终考上进士。正因为如此,他才对范进格外关照,结果范进在童试中考上第一名秀才,紧接着在乡试中考了第七名。 3、倒运()腆着()商酌()绾发()解元()报贴()桑梓()拙病()作揖()带挈()啐痰() 4、范进中举前后胡屠户态度对比和范进中举前后对比来分析人物形象。 5、人物形象①胡屠户在范进中举前后截然不同的两种态度形成了鲜明的对比,形象地表现


孔雀东南飞教案 [教学目标] (一)认识汉乐府民歌主要继承了《诗经》的现实主义传统;两汉及魏晋南北朝是古代诗歌发展史上的重要阶段。认识本诗在文学史上的重要地位。(二)学习本诗通过人物对话及在尖锐的矛盾冲突和曲折盾冲突和曲折的情节发展中塑造人物的特点。(三)学习本诗的铺陈、比、兴手法。 教学难点 1.通过人物对话分析理解男女主人公的真挚感情。 2.把握作品的深刻思想内容,理解作品的浪漫主义色彩。 一、导入。 谁记得,《木兰诗》选自何处?北朝民歌。 师:乐府诗歌是自《诗经》、楚辞之后而兴起的,是文学史上的珍品,《孔雀东南飞》与《木兰诗》齐名,与之并誉为“乐府双璧”。 谁能讲讲关于“乐府”和“乐府诗”的知识呢? 乐府诗是指一种合乐的古诗,因传自乐府官署而得名。乐府原为汉武帝刘彻设置的音乐机关,专事制作乐章并采集整理各地民间俗乐和歌辞,分别用于朝廷典礼和宴会上演唱。这些乐章、歌辞,后来就叫“乐府诗”,成为继《诗经》、《楚辞》而起的一种新诗体。历魏晋南北朝至隋唐,乐府诗的范围逐渐扩大,一些虽未合乐而袭用古乐府旧题或摹仿乐府体裁的作品,也统称为乐府。因此,“乐府”,就成了一种诗体的名称

了,其中属于汉代的就叫“汉乐府”。两汉乐府诗体裁以五言为主,兼有七言和杂言。句式灵活自由,语言流畅,通俗易懂、琅琅上口,生活气息较浓。乐府诗主要保存在《乐府诗集》。 3、课本所选的这首《孔雀东南飞》最先原题是《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》。后又有人将其题作《焦仲卿妻》。后人又取诗歌的首句,题为《孔雀东南飞》。它是中国最早的长篇叙事诗。 师:俄国大文豪列夫托尔斯泰曾说过:幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸。我们的文章演绎的又是怎样的一段爱情?让我们继续学习诗歌《孔雀东南飞》。故事发生在“汉末建安中”。当时的背景是:汉武帝时,“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”。儒家的那套伦理纲常,逐渐占据了统治地位,并发展到了相当完备严密的程度。在婚姻制度方面就规定有“七出”、“天下无不是之父母”等清规戒律。“天下无不是之父母”,这正是焦刘悲剧的根本原因。在这一时代氛围里,在焦母的淫威下,焦仲卿敢于站在兰芝一边,表明与兰芝“结发同枕席,黄泉共为友”的坚决态度实在是难能可贵的 从表达方式的角度看诗歌的发展,《孔雀东南飞》与《诗经》、《涉江》有什么不同?(《诗经》、《涉江》是抒情诗,《孔雀东南飞》是叙事诗。) 叙事诗和抒情诗的主要区别在于:抒情诗,作者直接借景(或物)抒情。叙事诗借助于故事情节塑造的人物形象,来抒发作者的思想感情,表现诗歌的主题思想。让我们循着叙事诗这条表达主题的线索,来读这一首长篇叙事诗。古诗也常常寓抒情于叙事明确:(1)、主要人物:刘兰芝、焦仲卿、焦母、刘兄(2)、矛盾冲突:有“遣与


GRAMMAR FOCUS: Participles as attributives分词做定语 分词(-ing 或动词的过去分词)作定语,当分词单独做定语时,放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语做定语放在名词后。在语法功能上相当于形容词。 也可以被看作定语从句的省略。 The evidence selected (which is selected) by the detective is not enough to prove him guilty. This made the car following it (which follows it) brake hard and pull up. 1.过去分词做定语,与被修饰名词有主谓关系,表示被动或者完成的意义 They went to an organized trip during the summer holiday. Looking at the broken pieces of her favorite crockery, she let out a cry. She is a dedicated mother who worked very hard to support her family. 2.现在分词做定语,表示主动或者进行的意义。 He noticed a huge packing case lying on the floor. Flashing pictures on the screen can hurt people’s eyes. Developing countries like China should try to set up some policies to regulate environment protection. 3. Exercise: Fill in the blank with proper form of the word. forms of psychological counseling should be available to the______ (frighten)children after they’ve experienced the earthquake. from an interesting-looking ________ (carve) dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it broken. 3. There is always hope that in this labyrinth of musty, dark, _______(disorder) rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of ______(assort) junk that litter the floors. 4. The______ (shake) voice must have given her away, since she used to behave so calm when emergency happened. 5. A truly _______(dedicate) bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it. 6. When I entered the room, there was a ______ (fascinate) painting ______ (hang) on the wall. 7. The more expensive kind of antique shop is usually a_______ (forbid) place.



孔雀东南飞教案 [教学目标] (一)认识汉乐府民歌主要继承了《诗经》的现实主义传统;两汉及魏晋南北朝是古代诗歌发展史上的重要阶段。认识本诗在文学史上的重要地位。(二)学习本诗通过人物对话及在尖锐的矛盾冲突和曲折盾冲突和曲折的情节发展中塑造人物的特点。(三)学习本诗的铺陈、比、兴手法。 教学难点 1.通过人物对话分析理解男女主人公的真挚感情。 2.把握作品的深刻思想内容,理解作品的浪漫主义色彩。 一、导入。 谁记得,《木兰诗》选自何处?北朝民歌。 师:乐府诗歌是自《诗经》、楚辞之后而兴起的,是文学史上的珍品,《孔雀东南飞》与《木兰诗》齐名,与之并誉为“乐府双璧”。 谁能讲讲关于“乐府”和“乐府诗”的知识呢? 乐府诗是指一种合乐的古诗,因传自乐府官署而得名。乐府原为汉武帝刘彻设置的音乐机关,专事制作乐章并采集整理各地民间俗乐和歌辞,分别用于朝廷典礼和宴会上演唱。这些乐章、歌辞,后来就叫“乐府诗”,成为继《诗经》、《楚辞》而起的一种新诗体。历魏晋南北朝至隋唐,乐府诗的范围逐渐扩大,一些虽未合乐而袭用古乐府旧题或摹仿乐府体裁的作品,也统称为乐府。因此,“乐府”,就成了一种诗体的名称了,其中属于汉代的就叫“汉乐府”。两汉乐府诗体裁以五言为主,兼有七言和杂言。句式灵活自由,语言流畅,通俗易懂、琅琅上口,生活气息较浓。乐府诗主要保存在《乐府诗集》。

3、课本所选的这首《孔雀东南飞》最先原题是《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》。后又有人将其题作《焦仲卿妻》。后人又取诗歌的首句,题为《孔雀东南飞》。它是中国最早的长篇叙事诗。 师:俄国大文豪列夫托尔斯泰曾说过:幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸。我们的文章演绎的又是怎样的一段爱情?让我们继续学习诗歌《孔雀东南飞》。故事发生在“汉末建安中”。当时的背景是:汉武帝时,“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”。儒家的那套伦理纲常,逐渐占据了统治地位,并发展到了相当完备严密的程度。在婚姻制度方面就规定有“七出”、“天下无不是之父母”等清规戒律。“天下无不是之父母”,这正是焦刘悲剧的根本原因。在这一时代氛围里,在焦母的淫威下,焦仲卿敢于站在兰芝一边,表明与兰芝“结发同枕席,黄泉共为友”的坚决态度实在是难能可贵的 从表达方式的角度看诗歌的发展,《孔雀东南飞》与《诗经》、《涉江》有什么不同?(《诗经》、《涉江》是抒情诗,《孔雀东南飞》是叙事诗。) 叙事诗和抒情诗的主要区别在于:抒情诗,作者直接借景(或物)抒情。叙事诗借助于故事情节塑造的人物形象,来抒发作者的思想感情,表现诗歌的主题思想。让我们循着叙事诗这条表达主题的线索,来读这一首长篇叙事诗。古诗也常常寓抒情于叙事 明确:(1)、主要人物:刘兰芝、焦仲卿、焦母、刘兄(2)、矛盾冲突:有“遣与被遣”、“休与不休”、“爱又难爱”、“嫁与不嫁”等,其中焦母与兰芝的矛盾构成故事的主要冲突,也是焦、刘爱情悲剧的根源。 (3)、情节内容:请归求情叙别被遣结誓还家拒媒避婚死别 告母徇情合葬 3、这首诗讲述了什么故事? 它叙述和描写了东汉末年庐江郡小吏焦仲卿和妻子刘兰芝的爱情婚姻悲剧:东汉建安年间,才貌双全的刘兰芝和庐江小吏焦仲卿真诚相爱。可婆婆却对兰芝百般刁难。兰芝毅然请归,仲卿向母亲求情无效,夫妻只能话别,双双“誓天不相负”。兰芝回到娘家,慕


翻译技巧第八讲 词序调整法 It seems that Chinese pays more attention to the language feel as a whole and sometimes the sound effect is also important while English tends to give emphasis to the focus of view. 词序的调整 1)定语的调整 The advertisements in newspapers and TV and radio broadcasts announce to the public the news of great bargains and sales. 报纸、电视和广播的广告向公众发布廉价商品和大甩卖的消息。 2)状语的调整 In English:adverbials can be placed at the beginning,middle,or end of the sentence. In Chinese,adverbials are usually put before the words they modify.adverbials of time and place usually appear at the beginning of the sentence. 例1.We ate to our heart’s content at her home last Sunday. 我们上星期天在她家尽情地吃了一顿。 例2.Kraft recognized the importance of teenage grocery shopping and is advertising on MTV,in network agencies,in teen magazines,and on contemporary hit radio. Kraft公司意识到了年轻人在购买食品杂货方面的重要性,并在音乐电视节目、网站、青少年杂志及当代流行歌曲电台上做广告。 句序的调整 1)时间顺序 例1.It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me. 在这个发生了许多事情的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上回顾一天的快乐,恐怕再也找不到比我更幸福的孩子了。 例2.He had just come back the day before from the beach(1)where he had a wonderful time after the completion of the construction job(2)he had been engaged in the south(3). 他本来在南方从事一项建筑工程;任务完成后,他就上海边去度假,在那里玩得很开心,昨天才回来。 2)逻辑顺序 例1.He was daring and resourceful besides being a fine shot. 他不仅枪法好,而且有勇有谋。 例2.He is not happy,though he is rich. 他虽富有,但不幸福。 例3.The feeling of shame at what might be called“running after him”was smothered by the dread that he might not be there,that she might not see him after all,and by that dogged resolve—somehow,she did not know—to win him back. 她深怕他也许不在场,深怕见不到他,同时下了决心要把他夺回来,想法子夺回来,至于怎样夺法,她也不知道;有这些缘故,所以总是有人说她“追他”,她也不觉得难为情。 知识复习P92 1.The desire to make human learning as efficiently as possible has promoted an enormous amount of research for many years.A lot of this research has been devoted to the study of different methods of learning.We will just concern ourselves here with a few of the concepts and techniques that are most relevant to consumers and product advertising.These techniques between them apply to almost all advertising,though only one or two of them might be applicable to any given advertisement. 使人类尽可能高效地学习的愿望多年来一直在激发大量的研究,把大量的这类研究放在不同学习方法上。这里我们关注与消费者以及产品广告极为有关的一些理念和技术,这两者之间的技


高中分词作定语练习 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

分词作定语 ,______undone. :00thismorning,thewatersupplytoswimmingpoolsandfountainswillberesumed,togetherwithirrigationoftree sandflowersonstreets. ,youwillfindthecitymorebeautiful. ,Icouldn’tmakemyself______. ;understood;understand ;understood;understanding ,hegaveasighofrelief. . ,theboy______10savedoneofhisclassmatesfromtheriver. ;aging;aged;aging;aged ,IattendedthemeetinginsteadofhimlastMonday. ,I’llgooveralltheselessonsbeforetheexam. ;publishing;published ;published;publishing . ,Henrycalledandsaidthathecouldn’tcome. ,thetimid(胆怯的)fellowhidhisheadinthebushes,______. ;leavinghisbodyexposing;andlefthisbodyexposing ;leavinghisbodyexposed;lefthisbodyexposed SharonBeijingBeijing—Didyouhearher______thispopsongthistimetheotherday —Yes,andIheardthissong______inEnglish. ;singing;sung;singing;sung ,butunfortunatelyforme,I foundmyTVset______whenIgothome. ;stolen;stealing;stolen;stealing ,______. ,hejuststaredatusandsaidnothing.

Unit5MusicThe band that wasn’t公开课优质课教案

Reading: The band that wasn’t Fast reading Task 1: Match the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1: A: The Monkees started in a different way. Para 2: B: Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians. Para 3: C: How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band? Para 4: D: How most bands start? Intensive reading Task 2: Fill in the blanks. (Para.2) How do most bands start? Start as a group of_____________→practice music_______________ →play to passers-by________________→give performances____________→make records ___________→sell millions of copies to____________. (Para.3) The Monkees started in a different way. TV organizers planned to find _______ musicians, who could act __________ sing, so they put an ___________ in a newspaper. However, they could only find _______ musician and have to use three ________who could not sing well. The band was formed. It was called____________and began as a __________. The

Inversion 倒装句

Inversion 倒装句 在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常的主语在前,谓语在后。但有时为了强调某一部分,或适应一定的语法结构的需要,而把谓语的全部或一部分提到主语的前面,这种情况叫“倒装”(Inversion)。 一、基本结构:完全倒装: 谓语+ 主语 eg. In came the headmaster. 部分倒装: 助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语+ V.… eg. Nothing do I care in my life. 二、倒装的目的 1、语法要求:疑问句,there be, 祝愿句 2、修辞要求:为了强调;为描写生动;为衔接上下文;为平衡句子 三、语法详解 一)部分倒装 1、never, often, seldom, little, nowhere, not, hardly,scarcely 等词位于句首时 a. Never have I seen him before. b. Seldom do we go out. c. Little does he know what trouble he is in. Exercises: 1)We are going nowhere at the weekend. 2)He did not make a single mistake. 3)We often warned them not to do so. 2、Only + 状语,位于句首 Eg. [Only in this way] can you work out the problem. 条件状语修饰整句 Exercise: 4)He was able to get back home only when the war was over. 3、No so oner…than…;Hardly …when…; Scarcely …when…:(一……就……)位于句首Eg. Hardly had they gone out of the classroom when it began to rain. Exercises: 5)He had no sooner arrived there than he fell ill. 6)She had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door awaked her. 4、not …until… 或so ….that...位于句首 Eg. Not until yesterday did I know the news. So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him. Exercises: 7)I did not begin to do my homework until my mother came back. 5、Not only…but also…连接两个句子时 Eg. Not only was there no electricity at that time but also (there was) no water in the area. Exercises:


倒装句教学设计 教学重、难点: 1、基础知识薄弱,语法知识不精 2、谈语法“色变”心理的影响 3、正确判断部分倒装和完全倒装 4、部分倒装和完全倒装的构成 5、自我总结和归纳 教学目标: 1.知识目标 1)学习部分倒装和完全倒装的相关知识 2)学习如何判断部分倒装和完全倒装 3)分条理清部分倒装和完全倒装 2. 能力目标: 1) 学会正确判断部分倒装和完全倒装 2)正确运用该部分知识 3)能够快速定位高考中单选题里的倒装句 3. 情感目标 1)排除学生对倒装句的恐惧心理 2)树立学生学习英语的信心 3)培养学生良好的应试技巧 4)培养学生良好的环保意识 学科渗透法制教育: 《关于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约》强调不得对战俘施以暴力,作为人质,不损害个人尊严,侮辱与降低其身份。 宪法第五十二条中华人民共和国公民有维护国家统一和全国各民族团结的义务。第五十三条中华人民共和国公民必须遵守宪法和法律,保守国家秘密,爱护公共财产,遵守劳动纪律,遵守公共秩序,尊重社会公德。第五十四条中华人民共和国公民有维护祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的义务,不得有危害祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的行为。第五十五条保卫祖国、抵抗侵略是中华人民共和国每一个公民的神圣职责。 教学步骤: 先学任务:(before class) 概念:英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。把谓语动词或助动词放在主语之前就叫倒装结构。 完全倒装:如果将全部谓语放在主语之前,叫完全倒装; 半倒装:只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,就叫半倒装。 ●判断正误: ● 1.Only after the war learned he the sad news.() ● 2.Only after the war did he learn the sad news.( ) ● 3.Only when he returned did we find out the truth.( ) ● 4.Only when did he return did we find out the truth.( ) ● 5.Only can he answer the question.( )

Inversion Exercise

Inversion Exercise: (Mar. 2, 2006) 1._____ seen him before. _____ tell you his name? A. Never have I, How I can B. I have never, How can I C. Never have I, How can I D. I have never, How I can 2. At no time _____ study thought _____ great progress. A. should we give up, we have made B. should we give up, have we made C. we should give up, we have made D. we should give up, have we made 3. Not only _____ those who lay behind, but we should try to help them. A. should we look down upon B. shouldn’t we look down upon C. we should look down upon C. we shouldn’t look down upon 4. Hardly _____ home when it began to rain. A. has she left B. does she left C. was she leaving D. did she leave 5. No sooner ____ to bed ____ I went to sleep. A. had I gone, when B. I had gone, then C. had I gone , than D. I went, when 6. Not only ____ interesting, but also its English will help us in composition. A. will the story prove B. the story will prove C. will prove the story D. the story proves 7. Be _____, please. Hardly _____ hear the speaker. A. quite, can I B. quiet, can I C. quite, I can D. quiet, I can’t 8. Seldom _____ late _____ the office. A. does she come, for B. he comes, for C. does she come, to D. he comes , to 9. Never _____ forget the days when _____ together with you. A. shall I , live d B. shall I , did I live C. I shall, I lived D. I shall, did I live 10. By no means _____ you. A. shall I misunderstood B. I shall misunderstood C. shall I misunderstand D. I shall misunderstand 11. Not until quite recently ____ any idea what a spaceship was like. A. did I have B. I had C. I didn’t have D. will I have 12. _____ started off than it began to snow. A. No sooner they had B. No sooner had they C. As soon as they had D. As soon as had they 13. Scarcely ____ raining ____ the PLA fighters started on their way again. A. it had stopped, before B. it had stopped, then C. had it stopped, then D. had it stopped, when 14. _____ such things nowadays. A. Rarely we can see B. Rarely do we see C. We could rarely see D. We rarely saw 15. _____ asleep _____ I heard some knocks at my door. A. Hardly did I fall, then B. Hardly had I fallen, when C. I had hardly fallen, then D. I hardly fell, when 16. Last night not until I finished my home work _____ .
